Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 686: faint!

Philip couldn't wait to fire Leon directly, but for the sake of "free" labor, Philip did not fire Leon.

"Let's not talk about this matter. The matter is over. I will deduct half of your salary. This is a punishment for you. You will pay a price for doing something wrong."

Because he is not a regular employee, Leon’s salary is settled once a week. Although the salary is not much, Leon cherishes this opportunity very much.

"I accept the punishment, Manager Philip."

"This matter is resolved, it's the second matter, Leon tell me honestly how much did you hear?"

Philip peeped at his prey like a fox, and in his eyes Leon was weak and at his disposal.

Leon was terrified, Philip's eyes were terrible, "I...really didn't hear anything."

His body trembled more severely, and Leon felt that if he had said, Philip would not let him go.

Judging from the current situation, only Philip knows about selling stale bread to other supermarkets at low prices.

He must not say that he heard it, Leon instinctively felt threatened.

Seeing Leon's fear, Philip suddenly laughed, "Hahahaha, Leon, you are too courageous! I won't do anything to you, just tell me!"

"Manager Philip, I really don't know what you want me to say."

Looking at Leon, who was not eating hard and soft, Philip angrily threw the glass on the table to the ground. The splash of broken glass scratched Leon’s forehead, and the blood flowed down his face. It's blood.

Philip did not expect that the glass would splash and scratch Leon.

"Are you OK?"

Leon covered the wound with his hand, and the blood flowed more and more, flowing down Leon's wrist, and within a while, a pool of blood shed on the ground.

Leon's lips began to turn white. He was already malnourished, but now he bleeds so much, his head is a little dizzy, and he seems to fall to the ground instantly.

Leon's body was a little unsupported, his legs were soft and he sat on the ground.

The smell of blood filled the tip of Leon's nose. His nose was originally more sensitive than ordinary people, but now he only felt dizzy, and slowly Leon fainted to the ground.

Philip frowned and looked at Leon who was lying on the ground. He had never seen anyone bleeding so much, his face was pale without a trace of blood, and he looked like he was dead.

Philip was stunned and didn't dare to move, his mind kept circling, he killed someone! Will he go to jail!

Philip was also afraid of killing him. He was anxious to call the emergency number, but when he thought that it would affect the store's business, his hand holding the phone was in the air.

No way! He can't make this call, not only will the business in the store be affected, but he may also go to jail for intentionally hurting others.

Philip gave up calling the emergency number, he immediately locked the door, thinking about how to deal with it.

After closing the door, Philip slowly approached Leon. He reached out and put his hand under Leon's nose, still faintly breathed.

The big rock in Philip's heart was finally put down, not dead! He does not need to go to jail.

He had a medicine kit in the office, and Philip immediately got up and went to look for the medicine kit.

Philip was a little panicked at this time, he suddenly forgot where to put the medicine cabinet, and he began to search each cabinet.

Philip opened the cabinet under the desk and found that the medicine box was inside. He quickly picked up the medicine box and came to Leon.

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