Dad Academy

Chapter 1153 Cheng Cheng, you eat duck (2/2 update for the Silver League to grab your lollipop)

Chapter 1153 Cheng Cheng, you eat duck (22 plus update for Silver League to grab your lollipop)

In the evening, all my girlfriends came.

When Liuliu saw Xiaobai was the first person to get out of the car, he turned around and ran away.

"Don't run away, Fatty!"

Xiaobai shouted and chased after him.

Before the adults had time to react, they saw a doll flying out of the car, followed by another one, this one with a hiahiahia laugh.

Liuliu was quickly caught by Xiaobai, and she quickly greeted him with a smile and wanted to hug Xiaobai.

The hug was rejected by Xiaobai. Xiaobai pinched Liuliu’s face and asked her, why didn’t she invite her to skewer the meat? ? ! ! !

In addition to the invited children, there were also two adults, one was the driver Zhang Tan, and the other was the parents' representative and guardian Tan Jin'er.

As soon as the children arrived, Zhu Xiaojing's face turned dark.

Because when she expressed welcome on behalf of the old Shen family, Xiaobai said something.

"Ha! Mother Zhu, you drank all the little bear drink of Liuliu and secretly ate the meat skewers, making Liuliu even cry."

Zhu Xiaojing: "..."

She didn't take the child's words at heart, and still welcomed Xiaobai with a smile, and then welcomed the second one, child Tan Xi'er! .

Xi'er is like a little magpie, specially coming to eat meat and drink cubs.

She didn't expect such a good thing! I was so happy that I couldn’t open my mouth from ear to ear the whole time.

Of course, what's more important than eating is that she has never eaten barbecue or cooked meat skewers. This is her first time hearing about it.

She likes to join in the fun the most. Wherever there are a lot of people or children, she just wants to get in there.

When she saw Zhu Xiaojing, the first thing she said was: "Mother Liuliu, you are bullying Liuliu~~~"

Zhu Xiaojing: "..."

Not only Xiaobai and Xi'er, but also Dudu, Cheng Cheng and Xiaomi, all the children who come here say this, as if they have agreed upon it.

Zhu Xiaojing looked at Liuliu, who was chatting among her girlfriends not far away. She wanted to grab Liuliu by the collar, lift her up in the air, and ask her why she spread rumors! ! !

She knew that her reputation in Little Red Horse Academy was probably bad.

Just like when Boss Zhang was called "Fu Erhei" in Little Red Horse Academy!

Zhu Xiaojing suspected that she had also been called a bad guy.

She angrily threw up her sleeves and left, no longer here to help Luoliu entertain her little girlfriends.

Shen Limin stopped her and tried to persuade her. Zhu Xiaojing took the overall situation into consideration. After all, Boss Zhang and Tan Jin'er were here.

It was a rare visit for Boss Zhang. They had invited him to dinner before, but he declined.

This time, Boss Zhang finally got the chance to sell pomegranates!

Zhu Xiaojing and Shen Limin both felt that they should receive them grandly.

In the past, Zhang Tan had helped their family, and Zhang Tan had helped talk to Zhu Xiaojing when she was working at a TV station.

Zhang Tan knew Wang Zhen from Pujiang TV Station. Once he asked Wang Zhen to look after Zhu Xiaojing when necessary.

Later, at a critical moment at work, it was Wang Zhen who helped Zhu Xiaojing.

For this barbecue, Liuliu invited her best friends, while Zhu Xiaojing and Shen Limin invited Zhang Tan.

Although Zhang Tanlai was invited by Liuliu.

The little girlfriends all came, and Luoliu acted like a hostess, and her momentum quickly came up. She was busy, shouting and drinking.

She couldn't control others, she could only control Dudu.

Dudu is also happy to work. One of them is willing to fight, the other is willing to be endured, and they hit it off immediately.

The place to eat barbecue is at the barbecue restaurant outside the community.

There are three restaurants open there, which one should you eat at?

After inspecting it, I chose the second one! Because the shop owner saw her come to the door and gave her a candy.

It is very common to have barbecue, but it is very rare for a group of children as old as several years old to gather together to have barbecue.

Dudu was treated like a little maid by Liuliu. Even though Dudu liked working, he was a little unhappy.

When Liuliu asked her to move the stool again, she gave up the burden and said she was hungry and wanted to eat meat first.

