Chapter 121

Chapter 121 Planting a Seed (first more seeking subscription)

After a long time, a voice sounded.


An elegant swordsman appeared beside Xue Nu. He was Gao Jianli of the Mo family. After realizing that Xue Nu had not moved for so long, he was worried about the safety of Xue Nu and came to look for Xue Nu’s trace.

Suddenly, Xue Nu returned to her senses, with an icy breath on her delicate face. She glanced at Xiao Gao with an unwavering look, and said flatly: “Let’s go, I have completed the task, and it is time to go back to the Organ City. NS.

Later, Xue Nu left from Gao Jianli’s sight alone.

At this moment, Gao Jianli frowned and he couldn’t help but feel it.

The Snow Girl has changed a lot.

When Xue Nu just looked at him, she didn’t have the familiar feeling of the past. Instead, she appeared very ordinary and plain, as if she was facing an ordinary friend.

Realizing this, Gao Jianli seemed very puzzled, what is going on!

It took him so long before he gradually opened Xue Nu’s heart.

At this moment, it seems to be a loss.

Xue Nu’s heart was closed again, even if it was him, it would be difficult to open it again!

Gao Jianli’s heart is very complicated, very confused and 290 lost.

Winner also returned to the place where he camped in the distance, with a smile on his mouth all the time.

A seed has been planted in Xue Nu’s heart.

Soon, after this seed germinates, Xue Nu’s heart will naturally be captured by him.

Everything, thanks to this guqin!

Winner also looked at the guqin on his back, and slightly narrowed his eyes. The ability of this guqin was so weird.

As for those words, they were naturally made up by Winner. Since he was born, he has never been to the country of Zhao, so how could he meet Xuenu.

It’s just that he has a deeper understanding of Xue Nu, that’s why he knows these secret information.


Under Ying Zi’s gaze, the guqin he held in his hand, the strings on it were broken, and the entire guqin was turned into an ancient tree.

“One-time supplies?

Fans are also somewhat different.

What he holds in his hand now is an ordinary wooden board.

Without the strings, this guqin will also be meaningless.

However, to be able to plant such a seed for the Snow Girl, (cdfg) Winner also believes that his career is still very rewarding.

The damage of this guqin does not make him feel too disappointed.

Later, Winner also threw the guqin into the fire in front of him. As everyone burned, the guqin completely disappeared.

Winner also did not order to chase Xue Nu and the others, precisely because the time has not yet arrived!

The current Mo Family is like a frightened bird. Once the news of him chasing Xue Nu and others, it will definitely make the rest of the Mo Family vigilant.

In this way, it is undoubtedly a very difficult thing to break into the Mohist Institution City.

The next day.

When the sun shines, the light is dazzling and brings warmth.

Under the leadership of Winner, everyone in the Black Armored Cavalry was ready to go and continued to move forward vigorously.

A hundred zombies cover, trailing behind the team, they will not get tired, so even if they keep walking, they can also support a long time.

The winner was also at the front of the team. Behind him, two peerless beauties, Da Si Ming and Shao Si Ming, followed closely, watching the surrounding environment all the time.

Prevent a sneak attack.

“Second Young Master, there seems to be a battle ahead!”

Zhang Luo’s eyes condensed, he looked at the sound of fighting from the front, and said solemnly.

Naturally, without opening up, the winner also noticed the movement in front of him.

Now as a first-class warrior, his five senses are definitely countless times more sensitive than Zhang Luo.

“Second Young Master, shall we go around, or?”

Zhang Luo asked respectfully.

“Let’s take a closer look.

Winner also calmed down and said slowly.


Zhang Luo nodded quickly.

A group of teams quickly approached the battlefield ahead. On the ground, the corpses were laid out in a mess. The blood ran slowly on the ground, and there were stumps and debris everywhere.

“Kill, kill these damn robbers!”

“Brother Liu, our caravan can’t hold it anymore, you take your things and leave!

“Brothers, kill all these guys, they are simply rich and rich. After finishing this order, we will be able to play for three years!”

“Kill, no matter men, women, old or young, kill first before talking.”

The battlefield was in chaos, and they were so red-eyed that they didn’t notice that the winner was also waiting.


A coughing sound suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

Whether it was a robber or a caravan, the movements of their hands were stiff. They looked not far away, and the black and crushed cavalry had a very scared expression on their faces.


The weapon in a robber’s hand fell along the trajectory to the ground, and he sat paralyzed in panic, shivering.

“Army, army!”

All the robbers, including those in the caravan, had an idea in their hearts.

Except for the Great Qin cavalry, they can’t imagine who else can lead so many heavily armed soldiers.

“Da Qin’s army is here, and this group of damn robbers will have to suffer!!

“Great, these inhumane robbers can finally make them all die here. Pity my brother, they killed him.”

“People can’t be resurrected when they die. It’s a happy thing to be able to see this group of robbers die with their own eyes.”

The men and horses of the caravan were all excited. Seeing Daqin’s army, they seemed to see great hope.

In the caravan’s carriage, a woman poked her head out and showed a delicate face. She looked at the dark and overwhelming Da Qin army with a look of excitement.

A middle-aged man approaching the carriage, his expression relaxed a little, he also smiled and said, “Miss, we are safe now.

“Uncle Zhang, go and call their leader to come over and order them to kill all these damn robbers. It’s really tired of hitting my mind.”

A sneer appeared on the beautiful woman’s face, her tone was full of commands, and she was very arrogant.

“Miss, it’s not so good, this is a cavalry!”

The middle-aged man named Uncle Zhang hesitated and couldn’t help asking.

“What about the cavalry? My father is the prefect, the prefect of Muhe City. It’s just a cavalry. Wouldn’t you dare to disobey my orders?”

The woman was full of disdain, with a very proud face, raising her head like a noble white swan.

Her identity is the prefect of Muhe City, Zhao Ziyan’s most beloved daughter, Zhao Zhiyao.

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