Chapter 0069 Eight Kingdoms Invasion, Kyushu Banlang, Ancestral Dragon Fury!!!

Inside the Forbidden City.

Zulong held a stamp of paper printed with the Great Ming Imperial Decree in his hand and watched.

The soft and brittle paper made Zulong love it.

Although he could see these papers every day during his month in Daming, Zulong still felt very fresh, and every day he went to browse the library in the Forbidden City for half a day.

In addition, Zulong also visited the paper mill in Daming to see the production of his favorite rice paper.

After reading the rice paper every day, Zulong mostly learned about the systems of various feudal dynasties in later generations from the history books.

After all, Zulong himself knew very well in his heart that although the Great Qin Empire opened up the world, it created the first great unified dynasty in the history of China.

But the various systems within the empire are very imperfect, and they all cross the river by feeling the stones all the way.

Now in the world more than 1,800 years later, how could Zulong not hurry up to learn these systems that have been developed for more than ten centuries.

Outside the Purple Gold City, the red sun hangs high, and the rays of sunlight shine directly on the cornice bricks above the palace hall, emitting a shining light.

There is not a trace of wind under the spring sky, and the weather is obviously not very hot, but the slightest heat contained in the immobile air makes people feel bored.

The door of the Hall of Taihe was open, but the inside of the hall was still sultry, and no wind could penetrate at all.

Inside the main hall, a man stood still?

The man was dressed in red and white armor, and he also wore an oval-shaped Ming army matching hat on his head.

The whole person stood in the hall, like a sharp blade out of the sheath, and the unique sharp qi pet washed the sultry air.

On the left waist is a short sheathed dagger, and on the right waist is a small fire dagger inserted diagonally.

The man with an extremely expectant look on his face was Zheng Chenggong.

In the main hall, Zheng Chenggong, who came from thousands of miles from Fujian, was waiting nervously, and the anxiety and expectation in his heart made Zheng Chenggong, who was only twenty years old, a little restless, and the tea brewed by the little eunuch next to him had already cooled.

Zheng Chenggong walked back and forth in the hall, looking outside the hall from time to time, "Alas! "

"When will the eighth prince of the Great Qin Empire they said arrive?"

"I still want to meet the ancestral dragon..."

"I don't know if I have the qualifications or the opportunity!"

Under normal circumstances, with Zheng Chenggong's ingenuity, through the fact that the military power in the hands of his father Zheng Zhilong was handed over to himself, he could infer that he was very valued.

But as soon as Zheng Chenggong heard that it was the ancestral dragon who resurrected and saved Daming, the whole person was already excited and could not help himself.

Under the excitement, I didn't calm down to think along the way. As the saying goes, care is chaos.

Zheng Chenggong was too excited.

Not long after, when the little eunuch in the main hall was brewing the third cup of tea, several people from Begonia walked in from outside with Yingli.

Before Yingli entered the Taihe Hall, he saw the young man in the hall who looked like a sharp long knife.

The man also seemed to have a faint smell of the sea, and his complexion was slightly dark.

What makes Win Li care the most is the man's eyes that hide determination.

"Zheng Chenggong?"

Win Li crossed the threshold of the hall and spoke out first.

"It's the last general!"

Zheng Chenggong fell back with an anxious look, turned his head to look at Yingli, and considered his voice.

"You are..."

"The Eighth Prince of the Great Qin Empire!"

"Win away!"

Win replied with a smile.

"Last General Zheng Chenggong meets the Eighth Prince!"


"General Zheng doesn't have to be polite, I don't care about these!"

Zheng Chenggong was relieved to hear Yingli call himself the word 'I', he knew that this was Yingli lowering his body and not holding his own shelf.

At the same time, he also knew that the extraordinary Eighth Prince of Qin in front of him was not the kind of character who refused to be thousands of miles away.

"The Eighth Prince summoned the last general, what happened?"

"Even hesitate to send those four guards who are far beyond the knowledge of the last general to let my father hand over the military power to the last general!"

Zheng Chenggong was extremely puzzled in his heart.

Yingli sighed, "You come with me to the Golden Luang Hall!" "

"Today is just the right time for my father to see with his own eyes why I am so anxious... A few days ago, Yingli received a report from other secret agents of Dragon Guarding Villa. "

They caught many Westerners in the name of preaching in the name of preaching in the Daming territory.

From the so-called missionaries, the spies found detailed topographic maps, as well as more detailed coastal defense maps that even marked the deployment of military forces.

This incident made the winner tight.

He knew he couldn't wait any longer.

The history of this world has changed so much that he can no longer use some memories of his past life to help him make judgments.

He wanted to use the projection method of the Cangtian Realm Gate to awaken the entire Daming's sense of struggle.

Although the Great Qin Empire plus an army of 600,000, it was enough to have nearly 700,000 people.

But one thing is obvious: the land under your feet is fundamentally the Ming people of this world.

These people from 1,800 years ago, to put it bluntly, simply after three years of passing by, these people will return to Daqin.

And at that time, if the people of Daming do not have enough understanding of other countries in this world, even if they are strong, they will only quickly degenerate.

