Dad Academy

Chapter 1091 Thank you twice

"...Is your father's illness getting better?"

When Zhao Xiaochun heard Xiaojun's words, he was stunned for a moment, then stared at Xiaojun, "How do you know?"

Xiaojun didn't expect Zhao Xiaochun to react like this. The soft look on his face immediately disappeared and turned into his usual cold face.

"You don't care how I know!"

"Did Boss Zhang tell you that?!"

"Boss Zhang? Boss Zhang and I are not familiar with each other."

Zhao Xiaochun looked into the distance, where Boss Zhang happened to be passing by, and seemed to feel something. He glanced here and smiled when he saw him.

"You laugh so stupidly." Zhao Xiaochun muttered softly.

"That's what Xiaobai, that melon boy, told you." Zhao Xiaochun said.

Xiaojun's eyes dodge, but Zhao Xiaochun guessed that it was indeed Xiaobai who told him, and he just told her.

Because Xiaobai saw Zhao Xiaochun coming to Little Red Horse, hiding in a corner reading a picture book, and felt that he was quite pitiful. The old man was sick and didn't know when he would get better.

She was so mean-spirited that she wanted to comfort Zhao Xiaochun, but she didn't like him. She used to always quarrel and even fight with him. Now she wants to reconcile and comfort him suddenly. She can't let go of the child's face, and there has never been a formal reconciliation. Woolen cloth.

She ordered Liuliu to go, but Liuliu shook her head like a rattle, refusing to go. Zhao Xiaochun was a big bad guy, and he liked to bully her the most after Luo Zikang.

Send Xi'er to go, forget it, Xi'er is a little fool, a fool who doesn't understand anything.

Let Xiaomi go, Xiaomi is also in a dilemma, she will blush when talking to boys.

Let Cheng Cheng go? It's even more impossible that Cheng Cheng and Zhao Xiaochun have nothing in common.

Finally, Xiaobai fell in love with Xiaojun and told Xiaojun about the matter. Unexpectedly, Xiaojun, who said coldly, agreed immediately, and that was how the scene just happened.

It's just that Xiaojun didn't expect that Zhao Xiaochun didn't give him a good look, which made him feel bad. He wanted to turn around and leave, but he thought that what Xiaobai had told him was not completed, so he couldn't bear to finish his words.

"You have to cheer up, you have to be strong, you have to be like a chicken that crows in the winter, and crows when nothing happens. Don't hide in a corner and shed tears alone, and don't talk. That's not a strong child. We have to be happy. , you have to laugh, you are a good boy when you are not bullying your friends, if you want to set up a dragon gate formation, just come here, Dudu has forgiven you and is not angry with you anymore..." Xiaojun endured great pain Feeling ashamed, he finished all the words Xiaobai told him in one breath, "Okay, I'm leaving."

He quickly ran away, feeling that he was so embarrassed. How could these words be said by him? Xiaobai, why don’t you do it yourself! Really!

His cold face turned red. In order not to let Zhao Xiaochun find out, he quickly ran away and hid far away.

He saw Zhao Xiaochun froze on the spot with a stiff look on his face. He obviously didn't expect that he would say such a thing, and he was probably equally ashamed!

Xiaojun felt even more ashamed of Xiaobai's words! How could he, a tough guy, say such soft things to a girl!

But he just took a few steps, and when he put his hands in his pockets, he found something in his pockets. He knew without taking it out that it was given to Zhao Xiaochun when Xiaobai told him those words just now.

He hesitated again and again, wanting to leave without looking back, but he promised to go back before Xiaobai had finished his work, so he couldn't do it!

A man must keep his word, and Xiaojun is an extremely trustworthy person.

He took a deep breath and rubbed his face. It was so hot!

He ran to the bathroom, washed his face with cold water, and cooled down before appearing in front of Zhao Xiaochun again.

When Zhao Xiaochun saw him, his face turned red first.

When Xiaojun saw this, he also blushed. He was embarrassed to speak, so he directly put the thing in Zhao Xiaochun's hand, turned around and left. Fortunately, he didn't run away. He tried his best to calmly walk away with firm steps.

Zhao Xiaochun watched his back and looked down at the palm of his hand, which was a heart-shaped honey-flavored bear lollipop.

