Valhalla, the Hall of Valor in Nordic mythology and legends, is the spiritual sustenance of countless Nordic warriors.

They fought hard for it and took pride in dying in battle, just to go to Valhalla where their souls returned to the supreme place after death to meet the supreme god, Odin.

In Night City, Valhalla is just the name of a small bar.

No, it's just another name, not even a formal title.

V wore the spare flat shoes in the car and carefully looked at this small bar located at the end of a deserted street.

A red LED light sign with the words "VA-11 HALL-A" hangs crookedly on the wall.

The combination of scrawled patterns, scarlet light tubes, and cracked walls gives it a sense of avant-garde art.

V looked down at his clothes and felt a little out of place.

Arasaka Company's standard uniform for female employees - a red and black short suit and matching black trousers.

But it doesn't matter. I just came here to drink. I don't have to think too much like I am at work.

V thought for a second, stepped forward, gently stepped over the small puddle of water at the entrance of the store, and pushed open the door of Valhalla.

"Make drinks, change lives, have a good evening."

The person who walked in through the door was a short-haired woman dressed as a company employee. She had a mature and cool appearance and an indescribable aura.

Jill looked at the first customer of the night, preparing to cheer up a little.

(Company employees, although I have just arrived in Night City not long ago, I can’t recognize which company’s employee uniform it is, but in short... don’t be too negligent.

This small bar can't withstand any big storms, although people with real status probably won't patronize this shabby bar. )

Jill turned her head and thought about some random things.

"Hello, please give me a drink..." The cold and charming woman with short hair looked at the menu at the bar for a while, then tapped her chin with the tip of her index finger, looking like she was thinking.

"Do you have any recommendations? To be honest, I have no clue just by looking at the name of the wine."

While talking, the short-haired woman slowly sat on the round chair in front of Jill and leaned her elbows on the edge of the bar.

(Unlike his cold appearance, his tone is unexpectedly polite, and he doesn’t have the condescending feeling of a company employee. Maybe it’s just a stereotype.)

"Hello, just call me Jill, this..."

"V, just call me V. All my acquaintances call me that." V politely looked at the bartender with long purple and black hair, and lightly knocked on the wooden bar.

"Hello, Miss V. Can I ask about your taste? For example, whether you like sweet or sour taste, more or less alcohol, etc., which can be used as a basis for recommendations."

"Very professional." V nodded and tapped his chin with his index finger. "Sweet, add ice, and a little more alcohol. I can still drink it."

"Are you waiting for someone?" Jill asked softly while selecting drinks that suit the customer's taste on the mixing machine.

Even though it wasn't obvious, she still noticed V's occasional gaze out the window.

"Oh, I made an appointment with some friends to come here for a drink."

"Moonblast! Please use it slowly." Gil muttered in an ups and downs tone, and gently placed the drinks prepared by the machine on the bar.

Every time she said this, she felt like she was in a tokusatsu movie or some other series where she would sing about those awesome-sounding special moves.

V didn't pay attention to the strange tone of the bartender, and his eyes fell on the glass of mixed alcoholic drinks that turned pink.

Under the dim light of the bar, this glass of wine revealed a brilliant luster, like stars swimming in a pink ocean, like the birth of the universe.

"Ms. V, you just said you had an appointment with a friend. Have you been here before?"

The bartender's words with a slight French accent fell on V's ears, pulling her out of her fantasy.

"Why do you ask that?" V did not rush to answer, but asked with slight interest.

"Actually, I've only been in Night City for about half a month, so I guess you might be a previous customer of this bar." Gil spread his hands flat, with a sincere look on his cold face.

"Actually, this is my first time here..." V shook his head and laughed, waving his hand to the bartender to stop being so formal, "The friend I made an appointment with should have been here before, I'll ask later."

"Hmm..." Jill nodded and cleaned up the traces on the bar that were not cleaned last night as usual, without disturbing the first customer of the day to taste the first alcoholic drink she ordered in Valhalla.

"How is the taste?"

I always felt that the expression on the face of the cold and charming short-haired beauty in front of me was a bit subtle, and Jill's heart beat a little faster.

"The sweetness and alcohol are mixed just right..." V stretched out his tongue slightly and licked his lips slowly, "It feels... very pleasant."

"Are you satisfied?" Jill sighed and asked in a low voice.

"Very satisfied, or...beyond my expectation."

V smiled softly and gently put the empty wine glass back on the bar.

"Why do you say that?"

Jill feels that she is already familiar with the work process. Every time after a customer finishes drinking, her favorite part is listening.

"Hmm... to be honest..." V brushed the hair hanging down on his face and hesitated for a few seconds, "This bar looks quite rundown from the outside, but the quality of the drinks is unexpectedly high."

"As long as you like it." Jill nodded. Although she was not praising her, she felt a sense of sharing weal and woe.

"You just said that you have only been in Night City for half a month?" V propped his chin with his hand, and the cold feeling suddenly disappeared and he became friendly.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Jill was cleaning the cup.

"I just want to ask, are you used to living in Night City?" V raised her head slightly, and with her height, sitting on the chair, she could just see the slightly skillful movements of Jill's hands under the bar.

"Actually, I don't really like working the night shift."


V continued in a timely manner, placing his left leg lightly on his right leg and tapping his toes on the ground bit by bit, rhythmically.

This bar unexpectedly suited her taste, and she subconsciously became relaxed.

"But..." Jill bit her lip, "I still have to pay rent, live, and take care of my kittens... in short, I need money."


The corners of V's mouth raised, a smile forming on his lips.

"Besides, I quite like hearing other people talk about their stories...only this part."

"Isn't this good?" V nodded, then looked at the menu again, planning to pick a drink with an interesting name.

Just like this life, it is full of uncertainty, which makes it interesting.

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