Chapter 0073: Song Yingxing and the Prototype of the Steam Engine!!!

Some people say that Yuan XX is the reincarnation of Song Yingxing.

Although these two people are more than three hundred years apart, they all have a common dream - the dream of taking advantage of the coolness of Hexia!

As early as three hundred years ago, at the end of the Ming Dynasty, Mr. Song Yingxing said

"He has a dream that is a dream of taking advantage of the coolness!"

"It's a dream that makes everyone rich!"

When he said this, Mr. Song Yingxing was just in his teens, and everyone couldn't help but sigh:

It turned out that as early as when he was a teenager, Mr. Song Yingxing's family and country feelings were so deep!

Although he went to Beijing to rush for the exam 6 times and did not win the exam, this still could not hinder Song Yingxing's idea of wanting to do something for the people of the world!

So in the following years, Song Yingxing, his brother Song Yingsheng, and his friend Tu Shaoxuan all made great efforts to compile this book

Finally, "Heavenly Works" came out, and the three people waved their sleeves and said: "This book has nothing to do with fame and enterprising!" "

Unfortunately, it was the last reunion of the three of them, and later Song Yingsheng and Tu Shaoxuan also died one after another due to the war

Mr. Song Yingxing's book has these two sentences that make Win Li remember it especially deeply!

"Expensive grain and cheap gold jade!"

"This book has nothing to do with fame and enterprising!"

This can't help but make the victory before crossing the crossing sigh the noble morality, integrity and dedication of the ancestors' gentleman's image!

The Chinese nation can have the prosperity and strength of future generations.

It is inseparable from the hard work and contributions of countless sages and predecessors! No matter how long it takes, those literati no matter how the times change, no matter how the years fall!

Even if the people of the future generations only meet those predecessors in books for a moment! They are all role models for our generation to follow!

The Chinese nation needs such people, and the feelings of home and country engraved in the bones of predecessors cannot be erased by anyone!

When Yingli led his troops from the Daming capital to Jianzhou to eliminate Jiannu, he specially arranged for the people of the Dragon Protector Villa to find Song Yingxing.

And at the time of winning, he also reiterated repeatedly that it was important to ensure the safety of Song Yingxing!

Fengxin County, Yichun City, not far from South Cahng.

It is the hometown of the Ming Dynasty scientist Song Yingxing.

But when the people sent by Win Leave rushed there, there was a sense of decline.

In Jiangxi, several historical celebrities' former residences and memorial halls were frequented before the 18th crossing.

Wen Tianxiang of Ji'an County, Ji'an City.

Tang Xianzu, Wang Anshi of Lin'an District, Fuzhou City, and Huang Tingjian of Xiushui County, Jiujiang City.

Tao Yuanming of Jiujiang County, Jiujiang City, Zhu Gong (Ba Da Shan) in Qingyunpu District, South Chang

But the Fengxin Song Yingxing Memorial Hall that came last was the most decayed and unattended.

At that time, when I arrived at Song Yingxing's memorial hall before winning and leaving the crossing, I suddenly felt a burst of sadness and helplessness.

Song Yingxing, like Tang Xianzu, was a native of the Ming Dynasty, and for that time, the history was somewhat old, and the former residence was not preserved, and descendants often built memorial halls at the location of the former residence.

Tang Xianzu is like this, and so is Song Yingxing.

Song Yingxing is a native of Pailou Village, Songbu Town, Fengxin County, and now this place has become the Feng Tian Industrial Park on the outskirts of Fengxin County.

Song Yingxing's former residence is also in the industrial park, and today, there is only one garden left there, called Tiangong Kaiwu Ecological Park, there is no Song Yingxing's former residence in the park, but there is a Song Yingxing Memorial Hall built like a temple.

Because the memorial was built later, and pedestrians rarely travel, it not only has a sense of decay but also a gloomy suspicion.

Fortunately, in addition to bringing eerie, the surrounding lush flowers and trees can also win another feeling of 'heavenly creation' in the chirping of birds.

Song Yingxing is the author of a scientific magnum opus, an encyclopedia of craftsmanship in ancient China.