For a while, Win Li has been thinking about this.

Originally, he was still a little hesitant, and wanted to find a way to awaken the consciousness of the people when he left.

But the news from the spies of the Dragon Guarding Villa made Win Li suddenly wake up.

He knew that even if three years later, he destroyed all those Western countries, so that the land of Kyushu truly became the kingdom of heaven, he would not be able to put an end to the unknown suffering in the future of the land of China.

The change of mind is the most important.

Moreover, he wanted to deeply engrave the four words of crisis consciousness into the hearts of the people of Daming through the Heavenly Giant Gate.

It is deeply engraved into the hearts of the entire Chinese nation.

Only in this way can the ability to resist when the crisis comes to the greatest extent can Zheng Chenggong's eyes suddenly light up when he hears the words of winning and leaving.

"See the ancestral dragon?"

"The last general has been looking forward to all the way!"

"Finally able to meet His Majesty the First Emperor!"

Thinking about things in the winning centrifuge, he didn't care about Zheng Chenggong, who was slightly overly excited.

The Hall of Taihe was not far from the Golden Luan Hall, and in less than a cup of tea, several people walked to the door of the Hall of Taihe.

From a distance, Zheng Chenggong saw a man wearing a black imperial robe flipping through books in the Taihe Hall.

Before entering the hall, Zheng Chenggong excitedly shouted: "Last General Zheng Chenggong!" "

"Meet His Majesty Zulong!"

Zulong was originally looking intently at the various works on systems and ideas accumulated over the past thousand years, and suddenly heard the shouts outside the hall, so he turned around and closed the books in his hand, raised his head and looked at Zheng Chenggong, who had entered the hall, "Zheng Chenggong? "

"You are the Admiral General who has high hopes for you?"

"When I see you today, it is indeed extraordinary!"

Zheng Chenggong endured the excitement in his heart.

"No matter what arrangements the Eighth Prince has, the last general will go all out and go to the soup to do whatever he wants!"

"That's not necessary!"

Win Li walked in from outside the hall with a smile.

"You just have to play to your abilities!"

"I am in charge of everything else!"

Then, Yingli spoke again: "Father Emperor! "

"The son-in-law came here today, there is something important to do!"

"I intend to use the projection function of the Cangtian Realm Gate to let most people, including you, know that the current Daming is in extreme danger!"

"Come to awaken the crisis awareness of the people of Daming!"

"In this way, even if we leave in three years, we can rest assured!"

"What is the main aspect?"

Zulong stood up, "Is it the Western countries that you have been worried about all this time?" "

"I am curious about those countries that are far overseas!"

"How big is this world, Xu also wants to know very much!"

Yingli nodded slowly, "It's really about the Western countries!" "

"As for how big the world is, after this time, the children will tell you personally."

Zulong bowed his head slightly, did not make a sound again, and quietly waited for the arrival of the projection of the Cangtian Realm Gate.

Victory's expression remained unchanged, and with a wave of his hand, he released the Sky Realm Gate that was about ten thousand zhang high and had a faint immortal sound.

As soon as the boundary gate appeared, a clear picture appeared in the hearts of all the people in the entire Daming territory.

Before the people could react.

Immediately afterwards, the picture starts to rotate.

What was played this time was the lament of the original historical land of Kyushu.

The battle of the eight-nation coalition to invade China!

In the original history, with the defeat of the naval battle with Dongying, Huaxia's international status plummeted.

The Western powers began to salivate over the fat meat of China.

Immediately afterwards, the Western powers set off an upsurge in the partition of China!

And with the deepening of war reparations, the people were overwhelmed, and finally caused the First Peace Movement, and the Qing government was worried about internal and external troubles and was unable to resist, so the Western powers were even more presumptuous, taking advantage of the fire and looting, in a vain attempt to swallow and dominate China!

And their fundamental purpose is to further open up the Chinese market, invade Huaxia and complete the dream of dominating the world!

The Qing government's own corruption, incompetence and weakening of national strength also stimulated the great powers' ambitions to annex to a certain extent.

At that time, the main forces resisting Western countries were some civil society.

Yihe Tuan, formerly known as 'Boxer Fist' or 'Tuan Bandit', was a tuanxian organization in Shandong Province that studied martial arts, and was used by Yuxian, the governor of Shandong, to resist the church and intimidate the parishioners from leaving the church.

Later, forced by foreign countries, people were sent to Shandong to ban it, and the group fled to various parts of Zhuozhou outside Beiping City.

At that time, Cixi trusted the old minister who was closed and ignorant, and actually listened to Yuxian's words, believing that the people of the regiment could 'not enter with swords, guns and guns did not hurt', and encouraged Cixi to use the Yihe regiment to exclude.

The old demon woman of Cixi sent the military aircraft minister Gang Yi to inspect Zhuozhou, but Gang Yi actually said to Cixi, 'Heaven sent a peace regiment to destroy the foreigners'!

