Dad Academy

Chapter 983 Robbery of the wedding baby (1/2)

Chapter 983 Robbery of the wedding baby (12)

Late at night, Xin Xiaoguang went to Zhang Tan to report on his work.

"Swordsman's Life and Death" has been serialized, "Mushishi" is about to be completed, and "Castle in the Sky" is in progress and is half-completed. Now we need to start new projects to ensure that the new and old projects are well connected.

During Zhang Tan's absence in Pujiang, everyone in the studio came up with a project plan after discussion. After reading it, Zhang Tan felt that it was feasible, but it still needed to be improved. Overall, he had three suggestions for revision.

"Let's have a meeting tomorrow morning and let's discuss it in detail." Zhang Tan said, "Besides, one project is not enough, at least two must be launched at the same time."

Xin Xiaoguang said a little embarrassedly: "You are right, everyone has proposed a lot of plans, but they are not mature and we ourselves have not agreed to pass them."

Zhang Tan: "I have."

Xin Xiaoguang: "...the boss is so arrogant."

Zhang Tan stood up, took a sip of water, and said, "It's okay. Let's stop here today. Does Liuliu have something to do with you? Liuliu? Is there anything wrong?"

Liuliu poked her head around the entrance, carrying a medical kit. When she heard Zhang Tan asking her, she immediately ran over and said she wanted to see Xin Xiaoguang.

"I'm not sick, I'm leaving!"

Xin Xiaoguang hurriedly retreated, while Liuliu chased him, anxiously shouting at him not to run away. The monk will die if he doesn't see a doctor when he is sick. He really will die~! You'll die faster if you run! ! !

The naughty Xin Xiaoguang made her anxious. She was really worried that he would die on the way.

However, Xin Xiaoguang was "unbearably stubborn" and faced the aura of bad luck that he was "dying" and left Little Red Horse in a hurry, without even having time to say hello and farewell to Teacher Xiao Yuan.

Liuliu sighed as she watched his retreating figure, and ran to tell Teacher Xiaoyuan that her fat boyfriend was in danger!

It's really heartbreaking.

Xiaobai and a group of children were playing in the yard, digging sand, and soon went shooting arrows. The children took turns to play with Dudu's bow and arrow, shooting at the trunk of the big mulberry tree to see who could hit it.

The members of the little girl group took turns, but none of them hit the target. Finally, it was Miss Zhao, the sharp archer, who took action. She bent her bow and set an arrow, held her chest high and stepped forward. Her posture was perfect. She was absolutely 100% accurate. However, the arrow she shot missed. , flew past the tree trunks, and disappeared into the dark woods.

She ran to pick up arrows in the grove, and Liuliu also ran in, claiming to be protecting Dudu, but after a while Dudu shouted angrily from inside.

"Don't pinch my face, don't~ don't~~~~ah~~wuwuwu~~~"

Dudu ran out angrily. Dudu held her little hands behind her back and walked slowly, pretending to be innocent, denying that she had pinched Dudu's face in the woods, but she and Dudu were the only ones in the woods. There are two people, it's impossible for Dudu to pinch himself.

Xiaobai checked Dudu's face, and it turned red!

Xiaomi understood this and immediately caught Liliu and asked her to come over and apologize to Dudu.

"It's not me who's the one who's a duck~~~~Good guy! Good guy!!! You can't afford to be a duck! You bullied the strong little pomegranate!" Pomegranate shouted, full of grievances, and was immediately knocked on the head with melon seeds, and he became honest in an instant He bowed his head and admitted his mistake, and was punished to pick up arrows for everyone.

Good guy, if this were at home, who would dare to force Liuliu to confess like this? Liuliu would definitely lie on the ground and act like a fool, but in front of her little girlfriends, she could only be honest.

Dudu shot an arrow, and Luoliu fell to the ground instantly, yelling, "Good arrow technique!" What a great arrow! She was shot and she was about to die. She lay on the ground twitching and kicking her legs, and one of her small sandals was kicked up into the air.

Everyone went over to check, especially Xi'er, who put her ear against Luliu's belly to listen for her heartbeat. She was really worried that Luliu would be shot to death.

Xiaobai took off the adsorbed arrow from the tree trunk, looked at the arrow, and looked at the pomegranate: "Guawazi! I didn't hit you! It hit the tree!"

Dudu also said: "\u0026%¥I shot into the tree, I didn't shoot Luoliu! You didn't die, Liuliu."