"Pangdudu, you didn't have dinner?" Liuliu asked suspiciously, and then became convinced, because if she thought about it in another way, she would skip dinner and eat delicious food on an empty stomach.

Dudu shook her head and said she had eaten dinner.

But she was still hungry.

Three meals a day must be eaten on time. Dudu lives a very self-disciplined life. She has her own biological clock when it is time to go to bed and when to eat. She will do it voluntarily without the urging of her parents.

Dudu’s daily routine and habits are very healthy.

"Drink the little bear! Drink the little bear~~~hiahiahia~~~" Xi'er shouted excitedly, and was immediately stared at by her sister.

Xi'er hiahia smiled, not being frightened by her sister, but happily asked: "Sister, why are you staring at me!"

Tan Jin'er: "..."

She discovered that Xi'er children would become more courageous in crowded places, showing signs that someone was going crazy.

"Say it! Let's say it!"

Liuliu yelled, calling on the children to raise the mutton skewers in their hands and slurp them together.

This is a benefit she fought for with blood and tears, but she is loyal and willing to share it with the children.

The evening breeze was blowing, it was cool and comfortable, and the moon was high in the sky. The children were drinking bears and eating meat skewers. They had endless fun.

The adults were also slowly eating and chatting.

Zhang Tan helped Tan Jiner scrape the meat skewers into a bowl so that she could eat them with chopsticks.

The girls slurred the meat skewers, and their mouths were filled with oil.

"Thank you~" Tan Jin'er said.

Zhu Xiaojing was mainly chatting with Tan Jin'er, and occasionally chatted with Zhang Tan.

Although they met almost every day, Zhu Xiaojing always felt that they were from two different worlds, and Zhang Tan was far less down-to-earth than Tan Jiner.

Shen Limin could only try to find topics to avoid Zhang Tan getting bored.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Tan took the initiative to talk to him about Liliu's acting. He had already mentioned it last time, and both Shen Limin and Zhu Xiaojing agreed.

"Speaking of acting, my family is really talented..." Shen Limin didn't have any trouble talking about this.

This time, Liliu's acting skills impressed him deeply. He was a drama queen.

This barbecue meal was performed by durian.

The laughter and laughter of children kept coming from the side, which was much more lively than the adults.

Zhang Tan took a moment to look over there, and his eyes fell on Xiao Bai. He saw that this little girl's mouth was full of grease, eating meat and drinking bears.

Xi'er, who was sitting next to Xiao Bai, kept laughing and kept bringing meat skewers to the children. This one had no bears, so she immediately filled them up, and that one had no meat skewers, so she immediately sent them over and went around the table. After being busy, I don’t eat much.

Her belly was already bulging and she couldn't eat more.

"Hi baby, where is the little bear? There is no little bear!" Xiaobai said.

"Here it comes, here it comes~" Xi'er immediately turned around to fill Xiaobai with bears, but found that the bears were gone, so she ran to find the boss.

"Boss, boss~~Boss Zhang~~~~There is no bear, hurry up and get the bear~~Xiaobai doesn't have to drink~~~~"

She slipped into the barbecue restaurant and urged a fat man with a beard.

The big fat man was having a barbecue. He leaned forward and stretched his neck to see Xi'er who was blocked by the barbecue truck.

"Take it over now!"

"Then hurry up~Boss Zhang."


"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Also, my surname is not Zhang, my surname is Wan."

"Okay, Boss Zhang."


Xi'er ran back in a hurry and told Xiaobai: "The little bear will be here soon, and Boss Zhang is getting it for us~"

look! Xiwaba has to do everything besides not eating, and is also responsible for urging the boss to serve the food quickly~~~

When she came here tonight, her first purpose was not to eat, but to join in the fun and have fun.

It seems that Xi'er is more like a little master, but the real little master, the child Shen Liuliu, has been completely immersed in the fun of eating and drinking, and is happy and forgetful.

She is the one who eats the most boldly.

She was probably the only one who actually came to eat and drink.

"Cheng Cheng, you eat duck, you eat~ You eat more, don't be polite~~ We are good friends, hey, hey, hey, you tell a story~" Liuliu has been trying to bribe Cheng Cheng, and Cheng Cheng looks at it It sounds so aloof. Bribing him once or twice is not enough. He must be bribed many times.

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