Chapter 130

Chapter 130 represents the whole scene crane city (second more seeking subscription)

Suddenly, there was a surge in the upper circles of the entire Muhe City.

About the threats and humiliation of Zhao Taishou’s favorite daughter, it spread to the ears of the wealthy.

At the same time, the banquet invitation letter issued by Zhao Ziyan was successfully delivered to every powerful person. After receiving the invitation letter, everyone put aside everything on their hands, and rushed to the Taishou Mansion nonstop.

In Muhe City, a Zhao Ziyan represents half of Muhe City’s will!

What is left is a group of powerful people who unite to be on par with Zhao Ziyan’s power.

But with an invitation letter from Zhao Ziyan, no one with noble ownership dare not neglect it at all.

In the Taishou’s Mansion, the generals from various battlefields, the people in power of Muhe City, and so on, all the people in the upper circles, all come by coincidence.

The banquet place in the Prefect’s Mansion is very wide, and it can accommodate hundreds of people.

Tables have been set up here, with countless precious foods stacked on them.

Of course, these are just a superficial form of the banquet.

Everyone knows that the purpose of this banquet is not to thank the so-called great benefactor, but to challenge the great benefactor.

In front of the banquet, there is 23 a quiet hall.

At this time, there were a dozen people sitting in the hall, and the middle-aged man headed in the middle was really Taishou Zhao, Zhao Ziyan!

The people sitting on both sides of the room are all the top-notch figures in Muhe City.

It can be said that the dozens of people gathered here can fully represent the will of the whole Muhecheng.

“Everyone, let you come to my banquet. I believe you already understand what I mean. I, Zhao, have always done things without committing me and I am not criminal. Now someone is bullying my daughter. I believe that you will Be consistent with me, and paid me a heavy price for that kid!”

Zhao Ziyan sat in the center, his face was plain, and his tone was full of coercion and depression.

A general in armor nodded his head and said respectfully: “Master Zhao said that since someone has bullied your daughter on the head, it is not giving you face. And your face, but our whole scene. The city is closely related. Therefore, you can just send a word, and we must act according to your words truthfully.

After the general spoke, the others also expressed their opinions.

“Master Zhao, although the opponent has three thousand cavalry. However, our Muhecheng has never been afraid. It is his misfortune that he provokes our Muhecheng! Is it possible that he thinks that he can stand against us as a whole? City people?”

“That is, Master Zhao, you can just say it straight, and we will do what you want. There are three thousand cavalry, my Wang can still stop it! As long as Master Zhao speaks, I will immediately lead the troops to annihilate him.

“Yes, yeah, Master Zhao, if you say something, we will definitely go through fire and water, and we will not hesitate!

Everyone had the same meaning, and all of them were in line with Zhao Ziyan’s intentions.

In this case, none of them refuted.

Therefore, the smile on Zhao Ziyan’s face was even brighter, saying: “Everyone, you don’t need to send troops. I have invited him to this banquet, and the number is limited to 100. At that time, as long as he dares to resist, I believe that with your strength, it is not a problem at all to suppress him.

“Is there only a hundred people here? That’s easy. If you control him, then the remaining three thousand cavalry will not be feared at all.”

A general thought for a while, with a trace of cold light on his face, analyzed.

Another general followed suit; “A hundred guards, a dozen of our generals here, can handle it with ease. What’s more, you must have arranged manpower for Mr. Zhao, it is absolutely foolproof!”


Zhao Ziyan nodded, his eyes flashed for a moment of thought, and he muttered: “The most important thing is to plan this matter completely. If there is a battle, then everyone should report the matter to His Majesty the First Emperor. Because the other party did it first, I was just forced to do it!

“Gao, Master Zhao’s methods are really clever! In this case, even if we kill him, we can still get rid of the crime.”

“Master Zhao’s methods are admirable. Don’t worry, we know what to do.

“Small things, originally the other party did it first. In addition, with his intention to do it, he can completely regard them as rebellious traitors and directly wipe out them. Maybe they can still usher in awards.”

Every general here, except for the battle-tested field, everyone is a thoughtful old fox.

Naturally, the strategies they offer are very reliable and practical.

Hearing this, Zhao Ziyan shook his head and laughed Lang Lang: “Since you all know what Zhao meant, then I don’t have to say more. I will be hosting a banquet this time, thank you for your help.”

“Master Zhao is too polite, you and us are not strangers.”

“That’s right, Mr. Zhao, you are polite with these words. In the face of outsiders, it is not normal for us to unite together.”

“Furthermore, there may be things that will trouble Master Zhao in the future. We will ask Master Zhao not to refuse at that time.”

In the face of everyone’s words, Zhao Ziyan smiled even more and said: “It’s easy to talk and talk, what are the difficulties for everyone in the future. Even if I can talk to me, I will do it for you!”

“Thank you Master Zhao!”

A dozen generals clasped their fists and said with a big laugh.

Outside the hall of the prefectural palace.

At the banquet, there were a group of gorgeously dressed elder brothers and the daughters of the powerful people’s home.

Every one of them was talking and laughing, among them, Zhao Zhiyao was the proud girl of heaven who was all around.

Among all the 303 sons and eldest daughters, Zhao Zhiyao’s identity is the most prominent.

Naturally, it also ushered in the pursuit and admiration of everyone.

“Xiao Yao, don’t worry, the kid who provokes you, I will definitely help you out and interrupt his hand! Let him come to you on his knees and beg for mercy!”

A elder brother in white clothes looked at Zhao Zhiyao with admiration and said vows.

“Prince Prince, thank you!”

Zhao Zhiyao looked at her brother, with a smile on her face.

Suddenly, Wang He’s eyes became more shining, and he was obviously attracted by Zhao Zhiyao’s every move.

Upon seeing this, a faint sneer flashed across Zhao Zhiyao’s mouth.

Wang Heyi, his father was a general with outstanding achievements in Muhecheng. It is this level of identity that made Zhao Zhiyao polite to Wang Heyi.

Otherwise, Zhao Zhiyao would not even treat Wang Heyi positively.

In Zhao Zhiyao’s view, Wang He is just an impetuous young boy who is nothing but his identity and cannot attract her attention at all.

Treating Wang Heyi so politely, it’s just that Zhao Zhiyao thinks that the other party has the value to use.

In Muhe City, who didn’t know that Wang Heyi was in love with Zhao Zhiyao. Therefore, anyone who tries to get close to Zhao Zhiyao will welcome Wang Heyi’s heavy revenge.

Therefore, Wang Heyi became Zhao Zhiyao’s shield to use her opponent to help her remove some annoying flies.

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