Dad Academy

Chapter 1029 It’s raining

It rained continuously for three days in Pujiang River, with lightning and thunder.

The summer rain is majestic and thunderous, especially at night, when lightning pierces the night. Adults will be frightened by thunder and lightning, let alone children.

In the past three days, the children in Xiaohongmali were all very well-behaved. They hid in the classroom and did not dare to go out. They watched TV, read picture books, listened to stories, or played games and drew...

The yard was deserted, the rain had washed it over and over again, and the sand pit was full of water. The colorful plastic buckets, small shovels and hoes left by the children in the sand pit were floating on the water.

The sleepy grove has become a terrifying existence, and the pomegranates that I always like to bring in are no longer dared to go in. Those who are bolder can just lie by the window and look out, quietly observing the thunderous night. , was so frightened that as soon as he saw lightning flashing on the horizon, and before the thunder could sound, he ran away in a hurry, far away from the doors and windows. After the thunder and lightning passed, she lay next to the window and looked out again. She couldn't sit still and always wanted to be naughty.

Several little ones, such as Shi Baobao, Xiao Zhengzheng, Xiaonian and Xiao Youyou, did not dare to go out or look at the lightning outside. When there was thunder, Shi Baobao would cover Xiao Zhengzheng. ears, comforting her not to be afraid.

At this time, Liuliu will scare the children and ask them to call her sister. If not, they will take them to the window to watch the lightning, hahahaha~~~

Shen Limin came to pick her up at night, and there was lightning and thunder, which scared her so much that she didn't dare to go out. She lied and said she wanted to live with Xiaobai, because Xiaobai would be scared at night.

Xiaobai didn't give any face, saying that she wouldn't be afraid, she was Lightning's good friend.

Liliu: "..."

Liuliu screamed and was taken away by her father, scared to death.

Xiaobai and Dudu stood at the door and waved goodbye to her, encouraging her to be brave.

Not long after, Dudu's father also came to pick her up. Dudu was very brave. Although he was also afraid of lightning and thunder, he still bravely took his father's hand and left, and told the little red horse children to pay attention to safety. Don't be afraid, lightning is their good friend.

Zhang Tan left Xi'er to stay at home, but Xi'er missed her sister and said that her sister would be afraid of thunder, so she insisted on going back.

It was late at night, and the children were leaving one after another. The remaining few had already slept in the dormitory, and Teacher Xiaoman and Teacher Xiaoyuan were taking care of them.

Xiaobai and Zhang Tan returned home, and Zhang Tan asked Xiaobai if he wanted to sleep with her at night.

There was a dull thunder outside. Xiaobai shook her head and said she was not afraid.

Zhang Tan thought she was really not afraid, so he let her go back to his room. He also returned to the room. As soon as he lay down, there was a thunder outside the window. Lightning cut through the night and illuminated the room. After the thunder, there was a sound in the next room. With a scream, Zhang Tan quickly got out of bed and ran out barefoot. In the living room, he met a little friend wrapped in a towel and quilt who ran over in a panic and threw herself into his arms, her little body trembling.

It's Xiaobai.

"My soul is scared to death~~~"

She was frightened by this thunder.

There is no child who is not afraid of thunder.

Zhang Tan took the opportunity to invite Xiaobai to sleep with him, and Xiaobai readily agreed.

Zhang Tan immediately took her into the room and warmly invited her to bed. Xiaobai was not in a hurry. He walked around the bed in his pajamas and asked curiously, why was his bed so much bigger than hers? ?

Xiaobai gestured with his little hand and said it was too big.

Zhang Tan: "Because I sleep with two people."

Xiaobai thought she was the first person he was talking about, so he smiled secretly, climbed onto the bed, rolled over, sighed comfortably, and lay down, "I'm going to sleep~~"

"Okay, okay~" Zhang Tan lay down and wanted to turn off the light, but Xiaobai refused and wanted to turn it on.

Just leave it open. Zhang Tan lay down and reached out to hug Xiaobai. Xiaobai reacted violently and pushed his hand away, "Where are you staying???"

"..." Zhang Tan was stunned for a moment and said, "Just give me a hug."

"Crawl away, don't touch me..." After Xiaobai finished speaking, he lay on his side with his back to him.