The pomegranate was a little confused. When I got up and took a look, it was a duck! Why is this arrow so uncooperative! It had never hit the tree trunk before, but it happened this time.

She quickly got up, put on her little shoes, patted her little clothes, said she was going to shoot, took the bow and arrow, and pointed the bow and arrow at everyone, so that everyone dispersed in a swarm.

"Hahahahahahaha~~I'm so awesome!"

The durian was so proud that he had an arrow in his hand, and he had the world. As a result, he loosened his grip and the arrow flew into the air, drawing a wonderful parabola and falling straight down. With a click, it landed on the ground. On the small coffee table where Lao Li made tea, it clung tightly to the tabletop, frightening Lao Li who was drinking tea. A cup of tea spilled out and wet his pants.

"Who? Who is it!!!"

Seeing him looking over angrily, everyone without hesitation pointed at Liliu who kept bending his bow and arrows with a smile on his face.


"Liuliu-it's you again! Come here!" Lao Li said angrily.

Liuliu shook his head and ran back to the classroom without looking back...

Zhang Tan heard Lao Li's roar on the balcony, and came out to take a look. He couldn't die, so he went back, turned on the computer in the study, sat at the desk, and started writing the script.

When he was in Sichuan, he had an idea and decided to write a script to put the story of "The Legend of White Snake" on the screen.

I wrote two scripts for this story, one is the adult version of "The Legend of White Snake" and the other is "Little Actor".

In fact, the contents of the two scripts are 90% similar, and they only need to be slightly adjusted according to the young actors.

This drama in the previous life was sold out when it was aired. It has been on air for 30 years and has been popular ever since. It can be said to be a phenomenal drama!

The overall structure of the story is similar to that of the Sichuan Opera "The Legend of White Snake", including classic scenes such as "Borrowing an Umbrella on a Lake Tour", "Water Flooding the Golden Mountain", "Broken Bridge"... It just needs to be more embodied to unfold the plot. Come.

He spent a whole night setting up the framework first, briefly describing the key events, and then refined it in the next few days.

It was getting late and the house was deserted. Xiaobai hadn't come back from playing yet, so Zhang Tan had to go downstairs and call her home to sleep.

As soon as I reached the stairs, I saw this little guy climbing up the stairs panting. When he saw him, he grinned and said proactively: "It's ten o'clock, Xiaobai needs to go to bed~~~"

Zhang Tan smiled and said: "You are very punctual about time."

Behind Xiaobai, there was also Xiwawa. When the two returned home, Zhang Tan helped them take a bath, but there were no Xi'er clothes. He found some clothes that Xiaobai had worn before and tried them on her. It was just right.

However, there was a knock at the door at this time, and it was Tan Jin'er who came.

"Boss Zhang, is Xi'er here? I'll take her home."

Zhang Tan looked back and saw that Xi'er was holding her little clothes and following Xiao Bai through the living room, preparing to go to the bathroom to take a bath.

Hearing this, Xi'er looked over and stared at her sister in surprise, with a confused look on her face. Only then did she realize that she was home! She is no longer in the country! oops! ! ! She wants to sleep with her sister.

"Go away, go away~~~嚯嚯嚯~~~Hi baby, give me a rub and a bath!"

Xiaobai smiled and took Xi'er's little hand into the bathroom and dragged the little person away. A young master from a rich family saw someone else's beautiful daughter-in-law on the street and took her home to give her a bath together.

Tan Jin'er: "..."

Zhang Tan smiled and said: "Then let them take a bath here. They can go back after washing. You can come in and sit down."


Not long after she sat down, she was a little nervous to be in a room with Zhang Tan alone. She got up and said she was going to take care of Xiaobai and Xi'er taking a bath. She knocked on the door and entered the bathroom. There was a brief exclamation inside, and soon the door closed. No sound could be heard.

Zhang Tan was sitting in the living room, watching TV boredly, waiting for the three girls to come out of the bathroom. At this time, his phone rang. The caller ID was Zhu Xiaojing. When the caller was connected, it was Luliu.

Luoliu anxiously told him that Xiaoguang Gege didn't answer her call. Was he dead?

Zhang Tan: "..."

After asking, I realized that it turned out that Liuliu was worried that Xin Xiaoguang would die on the way home if he didn't see him when he was sick, so after returning home, she still couldn't forget about him and called him to inquire about his condition, but no one answered the phone.

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