Dad Academy

Chapter 1155 The Terrifying Mother Zhu (2/2 additional update for the Silver League to grab your lol

Chapter 1155 The Terrifying Mother Zhu (22 plus updates for the Silver League to grab your lollipops)

Zhu Xiaojing's demeanor was very intimidating to children, and Dudu and Xi'er were frightened by her.


Suddenly a water arrow flew over and landed on Zhu Xiaojing's trouser leg.

"6666 duck~ah hahaha~~~~"

It's pomegranate.

Zhu Xiaojing couldn't scare Liuliu.

"Liuliu, I think you need to take care of yourself."

"I'm not afraid of you."

Luoliu walked around with her butt naked and ran out quickly.

"Liuli~~~Hey - hurry up and get dressed!"

Shen Limin's voice came from the living room. He was watching TV when he suddenly saw Luoliu running out naked, laughing and running past him, one step at a time.

Zhu Xiaojing chased her out angrily, cornered Liliu and grabbed her, slapped her twice on her bare buttocks, and then escorted her back to the bathroom.

After finally taking care of the three little ones, taking a bath and putting them to bed, Zhu Xiaojing came to the living room and said to Shen Limin: "My task is completed, and the rest is yours."

She and Shen Limin have a clear division of labor. It is Shen Limin's job to tell stories to the children and coax them to sleep at night.

"I feel like my head is buzzing all the time, and my body is hollowed out. I'm so tired." Zhu Xiaojing dragged her tired body into the bathroom to clean up the dolls on the floor, and then take a bath herself.

She felt very tired today, being tortured by that fat pomegranate.

When she walked into the bathroom, she found that the dolls on the floor had been put into baskets!

Who did it?

It's definitely not a pomegranate!

On the other side, Shen Limin specially took a newly bought picture book, entered the bedroom, smiled and said to the children rolling on the bed: "Children, I will tell you a story tonight."


What responded to him was Luoliu's loud laughter. He saw this little cotton-padded jacket standing on the bed, pointing at him and saying to Dudu and Xi'er: "He will float in from the window~~~~ Do you want to see it?" Hahahaha~~6666 duck~~~”

Shen Limin: -_-||……

He could only pretend that he had never heard of it, turned around and closed the door, brought a chair, sat on the edge of the bed, and asked the three children to lie down, ready to listen to the story.

Dudu cheered and was the first to lie down in bed.

Xi'er was still rolling on the bed, so excited that she couldn't control herself and kicked her feet around.

"What is this?? Hahaha 666 Yaxi'er!"

Liuliu picked up the candy that Xi'er had fallen out of where Xi'er had rolled over.

"hiahiahia~~" When Xi'er saw this, she didn't feel embarrassed. Instead, she confessed, "Grandma gave it to me. It's so sweet."

These were some candies that Xi'er received when she was a guest at her neighbor's grandma's house. She ate one on the spot and hid the rest in her pocket, planning to save it for later.

"Here you go." Liuliu returned the candy to Xi'er. She also ate the candy, but she didn't particularly like it. It was too sweet. In comparison, she preferred meat and bear drinks, and she had already eaten them tonight. Very full.

Liuliu jumped out of bed, ran around the bed, refused to sleep, and ran wildly.

Seeing this scene made Shen Limin extremely dizzy.

It was not easy to coax the three little ones to the bed, and they lay in a row. There were also several rag dolls lying in the gaps in the middle, some humanoid ones and some small animal ones.

People and dolls sleep together.

Shen Limin began to tell a story. The story was indeed very attractive and the three children were all attracted.

The more they listened, the brighter their eyes became and their energy became better. Even Liuliu, who usually fell asleep when lying down, also cheered up and used the energy of a hundred thousand whys, constantly asking Shen Limin why this and why.

You didn’t just grow up eating it, right? Shen Limin complained in his heart, why he was overwhelmed by so many questions.

Picture book stories are originally meant for little fools to read, but how can they stand up to so many? Why!

Before I knew it, the story of the newly bought picture book was finished, but none of the children had fallen asleep, or even had the intention of sleeping.

"Aren't you guys sleeping yet?" Shen Limin asked, feeling tired.

"Can't sleep~" Liuliu said.

