Chapter 143

Chapter 143

“This, this is!

Bai Feng’s face changed drastically, his pupils shrank, and he stubbornly held the Qi blade in Ying Ziyi’s hand. From the air blade, he felt the boundless force of terror.

As a result, Bai Feng unconsciously opened the distance from Winning Ziyi. He was not sure whether he could escape under the terrifying power of the opponent. Therefore, a certain safety distance must be opened.

At this time, Bai Feng’s heart was full of helplessness.

Just passed over the opponent’s head and provoked such a powerful opponent!

“Did off this trick, what you have passed over my head is completely wiped out!”

Winner also said with a smile on his face.

Bai Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly, he felt a very bad feeling in his heart, and said nothing.

Immediately afterwards, Yingzi also narrowed his smile and changed very seriously. He controlled the energy accumulation into a blade with his hands, and his internal strength skyrocketed, expanding the scope of the accumulation of energy into a blade.


Bai Feng kicked his feet and backed quickly. He didn’t expect this kind of weird attack to be able to show this way of attack.

“call out!

At the same time, the two hands of Winner moved, and the dark blue air blade, nearly five or six meters away, was slammed into Bai Feng’s body under his control.

Bai Feng’s eyes suddenly burst, and he tried to avoid it with an extremely quick attack.

Just when Bai Feng just made an action, Ying Ziyi’s 320 blows changed his trajectory, as if he had predicted his avoidance direction in advance.

“Can’t hide!”

Bai Feng’s eyes widened and filled with shock. He found that, no matter what, he couldn’t easily avoid the dark blue inner strength.

The light of gathering energy into a blade slid down!

“call out!

Bai Feng’s body stiffened, and he felt a violent internal force next to him rubbing his forehead in a daze.


A fierce and terrifying crack appeared on the ground, and white disgust also appeared, which looked very terrifying.

In Bai Feng’s ear, hair drifted down, and he was in a state of consternation.

“You go, it’s so boring.”

Winning Zi also dissipated from his hands, and he glanced at Bai Feng calmly, and said slowly.

Suddenly, Bai Feng came back to his senses, his face was very gloomy.

He knew that with this blow, the opponent had kept his hand.

Although he didn’t know why the other party wanted to keep his hands on him, Bai Feng still did not choose to pursue him excessively.

But a sense of suffocation hung in Bai Feng’s heart.

He has experienced countless battles and has never been as aggrieved as this battle.

The weirdest thing is that under the opponent’s horrible and overwhelming strength, he was unscathed.

Except for the embarrassing figure, there is no injury.

“What do you want to do?”

Bai Feng gritted his teeth and couldn’t help but ask.

Hearing this, Yingzi also smiled knowingly, and said: “It’s nothing, I don’t like you. Passing through the top of my head and not letting you remember it, then I am very shameless.”


Bai Feng’s face was angry, he hadn’t expected that the reason for this battle turned out to be just such a small matter.

But the fact that the other party is stronger than him is understandable!

Seeing Bai Feng’s aggrieved appearance, Winner didn’t care too much, and smiled: “After all, you and I are comrades-in-arms. How could I hurt you. That would be too impersonal.”

Bai Feng felt aggrieved and wanted to vomit blood, and said coldly, “Comrades in arms?”

“At that time you will know.”

Winner also didn’t answer Bai Feng, but laughed inexplicably.

Upon seeing this, Bai Feng snorted coldly, took a step, and prepared to leave.

Although he felt aggrieved, he couldn’t beat the opponent, and he was still here, it was just a shame.

“and many more!”

Winner watched Bai Feng prepare to leave, and said.

Bai Feng paused, looking at Ying Ziyi with an unkind expression, full of vigilance.

Upon seeing this, the Winner was even more happy. If he wanted to attack Bai Feng, he would be able to hit the opponent hard just now.

But this is one of the main forces against the Mohist school, and he naturally wouldn’t lose himself before the war.

“what’s up?

Bai Feng’s eyes were obviously cold, and he spoke bluntly.

Winner didn’t care, and said slowly: “There is nothing too big (cdfg), just hope that your trip will go smoothly!

“Although I don’t know who you are and what your purpose is. But if we do things in quicksand, you don’t need to worry about it!”

Bai Feng’s voice was very proud and straightforward.

“It could not be better.

Winner also said with a slight smile, calmly.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Feng disappeared directly into Winner’s sight with a frightening flicker.

After Yingzi watched Bai Feng leave, he returned to the horse and once again led a large number of soldiers to set off.

In the process of rushing, the winner can also clearly notice that the internal force in the body is gradually dissipating. The peak effect of Huashen Gai is declining.

In this regard, let the Winner also calculate in his heart, how much time was spent from the time when the potential of the body was activated at the beginning to the end of the battle.

After summing up, the winner also probably understood the duration of the effect of the Huashen Gai.

The peak period, that is, the ten-fold increase in internal strength, can last for half an hour.

After this hour, the internal force will gradually dissipate, and about every hour, it will drop three times the internal force.

For a total of three and a half hours, the effect of the God-Transforming Cover will be completely effective.

This is the result of the statistics of the winners.

For this duration, Winner is also very satisfied. Of course, what he values ​​most is the peak period of that half hour.

With the departure of Ying Ziyi, Da Si Ming and Shao Si Ming followed behind silently.

However, the shock on Da Si Ming’s face was still unable to dissipate.

He saw that the winner was also in actual combat, but that was the success of the Qi gathering on the journey!

Although both hands gather qi into one blade, it is still very difficult to display the Qi gathering into the edge of the journey.

“Second Young Master’s talent is stronger than Master Star Soul!”

Dai Shiming came up with an idea that she couldn’t believe.

Star Soul, that is the strongest genius of the Yin Yang Family in a hundred years, at a young age, but the Yin Yang technique has reached a point where others could not achieve it in a lifetime.

In Ying Ziyi’s body, Da Si Ming saw a shadow that was even greater than the star soul. Given time, even if he became another terrifying Eastern Emperor, it was not an exaggeration!

As for the young man next to him, his mind was much simpler. Although she was also deeply surprised by Winning Ziyi’s ability to gather energy, she quickly relieved.

Her xinxing is so plain, and she won’t lose her inner peace because of certain things. So from her face, it is impossible to capture any fluctuations in expression.

“Second son, in one day, we will go to the destination of this trip.”

Behind Yingzi, Zhang Luo respectfully reminded that he was completely impressed by the strength of Yingzi. He did not expect such a distinguished second son. There is such a terrifying strength!

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