Dad Academy

Chapter 1123

Li Yuxiao's singing was filled with sadness, like a person sitting in an attic with dust flying under the sun, as if there were really two people dancing secretly in front of them, and everyone who listened felt it deeply.

Xu Qian had completely put down her work and stood on the spot, facing the piano. The sound of piano and singing kept echoing in her mind. The sounds swirled and weaved into a picture. Time seemed to have returned to 1987, when the Northern Lights appeared. There is such a dance hall in Mohe.

Her eyes first fell on Li Yuxiao who was singing, and then quickly fell on Zhang Tan who was sitting in front of the piano. Sure enough, the song written by her boss was the best! sounds so good!

She is a top student majoring in music and can conduct many professional analyzes on a song, but at the moment she doesn't want to do any analysis. She just wants to think about nothing, do nothing, and quietly listen to the song.

She couldn't help but compare this song with the three songs she had collected before. Alas, it couldn't be compared, so she had to throw it away. However, a singer cannot produce all good classic songs, and red flowers need to be matched with green leaves.

"It would be great if I could sing." Xu Qian couldn't help but think, her eyes fell on Li Yuxiao again, "Oops! I'm not as beautiful as the young lady Li La!"

This woman is not only beautiful, but also has an outstanding temperament. She has the cuteness of a girl and the charm of a young woman. She is also arrogant. Even if Xu Qian is a woman, she sometimes wants to conquer her.

"I just don't know why Boss Zhang is indifferent to the young woman Li!" Xu Qian thought that she was often in the studio and spent the most time with the young woman Li. If Zhang Tan had an affair with the young woman Li, she was confident that she would not be able to notice it. There are clues, even, the two people usually meet very rarely, far less than her.

"There are many men pursuing young wife Li." Xu Qian thought, and even felt a little gloating in her heart.

Li Yuxiao's singing voice fell first, and then the piano slowly stopped... After three seconds of silence, warm applause rang out in the room, attracting everyone's attention. Xu Qian looked over, and sure enough, it was the toady Xin Xiaoguang again.

Xin Xiaoguang took the lead in applauding, very enthusiastically, and did not hesitate to praise him. He mainly praised three points. The first point was that the song written by the boss was excellent, the second point was that Zhang Tan played the piano wonderfully, and the third point was that Li Yuxiao His singing was great, and all aspects were taken care of. Yang Xiaoxue on the side despised him, but was secretly annoyed, why didn't he think of praising someone like this!

"The lingering sound lingers, and I don't know the taste of meat in March! It's wonderful!" Xin Xiaoguang concluded in the end. Yang Xiaoxue's annoyance increased a little more. Why did the flatterer have so much to say all at once? !

Li Yuxiao looked at them gratefully, and then looked at Zhang Tan who was sitting in front of the piano next to him. His eyes were full of surprises. As Xin Xiaoguang said, it was wonderful.

"Xiaoguang, don't be so exaggerated." Zhang Tan said. He didn't read the music score when he played the piano. The music score was given to Li Yuxiao. He was very familiar with the song and had his own rhythm in his heart.

"I'm not exaggerating, boss, this song is so great." Xin Xiaoguang said.

Yang Xiaoxue felt that if she didn't compliment her a few times, she would become mute, and her emotional intelligence in the workplace would be low. "Xiaoguang is right, it sounds really good."

What Zhang Tan was about to say, Li Yuxiao was the first to say: "Really, Xiaoguang is right, this song is really nice, has a melody, a story, can be remembered, and is worth cherishing."

Li Yuxiao likes this song very much. She really feels that it has entered her heart. A song with a story is always more touching.

This kind of song is not one of those popular songs that are widely sung at once. It can withstand the erosion of time. One year later, two years later, three years later... people will still remember it, and they will still save it in the playlist and open the song to play. , this song will still be on the top of my list.

When Zhang Tan heard this, he smiled and said, "As long as you like it."

Not far away, Xu Qian's eyes wandered around, sometimes falling on Zhang Tan, sometimes falling on Li Yuxiao, trying to find something. These words were too much like a conversation between lovers, but it was a pity that her The Bagua Radar didn't find any trace of horse. After Zhang Tan finished saying this, he stood up from the piano and went to pour a glass of water.

"By the way, what's the name of this song?" Li Yuxiao followed him, helped him get a glass, and asked at the same time as he filled the water in front of the water dispenser.

"Huh? Isn't it written above?"


"It's called "Mohe Ballroom"."

""Mohe Ballroom"?"

"Yes, the story happened in Mohe."

Li Yuxiao was stunned, thinking about the song in her mind, and forgot to give Zhang Tan the water. Zhang Tan smiled, took the water from her hand, walked aside and took a few sips. Xin Xiaoguang came closer and opened his mouth to flatter him, but Zhang Tan said first, "Aren't you going to do something?"

"..." Xin Xiaoguang was stunned, "Go, go, go now."

After walking a few steps, I thought about it and turned around and said, "Boss, it's the weekend today."

They don't even let anyone take a few extra minutes of rest on weekends. As expected, these bosses are capitalists and exploitative!

"I know it's the weekend. The key is that you will be bursting with inspiration after listening to such a good song. Go and write it down while it's hot." Zhang Tan said, picking up the glass and drinking some water.

Xin Xiaoguang praised his boss for his wisdom and went to work angrily.

"Shall we practice again?" Seeing how Li Yuxiao couldn't put it down, Xu Qian suggested, and subconsciously prepared to go to the piano to play, but...

"Zhang Tan, I want to practice a few more times, can you help me with the accompaniment?" Li Yuxiao said to Zhang Tan.


Xu Qian was so embarrassed that she just walked to the piano and was about to sit down. After hearing this, she raised her hand and wiped the black and white keys of the piano, "Ho ho ho, it's a bit gray."


Xi'er's loud laughter suddenly came from the yard. Xu Qian just covered up her embarrassment and went to the window to look out. She saw Xi'er jumping happily in the yard, chasing Shi Baobao behind her. The two of them were playing a game of cat and mouse. Xi'er was so naive that she dared to play this game with Shi Baobao. This was really a case of overestimating one's abilities.

But it doesn’t matter, Xiwawa had a lot of fun, got caught repeatedly, never gave up, and fought repeatedly.

Xiaobai was working hard digging and transporting sand in the sand pit alone. There was already a pit. When Xi'er and Shi Baobao chased each other past, she immediately called to Shi Baobao and asked him to go over and stand in the sand pit.

The sand pit has been dug for him. In the autumn, he planted a shibaobao, and in the spring, he planted a bunch of shibaobao.

Shi Baobao was having a lot of fun, but his face immediately collapsed when he heard this, but he didn't dare not pass.

"What about me? Xiaobai, do I want to stand over?" Xi'er asked innocently.

"Guawazi crawl away!"


Xi'er jumped up and down and stood in the sand pit.

Xu Qian also saw Tan Jin'er, who was chatting with Lao Li in the yard. She felt her gaze and looked over.

I wish you all a happy New Year and good luck in the Year of the Tiger.

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