Therefore, under the slogan of 'Fuqing and Extinguishing the Yang', the Yihe Regiment entered Peiping City and burned churches, demolished electric wires, destroyed railways, and attacked the Tianji Concession along the way.

The ministers of various countries asked the Qing court to ban the First Peace League, but in the end there was no response.

This incident laid the seeds for countries to send troops to Beijing in the future.

Because the First Peace Regiment slaughtered foreigners in the area directly under the jurisdiction of Beijing and Tianjin, the situation became more and more intense, and subsequently, the embassy in Dongjiaomin Lane in Beiping was besieged by the First Peace Regiment.

Immediately afterwards, the Qing army and the First Peace Regiment surrounded the legations of Austria-Hungary, Belgium, England, France, Italy and other countries in Peiping City and the North Church (Xishku Catholic Church)

Surrounded the staff, Catholics, soldiers, etc.

German Minister to China Klinder went to the Chancellor's office on behalf of the country to ask for protection, and was killed on the way.

Subsequently, Cixi issued the "Edict" to declare war on eleven Western countries!

A reward is offered for hunting and killing foreigners, stipulating that 'fifty taels for killing a foreigner; Forty taels of foreign women; Thirty-two foreign children'!

If you are beaten, you must resist!

As a result, English Admiral Edward Hobart Seymour commanded more than 2,000 sailors and marines in an attempt to relieve the siege.

The coalition army encountered the Qing army and the First Peace Regiment in Langfang, and the Qing army commander Nie Shicheng led his troops to resist the coalition army with the First Peace Regiment and won a great victory in Langfang!

In the end, eight countries came together to form an army!

A total of more than 20,000 people, including more than 8,000 in the Middle East, more than 4,000 in Maoxiong Country, more than 3,000 in England, and more than 2,000 in Citi Country!

58 Austrian troops, 53 Italian troops!

After the formation of the coalition forces, they immediately attacked Dagu, and the Qing defender Luo Rongguang was unfortunately shot and killed, and the Dagu Fort was lost.

Subsequently, the eight-nation coalition army attacked the city of Tianji in two ways, and the Qing army was 20,000 people

Death resistance, coupled with the counterattack of the Yihe Tuan boxers, it only took the coalition army a day and a half to capture Sky J.

After the eight-nation coalition army occupied Tianji, it searched Tianji and then prepared to attack Beiping.

At the same time, when this Kyushu plate is swinging, even if it is rotten to the bone, the Manchu Qing is resisting the eight-nation alliance.

But it also gave birth to the term 'traitor' that was best known to later generations!

The origin of the word traitor this time many people say that it cannot be verified, but it is actually more convincing from the Huayong group!

Because this word is more like the Qing government's exclusive title for the Huayong Regiment! There is no more appropriate scenario in previous history to create this word! The English War Department began to formally form the Huayong Battalion in Weihaiwei.

The British officers who led the troops commented that they were 'stoic, patient, intelligent', "very good marchers and porters", and could 'eat very little and go far'!

All soldiers are signed for three years and agree to be sent anywhere in the world!

The soldiers trained for four or five hours a day, and their military quality improved rapidly, especially the 600-yard shooting results were excellent!

The Times said in a commentary that year: "No matter what the future holds, when it comes to the positive fighting spirit of the Hua Yong Battalion, they will certainly have a reputation for courage and fearlessness!" "

It can be seen that the combat courage of the Hua Yong Regiment has been affirmed by the English, and the object of the battle is the anti-net force of the land of Kyushu!

In August of the same year, the eight-nation coalition army began to march from Tianji to Peiping.

At this time, there were 150,000 guards in Beiping City, and more than 300,000 First Peace Regiment that was 'invulnerable to swords and guns'.

Dongying army, defeating the Qing army led by Dong Fuxiang and Ronglu in Beicang; Later, the coalition forces defeated Ma Chukun and Song Qing at Yangcun.

Dong Fuxiang, Rong Lu, and Song Qing are the presidents of the Wuwei Rear Army, the Central Army, and the Left Army respectively, plus Nie Shicheng, the former president of the Wuwei Army, who died heroically in July in the sky, and the Wuwei Fifth Army has been defeated by the coalition army!

Immediately afterwards, the coalition forces reached Tongzhou, 14 miles from Peiping.

At the beginning of the troops, they were about 20,000 people, but at this time there may not be more than 10,000 people with combat effectiveness.

This, of course, was not because half of them were knocked out by the Qing army and the 1st and regiment in combination, but because a considerable part of the coalition army suffered from heat stroke, tired, fell behind and other non-combat attrition...

The commanders of the English, Citi, and Dongxia wanted to attack Peiping in a matter of days.

But the commander of the Maoxiong army said that he needed an extra day to prepare, so the coalition arranged for a day of reconnaissance and rest.

That evening, when the coalition forces advanced to a position about three or four kilometers from the city wall, the sound of heavy artillery and machine guns could be heard in the city.

Mao Xiong, Dongying, Citi, and English all want to be the first to rescue the trapped people:

The Mao Xiong army attacked the northernmost Dongzhimen, the Dongying army attacked the Qi Hua Gate (Chaoyang Gate), the Citi army attacked Dongbianmen, and the British army attacked the southernmost Shawo Gate (Guangqumen)

The French army seems to have been arranged to watch the play, let alone the Three Kingdoms, which have not sent much troops.

