Dad Academy

Chapter 1135 Friends from all over the world

Qicheng is a city close to the sea. In the evening, the moon rises quietly from the sea level, casting a blue silver glow.

The noisy city gradually quiets down, and people go home from work and enjoy rare leisure time.

On the coastal road near the sea, a group of children carrying small schoolbags were walking home from school, playing and chasing each other all the way.

"Look, the moon has risen. It's so beautiful."

"Look, the moon is crescent."

"Ah - the dean said that if you shout your wish to the sea, it will come true."

"Really? Then I have to shout, ah - Dahai~ I don't want to do my homework!"

"Ah - Dahai, I want the cutest face~"

This is a group of seven or eight-year-old children, some boys and some girls. They all wear the same school uniforms and have the same style of schoolbags. They come from the same school.

Now, this group of children are lying on the promenade by the seaside, clasping their hands into big speakers, shouting their wishes to the sea.

Some don't want to do homework, some want cute little faces, some want an oversized stuffed toy, some want to become adults...

The wishes were all kinds of strange, and the pedestrians passing by along the road smiled kindly when they heard the words.

The children were immersed in the game of shouting out wishes, until the eldest little girl reminded everyone to go home.

"It's getting dark and the moonlight is coming out!"

"Oh~~Let's go~~Go back~"

"Let's go, run~~~"


"Wait for me~ Don't run so fast~~~"

Noisily, the children chased and played with each other, and came to a large courtyard. The iron gate was ajar. The children quickly ran to the door, pushed open the iron gate, and filed in.

"We're back~"

"Go back quickly~"

"I want to eat, I'm so hungry~"

An old man walked out of the guard box next to the iron gate and looked at the children kindly as they ran into the yard, "1, 2, 3..."

Until the last little girl came in and closed the iron door, "Grandpa Zhan, everyone is back."

"Okay~ Why are we dozens of minutes later than before today?"

"Hehe, we saw the sea on the way. The sea is so big."

Grandpa Zhan listened to the little girl's words with a smile, and then locked the iron gate of the yard. The signboard of "Xicheng Little Star Orphanage" shone in the moonlight.

After dinner, the children chatted and chatted, and some said: "Ah~ I really want to sing~"

Some shouted: "Meili sang to the sea, but she didn't finish."

The dean said: "Then let's sing tonight. It's been a long time since we all sang together. Do you remember?"


"I remember!"

The children shouted one after another, standing in two rows skillfully, and their expectant eyes fell on the dean.

"What should we sing? Dean." someone asked.

Others echoed: "What should we sing?"

The dean is sitting in front of a piano. This piano is quite old. The paint on the piano body is mottled and has fallen off, but the sound quality is still pure and beautiful.

"I'm going to teach you a new song. It's new. You must have never heard it."

"Ah, the dean is going to teach us a new song~"

"What's the new song? Can I sing it?"

"I want to sing a new song, and I can learn it as soon as possible."

"I can learn it as soon as I learn it. I'm amazing. I will be the one to lead everyone in singing tonight."

"It's me, it's me~"

The dean smiled and said: "Stop arguing, it's still the old rule. Whoever learns it first will be responsible for teaching everyone to sing. Now stop talking and listen to me singing to you. Please listen carefully."

She pressed her hands on the black and white keys, and the beautiful melody reverberated in the air. At the same time, she opened her mouth and sang:

"twinkle Twinkle Little Star

The sky is full of little stars

Hang in the sky and shine brightly

like many little eyes


The song is very simple and short, and the dean finished it quickly.

The children raised their little hands one after another, volunteering to say that they had learned it and let themselves be teachers.

"I, I, choose me~"

"It's me, I learned it!"

"I've learned it too, let me be a little teacher~"

"Zhang Zhang, you are only 3 years old. You cannot be a primary school teacher. You are younger than us."

"I can, I'm a big kid~"

Only the girl named Meili did not argue, but asked the dean: "Dean, what is the name of this song?"

Her eyes were bright and she looked like she loved the song.

"Yes, Dean, what's the name of this song?"

"It sounds really nice."

"I'll be able to do it as soon as I learn it."

The dean ignored their chatter and said, "This song is called "Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle," and is sung by a children's choir called Malanhua. Does it sound good?"

The children said in unison: "It sounds great! We will learn it as soon as possible."

Dean: "Then let Meili teach everyone to sing tonight."

"Ah~~but we also learned."

After the song "Twinkle, Shine, Jingjing" was released on the music source website, it became popular for a while. According to the trend of market attention, it may only become popular for a while and then calm down.

But suddenly one day, fans saw the recommendation of this song on Li Yuxiao’s social account, so they listened to it one after another.

Not only Li Yuxiao, but also other celebrities recommended this song on social accounts, making the song go from a small hit to a huge hit.

Just like in Qicheng, "Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle" quickly became popular in many places across the country.

With its simple and beautiful melody and innocent and interesting lyrics, this song is deeply loved by adults and children.

The night is getting darker, the Little Star Orphanage in Kuancheng is gradually calming down, and the children have all gone to bed.

Mei Li couldn't sleep, so she sat up from the crib and looked through the window at the moonlit night sky. Thinking of the new song she had just learned, she couldn't help humming in a low voice.

