Cyberpunk 2074: Shadows of the Past

Chapter 98 Third Movement: March (IV)

"What's playing?" Yahweh wiped his hair with a towel and walked to the sofa.

"Chopin's Nocturne No. 15 in F minor," Xida shook her white feet and lay lazily in the arms of the sofa. "One of my favorites."

"This vinyl player..." Yawei rubbed Xida's head, sat down, and pushed her to the other side of the sofa, "Did Lucy bring it here?"

"Well, I just came home and brought some small items and a change of clothes." Lucy, who was sitting by the window, nodded lightly, "While you are using the bath as a means of escape."

"Ha..." Yahweh smiled sarcastically, did not answer, and changed the subject a little stiffly, "Xida likes Chopin's Serenade, how about you, Lucy?"

Lucy glanced at him and sighed.

The endless rain mixed with the scattered lights fell vertically behind her, as if covering her with a misty and gorgeous cloak.

"I also like Chopin...especially Chopin's "Piano Sonata No. 2 in B flat minor"..."

"Funeral march?" Yahweh asked back.

"To be precise, it's the third movement of Piano Sonata No. 2 in B flat minor." Xida moved her feet to her boyfriend's warm belly and gently corrected his mistakes.

"I thought you knew everything." Lucy said softly, hugging her legs with her arms and curling up into a small ball.

"He's just lazy..." Xida stepped on Yahweh and mocked him with a smile.

"This is called restrained and low-key!" Yahweh imitated someone else's behavior, held his head high, and began to speak harshly.

"Are you trying to imitate Xida?" Lucy calmed down and took another stab.

"Ah! Why did you two suddenly team up to bully me?" Xida shouted, sitting up from the recess of the sofa, and suddenly threw himself into Yahweh's arms and started playing with him.

"Ahem, I'm still here..." Lucy said quietly.

Idiot couples are good at everything except flirting and flirting all the time, which is very unfriendly to singles like her.

"Hehe, we've got it together now." Xi Da ended the little fight with Yahweh, panting slightly, with a deep smile in his words.

"You and me versus him, you and him versus me, me and him versus you..." As if reciting a tongue twister, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and Lucy was rarely willing to participate in such a childish game.

Seeing that the atmosphere had successfully become lively, Yahweh also breathed a sigh of relief.

"What were we talking about just now? The third movement?" Sheeda leaned on Yahweh's shoulder and asked in a low voice.

"The third movement..." Lucy nodded, "But now in 2074, it is rarely heard."

"After all, death is so common, but few people can afford funeral expenses." Xi Da sighed.

There are too many people like her before, still struggling in the gap between hell and the world.

Unwilling to fall into hell like this, he turned into a ghost and wanted to firmly hold on to the edge of the cliff, trying his best to climb up.

But when I really climbed up and looked around blankly, I realized that the world was already full.

There was no room for them poor wretches.

The man's pitiful roar turned into an indestructible sword, as if it wanted to cut through the sky filled with thick rain and fog.

Rowena held the sharp blade in his hand tightly, looking at the former captain and best friend who was kneeling on the ground, with ripples in his eyes.

"Boros, I wanted to turn a blind eye..." She started, but her voice was so hoarse.

"But, you really killed too many people..." Her tone was turbulent, setting off a wave, and she roared furiously.

The corpses of former teammates still flowed with warm blood.

In a street alley not far away, there was an innocent homeless man, like his old radio, turned into pieces and scattered on the cold ground.

There were too many innocent people, like them, who died silently in the hands of Boros.

"You asked me why, so I want to ask you, why! Captain! Boros! Why are you like this!"

As the roar subsided, the sound of rain rushed up to fill the gap, like a hound that smelled blood.

"Why?" Boros stared blankly at his only remaining arm and kept asking himself.

A dragon-slaying hero who is contaminated with the sinful dragon blood will eventually degenerate into a new evil dragon.

Will he, who has been hunting madness his whole life, eventually be assimilated by madness?

"No, this isn't right, it's that..." He suddenly understood and opened his mouth, wanting to tell the truth.

Before the last word could be spoken, Rowena, who was extremely furious, had already picked up the sharp blade and cut through the air again, turning into a traceless flash of light.

Helpless, he could only raise the mantis sword that had killed countless enemies to resist attacks from all directions.

They worked together to clear away the wind and rain, leaving only a dry circular open space.

Boros closed his eyes, stood there, and waved his one arm according to his heart.

Every time the mantis sword moves, it will bump into Rowena's attacking sword in advance like a prophet.

Without exception.

Three minutes passed. In an invisible space, a one-armed man with his eyes closed was fighting with an angry woman. The swords always touched each other for a brief moment, and then quickly separated, like lovers. Countless passionate and short kisses.

No matter how powerful the Si'an Westan prosthetic body is, it cannot travel through time endlessly.

Then the fighting stopped.

The tower-like man still stood there, not taking a single step.

The red-haired woman's back was steaming with mist, and she knelt down with her sword in hand.

The rain came back with a sneer, swallowing them both up in an instant.

"There's something wrong with that medicine." Boros said softly.

"Medicine?" Rowena gasped and asked in a low voice.

"We are drinking doves to quench our thirst..." Boros shook his head.

He looked down at his arm. The indestructible mantis sword was already covered with broken marks.

" she still alive?" He walked to Rowena and helped her up.

"She? I told her in advance before I went to buy supper..." Rowena shook her head slightly, "Now she should hide somewhere as I asked."

"Okay." Boros responded.

He turned and walked towards the ruins and towards the blooming scarlet flower.

"Boros?" Rowena shouted at the tall man's back, "What are we going to do next, stand up and resist?"

"Have you ever liked him? Rowena." Boros did not answer, but just knelt in front of Bit's broken body and asked softly.

"Bit...he is a could I..." Rowena retorted reflexively, and the next second she realized that no one would be anxious to refute her.

"I forgot to mention..." Boros lowered his head, "That medicine has the effect of greatly improving the function of the brain, so I... can block all your attacks even with one arm."

"Boros..." Rowena wiped the tears that accidentally overflowed from the corners of her eyes and slowly walked behind the man.

"Finally... I'm sorry, Rowena..." Boros said softly.

His tone was so soft for the first time, like a piece of soft paper that was easily torn apart by the noisy rainstorm in the blink of an eye.

"What did you say?" Rowena shook his body, but received no response.

The man's heavy body fell to the ground in a pool of debris and blood.

It was like giving his former teammates a windbreaker to protect him from the rain.

"team leader?"

Rowena shouted loudly, but there was no longer a voice as loud as thunder, which made her subconsciously cover her ears.

he died.

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