Geographically, the Citigroup army had the best chances, but they did not become the ultimate savior, and when they reached the east the next morning, they found that something was wrong and moved some distance south.

It turned out that in the early hours of the morning, an army of the Maoxiong Country actually came to Dongbianmen to grab merit, killed thirty Chinese soldiers outside the gate, and blew a hole in the door with a cannon.

After entering the city gates, they were caught in a fierce exchange of fire in the patio between the inner and outer gates, twenty-six Mao Xiong troops were killed and one hundred and two wounded, and although there were survivors, they had been trapped for hours.

On the second day, the allied forces attacked the imperial city, at which time the officials and troops fled, and the regiment scattered like birds and beasts.

At this time, Citi State Army Bugle Calvin M. P. Titus asked him to climb over the 30-foot-high wall, and other Citination troops followed him and used ladders, and the Ninth Infantry raised the Citinational flag on the outer walls around noon in the morning.

Citi troops exchanged fire with the Qing army at the head of the wall while climbing down the wall and marching into the embassy area.

Because the walls of the imperial city were high and there were Gan troops stationed there, the eight-nation coalition army was not easy to attack, so it formed a ladder moving brigade composed of Beiping citizens to help the coalition army turn into the imperial city.

At the same time, the Dongying army encountered resolute resistance, bombarded the door with artillery fire, and finally lost about 100 people.

The smoothest was the British army, who arrived in Peiping at noon and attacked Shawo Gate at about 2 p.m. without resistance.

They noticed that the easiest entrance to the embassy area turned out to be a drainage pipe under the inner city.

So they entered the embassy area despite the silt from the drain pipe, saw the surrounding crowd, and became the first to arrive.

Seeing this, the Qing troops besieging the embassy area fired several shots, wounded a Belgian woman and fled.

One British soldier died of heat stroke, but this was their only casualty throughout the day.

The British army entered the imperial city through the sewers of Shawomen under the leadership of the Peiping guide, and after entering the city, they were startled, and the banks were full of Chinese people, but these were onlookers and did not cause them any harm.

Around the afternoon, after one man was killed, nine wounded, and one fell over the wall and was seriously wounded, Citi troops also reached the embassy area through drains.

Of these 9 wounded soldiers, one went on to fight in World War I and achieved the highest rank of major general in the Marine Corps, his name was Smedley Butler!

As the Qing army gradually gave up resistance, Maoxiong, Dongying, and France also entered Beiping, and the Qing army's siege of the embassy area ended.

Sadly, the capital guarded by 150,000 officers and troops plus 300,000 regiments was breached by 20,000 coalition troops in less than four hours.

The imperial city was breached, and Biping City has since fallen into the hands of the coalition forces.

However, the mission of the coalition forces did not end, and they also wanted to relieve the siege of Beitang.

At that time, the Qing army, dominated by the Gansu Muslim army led by Dong Fuxiang, still occupied part of the inner city walls and the Forbidden City.

It was because of the bravery of the Gan army that the Qing government used to defend the imperial city, and was described as "the bravest of the brave, the fanatic of the fanatical!" "

This is also why the defense of the emperor's city was entrusted to them!

Although Dong Fuxiang was originally anti-Qing and was appeased by Zuo Zongtang to enter the government establishment, this is not important.

The Qing government had the courage to wage war against the great powers, and the existence of the Gan army was indispensable.

At this time, the Gan army occasionally fired several shots at foreign troops.

With the help of the Mao Bear Army and the French Army, the Citigroup Army, under the orders of Commander Chafee, used cannons to blast a road into the Imperial City, and suspended at the gates of the Forbidden City.

And when this country is lost and most critical, is this old demon woman in Cixi in a thousand?

The old demon woman of Cixi, the Guangxu Emperor, and others had already fled Beiping in the early morning of the 15th a few hours before the Citi troops hit the walls of the Forbidden City.

The old demon woman of Cixi dressed as a peasant woman fled with the Qing royal family with the help of three wooden carts to Jin Province, which the Qing government called the 'Western Tour'!

Her cronies Ronglu, Prince Qing Yixi and others remained in Peiping to negotiate with foreigners.

The Gan army fought fiercely with the British army at Zhengyangmen, and a total of 100 people, including General Ma Fulu and his four cousins, were killed!

And General Ma Fuxiang and Ma Fuxing, Ma Fuxing, and other subordinates led their Gan army to escort the old demon woman of Cixi to escape!

General Ma Haiyan died of exhaustion after escorting the imperial court to Xi'an, and his son Ma Qi took over the post!

Ironically, Ma Haiyan was also anti-Qing like Dong Fuxiang.

Two days later, the coalition forces began to relieve the siege of Beitang.

The Dongying army arrived first in the morning, but because of the language barrier, it was impossible to communicate with the besieged people, until the French army arrived soon after.

