Chapter 105

Chapter 105 Is He Amazing? (First, Happy Chinese New Year)

Surrounded by soldiers, Wang Zeyu’s face was extremely ugly. He glared at Lin Wan and shouted: “Lin Wan, do you know what you are doing? You dare to arrange manpower, do you want to go to full-scale war with my Wang family? That’s a price. Not to mention that you are Lin Xue, even your entire Lin family can’t afford it.”

The surrounding soldiers blocked the entire Zuiyun Building. Every soldier was expressionless, holding weapons in his hands, exuding a strong murderous aura.

After hearing Wang Zeyu’s words, Lin Wan laughed loudly and said with disdain: “Young Master Wang, you still don’t know, your current situation!”


Wang Zeyu heard that Lin Wan’s tone was wrong, his anger dissipated a little, and his face was full of suspicion.

“Tell you the truth!”

Lin Xue sneered and looked at Winning Ziyi, and said: “And you damn kid, I have been a big deal again and again. You think Wang Zeyu is protecting you, so I just take “Two Nine Zero” and you can’t help it? I tell you, you must die here today, even if everyone in the Wang family is in front of me, they dare not stop it!”

“Xue Lin, if you don’t give me an explanation, I think your Lin family will definitely be retaliated by my Wang family.”

Although surrounded, Wang Zeyu was still too timid, and looked at the winner next to Ziyi, solemnly said: “Brother, as long as I am still alive, Lin Wan will never hurt you a minute, don’t worry! You helped me, I will never let you be retaliated by Lin Xue.”

“He can’t help me!

Winning Zi also flashed an interesting look in his eyes, and smiled plainly.

Upon seeing this, Wang Zeyu shook his head and exhorted: “Brother, I know your strength is good, but compared with the army of the empire, your personal strength will appear extremely weak. So even if you are a first-class warrior, you will have tens of thousands of cavalry in the empire. Under the circumstances, they will also be killed. The matters here are left to me to deal with.”

Winner did not speak either, but his face was still calm and calm.

Regarding this, Wang Zeyu sighed secretly. In his opinion, the winner still didn’t understand the power of the empire, so he could treat it so calmly.

Immediately afterwards, Lin came to Wang Zeyu and sneered: “Fatty Wang, don’t be afraid to tell you. Don’t you think it is strange? Mr. Li’s forbearance, how did I find him. This is not a simple coincidence. ”

“Pang Lin, say something quickly, let go if you have a fart!”

Wang Zeyu’s expression is not good, and he speaks bluntly.

“Well, I’ll let you know. Mr. Li, it is the subordinate I asked for from a big man. If you let him know, his subordinate died here, and it is still unclear. So, what will happen to you, Wang Zeyu, is completely beyond my imagination.”

Lin Xueman smiled and slowly explained.

Suddenly, a trace of surprise appeared on Wang Zeyu’s face, and said: “Lin Wan, you and my gambling fight, you even involved other people!”

“I didn’t involve other people, but my Lin family happened to cooperate with this adult. And Mr. Li, the adult gave me to help me win this gambling fight.”

Lin Wan continued, his expression was particularly ironic.

“who is it!

Wang Zeyu took a deep breath and said.

“It’s okay to tell you, the big man who cooperated with my Lin family is Master Ling of CRRC!”

Lin Wan’s face was full of smiles, very brilliant.

Hearing this, Wang Zeyu’s pupils shrank, and he appeared very shocked, unable to recover for a while.

CRRC House Order!

It turned out to be this terrifying big man!

Wang Zeyu couldn’t imagine that his gambling fight with Lin Wan involved such a great god, who was the celebrity of His Majesty the First Emperor.

Seeing Wang Zeyu’s face, Lin Wan smiled more arrogantly: “Wang Dashao, now you are still planning to stop me from doing it? I only want this kid’s life. If you leave here, I can do everything. It didn’t happen. But if you stop it, the sword has no eyes, and you die here, I can only sigh.”

After a pause, Lin Wan said meaningfully.

“Even if you die here, Master Wang, but you from the royal family, do you dare to do it? Master Ling’s subordinates of the Zhongche Mansion died here. I don’t think your Wang family dare to touch your brows. This is a source of fire. Don’t you dare!”

Lin Wan’s voice echoed in Wang Zeyu’s ears, his face was extremely ugly and gloomy.

If there is no such thing as CRRC’s order.

Whatever you say, Wang Zeyu will protect the winner, but now Lin Wan has moved out of the CRRC House Order. Then if Wang Zeyu stops him, it will be no small matter.

It was his blatant sex that entered the face of Master Ling from CRRC.

He couldn’t afford such a price, and neither of his Wang family could afford it. “”

After gritting his teeth, Wang Zeyu glanced at Lin Wan, and under the scoffing gaze of the other party, he slowly retreated to the side of Ying Ziyi, and reminded in a low voice: “Brother, I am the one who caused you. Take advantage of this, you hurry up. Run. With the strength of your first-class warrior, these soldiers can’t keep you…


“Go? Why do you want to go?”

A smile appeared on Yingzi’s face and said slowly.

Immediately, Wang Zeyu looked anxious and continued to persuade: “Brother, don’t worry about so much. This matter is more complicated than I thought. Don’t mix it up. You will really be dead. Things are no longer as simple as gambling. Yes. There are a lot of power struggles involved in this.

Things i

“What’s the matter with me?”

Winner also laughed again, and the whole person was very calm.

Suddenly, Wang Zeyu was impatient, but still patiently explained: “Mr. Li you killed, he is not small, he will lead to a big man. What’s more, you are lonely and no one cares about your life. I am different. Well, at least, I still have the Wang family blocking him, even if this big man is not helpful, he won’t just let my Wang family do it.

“Mr. Li? I didn’t kill this.”

The winner also shook his head flatly, and said slowly.

“I know, I can only say that this fellow Lin Zeng is too cunning. But even if you didn’t kill it. No one will listen to you to explain, you will only be the target of being hunted. So your best way is Flee and leave Xianyang.

Wang Zeyu also looked very helpless and angry.

No matter how Wang Zeyu persuaded him, he found that he couldn’t let the reversal win Ziyi’s determination. Ever since, he said a few words with Li Chaoyao next to him.

Li Zhaorui came to Ying Ziyi’s side with an anxious expression, and said, “Brother Ziyi, listen to this big brother, run away from you, the great figures of the empire will not do the 5.6 explanation that cares about you. And, even if You are a first-rate warrior, and you will definitely be killed by the iron cavalry of the empire. Personal strength is really weak and vulnerable to the power of the empire.

Under the anxious gazes of the two, Ying Zi also asked calmly: “Wang Shao, who is the big man you mentioned?”

“Brother, let me tell you the truth, this big man. Even my Wang family has to bend down and treat him respectfully. He is, Lord CRRC Mansion Order!”

A strong fear flashed across Wang Zeyu’s face, gritted his teeth and said.

“What? It turned out to be Master Ling of CRRC!”

Li Chaoyao was even more shocked, and the fear that flashed through his eyes became thicker, and he continued to persuade Yingzi. In his opinion, if he provokes such a big person, the end will be very miserable.

“CRRC Mansion Order? Zhao Gao?

Ying Zi also showed a smile in his eyes, and his voice was flat: “Is he amazing?”

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