Dad Academy

Chapter 1035 Bambi

Xiaobai and Xier finally followed into the crocodile pool.

Crocodiles are scary, but the scarier they are, the more curious they are about how strange people are.

Because they were protected by Zhang Tan and Tan Jin'er, the two little ones plucked up the courage to follow them. When they saw the group of crocodiles lying in the pool, they exclaimed, with expressions on their faces that were nervous, scared, and unbearably excited.

Some crocodiles dive into the water with only two eyes exposed, some lie on the ground basking in the sun, and some open their mouths and remain motionless. It's scary!

Xi'er hugged Tan Jin'er's thigh tightly, not daring to relax for a moment, and repeatedly told Xiao Bai not to bully her.

Xiwawa already had a psychological shadow of Xiaobai cheating on her at critical moments, and she usually didn't care, but once it came to a critical moment like this, she became particularly worried and had to warn her again and again. If Xiaobai yells "Hi baby, run away!" at this time, she might cry out of fear. This is no joke. She will really cry. Look at the big crocodile in the pool. It's so fierce and wrinkled. , so scary, her heart trembled just by looking at it.

Xiaobai was speechless, she thought she was a good doll, why did Xiwawa say that to her, hum!

It can be seen that Xi'er is really scared, but no matter how scared she is, she can't stop her curiosity about crocodiles. She stretched out half of her head from behind Tan Jin'er, looked into the pool, and marveled in a low voice, but did not dare to speak loudly for fear of The bullies were alerted.

At this time, a keeper was about to enter the crocodile pool for a performance. The onlookers screamed, especially the children, who were all very nervous. They stood outside the half-person-high wall and shouted, asking the keeper not to go in, because they would Among those who were eaten were Xiaobai and Xi'er, both of whom were nervous and heartbroken.

But the keepers still went in, a group of four, to start the show.

What to perform? First, the crocodile was fed. The crocodile opened its bloody mouth. The keeper threw some meat pieces in, and blood flowed. This time, not only Xi'er was scared, but Xiaobai was also scared. He shrank to Zhang Tan's feet and hugged his thigh.

After feeding for a while, the keeper started to get closer and closer to the crocodile, and finally reached out to touch the crocodile's head. There were screams and exclamations outside the crocodile pool, and some people applauded, but Xiaobai and Xi'er did not applaud and kept talking. It's dangerous, so don't do it. Zhang Tan thinks they are right. Although this is just a performance and the keepers are very aware of the dangers and the risk has been reduced a lot, he still feels that this kind of performance is unnecessary and is risking the lives of the staff to attract the audience. He There is nothing you can do about it, there is no law prohibiting it, but you can at least discourage it.

After touching the crocodile's head, the keeper will go one step further and put his hand into the crocodile's wide open mouth.

Xiaobai and Xi'er were so scared that they covered their eyes. Even Tan Jin'er didn't dare to look at them. They were breathing quickly and felt a little uncomfortable.

According to the staff, there will be something more exciting later, where the keeper will stick his head into the crocodile's mouth.

Zhang Tan saw this and said, "How about we go and stop watching."

Tan Jin'er nodded immediately: "Let's go to the Aquarium."

Xiaobai and Xi'er were even more okay and followed them away. After leaving the crocodile pool, Xiaobai stopped and asked Zhang Tan if those people just now were in danger.

Of course Zhang Tan said there would be no danger, but Xiaobai was worried. After much hesitation, he asked the old man to go back and take a look and tell them the result.

What a kind little girl, Zhang Tan asked them to wait for him outside. He went into the crocodile pool again alone and came out after watching the whole show, bringing them good news. The keepers were all safe and uninjured.

Xiaobai and Xi'er breathed a deep sigh of relief and continued to wander around the zoo. This zoo was so big that it was known as the largest zoo in East China, covering an area of ​​nearly 5,000 acres.

Zhang Tan saw a shared bicycle on the side of the road. He was too tired to walk, so he suggested riding a bicycle and rented a double-row four-seater bicycle. He and Tan Jin'er rode in the front, while Xiaobai and Xi'er sat in the back. With shade.

"Sit down, take a rest and drink some water." Zhang Tan asked Xiaobai and Xi'er to climb into the back row, "Do you want me to help you?"

"No~hiahia, I can."

Xi'er gasped for air and climbed onto the bicycle using both hands and feet. She was frozen there, unable to get up and refused to get off. Xiaobai quickly lifted her butt to give her a helping hand. After Xi'er climbed up, she did not forget the well digger. She turned around and helped Xiao Bai take away the bird cage, and then reached out to pull Xiao Bai.

"Are you tired from cycling? Can you drink some water?" Xi'er seemed to be sitting still, while her godfather and sister were very embarrassed about cycling. They asked with concern and handed them their water bottles. .

Xiaobai applied for her to ride the bike, and asked Tan Jiner to come back and ride on it. She boasted that this was her strength. Emmmmm~~ It was not necessarily bragging. Although she was young, she used to sell pancakes and fruits at a stall with Malanhua. Then At that time, I was riding a similar bicycle with a drag bucket on the back. Xiaobai often followed it in the wind and rain.

But Tan Jin'er didn't allow it, and asked her to sit down with Xi'er, and then rode with Zhang Tan. With bicycles, walking was much faster and more comfortable. There was a lake in the zoo. They rode along the lake. There was a gentle breeze on the lake, sparkling waves, cool breeze blowing on their faces, and water birds paddling across the lake...

They enjoy the scenery while riding, stop when they encounter a park they want to see, go in to play, and continue riding after coming out. Unconsciously, the time reached half past ten. Tan Jin'er reminded the children to eat some snacks to cushion their stomachs, so the group stopped at the edge of a forest. There was a pavilion in the woods. They came to the pavilion and sat down. Tan Jin'er took out the snacks. , which she made last night.

"Wow, it smells so good~~~" Xiao Bai sniffed wildly and drooled looking at the snacks on the stone table.

There are two main snacks, one is soy milk box cake and the other is peanut butter dorayaki, both made by Tan Jiner himself.

In addition to snacks, there are also bear drinks and mineral water.

The cool breeze in the forest was very refreshing, and suddenly there were footsteps deep in the jungle, and two small sika deers walked out!

The sika deer spotted them, stopped vigilantly, and looked at them from a distance with curious eyes.

"It's Bambi!" Xiaobai shouted in surprise, "Bambi, do you want to eat scallion pancakes??"

After saying that, he raised the peanut butter dorayaki and offered it to the sika deer.

Tan Jin'er looked at it again and again. This was clearly the peanut butter dorayaki she made. Why did it become a scallion pancake? !

Xi'er also shouted happily: "Bambi, Bambi, I am Fei Lin~~hiahiahia, come here~"

If Tan Jin'er remembers correctly, Fei Lin should be Bambi's partner. This story was told by Boss Zhang. She heard Xi'er tell it several times. Xiao Xi'er liked this story so much that he told it to her when she went to bed at night. Pass.

The two deer watched warily for a while, then turned back and disappeared into the bushes. Xiaobai and Xi'er let out a disappointed sigh.

Suddenly, a little deer came back and came out again. It walked forward and gradually approached them. It sniffed curiously with its nose and came up to Xiaobai. When he took a bite, the peanut butter dorayaki seemed to taste... Yes, he will stay with her.

Xi'er circled around the little deer and shouted that she was Fei Lin. Don't you recognize her?

Looks so silly.

The deer didn't even look at her. She quickly ran to the pavilion and snatched the last piece of soy milk box cake from her sister. Hiahia laughed and rushed towards the deer, shouting that she was Fei Lin...

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