Dad Academy

Chapter 1001 Thousand Chapters of Great Joy (1/2)

Chapter 1001 Thousand Chapters of Great Joy (12)

Everyone always thinks that Liliu is a little bad guy who always plays tricks on children. Xiao Zheng and Xiaonian Baobao must have nodded crazily when they heard this.

The last time Wang Xiaoyu came to Little Red Horse, he thought Liuliu was a little bad guy after he returned. He was so bad!

But this time when he visited Little Red Horse again, he felt that Liuliu was a good boy and very enthusiastic.

This is an illusion!

She is passionate, but also bad.

When she heard Xiaobai say that Wang Xiaoyu had wet the bed, she immediately laughed on the other end of the phone, so loud that it shook the world. Wang Xiaoyu's face turned red with embarrassment, like a monkey's butt.

He screamed and wanted to cry. People kept asking him questions on the phone, asking him if he really wet the bed, hahahaha~~~

Wang Xiaoyu felt ashamed and never wanted to see Xiaobai and Liuliu again.

"Xiao Bai!" Zhang Tan shouted while driving.

Xiaobai quickly hung up the phone, and Luoliu's crazy laughter finally disappeared.

"I'm not laughing, it's Luoliu who is laughing." Xiaobai quickly clarified to Zhang Tan.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~” Wang Xiaoyu cried sadly.

Xi'er took pity on him, comforted him not to cry, and gave him a bottle of bear drink.

Whenever you are unhappy, drinking Little Bear can make you feel happy.

Wang Xiaoyu said thank you, took the bear drink, and was about to insert the straw when he suddenly saw Xiao Bai staring directly at him and the bear drink in his hand. He immediately understood something and let out a sad cry. Yelled, and returned the bear drink to Xi'er.

Zhang Tan raised his head and looked in the rearview mirror. Xiaobai immediately distanced himself from the relationship and said, "I have nothing to do with him. I have nothing to do with him."

When Xi'er saw this, she was worried that her godfather would blame her, so she quickly distanced herself from the relationship and said it had nothing to do with her. She didn't say anything.

Wang Xiaoyu said with a sad face: "It's me, it's me~~~~oooooooo~~~~"

Zhang Tan could only reassure him that he wanted to be more open-minded and not think of bed-wetting even if he drank some drinks. How could he be more promising?

Wang Xiaoyu: "Uncle, have you ever wet the bed?"

Zhang Tan: "...Crawl away!"

Wang Xiaoyu: “Ah~~~~~”

Accompanied by Wang Xiaoyu's cry of collapse, the car finally arrived at the door of Qin Huifang's house. Xiaobai looked out the car window, took off Xi'er's little hand that was covering her ears, and said it.

Xi'er had a headache when Wang Xiaoyu shouted and kept covering her ears.

"I'm sorry, Xi'er." Wang Xiaoyu apologized to Xi'er for disturbing her.

"hiahia, it's okay, don't be sad, I won't say anything about you wetting the bed."

Xi'er patted her chest in assurance, and immediately saw an aunt standing not far away looking at her with a smile on her face, full of love.

Before she understood who it was, she saw Xiaobai running up to her, pointing at her and saying, "Grandma, Xiaobai brought the Xibao for you. Is the little duck at home?"

Without waiting for a reply, he ran to the yard to take care of the little duck, leaving Xi'er alone to face Qin Huifang.

Xi'er shrank back, holding Zhang Tan's pants with her little hands, and shouted weakly, like a kitten: "Godfather~"

Zhang Tan encouraged, "That's Grandma. Didn't you say you wanted to sing a song to Grandma when you saw her?"

Xi'er nervously said that she had forgotten what song to sing.

Wang Xiaoyu said, I am rich.

Xi'er: "That's not true~"

Qin Huifang smiled lovingly and came over to hold Xi'er's little hand, and said pitifully that it didn't matter if she couldn't remember. We should sit in the room first and let's think about it slowly.

Xi'er followed suit, looked back at Zhang Tan, and was led into the house. Xiaobai was chasing ducks in the house. Xi'er felt much calmer when she saw her.

