Dad Academy

Chapter 1083 Who are you?

On the small bed, Xiaobai was held tightly by Xi'er, as if he was holding a small heater. The little one was so warm that he stuck out his tongue and fanned himself with his hands in an exaggerated way all night.

She wanted to break away, but was immediately hugged tightly by Xi'er. She wanted to use more force, but she was worried about waking up Xi'er, so she just endured it.

Until, in her sleep, Xi'er suddenly called out "Sister" and sat up from the bed.

"What's going on? What's going on?" Xiaobai also sat up and asked with concern.

Xi'er was confused and stared at Xiaobai for a while without saying anything.

"Xiwa, you are sleeping with me today." Xiaobai reminded.

Xi'er finally remembered that yes, she and Xiaobai would sleep together tonight.

She was embarrassed to say that she dreamed about her sister, and her sister told her to go home and sleep.

Xiaobai took the opportunity to touch Xi'er's little head and said, "Sister is here. I am my sister. I am here. Let's go to sleep."

Xi'er was coaxed to lie down again, closed her eyes, and soon fell asleep again.

Early the next morning, Zhang Tan was awakened by the parrot on the balcony. Early in the morning, this parrot was singing. It was really hard to hear the song with its big tongue.

Zhang Tan was bleary-eyed and very angry when he got up, so he was about to lock the parrot in the bathroom. He opened the bedroom door and walked through the living room. He was suddenly stunned and looked sideways at the TV hanging on the wall. Why was the TV on? ? ?

He turned to look at the sofa again. There were two little ones sitting on the sofa, sinking into the large and soft sofa, and he almost ignored them.

"hiahiahiahia~~~" Seeing that she was discovered, Xi'er smiled with joy.

Xiaobai was also secretly laughing.

Zhang Tan asked: "Why are you watching TV here? You haven't slept yet? What time did you get up?"

"Two o'clock, we got up at two o'clock, hiahiahia~~Godfather, please praise us~" Xi'er asked for credit.

Xiaobai disliked her and said it was not two o'clock but six o'clock.

Xi'er couldn't read a clock and kept admitting her mistakes, mistaking the minute hand for the hour hand.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" Zhang Tan asked.

Xi'er said she didn't want to sleep anymore because she was full. This little man is full of energy and vitality.

Xiaobai, on the other hand, looked a little lethargic and listless, and he was even yawning now.

"It's too hot, Xiwawa is too hot." Xiaobai said.

She was hugged by Xi'er all night and couldn't be pushed away no matter how hard she pushed. Xi'er was so clingy that it almost annoyed her to death.

With that said, Xiaobai got up from the sofa and walked to the bathroom, shouting: "I want to take a bath, I want to take a bath~~~"

"Didn't you take a bath last night? Why did you take a bath so early in the morning?" Zhang Tan asked.

Xi'er hiahia laughed and said that Xiaobai was sweating a lot, so she must have wet the bed.

"You're the one who wet the bed~~~Xiba, you're the one who wet the bed!" Xiaobai said angrily.

"I didn't, Xiaobai, I haven't wet the bed for a long time." Xi'er retorted.

"I didn't wet the bed either!" Xiaobai said. She felt uncomfortable due to Xi'er's heat last night and sweated a lot.

Zhang Tan told her not to play with water, went to the balcony, lifted up the parrot cage, hung it in the kitchen, and closed the kitchen door tightly, regardless of the parrot crying inside.

"Daddy, are you going to eat the parrot? The parrot is not delicious, so give it to me." Xi'er noticed Zhang Tan's behavior and followed him to the kitchen, leaning against the door of the kitchen and saying.

"No, I just put it in the kitchen. Have you washed your face and brushed your teeth?"

"No, my toothbrush was used by Xiaobai."

"What about Xiaobai's?"

"Xiaobai's is missing."

"Can it still be like this? I'll find one for you, and you can come over and brush your teeth."

Zhang Tan found a new toothbrush for Xi'er and asked Xi'er to brush her teeth and wash her face.

The little man stumbled to the sink and washed himself in front of the mirror. He brushed very carefully and his movements were standard and presentable.

The two children had gotten up. Zhang Tan couldn't go back to sleep, so he could only get up and make breakfast.

"I'm hungry, godfather, when will we have breakfast?" Xi'er asked.

"It's about ten minutes. I'm frying eggs. When they're done, I'll cook noodles for you to eat." Zhang Tan said, Xi'er said "Oh", went to find Xiao Bai, and followed Xiao Bai to the yard downstairs for a run.

Zhang Tan warned them not to run around, but did not follow them out. He was still reassured about their safety in the academy.

Lao Li may not have come yet, but the door is locked and there are walls around it. Xiaobai and Xi'er can't escape, and no one from outside can come in, so they feel safe.

The little red horse was very quiet in the early morning, and there were various birds singing in the woods. Xiaobai and Xi'er came to the yard, and Xi'er was talking angrily.

"Xiaobai, please stop pinching my face. I will cry just like Dudu."

"Hohoho, you wash your face and squeeze it well."

"Then Xi'er pinches Xiaobai too."

"No! Climb away~"

The two had a small quarrel, and went into the woods one after the other. They stood under every tree with their heads held high, and followed the birdsong to look for the birds on the trees.

Xi'er found the small shovel abandoned in the grove, picked it up, ran diligently inside and outside the grove, and put the small shovel back in the sand pit. Luoliu and Dudu will be angry when they can't find the shovel when digging in the sand.

Just as Xi'er was about to go into the woods again to look for birds with Xiaobai, she suddenly noticed a person outside the iron gate of the yard. The person kept looking in.

Xi'er walked over, hiahia smiled and asked, "Are you lost?"

The man was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting a child to show up. He looked around and saw no one else, let alone an adult.

"I'm lost, kid, are you alone? Where are your adults?"

"hiahia, my godfather is cooking. His cooking is delicious."

The middle-aged man outside looked into the academy and saw nothing special, so he focused his attention on Xi'er again. He asked Xi'er what her name was, how old she was, and what she was doing here.

Xi'er is innocent and kind-hearted. In her eyes, there are only good people and no bad people. The worst ones are durians, so she always knows what to say when it comes to other people's problems and is completely frank.

The man outside looked around again. There was no one there in the early morning, so he smiled and said to Xi'er, "Can you open the door? Xi'er, I want to come in and take a look."

Xi'er immediately ran to open the door, but it was locked and she couldn't open it.

"Can't open it."

The man outside looked at the door lock for a while and found that it could not be opened. He seemed very unwilling. He turned around and smiled again. He took out a candy from his pocket and handed it to Xi'er through the gap in the iron fence. "Xi'er." Son, let me give you a candy."

Xi'er's eyes shined. She really likes candy. When she saw a candy, she subconsciously reached out to pick it up. Just when she was about to catch it, she stopped, immediately retracted her little hand, and shook her head behind her back, "I don't want to eat it. My sister said you can't eat it from strangers." candy."

"But I'm not a stranger. Didn't we just meet? Don't you think I'm a friend? Come on, take the candy."

Xi'er couldn't resist the temptation of the candy, so she stretched out her little hand, took the candy from the other person's hand, held it in her mouth, and enjoyed it with her eyes smiling.

The man outside continued: "Xi'er, what is that hanging around your neck? It looks very pretty."

Xi'er took out the jade-faced baby Buddha hanging around her neck and proudly told the other party that it was given to her by the Bodhisattva.

"Show me, I like this baby Buddha too."

The man stretched out his hand, preparing to take away the jade-faced baby Buddha from Xi'er's hand.

Xi'er really untied it and handed it over. At this moment, a voice sounded outside.

"Who are you?"

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