The doctor said that the patient was very tired.

In the clinic.

Rocky took out a bottle of blue serum from the studio inside and came to Jack.

"Is this the good stuff you mentioned? What is it?"

Jack was a little curious.

"An injectable serum drug that can enhance the body's functions. There may be a battle in tomorrow's mission, and this thing will come in handy."

"Do you want me to inject this?"

"Yes." Rocky nodded.

"Okay, what should I do?"

"Just lie down."

Although Jack didn't know what the serum in Rocky's hand was, and he didn't have the habit of using drugs, he believed Rocky. Since he said it was a good thing, let's try it.

Anyway, as long as you are sure that Rocky will not hurt you, there is no point in asking too much. Rocky is a professional in this regard, just listen to him.

Jack lay on the operating chair, and Rocky began to prepare to inject him with serum.

"L, did you and Lucy know each other before?"

Rocky was still debugging the equipment, and Jack waited and asked casually.

"No, I didn't know her. Speaking of which, it was the first time I met her yesterday." Rocky shook his head.

"Well, when you were not here in the afternoon, I chatted with her and accidentally let out the fact that you worked for Lao Wei." Jack mentioned this to Rocky.

"It doesn't matter, it's not an important matter, just don't tell her about the Mewtwo I saw." Rocky didn't care about it, but smiled and said.

"Hey, I definitely understand this."

"Okay, I'm going to start the injection, pay attention to adjusting your heartbeat. This thing doesn't hurt, but you may sleep for a while."

"No problem."


After a long time.

"Wake up, Jack."

The injection of serum has been completed, and Jack slowly opened his eyes.

"Fuck, that's awesome."

Feeling the state of his body, Jack exclaimed.

"How does it feel?" Rocky laughed.

Standing up, Jack walked and jumped to feel his body, and then ran to the corner where Rocky was practicing boxing to test his strength.

"This is really a good thing, L, where did you get it from? This thing must have cost a lot of money."

"It's not expensive, it costs 5,000 euros, and I made it."

Rocky's words immediately made Jack drop his jaw. Jack didn't know Rocky's secret yet, he only knew that he was busy in the clinic.

Of course, Rocky wouldn't go to Jack to tell him for no reason, just wait until the right time to tell him, like now.

"You said you made this thing? Then you must be rich."

"It's okay, I made a lot of money, but I'm just getting started." Rocky nodded.

"Sure, L. You have this technology. What are your plans for the future? Start a company?"

"That's what I plan to do. I'm already preparing."

"So you were serious about being a company dog."

"Of course I was serious. But I thought you would hate me for doing this, so I mentioned it at that time." Rocky spread his hands.

Jack came over and put his arm around Rocky's shoulders, saying with a smile.

"What do I hate? Whether you are a mercenary or start a company, you live for yourself. There is nothing to look down on. I should support you.

And if you ask me, if the company really cannot be eliminated, then I would rather you stand at the highest point, rather than some shitty Arasaka Saburo or something like that. At least I believe you will be much better than them."

Listening to Jack's words, Rocky's heart was relieved. At least Jack did not disagree with him because of this matter.

"Jack, this is exactly what I think. Only magic can defeat magic. I will not only break the dreams of these shitty companies, but also change the world."

"Haha, to be honest, I am really looking forward to that day. Anyway, you have to remember that I will support you no matter what. You are my brother.

I can't ask me to flatter Saburo Arasaka, but I am absolutely happy to help my brothers. Anyway, if there is a place where I can be used, just say it. I am not good at the company's system, but I am very good at doing other things."

Jack patted Rocky on the shoulder and said. No matter what Rocky wants to do, whether it is to be a mercenary, a company dog ​​or join some weird gang.

Jack will choose support and respect. This is Jack's friendship. Support, trust, respect, and never change until death.

"Jack, I feel relieved when you say this. Good brothers for life."

Jack's support touched Rocky. It is so precious to have a brother who is willing to support him.

It's rare, especially in Night City.

'Don't worry, Jack, I will help you realize your wish and live as a legend in this city. ' Rocky thought secretly in his heart.

No one stipulates that you must do some so-called "big business" in Night City to become a legend. As long as you are strong enough, no one will care about your origin.

Adam Hammer, a top mercenary, is a good example. As a war mercenary, he serves large companies and governments. Countless so-called legends died at his hands. Now he is highly bound to Arasaka Corporation and is a legend in Night City.

No one will question this.

And Rocky will make Jack a being that surpasses Adam Hammer. When Jack can stand proudly in Arasaka Tower, punch Adam Hammer and kick Saburo Arasaka, he will be a real legend.


After injecting the serum, Rocky sent Jack back to Heywood. When he passed the municipal center halfway, he stopped the car in front of a clothing store.

There is another important part in the preparation of this action. Since you have to disguise yourself as a company employee, how can you miss a suit?

In the clothing store, Rocky and Jack are trying on suits.

As a boutique clothing store opened in the municipal center, this store mainly serves employees of various companies. It has a special suit area with suits of various grades and prices.

"Oh my god, I didn't expect that I would look so impressive in a suit, L, look at me."

Jack stood in front of the mirror and adjusted the suit he had just put on. His burly figure looked even more sturdy with the suit, a real suit thug.

"Although it looks a bit like a debt collector, to be honest, it's quite handsome. I think you are suitable for suits." Rocky commented simply.

"Hey, I guess I only wear suits a few times. The suit on my body may suit me, but I don't like to wear a suit in my heart."

"Come on, Jack, no one asked you to wear a suit to work."

Rocky on the side complained and went into the fitting room to change his suit.

Rocky's body shape is not as big as Jack's. After putting it on, the well-fitting suit hides his muscles very well, and he only looks extremely symmetrical and refined.

After putting on the suit, Rocky looked like a real workplace elite, and at the same time gave people a strong sense of oppression. With Rocky's handsome face, no one would think it was inappropriate to say that he was a newly promoted senior executive of a large company in Night City.

"Gosh, L, this suit is much more suitable for you than for me."

Jack sighed when he saw Rocky coming out of the fitting room.

"Not bad."

After buying the suit, all the preparations were completed.

After sending Jack home, Rocky also returned to the apartment to recuperate and prepare for tomorrow's action.

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