An author who can write such a huge book must be well-read and rich!

The reason why Yingli had the confidence to make a steam engine when he did not receive the reward of the Cangtian Realm Gate, and even armed the warship with a steam engine, was precisely because of the existence of Song Yingxing.

When he was a teenager, Song Yingxing was a famous bookworm.

Many people are familiar with this allusion: "It is said that Song Yingxing was fifteen years old." "

I heard that Shen Kuo's "Mengxi Pen Talks" in the Song Dynasty was a scientific work of high value, so he longed to read it.

Whenever he saw a literate relative, friend or neighbor, he eagerly asked if the book was available.

One day, he heard that the Wenbaozhai bookstore in town had just purchased a batch of new books, so he hurried to buy books!

However, the bookshelves are all four books and five classics, and there is no "Mengxi Pen Talk".

The shop owner saw the teenager looking around the bookshelf, and secretly wondered in his heart:

He didn't buy so many scriptures, this is because he had to find a shop owner to ask before he learned that he wanted to buy "Mengxi Pen Talks".

The shop owner told him that people now read the Four Books and Five Sutras in order to gain fame, and even if the science books were purchased, no one was honest.

Song Yingxing had to leave Wen Baozhai in frustration.

Song Yingxing was on the way back, thinking about the book in his mind, where to find it?

Alas, it's hard to find a book!

He let out a long sigh and shook his head helplessly.

As he walked, he thought, only listening to the sound of 'ouch', bumping into a pedestrian in front of him, and then looking at the ground, there were already many rice naked.

At this time, Song Yingxing's mind returned from "Mengxi Pen Talk", he apologized repeatedly, and hurriedly bent down to help the pedestrian pick up the naked rice.

Picking it up, my eyes lit up, and there was a line of "Mengxi Pen Talk" on the waste paper of the rice class!

This is really a nowhere to step on iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it!

He hurriedly asked the man where he bought the rice lesson so that he could find the book.

Song Yingxing ran for several miles in one breath before he was out of breath, sweating profusely to catch up with the old man who sold the rice class, and wanted to buy the waste paper of the old man's rice class at a high price.

The old man saw that he loved books very much, so he found an old book and gave it to him, which turned out to be a fragment of "Mengxi Pen Talk", and the second half of the book was missing.

The old man told him that he had asked the owner for the book when he passed by the Nancun pulp store early in the morning.

Song Yingxing ran all the way to the pulp store again, but the second half of the book had already been disassembled and soaked in the pool with other old books, and was about to be beaten into pulp.

Song Yingxing was so anxious that he rubbed his hands and spun around by the pool, looking at the books in the pool with a painful heart, and tears were about to fall.

He took the shop owner's hand and said eagerly: "Please, help you get the book "Mengxi Pen Talk" out of the pool!" "

Saying that, he felt out all the money on his body, put it in front of the boss, and took off his clothes to pay for it.

The boss said puzzled: "Child, this pool of waste books is not worth these dollars!" "

Song Yingxing told the boss about his search for this book.

The boss was deeply touched by this spirit of learning, and hurriedly asked the craftsman to go down to the pool to find the half of the book from the scattered pile of wet paper.

Song Yingxing returned home with the wet book, carefully separated the pages one by one, dried them, and bound them.

Song Yingxing finally got the book of his dreams.

From here, Song Yingxing began his life of unsmooth officialdom but exceptionally smooth scientific research.

"Tiangong Kaiwu" is Song Yingxing, a bookworm, who summarized the agricultural and handicraft knowledge he had mastered, and summarized his technical experience!

Systematize and organize the knowledge of agriculture and handicrafts one by one, and then write a scientific and technological tool book into words!

The book covers agriculture, handicrafts, production techniques such as machinery, bricks, ceramics, sulfur, candles, paper, weapons, gunpowder, textiles, dyeing, salt making, coal mining, oil pressing, etc.!

In agriculture, Song Yingxing made a detailed record of the whole production process of rice soaking, breeding, rice making, grass and so on!