His face couldn't help but turn red again.

Xiaojun went to Xiaobai to report the progress and told her that all the things she told her were done and she should not call him again next time.

After saying that, he went to watch TV. He didn't want to stay with Xiaobai, and he was worried that Xiaobai would let him do something that was not in line with his character again.

He brought a small stool and sat in front of the TV, surrounded by children, all watching TV. What was playing on the TV was a cartoon, very childish. Xiaojun couldn't bear to watch it for a while, wanting to change the channel, but the children around him watched it with gusto. He thought for a while, but still didn't move. He continued to sit, his eyes fixed on the TV. He gradually lost focus and began to lose focus.

He was sitting among the dolls, but no one was talking to him. He seemed to be apart from the crowd.

He is taciturn and seems to have difficulty communicating. He has almost no friends in Little Red Horse except Xiaobai.

Even the other members of the "girlfriend group who just want to play and don't want to work" have little contact with him.

He didn't feel alone, he enjoyed it.

On the contrary, making him the center of attention will make him very uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

He also doesn't like to go to crowded places, and he doesn't bother to interrupt when others are chatting. He always feels that the topics others talk about are either too childish or too boring, or that his own world is more interesting.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly I felt someone coming next to me, sitting very close to him.

Under normal circumstances, no one would sit so close to him. Although the children did not avoid him, they would not get close to him. They all felt that he was very serious and had an aura of "keep strangers away".

He was a little surprised and turned his head to look, it was Zhao Xiaochun.

Zhao Xiaochun also moved a small stool and sat down next to him. When he saw him looking over, he opened his mouth and squirmed twice before saying, "Thank you."

Xiaojun was stunned, not expecting Zhao Xiaochun to say this.

He nodded, said nothing, and continued to watch the TV, pretending to watch with interest.

When Zhao Xiaochun saw this, he stopped talking. It took a lot of courage for him to say the word "thank you". It's not that I'm afraid, it's that I almost never say "thank you".

The two of them were sitting next to each other, watching a childish cartoon, pretending to be very engaged in watching it, the plot was exciting, and the picture was beautiful.

Luoliu happened to pass by them unintentionally. He noticed them after walking past them, then stepped back and kept staring at their backs, his eyes darting around, feeling very strange.

She doesn't even watch the cartoons on TV because she thinks they are too childish.

She was transferred to the channel several times for this, and was criticized by a group of children. She suppressed it forcefully, making everyone cry, and invited Teacher Xiaoman to chase her away.

"The pomegranate is here again~~"

When the children saw her, they were like a weasel among the chickens. They all became nervous, fearing that she would steal their TV.

"Liuliu is here to steal our TV~" A little boy bravely ran to Zhao Xiaochun to ask for help.

It's Lin Dongdong.

When Zhao Xiaochun turned around, he saw the naughty Liuliu and said angrily: "Go away! Don't steal the TV!"

"Good guy, good guy! You bully a kid!! You can't afford Zhao Xiaochun!" Luoliu was angry, not happy that Zhao Xiaochun ordered her in such a commanding tone.

"You are bullying children younger than you, what kind of young lady are you?" Zhao Xiaochun said.

Liuliu jumped up and said confidently: "I feel happy bullying children~I will bully children, hahaha~~~Have fun~~Little friends, little friends, don't go away~Haha Haha, come and play duck with me, let’s play hide and seek~~~”

Little friend Lin Dongdong was chased by her and ran away in panic. Fortunately, Liliu didn't run very fast. If she had Dudu's speed, how could the little red horse kid still be alive?

"Liuliu, don't chase after everyone, you will wet the bed." Teacher Xiaoliu blocked Liuliu's path and warned her not to bully the children, otherwise she would wash the bed if she wets the bed.

"Hahaha, the kid still wets the bed. If you're shy, I won't wet the bed. I won't wet the bed today. I'm so awesome. I don't even need to pee..."

Luoliu Balabala avoided Teacher Xiaoliu, but did not chase the children anymore. He jumped up and ran to find Dudu, and talked with Dudu about the childish cartoons that Zhao Xiaochun and Xiaojun watched.

"Xiaochun's old man is sick, Guawazi, don't mess with him." Xiaobai warned.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai, what is this old man? You don't understand me!" Liuliu asked, and was immediately held down by Xiaobai and spanked twice. He quickly changed his mind and said that he was his father. I know, I know.