It's so cruel, Zhang Tan said to himself, if he doesn't get hit, he won't get hit! Wait for the thunder to see if you will take the initiative to send it to your arms.

Thunder was rolling outside the window, raindrops were falling densely, the wind was howling in the woods, and another thunder exploded. Xiaobai turned over, rolled twice, and rolled to Zhang Tan's side. He took the initiative to come to the door. Zhang Tan took the opportunity to open his hand, He held her in his arms.

If one thunder is not enough, then two thunders can always thunder into the arms of the stubborn children.

After hugging him, he would never let go. Zhang Tan made up his mind. He felt that the child was small, his body was weak and soft, and he was much smaller than he thought.

He quietly opened his eyes and looked around, only to see Xiaobai's eyes closed, his eyelashes moving, pretending to be asleep.

A night of silence. The next day, the rain had stopped, the air outside the house was fresh, with the smell of earth floating around, and the trees were green. The cicada, which had been quiet for several days, couldn't wait to show off its singing voice. A red sun is rising slowly.

Xiaobai got up early and was running in the yard behind Zhang Tan.

After running for two laps, she gradually fell behind. She stopped under a mulberry tree and looked up to look for the cicadas that were chirping. As a result, she saw a big tit taking away the cicadas hidden in the leaves. The cicadas were chirping. The sound spread far away and gradually disappeared into the horizon.

This scene made Xiaobai stunned for a moment. He pointed to the horizon and said to Zhang Tan: "It's over, it's over, Boss Zhang, it's time to finish the hammer~~~"

Zhang Tan didn't know what she wanted to say, so Xiaobai muttered a few words and waited for him to run away. He continued to stare at the horizon where the cicadas disappeared for a long time. He didn't wait until the big tit came back with the cicadas in its mouth.


There was originally a sound of cicadas in the woods, but now there is no fire. There is no sound of cicadas, only the sound of wind.

Suddenly there was a banging sound above his head. Xiaobai looked up and saw, what a guy! The great tits are back! ! !

Xiaobai stared at the big tit, and the big tit stared at her condescendingly. Suddenly, Xiaobai got excited and ran away quickly, because she suspected that the big tit wanted to take her away.

She saw the water and the floating buckets floating in the sandpit, and hurriedly cleaned them up. This is her favorite game with her little girlfriends.

She picked up the small bucket and small shovel and placed them one by one on the dry ground, letting the sun dry them before putting them away. She immediately raised her head and glanced at the small woods not far away. Although she could not see the great tits, But she felt that the big tits must be staring at her secretly, so she quickly took a small shovel in her hand for defense.

She glanced at Zhang Tan who was running away, thought for a moment, threw a small bucket and shovel back into the sandpit, then took off her shoes, rolled up her pants, went down to the sandpit, and pretended to fish there. Things are actually playing with water.

Zhang Tan ran up to her, and she was immediately out of breath. She looked very busy. Is it easy for a child to get up early in the morning and work here? She is the leader of a group of besties who just wants to have fun and not work.

Zhang Tan stared at her, said nothing, and ran over. She immediately walked around in the puddle, stirring up the water.

When Zhang Tan ran here again, he said, "Okay, stop playing, come up, let's have breakfast."

"I'm working~~~" Xiaobai said loudly, feeling extremely confident.

"Okay, okay, thank you for your hard work, but don't do it yet, let's go eat."

Xiaobai was now relatively satisfied, nodded, and went ashore. Zhang Tan picked up her little shoes and took the lead to lead her home, saying, "After breakfast, call Xi'er and let's go to the zoo."

The little white eyebrows were dancing, and he nodded quickly and said yes, then frowned and asked: "But there is a big lion in the zoo. Will the big lion eat Xibaby and me?"

Zhang Tan said: "Don't worry, the big lion is in the cage and won't come out. He can't eat you."

Xiaobai ran two steps to catch up with him, raised his little head and said worriedly: "But the big lion can stick out its head, open its big mouth, and eat me and Xiwawa with a roar."

What kind of imagination does this silly kid have? Zhang sighed heartily.

"Then we don't have to go."

"Go ahead, I'll bring my little water gun and let Xiba put on my Buzz Lightyear. Then we won't be afraid of the big lion sticking out its head."

"...Oh, I see, then you and Xi'er have to protect me. I have nothing but you two."

PS: It’s the last day, please vote for me.

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