The battle was over, and the battle was over.

Just now, he asked his teammates to delay the time and he didn't take action so that he could erode the ground and produce sand...

Then he used his special ability to instantly gather the sand...

It looks a bit scary...

Li Xuan's wooden clone weighed the remaining chakra in his body.

I wonder if he can make it...

He thought in his heart.

"Wood Release·True Thousand Hands·Top Buddha!"

The ninjutsu was performed, and a towering Guanyin Buddha suddenly stood between heaven and earth, with countless arms behind him!

This Wood Release was originally the strongest Wood Release attack that Hashirama Senju used the chakra of the fairy technique in the original work.

But at this time, Li Xuan was just a wooden clone, and he could not use the Sage Mode, so naturally he did not have Sage Chakra.

However, the Six Paths Mode could perfectly make up for the lack of Sage Chakra.

Even the Buddha he created with ordinary chakra looked much bigger than the one created by Hashirama Senju!

The power seemed to be even stronger!

The next moment, the sand and soil fell from the sky, just like the three thousand weak waters falling after the sky broke, and it was going to completely bury Li Xuan's wooden clone!


The wooden clone of Li Xuan, who was controlling the Buddha, also hit the falling sand and soil from above with his palm.

For a while, countless palms hit out one after another.

Constantly intersecting with the falling sand and soil!

There were bursts of earth-shattering explosions!

I don't know how much sand and soil were poured, and I don't know how many palms the Buddha hit.

At a certain moment.

A cold female voice suddenly sounded.

"Thoughts are scattered!"

That was the voice of No. 3.

When the sand and the Buddha were fighting, she took advantage of the gap and invaded the mind of Li Xuanmu's clone.

The figure of the white-haired woman appeared in the mind of Li Xuanmu's clone.

She hooked the lines in her hand that seemed to be there and not there, and pulled them suddenly!

The strings of Li Xuanmu's clone's thoughts seemed to break, and the action of controlling the Buddha stagnated.

In a fierce fight, even a moment is extremely important.


The sand and dust suddenly fell, instantly crushing the Buddha, causing its outer body to gradually break, and finally breaking into pieces of wood.

And Li Xuan's body was completely covered by the sand and sunk deep into it.


When the sand was completely dumped.

The Rain Village and the surrounding areas have completely become a desert.

The light of the sky shines again.

The wind and sand rolled, gradually turning into the figure of No. 1.

A chain opening was opened out of thin air beside him.

Number Two and Number Four walked out.

Then, Number Four's head surged, and Number Three slowly crawled out of Number Four's memory.

It seemed that because the move just now was also fatal to her, she could only choose to rebirth from the memory of others.

"Is she dead?" Number Two asked with a pale face.

This was an inevitable sequelae after using the "domain", which made him a little weak at the moment.

"Dead..." Number One responded.

His condition was also a little bad at this time. The move just now had drained 90% of his strength.

In order to prove the authenticity of his words and reassure his teammates, he used his strength again.

The sand in front of him surged.

The silent body of their hostile reincarnation "Uchiha Xuan" in normal state was sent to them.

"It's good to be dead." Number Three finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although she could be reborn in memory, every rebirth would consume a lot of energy.

Reborn twice in a short period of time and using multiple powerful skills in the consciousness of people who are much stronger than herself has made her a little bit unable to control herself.

"Damn it!" No. 4 may be a little angry, or maybe the child's posture has been maintained for too long and has slightly affected his thinking, causing his behavior logic to gradually become childish.

So he ran to Uchiha Xuan's body and raised his fist to hit Uchiha Xuan's head a few times.

He buried his head hard in the sand.

"Okay, No. 4, you have to return to your original appearance." No. 1 reminded at this time.

"Huhu..." No. 4's huge child body seemed to have expressed its anger, and after hearing No. 1's words, it gradually regained its sanity.

His body gradually turned into liquid, and then gradually reorganized into a person.

But he looked much thinner than when he first came to this mission world.

It should be because he consumed too much energy and fat.

"Do you need to replenish fat?" No. 2 asked.


"No. 4 replied, he touched his stomach and continued: "What I ate before has not been completely digested, it's still in my stomach."

"Then you should digest it quickly... We still have to go to the moon to get props later, and maybe there will be a fierce battle." No. 2 said.

Compared to the few of them who can rest and recover their strength, No. 4's ability to improve strength conveniently seems much more troublesome at this time.

"Ah... Speaking of the moon..." No. 3 remembered something when she heard what No. 2 said, and said: "Where are the other reincarnations in the enemy lineup? No. 1, do you still keep them?"

As she said, she turned her eyes to No. 1.

"They are all dead... I can't worry so much in that kind of battle." No. 1 explained.

"All dead?" No. 3 frowned and asked: "Then why don't we have a prompt to return to the mission successfully? It stands to reason that if you kill all the hostile reincarnations in the confrontation mission, you will get a prompt and automatically return in a short time..."

"Could it be that there are more hostile reincarnations than these people?" No. 2 guessed.

"No. "Number One refuted this statement in a deep voice, "When I caught those reincarnations, I specifically asked a few people to confirm the number of existing reincarnations in their own camp through the Lord God. It's correct, there will be no extra."

Hearing what Number One said, the others immediately fell into deep thought.

"That's strange..." Number Two seemed a little puzzled.

"It's really strange..." Number Four touched his chin and looked thoughtful.

As Number Three thought about it, he suddenly felt that he seemed to have missed something...

"Why? ..." Number Two continued to murmur in confusion.

"Yes, why?" A familiar voice suddenly appeared among the few people.

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