All the girlfriends were there, and Xiaobai told them that Zhao Xiaochun's father was sick and was in the hospital. Dudu was shocked when he heard this, and asked what the disease was, whether it would take a long time, and whether he wanted to see him...

"Oh~~ I know so much, you can ask him yourself." Xiaobai was irritated by Dudu's question. She was not Zhao Xiaochun's sister, how could she know so much? She also listened to her old man's simple words. Just said a little bit. She knew that she had just told everyone everything, and Dudu still wanted to ask more questions, but she didn’t know so many questions!

Dudu really went to find Zhao Xiaochun.

Zhao Xiaochun and Xiaojun were still pretending to watch cartoons. They were exhausted and neither of them wanted to leave first. They not only have to pretend to watch, but also pretend to watch with gusto.

Suddenly, there was a thud next to them, and the two of them turned their heads and looked sideways, and saw Dudu bringing an oversized chair and placing it next to Zhao Xiaochun.

Dudu bared his teeth at them and grinned, clapped his little hands, climbed up on the chair and sat down, his little feet dangling in the air, gesturing with his little hands, and he was a bit taller than Zhao Xiaochun and Xiaojun.

Zhao Xiaochun and Xiaojun looked at each other for a few times and then looked away. Xiaojun couldn't stand it anymore. The cartoon made his head buzz, so he took the opportunity to get up and leave without saying a word.

When Zhao Xiaochun saw Xiaojun leaving, he breathed a sigh of relief quietly and got up and left. If he stayed like this any longer, he felt like he was going crazy and would get sick from the TV in the future.

"Brother Zhao, aren't you going to watch it? It's good to watch." Lin Dongdong enthusiastically persuaded him to stay, but Zhao Xiaochun was too lazy to care about this stupid kid.

"*\u0026amp;amp;amp;...%¥" Dudu just sat down, but the two of them left. After muttering a few words, they watched TV for a while, not thinking about it, and their little heads turned around, looking for Zhao Koharu.


Zhao Xiaochun was reading a picture book when suddenly there was another sound next to him. He looked up and saw Dudu coming with the oversized chair. He smiled at him, climbed up on the chair, and read the picture book while hanging on his feet.

Zhao Xiaochun whispered in disgust that it was really annoying, got up, returned the picture book to the bookshelf, and went to stack the blocks.

Dudu stared at him, and after a while he dragged the big chair and followed him.

Zhao Xiaochun couldn't bear it and said: "What are you doing! Why are you following me all the time! Are you tired?"

Dudu didn't even take a breath, and shook his head with big eyes.

"I'm done with you, you're so annoying!" Zhao Xiaochun threw the blocks and left again. He came to the yard and sat on the steps with his hands on his knees, dragging his cheeks and looking at the night in a daze.

After a while, there was another rumbling sound behind him. He didn't bother to look back, knowing that Dudu was coming again.

Sure enough, Dudu dragged the big chair to the steps, hugged it with both hands, huh huh huh huh, huh huh huh, such a small body, such a big chair, but she lifted it up, and moved it down the steps step by step, He placed it in the yard and sat on it.

Zhao Xiaochun was speechless, but he had to admire Dudu's strength. This child grew up on whatever he ate.

"What do you want to do?" he asked.

He giggled, swayed his feet, and said nothing.

"If you have something to say, just say it. If you don't say anything, I'll leave again."

“*……¥%¥% # ”

"I don't understand! I'm leaving."

Zhao Xiaochun stood up and turned around, and Dudu finally spoke seriously.

"Don't be sad when your father is sick. He will get better. I'm not angry with you anymore."

Zhao Xiaochun turned his back to her and froze on the spot for a few seconds. His shoulders shook, and he walked away again. After going up the steps, he said: "Thank you~~"

He lowered his head and hurriedly hid in the corner of the reading area, surrounded by walls and bookshelves, his eyes a little red. Today he said thank you twice. It turns out that saying thank you makes his heart warm.

PS: It’s the end of the month, please give me a monthly pass, it’s the period of double monthly pass.

Thank you Cheyang for the 100,000 coin reward! I am even more grateful during the New Year holiday.

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