Dad Academy

Chapter 1064: Sworn Sisters Plastic Love

PS: More updates will be added to grab your lollipops, thank you for the tip!

"It seems like a person fell in front of me." Chen Yungui said, subconsciously stopped, and then hurried forward. Sure enough, he saw a young man lying on the side of the road, which happened to be between two street lamps, so The view is not very good.

"Did you get knocked down?" Yang Lan asked nervously.

Chen Yungui: "The motorcycle hit me just now. After hitting the person, he ran away."

He squatted down and used his flashlight to shine on the young man who had fallen to the ground. He was lying sideways on the ground, but he was awake. When he saw them, he tried his best to say: "They did it on purpose~"

Lao Chen called the ambulance and stayed with Yang Lan to take care of him. After a while, people passing by noticed this and gradually came closer. Some people recognized the young man who fell to the ground and lived in Huangjia Village. They called the young man's family, and an ambulance arrived and took him to the hospital.

The police asked at the scene and adjusted the camera to check the scene at that time, but there was no camera on this road. Even if there were a camera, the alley was deep and dark, so it might not be possible to capture clearly.

"Has anyone seen the license plate number of that motorcycle?" the police asked everyone, and everyone said they didn't.

Chen Yungui thought about it carefully and couldn't remember the license plate number. He didn't pay attention to the license plate number at all at that time.

Yang Lan stood outside the crowd and looked at everyone. No one knew the license plate number.

She remembered that she was always careful. When the motorcycle almost hit her and Lao Chen, she subconsciously glanced at the license plate number. She still remembers it now.

But she was hesitant to tell the police because she was worried that if the motorcycle riders found out, they would be found for revenge.

She is timid and cautious by nature, a little scared.

Finally, after much hesitation, she quietly approached the policeman and told him the license plate number of the motorcycle.

The police said they would keep her secret. Yang Lan felt relieved and found Chen Yungui, "Let's go, stop looking, and pick up Xiaonian from Xiaohongma."

As Chen Yungui walked away, he said angrily: "Why didn't I notice the license plate number? I was careless at the time. I hit someone and couldn't let them run away."

Yang Lan looked back, and after she was far away from the incident, she told Chen Yungui that she remembered the license plate number and had already told the police, and at the same time expressed her worries.

Chen Yungui fully agreed with her behavior and comforted her not to be afraid, as the other party would not be able to find them. Yang Lan gradually put her heart back into her stomach.

"What happened there? Why did an ambulance pass by?"

When Lao Chen and Yang Lan came to Little Red Horse, Lao Li was standing at the gate of the yard looking around.

"A motorcycle hit someone..." Old Chen Yan briefly introduced the situation.

"The world is declining~people actually ran away!"

Lao Li shook his head and sighed, and returned to the yard. Suddenly, he saw that the coffee table and the tea sets on the coffee table were all there, but the chairs were missing!

As soon as I glanced at it, I saw a little girl dragging her chair towards the classroom! The world is in decline! As soon as I got up, my home was robbed!

"Zhao Chendu - why haven't you slept yet?"

Lao Li shouted and chased after him. Miss Zhao was so timid that she was still dragging her chair away. It wasn't until Lao Li caught up with her that she dropped the chair and started spinning around in circles in the yard as if she knew how to do Qinggong.

"La la la la la~~~~"

There was no sense of fear, but rather pride. It was like playing a game of life.

Child Zhao Chendu turned around a few times. When she saw the door was open, she turned around and wanted to run out. La la la~ Just as she was about to go out, a person suddenly blocked her in front of her and caught her right into his arms!

Dudu looked up and grinned: "It's Xiaonian's grandma, grandma is so nice~~"

Yang Lan likes her. She is cute, smart, and eats well. "Don't run outside. It's very dangerous outside."

"Oh, I won't run." Dudu said obediently, as if she wasn't the one teasing Lao Li just now.

"Why aren't you sleeping yet?"

"Liuliu kicked me out of the crib and said my jiojio stinks so much. My jiojio doesn't stink at all. Grandma, please smell it."

"Your feet don't stink. Grandma won't smell them. Grandma will take you to the teacher and ask Liuliu to reason with you."

Yang Lan led Dudu away. When Dudu saw the panting Lao Li, he smiled and said, "Good evening Li Weibao. We are going back to sleep. Bye~~~"

Lao Li said angrily: "You ran away very quickly!"

"When I ride my beloved motorcycle, I am no longer afraid of traffic jams...dudududu~~~"

Dudu sang a song and walked away. Old Li was so angry that he almost ran after him without losing face, and caught the naughty little one and taught him a lesson!

He did catch up, but instead of finding Dudu, he found the discarded chair and asked Lao Chen to sit down and have a cup of tea.

Chen Yungui was about to ask him a question, so he sat down in front of him after hearing this. The teapot on the coffee table was bubbling, the fragrance of tea was overflowing, the moon was bright, the breeze was blowing, and everything was quiet. It was a good life.

Lao Chen couldn't help but envy Lao Li, his life was a hundred times more comfortable than his.

"Xiao Nian is still good, and he is much more sensible than Liuliu Dudu." Lao Li was still unhappy. After comparing the two, he came to the conclusion that Xiao Nian was better.

"It would be better if my Xiaonian was more naughty." Chen Yungui said.

"Everyone has a different nature. Some are naughty and mischievous, while others are well-behaved and quiet. It varies from person to person. Just let it be natural. There is no need to force it."

"That's the truth..."

"Is something wrong?"

"There is something indeed, and I want to trouble you."

The two old men started studying water and electricity maintenance, and a drama of "they are born from the same roots, so why rush each other" was going on in the classroom.

"It was Fatty Liuliu who drove me away. She wouldn't let me sleep in the crib! Humph!" Dudu was complaining in the presence of Teacher Xiaoliu.

"I, I didn't! I didn't, I'm a good baby duck!" Luoliu denied angrily.

Looking at her expression, Teacher Xiaoliu almost believed it, if not for the last sentence "I am a good baby duck".

It's not you who has the final say whether it's good or not, it's others who have the final say.

"You also said that my jiojio stinks, but my jiojio doesn't stink at all. I just like to run~" Dudu continued, demonstrating her love of running on the spot, running around in the classroom and spinning around. Come back at the call of Teacher Xiaoliu.

Luoliu's little eyes rolled around, "I didn't! I didn't, huh, Pang Dudu, can't you play like a duck? You can't play like a duck. Good guy, good guy, I won't play with you anymore. , you go back, go find your mother quickly, your little friend won’t play with you! You play with your mother~ Humph!..."

Dudu said angrily: "Why are you humming?"

“Hmph hum hum hum~~~”


Teacher Xiaoliu intervened in time: "Stop arguing, stop arguing~~ You are sisters."

At this time, Yang Lan took Xiaonian downstairs. Liuliu and Dudu greeted her at the same time, looked at each other, snorted, and turned their heads away.

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