There is a sense of understanding and maturity in her eyes that should not be seen at this age.


Xiaobai didn't know that the songs they sang were loved by many children. She was still happy every day, but also worried about her homework, which made her mess up the watermelon head every time.

Until one day, she received a gift in the mail.

It was a sunny autumn afternoon. Xiaobai was playing with Xi'er in the yard. A postal courier appeared outside the yard and shouted into the yard: "Malanhua Choir! Is this here? There is a package!"

Lao Li, who was lying in the yard drinking tea, was stunned when he heard this. He knew who Malanhua was, but he didn't know who the Malanhua chorus was. He seemed to have heard of it, but he couldn't remember it at once.

He couldn't remember it, but some children reacted immediately.

"Here it comes - Malanhua is here."

Xiaobai swished and ran past him.

"Come on~Come on~~~" Xi'er ran after him.

"Are you the Malanhua Choir?" The courier boy looked at the two little ones in front of him with suspicion.

Xiaobai nodded quickly, "Yes, we are."

Xi'er also nodded: "Yes, we are."

The courier boy took two steps back and looked up at the house number on the door eaves and compared it with the one on the package. Yes, it was here, but...

"Children can't take it. I'll ask you adults to come."

Xi'er immediately puffed up her little chest and said to Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, get out of the way. Xi'er is an adult, Xi'er holds the trumpet."

Xiaobai was too lazy to pay attention to her and ran to call Lao Li.

Seeing Xiaobai leave, Xi'er's eyes brightened and her little chest straightened up, "hiahia, brother, give it to me~"

She stretched out her little hand to get the package, but the courier boy wouldn't give it to her.

"Haha, you are younger."

Xi'er suddenly wilted, as if the balloon had run out of air.

At this time, Lao Li's voice sounded from behind: "Give it to her, the Malanhua Choir is here."

Lao Li finally asked who the Malanhua Chorus was. He only remembered it when he saw Xiao Bai.

Isn't Malanhua Xiaobai's aunt? The Malanhua Chorus is a children's choir founded not long ago by Zhang Tan. Many children from Little Red Horse Academy are members of the choir.

"But you have to sign." The courier boy said.

"Just let Xi'er sign it, she will be a member of the Malanhua Choir."

"I sign, I sign! I'm really good at signing."

Xi'er was jumping up and down, extremely excited, and it was the first time in her life that she had to sign.

The courier boy put the package on the ground, took out a pen and gave it to Xi'er, and asked anxiously: "Kid, can you write?"


Xi'er proved it to him and scrawled a few tadpole words on the package's courier note.

The courier boy looked at it carefully and again, but didn't recognize the words.

Xiaobai came back at this time, and he also leaned his little head to look at it, and said, "What is Xi~er~?"

She picked up the package and ran away. Seeing this, Xi'er quickly followed her.

"Wait for me, wait for me, Xiaobai~Xiaobaibai~~~"

The two of them hurriedly wanted to open the package to see what was inside, but after struggling for a long time, they could not tear it open. Finally, Lao Li helped them, cut open the transparent tape with a knife, and took out a piece of Set of thumb-sized ragdolls.

There are a total of 8 dolls in this set, with different shapes, small, but very cute. Xiaobai and Xi'er couldn't put it down after taking one look at them.

Lao Li also took out a stack of photos and a card from the package, with words written on the card.

"Come on, come on, there is another letter here. It seems to be written to you."

"Ma~Lan~Hua~~~~~" Xiaobai recognized the three characters "Ma Lanhua".

This is the letterhead of the envelope, "Malanhua Children's Choir:".

"Mu~howl~~" Xi'er was not to be outdone, and also recognized two words, which were "Hello".

Their abilities are limited to this. It is really difficult for children to ask them to read the whole letter.

Lao Li read to them:

Malanhua Children's Choir:

Hello, we are from the Little Star Orphanage in Qucheng. We really like your song "Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle"...

It turned out that this was a letter from a fan. Xiaobai and Xier were shocked. It was the first time in their lives that they received a gift from a fan. Although they did not understand the meaning, they were very happy, jumping up and down, and were overjoyed. , because they heard from Lao Li that this was a group of children from Qicheng, and they said they liked "Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle" very much.

"There are still photos~"

Xiaobai noticed the stack of photos, picked it up and opened it. Xi'er leaned her little head over with curiosity on her face. When she saw the first photo, she shouted:.

"Ah~~This is the sea~"

In the photo, there is an endless sea. The sun is rising from the sea, and it is full of vitality~~~

"Ah~~This is still the sea~" Xi'er shouted when she saw the second photo.

This time the photo is still a vast sea, with the sun hanging on the sea level and countless seabirds flying.

"Ah~~This is still the sea~" Xi'er shouted when she saw the third photo.

Xiaobai glanced at her dissatisfied, could this melon boy only talk about the sea?

Xi'er hiahia smiled: "This is the sea~~~"

This is indeed the sea, and it is still the boundless blue sea. In front of the fence on the seaside, there is a row of happy children standing. They show scissor hands to the camera, and their smiles are as bright as the sun.

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