Dad Academy

Chapter 977 Fire comes out of the circle (1/2)

Chapter 977 Fire out of the circle (12)

A great monk in yellow robes clasped his hands and walked out of the crowd. He looked at Xiaobai kindly, first said "Amitabha" to clear the way, and at the same time used this to identify himself, and then said: "How glorious it is to take a life; Monk, this is so wonderful! This little benefactor is so kind-hearted that he can tame even the monkeys and is willing to listen to your words. How brilliant it is to sacrifice his life."

Xiaobai blinked and blinked, not understanding what the great monk meant.

Suddenly, Xiwa's voice came from beside him:

“Emi tofu~~Emi tofu~~”

I saw Xi'er clasping her hands together in a decent manner, mumbling something in her mouth, and then saying hello to the great monk.

Her behavior startled the great monk. When he looked at it carefully, he was shocked and said, "Monk, you are so wonderful! This little benefactor is destined to be my Buddha, and he is born with good roots ~ Amitabha!"

Xi'er clasped her hands together and continued: "Emi tofu~~Emi tofu, hiahia~"

The baby Buddha she hung around her neck was sparkling and round as jade.

If it weren't for the following sentence hiahia, Zhang Tan would have thought that this was a little nun who ran away from the nunnery on Mount Emei?

He quickly blocked Xi'er behind him, but he couldn't let the great monk abduct Xi'er to become a monk. It would be strange if Tan Jin'er didn't fight with him.

The big monk seemed to notice his wariness and said: "Donor, don't get me wrong. I have no intention of asking the little benefactor to become a monk. I just think they are cute and kawaii. One of them has good roots and the other has wisdom. They are both in the human world." A small boutique item that is really rare.”

Zhang Tan: "...Are monks and nuns so fashionable now? They all speak in Internet terms."

The great monk said: "Donors should not look at contemporary monks with old eyes. We also need to keep pace with the times."

Zhang Tan: "But can Buddha understand it?"

The great monk said: "Buddha, there is no possibility that you won't understand if you drop earwax. All things have spirituality. Some can speak and some can understand. Buddha is their audience."

"What? What is Waiwai earwax?" Zhang Tan didn't understand.

At this time, a young man explained: "Waiwai earwax drops are yyds, which means eternal god. It is the latest trendy Internet term."

Only then did Zhang Tan notice that the great monk was followed by a camera and a host holding a microphone. The young man who just spoke was the host.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

The host and the great monk spoke at the same time.

"Recording an outdoor variety show."

"Promote Buddhism."

After the words fell, the two looked at each other, and the monk said: "The purpose of recording an outdoor variety show is to promote Buddhism, have fun, and relax. There is no conflict between the two."

A young monk arrived. The older monk laughed and scolded him, scolding him for going to eat ice cream secretly but not bringing him one. Then he introduced to Zhang Tan: "This is the young monk. He is stupid and fat. He looks like a rich second generation." , Actually no, he is just fat and lazy, Buddha would not like him."

The young monk is about eight or nine years old, fair and chubby. He was looking intently at Xiaobai and Xi'er beside Zhang Tan, especially Xi'er, because Xi'er still clasped her hands together to make a rice-tofu look.

The young monk asked his master in a low voice: "Master, Master, did you still go to the nunnery on the mountain? You also asked this young master to come down the mountain."

The great monk whispered: "Oh, it was so difficult last time on TV, and you came to mess with me! If I hadn't followed the rules and discipline, I would have stabbed you to death! From today on, I am not your master. , don’t bother me again.”

The master and apprentice were making jokes, while the host on the other side warmly invited Zhang Tan to participate in the recording of their program.

He recognized that Zhang Tan was Zhang Tan. "The Wind", which was currently being released, was his work. He had seen his photo at the premiere.

Zhang Tan declined, as they still wanted to go to the mountains to play.

The host did the next best thing and invited Xiaobai and Xi'er to participate in the show, and said: "It won't take long, just talk and chat casually with Master Yansheng."

He looked at Xi'er and said: "I think this little sister has a fate with the Buddha. She has always been in Emi Tofu. Meeting her is fate. Let her chat with Master Yansheng! Our program is an environmental protection propaganda program. What is important is to protect the natural scenery of Mount Emei..."

Zhang Tan sought everyone's opinions and finally agreed. He came and sat down under a big pine tree. There were four people sitting in front of the stone table, one was Master Yansheng, the other was Zhang Tan, and the other two were Xiaobai and Xi'er.

The camera is on them.

Master Yansheng said, "Let's teach the Dharma."

Zhang Tan opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but when he looked at Xiaobai and Xi'er, the two children had already nodded.

He simply said nothing. Alas, he knew nothing about Buddhism.

Maybe... He looked at Xi'er, maybe Xi'er could say something, isn't this always Emi Tofu?

Master Yansheng praised Xiaobai and Xi'er for their cuteness, and Zhang Tan said, "You are also very cute."

Master Yansheng smiled and nodded, acknowledging this, and said: "When everyone is cute together, it is really cute."

Zhang Tan: "What will Master teach us today?"

Zhang Tan didn't expect that when he took his family to visit Mount Emei, he would accidentally bump into an environmental protection promotion program on a local station, and he would take Xiaobai and Xi'er with him.

It’s the first time I’m in the same room as a kid, so I’m contributing here.

Xiaobai and Xier were very happy after recording the show and discussed excitedly that they would call Liuliu to tell her that they were on TV.

Zhang Tan excused himself by saying that the signal on the mountain was not good and he should wait until he returned to the hotel to make the call.

He hoped that the two of them would forget to make a phone call when they returned to the hotel, so as not to cause huge psychological trauma to Luliu and entangle him further.

Even if Xiaobai and Xi'er still haven't forgotten it after returning to the hotel, it's still better than calling now. At least it can make Liuliu happy for a few more hours.

After bidding farewell to Master Yansheng, they continued to move up the mountain.

What they didn't know was that the program was broadcast on the local Chengdu station that night.

Once the program was aired, it exceeded expectations and received a particularly good response.

The host, the one who had the idea to invite Zhang Tan to participate in the show, said to the producer: "Zhang Tan's appeal is so strong. He is really popular now. He only appeared on our show for five minutes, and the ratings It just increased by more than one point. It’s such a terrifying influence. Fortunately, I recognized him in time and insisted on inviting him. Otherwise, it would be a pity to miss him.”

The producer nodded in recognition of his contribution and said he would give him credit.

The program director came over to report at this time: "Many viewers called and asked who the cute mage and the two cute girls are. Can you give an introduction? Producer, how should we answer? Are they unified? one time?"

Master Yansheng is famous because of his cute words.

Xiaobai and Xier are also popular because they are synonymous with cuteness.

Three cute people were sitting under a big pine tree talking about Buddhism. This scene was originally very cute, but it became a viral hit, and the interview show video was widely circulated on the Internet.

Of course, some people recognized that there were four people talking about Buddhism, and the fourth person was screenwriter Zhang Tan. However, those were just minor episodes and did not affect the overall situation.

Then someone posted a video of Xiaobai and Xi'er subduing the monkeys in Mount Emei. Many people took the video with their mobile phones and released the video with the help of the east wind.

Xi'er's "Emi Tofu" became an Internet trend, and Xiaobai was said by netizens to be the incarnation of a druid, and monkeys automatically surrendered to her aura.

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