On the same day, the commanders of various countries 'authorized the army to publicly steal for three days'!!! Previously, the First Peace Regiment had already destroyed the Catholic Church in large numbers because of blind xenophobia, setting fire everywhere!

When the Qing army and the First Peace Regiment surrounded the embassy area and the North Hall, they also hit the nearby area hard, and the abandoned streets were littered with unburied corpses!

At this time, Beiping fell into a new round of looting.

Even a Citi State correspondent said that the occupation of Peiping became 'the largest predatory expedition since Pizarro'!

And each country accuses the other of plundering even more.

The missionary Luela Mina said: "The soldiers of the Mao Bear Army behaved badly, the French army was no better than them, and the Dongying army plundered and set fire to it without mercy"!

In contrast, the British and American armies are more 'orderly and evil'! But that's about it!

The British army held a 'looting auction' in its legation every afternoon except Sunday, and then distributed the proceeds in the army!

General Chafee ordered a ban on looting, but according to one Citi pastor: "Our rules against looting are completely null and void"!

During this period, the eight-nation coalition army set fire to Prince Duan's Mansion and Prince Zhuang's Mansion!

Among them, Prince Zhuang's mansion located in Taipingcang Hutong in Xisi North was burned to the ground, and more than 1,700 people were buried in the fire.

The most pity is that the Old Summer Palace was burned by everyone!

After the siege was lifted, the citizens and missionaries who had been besieged also benefited a lot from this plunder because they were familiar with Peiping!

Such as Catholic Bishop Yi Guo Leung and Citi Congregational member Mei Weiliang.

In contrast, these two have some valid reasons, they have hundreds of hungry Chinese worshippers to take care of, and they need to provide food and clothing.

The Huaxia people who were in Peiping at that time also participated in the looting and set up markets to sell their 'booty'!

A few days later, representatives of the coalition forces met and reached a consensus, declaring that 'the best and only hope for the restoration of peace lies in the crushing of armed resistance'!

This, of course, is aimed at rebel forces such as the Ichiwa Group!

The allied forces marched through the Forbidden City, symbolically demonstrating their complete control of Peiping! For the Qing government, this broke the rule that foreigners and most Chinese people could not enter the Forbidden City!

However, due to the threat of the coalition forces to destroy the Forbidden City, the Qing government had nothing to do after receiving the promise that the coalition forces would not occupy the Forbidden City!

The coalition forces celebrate in the Forbidden City... Coalition officers pose for a group photo at the Forbidden City...

Those wastes in the Manchu Qing Dynasty didn't even dare to look at it! France, Germany and others sent troops to the outskirts of Peiping

Capture the elements of the group they suspected, and many were killed indiscriminately!

General Chafee of the Citi State said: "It is safe to say that after the fall of Peiping, for every real First Peace Regiment killed, 50 harmless coolies and laborers, including a small number of women and children, were killed!" "

Because the German and Russian armies were barbaric and fierce and had poor military discipline, the Citistate and Dongying armies were considered to be "strictly disciplined and did not disturb the residents" to a certain extent

It's ridiculous!!

At that time, in order to avoid harm, residents of Peiping Mandachi Street hung homemade Japanese flags and slogans that read 'Toei Own'.

When they first attacked Beiping, the eight-nation coalition claimed to be saving their compatriots! However, after achieving this goal, they also revealed their true nature! Mao Xiong Guo took the opportunity to send troops to invade Manchuria, causing another tragedy.

As a condition for the peace discussion, the ministers Yuxian, Zhao Shuqiao, Prince Zhuang Zaixun and others who supported the First Peace Regiment were executed by the Qing government!

King Zaiyi of Duanjun and he were almost made the new monarch's son Pu Ru and his younger brother Fuguo Gong Zailan exiled to Xinjiang!

And the 'Gengzi Scourge Five Ministers' who were executed because they thought that the First Peace Group was superstitious and opposed to the start of the war were rehabilitated and recovered!

Subsequently, the Manchu Qing court issued an edict, saying, 'At the beginning of this case, the First Peace Group was actually the cause of the disaster, and now if you want to remove the source of the original plug, you must painfully eradicate it'!

And asked the great powers to 'help suppress', and just like that, the First Peace Regiment was eliminated...

In fact, the eight-nation coalition army also named the Qing government to kill someone, Dong Fuxiang.

Dong Fuxiang and Yihe Tuan cooperated happily, and in the Langfang Blockade that defeated Seymour, Dong Fuxiang had a share!

In the battle to besiege the embassy area, Rong Lu had already relaxed the attack on the order of the old demon woman of Cixi and even sent melons and fruits to the embassy area, but Dong Fuxiang was still very desperate!

However, even Dong Fuxiang himself knew that even if the voice of the eight-nation coalition army was high, the guillotine would not fall on his head.

The old demon woman of Cixi remembered that he was a meritorious escort of King Qin to protect him is only part of the reason, and the more real reason is: he has an army!

Li Hongzhang said: "He has controlled the Western Army for a long time, and I am afraid that he will provoke a rebellion, and he should slow down." "

One of the hallmarks of the power minister is that the emperor cannot sentence him to death, and Dong Fuxiang is obviously not a power minister, but he has reached this standard!

