Dad Academy

Chapter 1009 Xi'er is choked by fate

Xiaobai fell asleep on the sofa, with a corner of the towel covering his belly, the TV was on, and the windmill car was chasing the fake sophistication. It was very lively, but the little man was quiet.

Zhang Tan looked at the child carefully, and felt a sense of peace and happiness in his heart. This little guy looked very similar to him, getting more and more like him. He would definitely be a beautiful woman in the future.

He carefully carried Xiaobai to the bedroom, placed her gently on the bed, covered her with a towel, stood up and went to the window, closing the window, leaving only a gap to let in the fresh air from outside.

The floor lamp in the corner was on, casting warm light. Zhang Tan came back quickly after going out and wiped Xiaobai's face with a wet towel. Xiaobai must be tired tonight, his face is red.

After doing this, Zhang Tan went out and closed the door gently.

"Eh? Xi'er, Liuliu~ Why are you here?"

As soon as Zhang Tan went out, he saw two children standing at the entrance, peeking in. Maybe they didn't see anyone, so they hesitated to come in.

"We're playing with Xiaobai~" Xi'er said. She stood in the entrance hall and didn't move. It's nine o'clock in the evening, and it's not yet time for the children to go to bed. Xiaobai went to bed early tonight.

Zhang Tan waved them in and said that Xiaobai had fallen asleep.

"O, let's go then~" Xi'er turned around and was about to leave. Zhang Tan stayed with them, saying that they should watch TV here and have a drink with the bear.

Liuliu couldn't walk in an instant and persuaded Xi'er to stay. The two of them were invited to sit on the sofa, eagerly watching TV while waiting for the super delicious Little Bear drink. They monitored Boss Zhang going to the restaurant, opening the refrigerator, taking out two bottles of Little Bear, and handing them to them.

Liuliu even saw more bears in the refrigerator, rows and rows, good guys! ! She instantly felt that Xiaobai was so happy. She envied Xiaobai so much and wanted to be Xiaobai.

Zhang Tan also sat on the sofa and said to them: "I will take Xiaobai to play on the sea the day after tomorrow. Do you want to go?"

"At sea?" Xi'er spit out the straw and asked curiously, "Will you die?"

"..." Zhang Tan explained, "No, it's very safe. There is a boat."

Xi'er thought about it and said, "It's so dangerous, we'd better not go."

Zhang Tan: "There really won't be any danger. It's such a big boat."

Liuliu said: "I'm so scared~"

Zhang Tan: "Don't be afraid, it's very safe."

Liuliu: "I'm so scared of ducks. I'm scared of ducks. I haven't grown up yet. I'll grow up quickly~~"

Xi'er said that she was also scared, and the two immediately hugged each other and cried.

Zhang Tan: "..."

So Liuliu said again, saying that she was reluctantly willing to go, but only if Boss Zhang invited her. How to invite her? Use a case of Bear drinks.

Zhang Tan: "..."

Liuliu added that it was very dangerous. She could bring a medical kit to help other little friends. A box of bear drinks was not expensive.

Zhang Tan looked at this overly clever little friend and said, "Does it hurt your feelings to talk about bear drinks among friends? If you consider Boss Zhang as your good friend, you can go for free, okay?"

Liliu was immediately confused. She said that she was very busy.

Zhang Tan: "Then go ahead and get busy. I'll call you next time."

"I'd better go, we are good friends." Liuliu said immediately.

It would be enough to say no earlier, it would be a waste of time.

Suddenly there was a rustling sound at the door, but no one was there. Zhang Tan stood up and went over to take a look. He saw a timid little girl poking her head at the door. When she saw him appearing, she turned her little head with a swish. Shrank back.

"Which kid is it?" Zhang Tan went over to check, but he didn't see clearly who it was just now.

However, when he reached the door and looked out, the person was gone, and a series of footsteps came from the corridor.

Zhang Tan is funny. He is definitely not Xiaobai's best friend group. The best friend group won't be so timid anymore, so it can only be a new kid.

He told the empty corridor to walk slowly and stop falling. Then he went back to the house and closed the door. Suddenly he saw a pack of snacks placed outside the door. He picked it up and saw that it was a pack of ginger chips. The snacks were small, not enough for him to eat.

He was sure that he didn't throw it away, but put it here against the wall on purpose.

"Who is it?" Xi'er followed.

Zhang Tan: “I don’t know who it is, but it ran away.”

Xi'er: "Godfather, did you scare people away? You have to smile, hiahiahia like this."

Zhang Tan gave her a grin, "Is that so?"

Xi'er nodded and said to smile more happily, like her, hiahiahia~~

While the two were talking, Liuliu took a thief eye at the bear drink that Xier casually placed on the coffee table. She had some ideas... But she also had her own worries. Will Boss Zhang beat her to pieces? Xi'er is Boss Zhang's goddaughter, and she is Boss Zhang's family doctor. Which one is closer to her? She hasn't figured it out yet.

Zhang Tan booked a yacht that could carry a dozen people, made appointments with everyone, and set off on a sunny morning.

He took Xiaobai and Xi'er to set off from the little red horse. Xi'er kept nagging, saying that she didn't want to go if her sister didn't come. She couldn't leave her sister behind. That would be unfaithful.

Xiaobai comforted her and encouraged her, saying that your sister told you to follow me.

"I am your sister~."

Xi'er turned her head and looked at Xiaobai, "I'm already 9 years old. Xiaobai, you are not older than me."

Xiaobai is too lazy to argue with her because she knows that Xi'er is a fool who never remembers his age and lives in a dream.

She directly compared her head with Xi'er, and was half taller than Xi'er.

Identification is completed! It's my sister!

"I will protect you, don't be afraid." Xiaobai comforted.

Xi'er immediately felt that this sentence sounded very familiar, as she had heard it many times, especially when she was at Dunzi's house. But she couldn't remember it. Only a few scenes flashed through her mind, such as chasing a big cock, chasing a big pig, chasing a dick...

She was held by Xiaobai's hand and walked a few steps. After thinking for a while, for the sake of safety, she quietly broke away from Xiaobai's hand, approached her godfather, and grabbed her godfather's pants. She felt a sense of security.

Xiaobai waved her over: "Come here."

Xi'er shook her head: "I don't~"

Xiaobai wondered: "Why?"

Xi'er: "hiahiahia, I don't want to die~ I will drown in the sea!"

Xiaobai: "You won't die."

Xi'er: "I will die, I can't swim, I want a little yellow duck~ Godfather, I want a little yellow duck."

In order not to be tricked by Xiaobai, Xi'er kept nagging about how she wanted to trap the little yellow duck, and she had to do it now without delaying even a minute.

Zhang Tan was helpless. There happened to be a little yellow duck in the car. He blew it full of air and put it on Xi'er's waist.

"Are you going to get in the car?" Xiaobai laughed.

"I'm so awesome, I'm getting in the car like this~"

Xi'er put herself in the little yellow duck and climbed into the car, but she couldn't squeeze in. The little yellow duck always hit the car door and was bounced back.

Xiaobai held her buttocks and pushed her in. With an ouch, Xi'er fell down between the two rows of seats. She was stuck there. She was pulled into the little yellow duck again, and her little feet kicked around. Flapping and fluttering, unable to move.

Xiaobai got in the car from the other door and watched her laughing. The old man sat comfortably on the chair and looked at her and said with a smile: "Come on, Xiwawa, you can do it! You are already 9 years old."


Xi'er kicked her legs and fluttered, like a chicken with wings tied ~ its throat was strangled by fate.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai~~~"

Sorry, it's daytime, I'll type another chapter.

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