Dad Academy

Chapter 1101 That heroine

The sun is about to set, the sky is red, and the cool breeze is blowing in the alleys of Huangjiacun. After get off work, office workers in the CBD come here in twos and threes looking for small restaurants to eat. Although the shop here is small, it is not a fly restaurant. It is very clean and tastes good. It is very popular among the people around it.

Lao Li was sitting in the yard enjoying the cool air, enjoying himself and enjoying himself. Now he has no worries. His daughter has settled back in Pujiang and lives with them. This was his biggest worry. Now that the worry was over, he felt that there was nothing in his life worth fussing over or worrying about.

My days were leisurely. I had dinner today. Out of curiosity, I stepped on the electronic scale before going out. Oh my goodness! I saw the pointer soaring, he has gained weight! And gained 5 pounds.

His wife was laughing at him, saying that he didn’t even have to go on a scale to know he was fat because his belly was much bigger than before.

Lao Li used to be slender, but when he was young, he was handsome. He was a well-known handsome man in the university and had many suitors. Even after he got married, there were still many women who liked him, even many of them students at the university.

His wife is very relieved about him, probably because she knows that Lao Li is obsessed with his career and his need for love is easily satisfied. In addition, he treats himself very well. The two of them respect each other like guests. In the eyes of outsiders, they are a good match for each other.

In order to lose weight, Lao Li asked his wife to dance square dance every night. He received partial permission from his wife, but she did not approve to go every day, but three times a week.

Lao Li is not allowed to dance in the square this night, only tomorrow.

He sat in the yard, drinking tea and listening to the radio. He glanced outside the yard from time to time. In the evening, not long after get off work, there were many pedestrians outside. He got up and decided to close the door to the yard first. No children were coming now, and there were people coming and going outside. Don't let anyone sneak in.

A young man suddenly ran over. Old Li took a closer look and recognized him. He was one of the two people who had promoted him to buy a house, the slightly shorter one.

The other person ran over from West Chang'an Street with a hurried look and an anxious look on his face. He was panting. When he saw Lao Li, he excitedly grabbed the iron gate and asked for help.

Old Li was surprised and asked him to let go first, then opened the courtyard door and let him in to talk.

The two of them have been driving online car-hailing companies recently. The cars belong to the online car-hailing company. They only have the right to use them and pay a certain percentage of their income every month as car rental fees.

Although driving was hard, the two of them did a good job and finally had a more stable job. The two take turns driving, with one person driving for eight hours and 16 hours a day. The shift handover took place at the intersection of West Chang'an Street and Huangjia Village. When the two of them passed by Little Red Horse, they would often come to see Lao Li and give him some small things. They were not valuable, but they were full of heart. If they had When children are here, they will fumble around in their pockets and find out candies or something for them when they encounter dudu or dudu.

Luliu Dudu is now willing to call them by their honorific titles, one is eldest brother and the other is second brother, and is very sincere when calling them.

Now the other party told Lao Li that the tall young man was beaten. Although he entered the prison, he came out quickly because the tall young man was only slightly injured and could not be detained for long.

However, the short boy said that this was the second time that the other party deliberately bullied them, and asked if there was any way to severely punish the gambling house.

He knew that Lao Li was a law professor, so he came to ask.

Lao Li knew this kind of small case as soon as he heard about it. He simply explained the method, but people couldn't understand it. Wherever they had been exposed to this, the legal provisions would make them confused.

"Then wait, I'll find a lawyer for you." Lao Li said.

The short boy hesitated. They had no money and heard that hiring a lawyer was very expensive.

Hearing this, Lao Li smiled and said: "No money, my daughter is a lawyer. Your case is also a small one. Let her spend a few hours to solve it. Wait, I will call her and ask her to come over."

Not long after, Li Xiaoxiao came. She had changed out of her business suit and was wearing something very casual, with white short-sleeves and breathable cropped pants. She looked like a female college student.

After returning to Pujiang, Li Xiaoxiao spent some time in the library, and then followed Zhan Tianwei to handle cases. She got started quickly and has now become Zhan Tianwei's right-hand assistant. Zhan Tianwei will hand over many cases to her. When discussing cases, I also pay special attention to listening to her opinions and suggestions.