For example, "Wrap it for a few days, sprinkle it in the field, and give birth to an inch, and its name is the daily seedling." "

Thirty days after the seedlings were plucked and planted... The seedlings expire, and the old and long knots are planted in acres, and the grain is produced several grains, and the fruit is gone.

At the same time, he also pointed out various problems in rice cultivation that deserve attention

In terms of handicrafts, Song Yingxing tries to use quantitative methods, and when describing the production process, he pays special attention to the quantitative relationship between raw material consumption and finished product recovery, and has a clear concept of quantity.

When analyzing the migration of seedlings, Song Yingxing pointed out: "Where the seedlings born from one mu of seedlings are transplanted for 25 mu", that is, the ratio of seedlings to honda is 1:25 stone, which is an important ratio data that Jiangxi in modern times is still following.

Song Yingxing gave a preliminary explanation of the oil yield of various oils: "Where flax and castor beans, camphor trees, each stone gets 40 catties of oil. Cai Luzi gets 27 pounds of oil per stone. Brassica gets thirty pounds per stone..."

This specific and accurate data illustration of oil crops has both theoretical significance and practical value!

In particular, the "Machinery" chapter describes in detail agricultural machinery tools including vertical shaft windmills, sugar wheels, ox rope wheels and other agricultural machinery tools, which have high scientific value!

It is precisely because I saw Song Yingxing's "Machinery" before winning and leaving the crossing, so I have so much confidence that Song Yingxing can make a steam engine!

In addition, Song Yingxing was the first scientist in the world to scientifically discuss zinc and copper-zinc alloys (brass).

He made it clear that zinc was a new metal and was the first to document its smelting method.

This is one of the important achievements in the history of ancient metal smelting in China!

This makes Huaxia the only country in the world that can smelt zinc on a large scale for a long time.

The method of refining brass from metal zinc instead of zinc compounds (calamine) recorded by Song Yingxing is the earliest record of brass obtained by direct melting of copper and zinc in human history.

Song Yingxing paid great attention to discovering the essence from general phenomena, and also made some achievements in natural science theory.

They are embodied in biology, chemistry and physics.

Later people summed up the all-round star of so-and-so, saying that he was 'three habitats', which means that film and television songs have a hand.

And Song Yingxing, who summarized at that time, is also a completely super-agricultural three-way scientist who integrates physics, chemistry, and biology!

Look at the creatures first.

Song Yingxing recorded the cases of farmers cultivating new varieties of rice and barley in "Tiangong Kaiwu", studied the influence of soil, climate and cultivation methods on the changes of crop varieties, and noted the variation caused by the hybridization of different varieties of silkworm moths, indicating that through human efforts, the variety characteristics of animals and plants can be changed, and the scientific insight that 'soil veins vary over time, and species are divided with water and soil', which has advanced the understanding of ecological variation by ancient Chinese scientists and put forward a theoretical basis for artificial cultivation of new varieties.

Let's look at physics.

In physics, later generations found an outstanding chapter on acoustics in Song Yingxing's lost book "On Qi, Qi".

Through the specific analysis of various sounds, he studied the occurrence and propagation laws of sounds, and proposed the concept that sound is the propagation of qi.

Then look at chemistry.

In chemistry, Song Yingxing analyzed the chemical properties of a variety of non-ferrous metals such as gold, silver, copper, tin, lead and zinc, compared their liveliness, and proposed to exploit the differences between them

A method of separating or inspecting the metal in question!

The stage when Song Yingxing was engaged in scientific research and writing was precisely the stage when he assumed the position of county magistrate.

In fact, the position of the edict is only a scholar's official name, without administrative power, similar to the later public teachers and formal teachers.

Only different, there were a lot of formal teachers later, and the edicts at that time had to be approved by the emperor, and one for each county.

Therefore, Song Yingxing, who is full of meridians, spends his knowledge and leisure time on scientific research.

But unfortunately, such a great figure, in Fengxin Tiangong Open Ecological Park, not only to commemorate Song Yingxing as the main body, should erect a statue of Song Yingxing, not just a large stone sculpture of the god of agriculture.

