Dad Academy

Chapter 1118 Song

Both Xiaobai and Xi'er know Shi Baobao's mother, Li Yuxiao, and both like her.

When they saw Li Yuxiao singing in the recording studio, they stood outside curiously and poked their heads inside.

In addition to Li Yuxiao, there are also staff in the recording studio, as well as Xu Qian, who is responsible for music promotion.

The sound engineer was the first to notice the two young listeners, gestured towards Xu Qian, and then pointed outside. When Xu Qian turned around, she saw two children who were watching attentively. They looked extremely serious. When Xiba became excited, she would jump up and down.

Xu Qian put down what she was doing, motioned for everyone to continue, and left the recording studio.

"Xiaobai, Xi'er, when did you come?"

Xiaobai knew her as Xu Qian in the studio, and she often saw her, but Xi'er didn't remember this sister. When she saw someone coming out, she thought she was going to educate them, so she quickly walked quietly to Xiaobai's side. He leaned closer and took the initiative to hold Xiaobai's hand.

"This is Sister Xiaoqian." Xiaobai introduced Xi'er to reassure her, and then told Xu Qian that they had just arrived, so they just wanted to listen and wouldn't disturb everyone.

How dare Xu Qian dislike them for being noisy? This is the boss's daughter.

She told Xiaobai and Xi'er that Bao Bao's mother was recording a song, and if they wanted to listen, they could go in and listen.

Xi'er's eyes lit up, and she looked at Xiaobai with an expectant look that seemed to say: Xiaobai, let's go, let's go!

"Isn't that bad?" Xiaobai pretended to be reserved, but in fact his eyes lit up just like Xi'er's.

If her old man were here and Xu Qian didn't invite her, she would take the initiative to apply. But the old man is not here now. She doesn't want to disturb everyone's work. The old man has told her that it's okay to come to the studio to play, but she can't make any noise or interfere with her work. Go work for someone else.

Just like a few days ago, she and Xiwa had a fight in the studio, and the old man took her out.

"Oh, what's wrong? Xiaobai, you sing very well. You will definitely be a big singer in the future."

Xu Qian held the hands of the two children and led them into the recording studio. The staff in the recording studio looked at them one after another.

Xiaobai quickly waved and said hello.

Seeing this, Xi'er quickly followed suit and waved to say hello.

Xu Qian whispered to them not to talk here, just watch. She let the two little ones sit on the small chairs and went about their business.

Li Yuxiao sang twice in the recording studio, frowning slightly and looking dissatisfied.

"Let's take a rest first." Xu Qian said, opening the door of the small room inside, "Sister Xiaoxiao, why don't we just stay here today and record again tomorrow."

Li Yuxiao thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, I'm in a bad state today, I don't feel anything at all."

"I'm already singing very well, but you're asking for too much."

Li Yuxiao shook her head, and Xu Qian asked again: "What do you think of this song? Teacher Liu is still waiting for our reply."

"It's pretty good." Li Yuxiao said casually, but Xu Qian could tell that she was probably not satisfied with the song.

Li Yuxiao hasn't released a new song for a while. To this end, he solicited songs from the public and collected a lot. He selected a few songs from them, and the one he recorded tonight is one of them.

Li Yuxiao is very popular now. Although she has lost her reputation, she still has a few representative works that are very popular.

She solicited music works, and many lyricists and composers were interested in you and submitted many manuscripts.

But the quality of these works varies. Xu Qian picked them over and over, but only picked three. Now it seems that Li Yuxiao is not satisfied with these three.

Xu Qian first felt that Li Yuxiao's demands were too high. She thought these three songs were already very good, especially tonight's song. Teacher Liu who recommended the song was a senior music writer and had written many excellent works. good quality.

Soon she saw the two little ones sitting outside, and the two little ones thought of their father.

"Yes, although this song by Teacher Liu is very good, it is much inferior to the songs written by Boss Zhang. It is not a song of the same level. Young woman Li became famous after singing Boss Zhang's songs, and her eyesight naturally improved. I don’t like other works.” Xu Qian thought to herself, “But you can’t always ask the boss to write songs. On the one hand, writing songs is not cooking. You can go to the vegetable market and light the fire when you come back. Plenty of delicacies on the table. Writing songs requires inspiration and accumulation. The boss has already written many good songs and needs accumulation."

She knew very well that the inspiration for writing songs suddenly appeared. Zhang Tan had written several classic songs one after another, which was already very impressive. It would be embarrassing for him to write songs of this level again. No musician could do this. Engage in wholesale-like creations.

Besides, Zhang Tan is not a professional musician. He didn't even know the music score at first, but she taught him step by step.

Thinking of this, Xu Qian couldn't help but be secretly proud. So what if she could write songs? It wasn't the basic knowledge of staff notation that I taught her!

"Furthermore, if you always ask your boss for songs, then why do you need their staff? If a music studio wants to become bigger, it must establish its own channels, establish contact with outstanding creators in society, and rely on the majority of authors Only with the power can we have endless inspiration.”

"Xiao Bai! Xi'er! Why are you here?"

Li Yuxiao finally found Xiaobai and Xi'er sitting outside the house, greeted them with a smile, and took them outside to eat fruit.

"Mother Bao Bao, you sing so beautifully, hiahiahia!~" Xi'er flattered her as she walked along.

"Really? Shouldn't singing sound good? How can it be good-looking?" Li Yuxiao laughed.

"We can't hear it, hiahiahia~"

Xi'er and Xiaobai were sitting outside the recording studio. They couldn't hear the singing inside, they could only see it. As for the singing that attracted them upstairs, it was Li Yuxiao singing her voice outside before recording the song.

Li Yuxiao washed grapes for the two children, which the staff prepared for her. Eating fruits is good for soothing the throat, so some fruits are often prepared in the studio.

She saw that Xi'er was small, with red lips, white teeth, and a pointed chin. The more she looked at it, the more she liked it. She couldn't help but said, "Xier, you are so cute. Please play with my Baobao more often."

Xi'er was fed a grape by Xiaobai and couldn't reply. Xiaobai responded for her: "Your Baobao always plays with little Zheng Zheng."

Xi'er nodded, opened her mouth and said, "Your Baobao likes little Zheng Zheng!"

Li Yuxiao couldn't help laughing when she thought about her Bao Bao always leading little Zheng Zheng everywhere. Little Zheng Zheng was also very beautiful.

There were footsteps at the gate, and then Zhang Tan arrived.

"You are indeed hiding here."

Zhang Tan couldn't find Xiaobai and Xi'er in the academy, so he asked Liuliu and Dudu, but they said they hadn't seen them, and Liuliu got angry.

Zhang Tan then thought that they might have come to the studio. There was no comic studio on the first floor, but they were indeed seen on the second floor.

Zhang Tan wanted to take Xiaobai and Xi'er downstairs, but he didn't expect that Li Yuxiao and others were there. Although the studio was in the academy, he usually did not interfere with the daily management.

"What? Are you recording songs tonight?" Zhang Tan asked.

Li Yuxiao will hold a small indoor concert soon, with about 500 people. She would perform several of her famous songs at the concert, but wanted to come up with new work, so she put together a collection of songs.

Zhang Tan was curious and wanted to know the level of these three songs.

He left with Xiaobai and Xi'er. The two little ones turned around and waved goodbye to Li Yuxiao. Li Yuxiao waved back, suddenly feeling a little hopeful in her heart. Will Zhang Tan write a song for her?

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