Chapter 132

Chapter 132 Slap and Fly (fourth more seeking subscription)

Zhao Zhiyao’s crisp voice echoed all around.

There was silence, everyone looked in the direction Zhao Zhiyao was looking, and saw a young man who was gradually entering the banquet.

This young man is the winner.

Wang He glanced at Ying Ziyi, a trace of anger flashed across his face, as if his favorite toy had been taken away, and he asked in a deep voice, “Who? Who is he?”

Zhao Zhiyao took a deep breath and said coldly: “It’s the damn guy who made me apologize in public!

“What? Is it him?”

Including Wang Heyi, the brother-in-law and Miss Qianjin in the surrounding circle were all surprised.

at the same time.

the other side.

Li Wangcai looked at the direction of the gate, his face stagnated. He also saw the appearance of the winner, and he couldn’t help sighing, and said, “Unexpectedly, this adult is still here.”

“Unfortunately, now he will suffer.”

The old man beside Li Wangcai also sighed and said slowly.

The rest of the caravan did not have any mood swings, as if they were treating a stranger.

Li Erhu added fuel to the fire and said with a sneer: “This guy really came, isn’t he afraid of being killed by Master Zhao on the spot? Or is he arrogant enough that he thinks he can compete with Master Zhao and Master Zhao. .I don’t know how to live or die, it’s better to die here so as not to harm other people.

“Li Er, can you accumulate a bit of yin virtue on your mouth, somehow your lord also saved you!”

Li Wangcai was unbearable and shouted immediately.

Originally, Li Erhu intended to refute, but seeing the winner not far away, he closed his mouth in hatred and did not speak any more. But his eyes shone with strange light, and he sneered in his heart.

At this time, Zhao Zhiyao stared at the winner, and now she wished to kill the opponent on the spot.

Standing next to Zhao Zhiyao, Wang He came to his senses once, a trace of pride appeared on his face, and he patted his chest and said, “Xiao Yao, I told you. I want to cut off that kid’s hands and let him crawl over to you. I apologize. I do what I said, so you can just wait and see. An incompetent nobleman who dares to provoke Xiao Yao is so impatient!”

Prince Prince “You are not his opponent, don’t be impulsive.”

Zhao Zhiyao showed a worried look on his face and quickly reminded him.

“Will I be this kid’s opponent? What a joke! Don’t worry, Xiao Yao. I must let him kneel over and apologize to you.”

Wang Heyi’s expression was full of seriousness, and he shouted loudly.

Hearing this, Zhao Zhiyao’s beautiful eyes flashed a sneer, and said softly: “Prince Wang, you must be careful. You must not be hurt by him!”

“Haha, Xiao Yao, with your words, even if you let me go to the volcano below the mountain, I will not hesitate!”

Wang Heyi said with an uplifted expression on his face.

Up to this point, Wang Heyi has not seen the abnormality of Zhao Zhiyao’s words.

Zhao Zhiyao was using words to deliberately arouse him, let him impulsively provoke Win Ziyi.

And Zhao Zhiyao can be used as a fisherman, using Wang He to test with a pair of winners.

In addition, if the winner also successfully injured Wang Heyi, even killed the opponent.

This is the situation Zhao Zhiyao wants to see most.

Because in the hall, besides her father Zhao Ziyan, Wang Heyi’s father General Wang is also here.

By then, if General Wang sees his son being beaten, he will definitely make an angry shot!

This trick is amazing!

It can be seen from this that Zhao Zhiyao is not a girl who has no intentions. She can figure out the character of Wang Heyi, so as to use Wang Heyi and the winner to also face each other and successfully lead the battle!

A hint of surprise flashed across Ji Ruyun’s face, who was standing next to Zhao Zhiyao, but it quickly settled down. After reading countless people, she was naturally able to figure out the purpose of Zhao Zhiyao’s practice.

In front of Ji Ruyun, a daughter like Zhao Zhiyao still looked immature.

But Ji Ruyun didn’t break it, pretending that she didn’t know is her best course.

Otherwise, if you offend Zhao Zhiyao, she can’t eat it!

“Isn’t it that even Zhao Zhiyao’s face is not given? No! More precisely, it is not even the face of Zhao Taishou. Such a person, unless he is a stunned man! But he can lead three thousand cavalry, certainly not It will be a stunned boy. So, he should have some confidence!”

Ji Ruyun kept thinking in her heart that she was very smart. After seeing the fan also appeared, she was able to distinguish some clues by thinking of all the things Zhao Zhiyao said before.


Ji Ruyun had an uncontrollable thought in her heart, and her beautiful eyes were more intense: then he must be a person with status, even Taishou Zhao didn’t take it seriously! Such a person is what I want! If He can walk out of the prefectural palace unscathed today, even if I use any method, I must pursue him!

No one knew Ji Ruyun’s inner thoughts.

In addition to Ji Ruyun, Zhao Zhiyao and the surrounding son brothers and others all looked at Wang He, the winning son who was approaching the front step by step.

……For flowers………

“It’s best to kill Wang Heyi, the troublesome guy. Then, when General Wang is sent out, there is just an excuse to get rid of him!”

Zhao Zhiyao thought so in her heart, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

As for the other side.

After Winning had stepped into the gate of the Taishou Mansion, he saw the table on the open ground and young men and women in different dresses. Everyone was beautifully dressed, and he knew that his life experience was extraordinary at a glance.

“Really hosting a banquet to entertain me!”

Winner also looked at the table in front of the table full of food, with a funny smile on his face.

Just when Ying Zi was also ready to go forward.

An arrogant man walked slowly in front of him with his nostrils facing the sky.

Wang Heyi stopped and stood in front of Ying Ziyi, pointed at Ying Zi’s forehead, with a trace of contempt at the corner of his mouth, and said, “You are just asking Xiao Yao to apologize, that kid who knows nothing about life and death!


“Xiao Yao? Who?”

Ying Zi also showed a look of doubt on his face, and said slowly.

Wang He froze for a moment, and immediately said: “It’s the daughter of Prefect Zhao, Zhao Zhiyao!”

It turned out that “it’s her, that’s right.”

The Winner also suddenly laughed and said.

Suddenly, Wang He’s face became even more angry. He felt that his dignity was being severely trampled on, if he didn’t show the other party a little bit of color. Then he has no face at all in the circle.

“Boy, die for me!”

Wang Heyi took up his sleeves, and his big fists hit Ying Ziyi’s mind fiercely.

From this point of view, although Wang Heyi had a violent and frivolous personality, he turned out to be an out-and-out third-rate warrior.

However, in the eyes of Winner, Wang Heyi, a third-rate warrior, is still a little watery. The horse’s pace is unstable, the next game doesn’t look like a bit, and the internal force seems to have risen abruptly. Even the attack doesn’t have any technology to speak of, it’s like a gangster fighting on the street.

“Do you do it to me? Then lie down for me!”

Ying Zi also had a flat face, and on one side of his figure, he directly avoided Wang Heyi’s attack.

At the same time, Winner also slowly raised his right hand, surging internal force, and slapped Wang Heyi’s head.


A huge force hit Wang Heyi’s head, and his whole body was beaten almost fainted. Accompanied by Juli, he jumped into the air, smashed the table in a soft arc, and smashed the table. door.

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