Not to mention, the park (scenic spot) is not taken care of, it seems that people go to the empty building, so that the great scientist, Song Yingxing, who is proud of the Chinese people, is cold and calm here, miserable and miserable.

When the spies of the Dragon Guarding Villa rushed from Jiangxi to the capital of Daming with Song Yingxing, Yingli had completely wiped out Jiannu and returned.

At this time, in the Taihe Hall, Yingli and Zulong and others exchanged pleasantries with Song Yingxing, but there was something in the winning, and the situation on the Western side was urgent.

After a period of pleasantries, Win Li directly opened his mouth to inspire Song Yingxing.

He smiled and said, "Has Lord Song ever seen a kettle boiling water?" "

Song Yingxing was received by Zulong and Yingli, and his ground turned red with excitement, and said

"Naturally, Chen has seen it. I don't know what His Royal Highness the Eighth Prince said? "

Yingli said with a look of reminiscence and nostalgia: "When His Highness saw that the kettle was boiling, the lid of the kettle was constantly 110 pieces of one by one!" "

"Presumably, something has changed since the water boiled compared to before it was turned on!"

"So there is a force, constantly opening the lid of the pot, and falling again when the strength is exhausted. So repeatedly! "

"In this way, His Royal Highness is not intuitive to say here, don't go to the kitchen and see how the kettle looks boiling!"

When he arrived at the kitchen, Song Yingxing did not care about his identity, and directly found a kettle by himself and began to boil water.

After a while, after the water boiled, the spout was still bubbling, and the lid of the steam kettle began to rise and fall one by one.

Win left: "Go and plug that spout." "

When Song Yingxing heard this, he stepped forward again and blocked the spout of the kettle.

In this way, the undulating gap of the pot lid became larger and larger.

Yingli said again: "Find something to press the lid of the pot and block it tightly." Everyone quit the kitchen. "

After Song Yingxing pressed the lid of the pot with something according to his words, he exited the kitchen with Ying Li and others.

After a while, I heard a muffled sound in the kitchen, and the brocade guards shouted violently: "Escort! "

A group of inner factory fans hurriedly pulled out their blades and surrounded the human wall, blocking the ancestral dragon in it.

Winning away, however, he looked like an old god on the ground, and said lightly: "Go, go in and take a look." "

Jin Yiwei did not dare to let go, and motioned for the fans to enter the kitchen first to check.

It wasn't until the fanzi rummaged through the kitchen to confirm that there was no danger that they gave way and Win Li and Song Yingxing and the others went in.

At this time, the kitchen was a mess, and the kettle had turned over to the ground, and the things pressing the lid and the lid of the kettle also flew to the side, and there was a mark of impact on the beam.

Ying Li smiled and said, "It seems that the power of this kettle is not small." "

Song Yingxing also wrote: "The Eighth Prince's heavenly posture, the minister is not as good as it!" "

"This time, Chen Ming felt five inside! Solved many problems that Chen has been having! "

"As long as the lid of this pot is not sealed, this one falls, and when it can be used to drive all kinds of instruments, it is nothing more than enlarging the pot!"

Ying Li smiled and said, "His Royal Highness is not a saint, but he just sees and thinks more." Great wise people, why not millions? "

"Tell Chongzhen that after he returns to the palace, he will order people to post the imperial list, recruit talents from all over the world, and study this thing with Lord Song."

Song Yingxing also had a rare funny time, and complimented: "Your Highness Shengming." It's just that this object was ordered by His Majesty Yu Chen, and if it is called a kettle machine, it is difficult to hear. The minister dared to ask His Highness to name this thing. "

When he heard this, he secretly praised Song Yingxing in his heart for being a person, and it seems that these researchers' ability to slap horses is not bad.

As long as you give this thing a name, won't you be the father of the steam engine in the future?

What Watt Edison, let His Highness roll aside and play in the mud!

Win Li was also not modest, and said directly: "This thing is based on the principle of boiling water in a kettle, and uses the evaporation of boiling water as the power of the steam body as a drive, why not make it a steam engine?" "

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