Not only the Gan army and the rear army of Wuwei, but also the heavily damaged former army and the central army were also disbanded, and the Wuwei army was left with only Song Qing's left army and Yuan Shikai's right army!

And even more comically...

After the eight-nation coalition army occupied Beiping, the Manchu Qing Dynasty dog tartars actually sent pennants with the words 'Wanguo Xianxi' and 'Wish Huafeng' to the two palanquins of the Eight-Nation Alliance!

The official of the dog tartar hung the pennant at the entrance of the headquarters of the eight-nation coalition army, knelt down on his knees and kowtowed, and the flag said 'All Nations Xianxi', which means that the world shares great harmony...

"Blessing the Huafeng Seal" contains two meanings, one is to express congratulations, wish many lives and blessings, and the other is that the blessed person who accepts the blessing is a layman, and if he does not accept it, he is a saint

The eight words on these two pennants are connected together, translated into the vernacular, that is, all the masters of the eight-nation coalition army, I wish you a long life and a hundred years, good luck, and more sons, you dissipate your anger, don't fight, let's create a harmonious world together!

Voice over: Send you two pennants, you are a layman if you accept it, and if you don't accept it, you are a saint.

Look, it's all this time, the dog tartar official still has the heart to play word games.

Such an esoteric meaning must not be understood by the Eight-Nation Alliance, but the sincere appearance of the Qing officials one by one, the Eight-Nation Alliance must have understood.

The officials of the Great Qing Dynasty hung the pennant at the entrance of the headquarters of the Eight-Nation Coalition Army, and in order to express their sincerity more profoundly, the leading officials simply knelt on the ground and kowtowed a few times to the representatives of the Eight-Nation Coalition Army!

The representative of the eight-nation coalition army immediately felt comfortable, the Chinese people are good to conquer

And the reason why Beiping City fell so quickly had a lot to do with Cixi's flight to the west, and the government at that time called this the Western Tour!

A few hours before the Eight-Nation Alliance broke through the imperial city, the old demon woman Cixi and the Guangxu Emperor fled Beiping.

The old demon woman of Cixi dressed as a peasant woman fled with the Qing royal family with the help of three wooden carts to Shanxi Province, which the Qing government called the 'Western Tour'!

Her cronies Ronglu, Prince Qing Yixi and others remained in Peiping to negotiate with foreigners.

Before fleeing west, Cixi made three arrangements:

First, dressing herself up as a peasant woman and Guangxu as an ordinary scholar, Cixi, who has always been graceful and magnificent, forgot to comb her hair and forget to wear a hairpin at this time;

Second, he ordered the concubines of the Guangxu Emperor to stay in Beijing temporarily to guard the harem, carrying a burden, worried that they would not be able to escape smoothly;

Third, sink Concubine Zhen into the well, Concubine Zhen supports Emperor Guangxu to stay in Beiping, and Emperor Guangxu will hold real power in Beijing, and Cixi hopes that Guangxu will always be a puppet!

Cixi lacked food and clothing on the way west, and the minister helped her get a nest and wo, and Cixi ate it was particularly sweet.

After the fleeing team of bereaved dogs fled for a while, officials in the imperial court began to donate filial piety silver to them one after another, and Cixi lived a life of brocade and jade food.

After the signing of the Eight-Nation Alliance Treaty, Cixi traveled from Xi'an to Beiping, and when he fled, he did not take a single penny, but when he returned, he had more than 300 truckloads of goods...

This old demon is really the biggest sinner!

The invasion of China by the eight-nation coalition army was actually an inexplicable war

Before the eight-nation coalition army broke through the city, the missionaries and embassies in Peiping were in panic.

They hid in the embassy area of Dongjiaomin Lane and the Xishiku Church, and sent a note to the Qing government.

There was no reply to the note, and German Minister Klind went to the Chancellor's office in a sedan car

Walking to the Dongdan Archway, encountered Qing soldiers patrolling the street, Clinde fired a shot first, and did not hurt anyone.

The Qing soldiers returned fire, the palanquin man fled, Klinder was killed, and when the Germans arrived, the Qing soldiers were nowhere to be seen.

When the German emperor heard the news, he was furious, and the next day, he mobilized a naval expedition and personally sent him to China to take revenge.

And the Qing army also began to cooperate with the First Peace Regiment to besiege the embassy.

Cixi rewarded Yihe Tuanjing rice with 20,000 stones, silver 100,000 taels, and more than 100,000 people attacked the embassy for two months, but did not capture the embassy area, which was only defended by a few hundred people.

At the beginning of the war, Zai Yi was full of scenery, but Ronglu was silent.

An officer under Rong Lu set up a flowering cannon and aimed it far away at the embassy area, and was about to fire the cannon, when suddenly he moved and asked Rong Lu to show him.

Rong Lu also replied with a clever and said, you just have to fire the cannon and let the old demon woman of Cixi listen to it.

The officer received the order, turned the gun port, and fired the cannon in a big way.

