Dad Academy

Chapter 1056 Yellow-haired Girl (1/2)

Chapter 1056 Yellow-haired Girl (12)

"Old man, why don't you get up even now?"

"...It's too early, the sun hasn't even come out yet."

"It's raining today."

"Huh? Why is it raining again? It's been raining a lot lately. There was no thunder at night, right?"


"Then I'll get up."

Zhang Tan yawned, his scalp was a little itchy, he scratched it randomly, sat up from the bed, looked sideways at Xiaobai, who was neatly dressed, standing beside the bed, smiled and touched her little head.

Of course there was no thunder last night, otherwise Xiaobai would have stayed on his bed because Xiaobai was afraid of thunder.

He opened the quilt and got up, put on his slippers, walked to the window, opened the pink curtains, and looked at the scene outside the house.

The curtains were pink, and Zhang Tan was embarrassed, but fortunately, almost no one had been to his bedroom, except Tan Jin'er, and that was only once. On a sunny day, Tan Jin'er washed the clothes and bedsheets for him and Xiaobai.

At that time, Tan Jin'er looked very surprised when she saw the pink curtains. Although she hid it better, the shock on her face was still noticed.

As an adult man, the curtains in the bedroom are actually pink, which is indeed not matching, but this is what Xiaobai likes. The curtains in Xiaobai's bedroom are pink. The little one is not satisfied with just having pink curtains in his bedroom, and demands that Zhang Tan's bedroom do the same.

Zhang Tan was really not used to it at first, but people are very adaptable, and now he likes it.

The morning mist drifted outside the window, and the yard was very quiet. There were early birds hiding in the forest and chirping occasionally.

The sky was red and the sun was breaking through the clouds.

Where is the rainy day? ? ?

Zhang Tan turned around to look for the deceitful little one, but only caught the little figure - the little one had run away, leaving behind a string of laughter.

"Ahahaha I lied to you, old man~"

Zhang Tan changed out of his pajamas and came out of the bedroom. He didn't see Xiaobai in the living room, nor in her bedroom. The door connecting the living room to the balcony was open. He walked over quietly and saw Xiaobai with his back to the living room, scattering bread crumbs on the balcony, muttering.

On the edge of the balcony, there were a few birds standing. They jumped a few times, jumped off the balcony, landed in front of Xiaobai, called a few times, jumped around, and ate the bread crumbs on the ground.

Today is Saturday, Xiaobai was invited to attend Xiaonian’s birthday, which took place at Xiaonian’s home.

Zhang Tan has never been to Xiaonian's home. He just heard the introduction from Xiaonian's grandfather, Mr. Chen Yungui, the day before yesterday. His home is located at No. 1098 Huangjia Village.

The little red horse is No. 1 of Huangjia Village, and No. 1098 is deep in Huangjia Village. Zhang Tan doesn’t know the specific location, but he can roughly guess the range and knows that it belongs to an urban village within an urban village.

Xiaobai kept Xiaonian's birthday in mind, and took Zhang Tan to pick out a gift for Xiaonian yesterday. They spent the afternoon shopping in the mall, rejecting many options, and finally bought a box of plasticine and a box of Lego instead of a rag doll.

Xiaonian likes to make clay dolls, and he showed his talent in placing building blocks in Little Red Horse. She is always very attentive and patient, and can play quietly all night by herself.

Xiaobai got up very early today and was planning to go to Xiaonian's house to celebrate his birthday, but it's only half past six in the morning!

They made an appointment with several other children's parents to arrive at Xiaonian's home at 9:30 this morning.

I wanted to go a little later, from ten to ten thirty. In the world of adults, it is not advisable to visit other people’s homes too early. Leave some time to chat. If it is too long, it will become awkward. Half an hour to an hour is just right. After the topic is almost finished, it is time to eat.

Eating is the core item of adult communication.

However, this set of hidden rules of communication does not apply to children.

They have endless topics to talk about, so they won't have awkward conversations. I really have nothing to say, just hiahiahia.

Go to Xiaonian's house at ten o'clock? Ten thousand children refused to agree! They wished they could appear in front of Xiaonian before dawn, give her carefully selected gifts, and say happy birthday to her.

It was expedient for both sides, and the time was finally set at half past nine.

Xiaobai got up at half past six, got dressed, and came to wake Zhang Tan up.

Well, she must have misunderstood "6" as "9", this silly, arrogant child.

The two of them were running in the yard. One was still running in front and the other was "following" behind. They looked around and poked secretly. After running for two laps, they became distracted. They found an opportunity to squat on the ground to pick up leaves and watch the ants looking for food. It was a shame. No more running.

After having breakfast, getting ready, and preparing gifts, he looked at the time and saw that it was nine o'clock. Xiaobai called Zhang Tan to go out, murmuring that he was taking his time.