"If you can't sleep, I'll teach you a way to fall asleep."

Shen Limin taught them how to count sheep, and the three children counted them one by one.

Liliu: "A sheep."

Dudu: "Two sheep."

Xi'er: "Three sheep."

Shen Limin: "Yes, that's it, continue, come on, Liuliu wants to talk about 4 sheep."

Liliu: "Four sheep."

Dudu: "Five sheep."

Xi'er: "Six sheep."

Just keep counting like this, Shen Limin thought, if he keeps counting like this, the children will fall asleep soon.

As a result, the child Shen Liuliu was the first to be in trouble.

Xi'er counted the 45th sheep and it was time to count the pomegranates, but she didn't know what was after 45.

"emmmmmmm~~~" Luoliu hesitated.

Shen Limin encouraged her: "Think carefully, you can remember it, Xi'er, how many did you count just now, say it again."

Xi'er: "With 45 sheep, I am so smart."

Liuliu was excited, and an idea suddenly appeared in his mind, "Mutton skewers~~~I remembered, 666 duck~~"

Shen Limin was stunned and asked, "What?"

“Sheep kebabs.”

“What lamb kebabs?”

Shen Limin understood immediately and was speechless. Liliu means, after 45 sheep, there are mutton skewers!

This foodie!

How to count the mutton skewers after skewering them?

Dudu is in trouble.

Liuliu laughed and continued: "Roast the whole lamb."

"Sheep and scorpion~"

"Lamb thigh~"

In the night, Liuliu was slurping as he talked, and Shen Limin also secretly swallowed. My dear, kid Shen Liuliu, who can't even count, actually knows so many names of sheep dishes!

How on earth did she remember it?

"Xi'er, do you want to eat roasted whole lamb? I'll give you a bite." Liuliu said while lying on the bed.

"I want~"

Xi'er actually didn't know what roasted whole lamb looked like or what it tasted like, but that didn't stop her from cheering.

"Then I'll give you a bite. You can only take one bite."

"hiahia, okay, oooh, took a bite."

"Pang Dudu, what do you want to eat?"

Dudu said she wanted to eat sheep and scorpions, but she didn't know what sheep and scorpions were.

"Delicious duck." Liuliu said. In fact, she didn't know what a sheep scorpion looked like.

"Then I'll give you a bite."

"Okay~Thank you, Fatty Liuliu. Oooh, I took a bite. It's so delicious~"

"I also took two bites, oooo, oooo, oooooooooooo delicious~"

The three children were so excited that they ate the whole-sheep feast, leaving Shen Limin stunned. Children in the new century really know how to play!

"You guys play for a while, and I'll go find another picture book."

Shen Limin made an excuse to go out and hurried to the water dispenser to get a bottle of water to drink. He was so thirsty and his throat was dry.

After drinking water, he found another picture book, but instead of looking for the children, he went to his bedroom and found Zhu Xiaojing who was applying skin care products. He sighed: "I can't handle them, wife, please help. "

When the door of the small bedroom was pushed open again, it was not Shen Limin who came in, but Zhu Xiaojing.

As soon as Zhu Xiaojing came in, Liuliu's shouting was silenced. Xi'er and Dudu quickly got into bed and lay down obediently. Only Liuliu paused and continued to laugh and yell.

Zhu Xiaojing was not angry. She picked up a Teletubbies on the ground and said, "Why did it fall to the ground? It's dusty."

Then there was a crackling sound, and the Teletubbies were given a beating. While beating him, he looked at Luoliu, which made Luoliu feel very nervous. He quickly got into bed too, not daring to make any mistakes.

Upon seeing this, Zhu Xiaojing put the Teletubbies next to Luoliu, tucked him into the bed, and kept Luoliu company. At the same time, she said to the Teletubbies: "I'll take you to the hospital tomorrow and give the wound two stitches. I'm sorry. Next time." Stop being naughty."

Luoliu's eyes widened and she didn't dare to say a word. She stretched out her little hands and hugged the flattened Teletubbies with her last stubbornness.

Xi'er even closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Dudu was scared, but he couldn't help but give Zhu's mother some advice, saying that she had a medical kit at Little Red Horse and could help Teletubbies see a doctor.

Please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket.

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