The voice of the old demon woman of Cixi was in her ears, and her heart was full of joy.

Rong Lu knew the general situation, he knew that the Empress Dowager was weak-hearted, and he couldn't help but 'fight', and he didn't dare to really 'fight'!

The people below can't ask for instructions to fight or not.

- 'Fighting' means talking about politics, drawing two lines by marking a line.

——'Fighting' is the Empress Dowager's line, and 'not fighting' is the emperor's line!

——'Fighting' and 'not fighting' is a matter of route, while 'real fighting' and 'fake fighting' are a matter of strategy!

The route should be adhered to, and the strategy can be expedient!

Hitting the embassy is on the side of the Qing monarch, forcing the emperor, not military, but political Z! The military is in the sky, the sky is guarded, the embassy is not like a fish swimming at the bottom of the cauldron?

But Tianfu can't hold it, and the embassy dares to really fight? What if the city is broken? The key is in day J, and day J must really fight.

But who can really fight? Nie Shicheng!

Nie Shicheng is a soldier who can fight, but he does not talk about politics, and he wants to suppress the First Peace Regiment.

Nie's great-grandson, Mr. Nie Xiansui, said that after his great-grandfather died in battle, the foreigners were in awe, but the imperial court looked down on it, and when he entered the funeral, only two dozen Qing soldiers wore white belts to send them to mourning, and none of the officials came to mourn.

When Yulu, the governor directly under him, asked for a compassionate gift, Cixi decreed: "Losing one's life in the wrong country is really hateful, remember the previous merits, and grant the compassionate ceremony!" "

Why would a general who gave his life for the blood of his country become a sinner?

The day before Nie's death, Yulu summoned him and shoved a telegram into his hand, which was an edict saying that he 'killed patriots without permission, and that the law would be corrected'.

Yulu comforted him:

Go to war, if victorious, keep you from dying!

But is he afraid of death? Not afraid at all.

He went back and put on a yellow horse coat, and the horizontal knife was immediately dazzling, like a god of war.

He fought not only against the coalition army, but also against the First Peace Group, and in politics, he was neither an imperialist party nor a post-party party, but just a professional soldier.

But the imperial court wants to use Yihe Tuan, and Yihe Tuan wants to kill Nie Shicheng.

The coalition forces will also kill him, and if they do not kill him, they will not be able to enter Biping.

Nie Zhen guarded the sky, only ten battalions of soldiers, he "divided his army in three", one garrisoned Lutai, one guarded the Beijing-Tianjin railway, and personally led one to attack Zizhulin.

The coalition forces counterattacked, and the Nie army retreated to Balitai without reinforcements.

He exclaimed, "This is my fatal place, and it is not my husband who has exceeded this step!" "

Before the words fell, the shell exploded, shrapnel hit his abdomen, and his intestines flowed out.

Immediately after, "a bullet penetrates through the mouth"

"A bullet pierces the temple"

"The last bullet wounded the chest"!

As soon as Nie Shicheng died, it didn't take long for the coalition forces to storm Tianji City, and Yulu's soldiers committed suicide in defeat.

In Beiping, the Empress Dowager ordered an end to attacks on embassies and churches, and it seems that Ronglu was prescient.

When the coalition forces broke the city, the First Peace Regiment, thinking that the foreigners' artillery fire was an evil art, hung toilet buckets, women's foot bands, and other filth all over the city, hung them for a day, did not hear the gunshots, and joyfully thought that the foreigners' guns were broken.

In fact, when the foreigners saw that Peiping City was hung with fluttering white cloth belts, they thought it was a lowering of the flag, and they saw that there were round things hanging one by one, and they didn't know what it was, so they went to investigate, it turned out to be a toilet, boom!

The foreigners do not understand the dialectics of the old demon woman of Cixi, fight and do not fight, do not fight and fight!

I also don't understand the combat method of the Yihe Regiment, this method, seemingly absurd, comes from the art of war, known as the Yin and Yang family.

No matter what art of war, dialectic, a cannon hit, the foreigners entered the city.

As soon as he entered the city, he couldn't understand it, and there was a Taoist priest sitting on the city tower, with his hands folded, his eyes closed and meditating, and the foreign soldiers came in, he ignored everything, probably thinking that he couldn't get in with guns.

The foreign soldiers were also stunned, afraid that the gun would bounce back and kill themselves.

As a result, he came to catch the gelding, was caught by the German soldiers, shot hard, and the Taoist priest died.

When the coalition army entered the city, they thought that in the name of revenge on the German minister Klinder, they killed men whenever they met, insulted women whenever they met, robbed whenever they were robbed, and set fire to the court after robbery?

And the army? Ran away in the direction of Xi'an!

The Imperial City is "a ditch of desperate backwater"!

Wadesi was critical of the looting of coalition forces in China.

He said:

So many treasures, treated in the most rude way, were destroyed...

He also said that it was fortunate that the Germans did not participate in such robbery, which disillusioned the nature of the war.

He reported to the Kaiser that on the day J, the German troops did not enter the city, and in Peiping, the German troops arrived only after the end of the robbery...