Lao Li was already here, met them at the door, said hello, and watched them leave. He returned to the yard, took out his lounge chair and small coffee table from the sentry box, and placed them on the edge of the grove. He went back to bring the teapot, tea leaves and tea sets.

The sun shines in the yard, the fragrance of vegetation rises from the grove, the teapot on the coffee table purrs, and the fragrance of tea overflows...

Zhang Tan, who was walking in the alley of Huangjiacun, asked Xiaobai how old his birthday was.

Xiaobai was confused by the question, Baoqi.

In Zhang Tan's memory, Xiaonian was the youngest child of Little Red Horse. He should have been 3 years old, so today is his 4th birthday.

However, she didn't look like a 4-year-old girl. She was thinner and smaller than Xi'er who had just arrived before.

But Zhang Tan knew that she was probably about to be 4 years old, or was she 3 years old? Was it always 2 years old? Impossible, this is impossible.

Xiaonian's sense of existence was very weak, and Zhang Tan had no impression of her in his mind. When he thought of her, the first thing that came to mind was her yellowed hair, like a yellow-haired girl.

Xiaobai was thinking about his other girlfriends who were going together. At one moment he wanted to find Xier, at another moment he was worried about Liuliu sleeping in, at another moment he asked Xiaomi if he would go catch the bad guy and not come, and then asked Shi Baobao if he came here on foot instead of taking a car. ...They soon met Xi'er and her sister in the alley.

Two people, one large and one small, stood at the fork of an alley. Tan Jin'er looked around with a blank look on her face, as if she wanted to see what was at the end of each road.

Xi'er raised her little head and looked at her sister with a blank expression, waiting for her sister to point out a clear way!

They have been wandering here for a long time, but they still can't find the right way.

Xi'er suggested calling her godfather, but Tan Jin'er didn't agree. It was so complicated here that she didn't know how to describe where she was, so how could she ask Zhang Tan to show her the way? Isn't this causing trouble to others?

Xi'er muttered, thinking that her sister would get lost here because she didn't listen to her. She proposed early in the morning to go to Xiaobai and her godfather first, and go to Xiaonian's house with them, but her sister didn't agree.

Okay, now I'm lost.

"Sister, why are you so stupid?" Xi'er couldn't help but say what was in her heart.

Tan Jin'er was stunned for a moment, then looked away from checking the directions on her mobile phone, looked at Xi'er, and asked uncertainly: "What did you say?"

If it were any other child, it would probably not be repeated this time, but Xier smiled innocently and said, "hiahia, sister, why are you so stupid?"

Tan Jin'er angrily handed the phone to Xi'er: "You are smart, then you can find a way."

Xi'er didn't show any stage fright. She reached out to catch the phone and pressed it back and forth. Tan Jin'er didn't pay attention and heard her say to the phone: "Wai, Wai~~ Is it Xiaobai? Xiaobai, you know what I am now Where is it? hiahiahia~~~~eh?"

She heard Xiaobai's voice not far behind her.

Tan Jin'er also heard it.

Immediately, they spotted Zhang Tan and Xiao Bai walking towards them.

Hiahia laughed and told them that she and her sister were lost, as if it was some big deal.

Tan Jin'er quietly patted her shoulder and told her to stop talking.

She was a little embarrassed. As an adult, she still got lost when she had a mobile phone in her hand!

If you get lost, just get lost. A child said it loudly without any hesitation.

"It's really like a maze here, and it's easy to go the wrong way."

Zhang Tan said something, and Tan Jin'er breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that Boss Zhang was trying to relieve her embarrassment. Thinking of this, she glared hatefully at Tan Xier's little friend who was chatting hiahiahia with Xiaobai.

Regardless of her bad ideas, she always likes to undermine her sister.

Zhang Tan led the way, followed by a group of women. Their voices could be heard in his ears. Xi'er cried and begged Tan Jin'er because her candy was cruelly confiscated by her sister.

The candy was given to her secretly by Xiaobai just now. She was secretly happy, but before she could warm it up, her sister discovered it and took it away.

It was only her fault that she laughed out loud.

The further we go, the lonelier we get. This is already deep in Huangjia Village. The houses are collapsed and abandoned. Many of them are no longer inhabited. They are becoming more and more unbearable under the burden of time.

Among a row of abandoned and unoccupied old houses, there was one that was slightly improved. Xiaobai and Xi'er rushed over and stood on tiptoe to look at the room number at the door - a piece of blue paint peeling off the iron sheet, printed "No. 1098 Huangjia Village".

Xiaobai and Xi'er didn't know the word "Huangjiacun", but they knew the four numbers "1098" and happily shouted that this was Xiaonian's home.

As soon as they finished speaking, the closed iron door creaked and opened a crack, and a small head stuck out, holding a head of yellowish hair.

Make up for yesterday's. There will be another chapter later

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