The three of them got together and briefly discussed the case. In fact, Li Xiaoxiao was mainly listening and asking questions. After they finished talking, they looked down and found a cute little girl standing at their feet. She seemed to be listening attentively and thoughtfully. When they noticed, she raised her little face and smiled.

"Miss Zhao, do you have any unique opinions on this case? Let's talk about it. Let's discuss it." Lao Li said with a smile. Even he didn't notice what Dudu had done. It was like a Tu Xingsun emerging from the ground, whoosh. appeared instantly.

He looked back at the courtyard gate, which had been unlocked since it was opened before.

"*%%¥ # ¥%%.........\u0026amp;" Dudu raised his little face and said seriously, but what he said was a bunch of garbled words. He couldn't understand what he said, and the translator was not available. Who could Got it!

Although Dudu couldn't understand what Lao Li was talking about, or what his unique views were, she didn't know what it meant, but she understood that he was asking her, Miss Zhao, to talk, so she started talking to a level 8 baby talker. . She couldn't understand what Lao Li said, and she wanted to make sure that Lao Li couldn't understand her.

Level 8 baby talk is very difficult. Currently, only Liuliu and Xiaobai can barely guess some pronunciations, with an accuracy rate of 5%.

"What? You said the little sister is very powerful? You really have a vision." Lao Li knew how to get along with children and translated Dudu's words as he pleased. Dudu couldn't bite him anyway.

This trick was copied from Luliu, and the translator jumped up and down in anger.

Li Xiaoxiao smiled, knowing of course that her father was teasing her.

She and the online ride-hailing guy agreed to meet again tomorrow morning to handle the case, and squatted down to catch Dudu who was trying to skip away. She heard her father often mention Dudu and said it was very similar to her when she was a child.

First of all, Li Xiaoxiao felt that when she was a child, Dudu was not as beautiful as Dudu. This child looked as if she were in a painting. She has delicate features and beautiful eyes. Although she is far from blooming, she will definitely be a little beauty in the future, and the most attractive thing is Dudu. With that youthful vitality, every cell in these little arms and legs seemed to be cheering for joy, and there was endless energy in the whole body.

Little Red Horse now only has one child, Dudu, and Xiaobai hasn't come back yet, so Li Xiaoxiao stayed and played with her for a while until Xiaomi arrived.

The millet was sent by Ding Jiamin's boyfriend Chen Shanming. This was not the first time. Lao Li had met him several times.

Lao Li is quite satisfied with Ding Jiamin's boyfriend. Chen Shanming is also a policeman, the captain of the police station. He has a strong appearance and is a good match for Ding Jiamin. The most important thing is that Chen Shanming does not mind having a child around Ding Jiamin. He treats Xiaomi very well and Xiaomi also likes him quite a lot.

"Sister Xiao Min and I will pick you up at half past nine, okay?" Chen Shanming said softly as he sent Xiaomi into the little red horse.

"Okay~" Xiaomi walked in front carrying a small yellow schoolbag. If she was not still young and adults were worried, she would even want to apply to come to Little Red Horse by herself. "Bye bye Uncle Chen."

"Take this, your midnight snack. Eat it when you are hungry." Chen Shanming handed the small bag he was carrying to Xiaomi, which contained a food box.

"Can I share it with Dudu?" Xiaomi had already seen Dudu not far away.

"Of course, it's yours. You can handle it yourself. Whether you want to eat it yourself or share it with the children is up to you."

"Then I'll share it with Dudu."

Chen Shanming watched Xiaomi go to Dudu, said hello to Lao Li and Li Xiaoxiao, and left. Ding Jiamin was still working in the office, and he had to go back to work.

Li Xiaoxiao stayed for a while and was about to leave. Dudu saw her off enthusiastically, while Lao Li sat in a chair and drank tea leisurely. He glanced at the small coffee table. The small coffee table was still there and had not been lost, but Why do you feel like something is missing? ?

He looked back at Dudu, and his eyes immediately fell on Dudu's hand, good guy! He even carried his radio! ! !

He said it felt like something was missing!

The radio where he listened to storytelling and opera was taken away! ! !

"Dudu - put it down!"


When Dudu saw that she was discovered, she ran away, muttering in her mouth. The radio she held in her arms was reading a martial arts novel:

"Speaking of that heroine, although she is only twenty-eight years old, she is a master of light kung fu. She has learned Wudang's unique skills since she was a child. She can fly over eaves and walls, and travel thousands of miles in a day..."

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