In his diary, he unabashedly described the robbery of the coalition forces: the robbery of the British army was quite systematic.

The stolen items should be concentrated in one place for later auction, and the auction proceeds will be distributed by the officers!

And the soldier simply could not understand what was the point of victory without plunder.

The trophies of the Dongying army must be handed over to the state, and the state must have reaped a considerable amount.

The robbery of the army of the Mao Bear Country was carried out in the most primitive and barbaric way, and things were thrown in a mess.

When the British army entered the Summer Palace, it was found that all valuables were missing, and the Maoxiongwan army withdrew, and the British army entered at a very short interval.

The treasures of the Summer Palace were snatched away by such Russians, and even the gifts given to the Qing emperor by the Prussian royal family were robbed by them.

After the German army protested, they handed over this gift from the royal family of Prusten to us.

Occupied by two companies of the Mao Bear Country army, some precious items may have been stolen by thieves, but it cannot be many.

But now I find that most of the valuable things are gone, leaving only those items that cannot be handled.

This is the greedy Russians, who lack the minimum standards of civilization.

The French are also not left behind in terms of robbery.

As for the Citi Army, although robbery is prohibited, the adventurous nature of Citi officers and soldiers makes them ignore the ban.

Regarding the robbery of the Citi people, there is a story of "rouge button" in the "Wild History" written by Gao Fu.

It is said that a family surnamed Peng lives on Liulichang Street, which is under the jurisdiction of the Citi State army. One day, four Citi soldiers came, one guarded the door, and the three entered the inner room, very politely, shook hands with each female dependent, began to rummage through the cabinets, finished searching, bowed to the master, and then went to another house.

Within a month, every house on this street was raided by Citi soldiers.

The second elder of the Peng family pondered for a night, and as soon as dawn broke, he went to the Citi State barracks alone and asked to see the commander of the Citi State army, and his family thought that most of them would not be able to return because of this, but unexpectedly, he returned after noon.

The next day, the commander of the Citi Army issued a notice: Huaxia merchants and citizens were asked to prepare rouge hydrated kerosene, and if any Citi Army entered, they would sprinkle water on their clothes and leave traces so that they could be investigated, and no Citi Army would search the house after that.

This second elder of the Peng family is Peng Yizhong, who later resigned from the government and founded the "Beijing Dialect Daily" to open the people's wisdom.

In the coalition, there will not be only one person like the commander of the Citi Nation army.

For example, there is the Frenchman named Ludi who wrote "The Fall of Peiping".

He was a French naval officer on an expedition to China and witnessed how an ancient civilization was killed!

And he couldn't help but sing elegy for this ancient civilization.

He had seen too many of the treasures he had stolen, so that he was a little tired of it.

He said:

Even the most amazing discoveries in the oldest cabinets no longer amaze us.

We are no longer interested in the decorative items in the room, because they are just passing eyes.

Speaking of new discoveries, we saw a pile of corpses this morning: the last guardians of the Imperial City.

They died in the trenches, piled up in a mess, but still in the horrible posture in which they died.

Crows and hungry dogs have long since descended into the tunnels to hollow out their chests and eat the intestines and eyes of the dead.

In this pile of fleshless corpses, twisted backbones in fragments of clothing can also be seen.

Almost all the corpses had no hair:

Like the carnivorous crows and hungry dogs, some Chinese people also went down deep into the tunnels and cut off the scalps of the deceased to make wigs and braids to sell for money.

Where is this defeat? It's civilization that is rotten!

The civilization shot down by artillery fire is giving birth to maggots! Such a scene is a "backwater of despair", and history itself is more than the poet's imagination!

What about the imperial court? And the army?

Where are they fleeing now?!

"Mixed accounts!!"

"It's just a mess to the extreme!"

Zulong saw the evil that those Western countries did in Huaxia, and the whole person was furious, as if the anger in his heart was like an active volcano that would erupt at any time!


"Is this the country you've been preparing to attack?"

"Give Xu a hard beating!"

"Beat them to extinction!"

"Capture all these barbarians from outside them and take them back to Daqin as slaves!"

"How can this land of God allow such pigs to trample on it wantonly?"

"And the foreign clan that rules the land of Kyushu!"

"It's really dense!"

The anger in Zulong's heart had almost reached the extreme.

"The attack on Jianzhou's lair in a few days, I want to personally participate!"

At the same time, everyone in the entire Great Tomorrow clearly saw the cabinet of evil things done by those barbarians in the Western countries!

One by one, they were filled with righteous indignation, and they hated to be able to go to the battlefield and hack and kill themselves! The anger of the entire Daming was completely awakened by Win Away!

The angry male lion of the land of Kyushu raised his head and looked at the other side of the ocean with angry eyes!

At this time, many of those countries in the West received the news from the missionaries.

"The great country in the East that is full of gold has fallen into weakness!"

"If you don't divide it up at this time, you won't have a chance in the future!"

Driven by such thoughts, seven or eight countries united and sent fleets to rush towards the land of Kyushu!

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