Behind him, Wang Xiaoyu was carrying a schoolbag and a big watermelon, and shouted in disappointment: "Grandma~~~"

But grandma didn't hear it and left with Xi'er.

Wang Xiaoyu looked at Zhang Tan, who said, "Take the watermelon into the house. It's time to show off your manhood."

After saying that, he left, leaving Wang Xiaoyu panting to follow, "I am a man, I want to be strong~I don't wet the bed~~"

He carried the watermelon into the yard, and a group of little ducks ran under his feet. He tiptoed, avoiding the ducklings, and entered the living room. He put the big watermelon on the coffee table. He was about to tell his grandma proudly when he saw Xi'er pointing at the big watermelon and saying : "Grandma, Xiaobai and I bought you something to eat."

"Really?" Qin Huifang was very surprised that the little man was so polite and even brought a gift.

Okay, Big Watermelon has nothing to do with Wang Xiaoyu.

Qin Huifang really likes Xi'er. This little baby is sensible and polite. The most important thing is that she is so cute and small, even smaller than Xiaobai.

She took out various snacks for Xi'er, and Xi'er picked them here and there, keeping her eyes on the candies. She wanted to get them but was afraid of being discovered by Xiaobai.

Qin Huifang found out and asked, "What do you want to eat? Candy? Take it."

Seeing that Xiaobai didn't pay attention, Xi'er quickly pointed at the candy.

Qin Huifang handed it to Xi'er, who was very excited.

Qin Huifang said: "But don't eat too much, or your teeth will get cavities."

Xi'er nodded repeatedly, peeled off the sugar coating happily, and quickly stuffed it into her mouth, swallowing it first before talking.

Qin Huifang has been chatting with Xi'er and asking questions. Xi'er, this kid, tells her everything and told her all about her family background.

Qin Huifang was heartbroken and felt that they had suffered a lot. She especially told Zhang Tan to bring Xi'er's sister for a meal next time.

Zhang Tan agreed verbally, but thought in his heart that Tan Jin'er would probably not come. Xi'er's coming as a guest was justifiable, but if she came, it would be unfair.

Suddenly there was a popping sound in the yard, and a child screamed. Zhang Tan and others went out and saw that Wang Xiaoyu had become a drowned rat. He had just crawled out of the small pond and was dripping from head to toe.

"I, I accidentally fell into the pool." Wang Xiaoyu said bitterly. He didn't know why he was so unlucky. Xiaobai played by the pool for a long time without falling in. As soon as he got close, something happened under his feet. It slipped and fell in, scaring the ducklings away.

Xiaobai stood aside and quickly waved his hand to clear the relationship, saying that she had nothing to do with it, she didn't do anything, she was just a good girl.

"Oh, come and change clothes." Qin Huifang took Wang Xiaoyu back to the room to change clothes, but first she had to take a shower.

Xiaobai blurted out and asked Wang Xiaoyu if he still had clothes.

Wang Xiaoyu was so frightened that his heart stopped, and he ran back to the house quickly. He didn't want to talk to Xiaobai. He was worried that if he talked to Xiaobai again, Xiaobai would talk about bedwetting.

Xi'er was finally let go by Qin Huifang. She and Xiaobai squatted by the pool, watching the little ducks playing in the water with relish.

There were footsteps at the gate, it was Zhang Mingxue who was back.

She immediately saw Xiaobai and Xi'er squatting in the yard. She didn't know Xi'er, so she stared at her again and again and asked, "Xiao Bai, are you your friend?"

Xiaobai leaned into Xi'er's ear and muttered that this was Aunt Hei, and immediately introduced Xi'er to Zhang Mingxue.

"Oh, it turns out she is Zhang Tan's goddaughter." Zhang Mingxue touched Xi'er's little head, then pinched her cheek and said with a smile, "She looks so cute. Did she grow up as a child?" , how many children do you eat a day?”

Xi'er: ⊙﹏⊙∥

Qianzhang is very happy, please give me monthly tickets.

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