Dad Academy

Chapter 103 Treat Xiaobai to something

Xiaobai is so enthusiastic.

Facing the steamed buns and eggs she handed over, Zhang Tan took them in his hands without even thinking.

He was worried that his hesitation would hurt the children's enthusiasm and self-esteem.

The buns and eggs are already cold!

Xiaobai said that her uncle and aunt would not come back at noon, so it is not difficult to guess that these foods were prepared in the morning.

Make a larger portion of breakfast and eat it as lunch.

"Are you full?" Zhang Tan asked Xiaobai.

"Eat, delicious, hee hee."

Xiaobai put on his big sunglasses again, grabbed the bun in his hand, stuffed it up his nose, muttered something about shoveling, found his little mouth, and took a big bite.

"Boss Zhang, you eat too," she said.

Zhang Tan smiled and said, "How can you eat while wearing sunglasses? You can't see clearly. Take them off."

Xiaobai took off his sunglasses with a smile and quickly glanced at the buns and eggs in Zhang Tan's hand. While chewing, he looked at Zhang Tan and giggled. His eyes glanced at his hand from time to time, pretending not to care and urging him to eat quickly.

That expression was one of apprehension and anticipation.

Although he was very full, Zhang Tan still took a big bite, biting off half of it in one bite, and praised exaggeratedly: "The buns are very delicious. They are made of meat. Did you make them?"

In fact, I can't taste anything at all. The buns are delicious when they are hot. They lose their flavor when they are cold.


Upon hearing the compliment, Xiaobai immediately beamed, showing a big smile, and his belly bulged up, as if it was not Baozi who was being praised, but her.

"Is this mesh door locked?" Zhang Tan asked.

Xiaobai nodded and said that the door was locked by her aunt and she couldn't open it. If she could open it, she would have run out to play. As she said that, she kicked the mesh door bitterly, making a crashing sound. .

Zhang Tan thought to himself, it seems that your aunt had the foresight to know that you would run around, so she locked the net door.

The corridor was facing the sun, and the scorching sun shone on his body. He soon started to sweat, and so did Xiaobai, with a dense layer of sweat beads appearing on his forehead. There was an electric fan in her house blowing on the sofa.

"You go blow the electric fan first, and I'll buy something. Wait for me." Zhang Tan said, getting up to leave.

Xiaobai grabbed the net door and shook it, causing the net door to rattle, and yelled: "You took one look at me and wanted to get out of here?"

"I'll be back soon. I just went to buy some things. Don't worry." Zhang Tan said.

Xiaobai chuckled, saying that he was just teasing him, and waved goodbye to him: "Bye~~~uncle."

"I'll be back soon."

"Uncle, go to work."

"I'm off today, just wait for me."

He hurried downstairs, walked through the narrow alley, and found a grocery store at the entrance of the alley.

"Is there any bear drink?"

"It's in the refrigerator, take it yourself."

Zhang Tan opened the refrigerator and took three cans of Bear drinks with different flavors, including peach, grape, and mango, and put them in a handbag. He then went to the freezer to get an ice cream, and bought a pack of egg yolk pie and a pack of pork. After that, I checked out and went out. I went to the fruit shop and bought oranges, bananas, grapes... and then went to the small shop where I ate before.

In the small shop, the old aunt and her family were sitting around eating together. Besides her, there were two adults, a man and a woman, and a little boy about five or six years old.

Zhang Tan was stunned for a moment when he saw this, and immediately wanted to withdraw.

"It's you, Zhang Tan, what's wrong?" the old aunt asked.

"It's okay, it's okay. You can eat. I'll leave first."

"There must be something, tell me." She stood up and asked.

Zhang Tan originally wanted to ask her to make another eight-treasure chili sauce, but when he saw that she and her family were eating, he wanted to leave so as not to disturb others.

"Hey, I've just finished eating. Come in and sit down, and I'll cook it for you."

She turned around and entered the kitchen. Zhang Tan smiled apologetically at the family who were eating.

The young man who looked like her son smiled and said: "Sit down and wait. It will be ready soon. My mother's Babao hot sauce is excellent."

A voice came from the kitchen: "Don't be so exaggerated, you just like to eat."

"Ask Longlong if the Babao chili sauce made by grandma is delicious."

The little boy who was eating said loudly: "I like to eat grandma's cooking the most, all the dishes."

Her grandma smiled and said, "I have never seen such praise in front of guests."

Zhang Tan said: "It is indeed delicious, otherwise I would not come back to pack it."

This happy family is in sharp contrast to Xiaobai who is alone at home.

Zhang Tan missed Xiaobai even more.

The food was ready and packed, along with a box of lunch. Zhang Tan paid for it and carried it out.

He raised his hand and looked at his watch. It had been more than twenty minutes since he came out of Xiaobai. He wondered how Xiaobai was doing and whether he thought he had slipped away quietly.

Zhang Tan trotted all the way through the narrow alley, scaring away the black cat hiding in the alley again.

I ran up to the third floor and walked to the net door. The iron door inside was not closed, so I could see the scene in the room.

But Xiaobai was not seen.

"Xiaobai~~" Zhang Tan shouted inside.

The electric fan was still blowing, but no one was seen.

After a while, Xiaobai still didn't show up. Zhang Tan shouted again: "Xiaobai, it's me, Zhang Tan is here."

There was finally a sound inside, first the sound of the door opening, and then a series of small footsteps. Xiaobai ran out with bare feet. From a distance, he saw Zhang Tan standing outside the door and coming back again. He jumped over happily, happily Said: "Uncle, I thought you were gone, but your claws are here again?"

Zhang Tan wiped the sweat from his forehead and put the two large bags of things he bought on the ground.

"I went to buy some things. Let's take a look. There are bears you like to drink, and there are many more."

"Ha~ did you buy it for Xiaobai?"

Xiaobai looked down at the two big bags on the ground and was extremely surprised.

"Why don't you buy it for me? I'm not your doll."

Emmmm~~This makes it a little difficult for me to answer. Can I say that I think you are cute?

Zhang Tan didn't say that, because he was worried that like last time, he said he liked her a little, only to be chased and scolded by her, and she almost wanted to have a fight with him.

"I ate your steamed buns." Zhang Tan said. Seeing Xiaobai's expression as if you were cheating a three-year-old child, he continued, "I also want to thank you."

"Huh?" Xiaobai said in surprise, what did she do to thank her?

"There are so many people thanking me. What do you thank me for?"

You are so awesome. Are the people who thank you like the children who tell you stories? They have to queue up?

"Didn't I give you a task last time? I asked you to take care of Xiaomi. You have done a good job during this period. Xiaomi has stopped crying and is not so sad. The principal's aunt and Teacher Xiaoliu said, thank you for enlightening me. She, you are great..."

I said a lot of words to praise Xiaobai. I didn’t plan to say so much. On the one hand, it’s just a matter of meaning. It’s relatively easy to deceive a 4-year-old child and it’s not that complicated. On the other hand, it’s so much to make up. Excuses are so difficult.

However, Xiaobai Tongxiao's face lit up when she listened to it. It was more exciting than listening to "Windmill Che A Foer". Whenever Zhang Tan stopped, she looked at him expectantly, without saying a word, and encouraged him to continue talking with her eyes. Don't stop, so Zhang Tan could only continue.

"Goose goose haha~~~~"

Xiaobai put his hands on his hips and laughed for a while, moved a small stool, sat at the door, and asked curiously: "What's the matter?"

Zhang Tan breathed a sigh of relief, which means he finally convinced the kid.

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