Dad Academy

Chapter 1097 No shame

"Are you going out so late?"

"Well, let's go out and buy some things. I'll be back soon."

When Lao Li saw Zhang Tan going out late at night, he asked casually and continued drinking tea and listening to music.

Zhang Tan bought a cake in a small shop in Huangjiacun. When he returned home, he found that the house was very lively and there were a few more little people. Xiaomi and Cheng Cheng came.

Cheng Cheng was sitting on the sofa like a little princess, her little body upright, her little hands on her knees, her eyes unblinking, staring at the TV.

Suddenly, the laughter of a little girl came from the bedroom, and then several children filed out. Zhang Tan saw little Zheng Zheng, Xiao Nian, and Shi Baobao who came out last.

Xiao Zheng and Xiao Nian were very embarrassed when they saw Zhang Tan, but their embarrassments were very different.

Xiaonian blushed with embarrassment, lowered his head, looked at his feet, and said nothing.

Little Zheng Zheng has big eyes and a red face, but she will look at you with her big eyes, as if she can talk.

After I bought the cake, the children swarmed over, chattering that it was a birthday and asking them to arrange the cake and put candles in it.

Zhang Tan: "It doesn't have to be so formal. It's not really anyone's birthday today, we just mean it."

They had to do a full set of performances, and these children were yelling and making noise, saying that they must have candles. How could they celebrate a birthday without candles? This made Zhang Tan have to find candles.

There must not be one at home, and he didn’t want to run away anymore, so he went downstairs to ask Aunt Huang. Unexpectedly, Aunt Huang actually had it here. She said that it was another child’s birthday in the garden last time, and the garden helped with the birthday. , bought a cake and sent blessings to him with other children. The candles are left over from last time.

"There are only three left. Is that enough? If not, I will look for more." Aunt Huang asked.

"Enough is enough."

Zhang Tan brought the candle back, inserted it on the cake, and lit it. The lights in the house were turned off with a click, and the whole place fell into darkness. Only the moonlight from the balcony and window, and the candlelight illuminated it.

The children suddenly screamed in fright, and Xiaobai shouted: "Which Guoguawazi turned off the light??!"

"Hahahaha 666 duck~~~"

The sound of porridge was heard not far away. No need to guess, it was probably dried porridge.

There were many people, and there was still light in the house, so everyone didn’t chase after the pomegranate. It was more important to eat the cake.

The children held hands and formed a circle and began to make wishes by the candlelight.

Zhang Tan asked these cuties: "Whose birthday is it today?"

Everyone, Xiaobai said that whoever has the birthday will eat the biggest piece of cake. Luoliu jumped up instantly, raised her little hands high and said that today is her birthday, and Zhu’s mother gave birth to her tonight.

Seeing this, Dudu also raised her little hands high. She jumped even higher, trying to compete with Liuliu for the honor of eating the biggest piece of cake.

The two little sisters quarreled over their stuttering. The quarrel made Xiaobai upset, so he eliminated them all and chose Shi Baobao to celebrate his birthday today.

Everyone made a wish by the candlelight. Zhao Xiaochun turned on the lights and Zhang Tan started to cut the cake. This was the most exciting moment. Some of the little friends were already wiping their saliva.

"Today is Shi Baobao's birthday. The first piece of cake should be given to Shi Baobao first." Zhang Tan said, having to cooperate with the children in acting to let Shi Baobao celebrate his birthday tonight.

Shi Baobao thanked him, turned around and gave the cake to little Zheng Zheng, wanting to share it with her.

The second person to receive the cake was Xiao Zheng Zheng, because if divided clockwise, Xiao Zheng Zheng's position was just right.

But as a result, some children will be unhappy. The child looked left and right and found that he was the last one again. His face suddenly dropped and he questioned.

Questions were ruthlessly dismissed.

So this little friend came up to other children and asked for a taste. He ate something here and there, and he was very busy.

"Liuli~~~Liuli is yours! Don't you want it anymore???" Zhang Tan shouted.

"Here it comes -" Liuliu came running towards her with a lot of cream on her mouth, which showed that her eating was very effective. She was indeed a baby who grew up through relationships.

Liuliu was holding her cake, contented and laughing, and gave Zhang Tan a series of 666s. Because she found that the remaining cake was quite big, she was overjoyed.

Suddenly, Shi Baobao, who was eating with gusto, exclaimed, it was Zhao Xiaochun who smeared cream on his face and laughed.

As soon as Zhao Xiaochun started, other children followed suit and spread cream on Shi Baobao, and it soon turned into a melee.

Luoliu caught Dudu and wiped it twice before letting the little sister go. Then he walked up to Zhao Xiaochun calmly. Before Zhao Xiaochun could react, he smeared a large piece of cake on his face and succeeded. Then he immediately ran away, not daring to stay for more than a second.

"Fat Liuliu——" Zhao Xiaochun was furious and chased after her to flatten her.

The durian was on full throttle, flying up and down and scurrying around the house. Unfortunately, she didn't have Dudu's speed and flexibility, so she couldn't escape Zhao Xiaochun's grasp in the end and was caught. She pitifully asked Zhao Xiaochun to let her go. She was still a good child.

Zhao Xiaochun couldn't beat Zhang Tan in front of him, so he ordered Liuliu not to move, then smeared a large piece of cream on her face, and then let her go. .

The durian wiped it with his hand, put it in front of his eyes, smelled it, put it in his mouth and licked it decisively.

There was a cake war at home, the children were so busy and happy that you made cakes for me and I made cakes for you.

This kind of chaotic scene is perfect for Luliu to survive. Her skills of stirring up trouble are fully utilized, teasing people everywhere and confusing the scene.

In the end, Zhang Tan had to step in to stop the children from playing. He took a quick look and saw that all the good guys had colorful faces.

"Xiao Bai, take everyone to the bathroom to clean up." Zhang Tan said.

"Wash your hands, wash your face -" Xiaobai shouted, taking the children to the sink.

The first one to wash is little Zheng Zheng.

Liuliu came over, chattering, saying this, this, and that, and then he saw her getting in front of little Zheng Zheng and actually started to lick the cake on little Zheng Zheng's face.

After Xiao Zhengzheng was Xi'er, and after Xi'er was Xiaonian... In this way, Liuliu was like a tool man, helping to lick the cakes on his face one by one and eat them with gusto.

Zhang Tan was dumbfounded. What else could he say? Some children are willing to go out of their way to stutter, so as not to be embarrassed.

Maybe because she was having too much fun, Xiwawa wet the bed again that night. Fortunately, she slept at her own home that night, but Tan Jin'er was unlucky.

How did Zhang Tan know? It's not what Tan Jin'er said. Tan Jin'er was still thinking about saving some face for her little sister, but as soon as she came to Little Red Horse in the morning, she laughed and said it to herself.

"Xiaobai, let's go play with cars?" Xi'er suggested. She and Xiaobai both had scooters, the kind that run with your feet on the ground. Zhang Tan bought one for her and Xiaobai each.

"No, my teacher will come to visit Xiaobai's home today." Xiaobai said. The teacher said that he would come to Xiaohongma's home today to chat with Zhang Tan about Xiaobai's study and life.

Good night, I can hardly keep my eyes open.

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