Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 245: : Don't this kid

Ye Anxin turned around and smiled barely, "It's okay! This is just a normal pregnancy reaction, and it will be better after this time!"

Mu Beiting said decisively, "No, your face is too ugly! If it is really uncomfortable, don't want this child!"

Amused by his words, Ye Anxin couldn't help but laugh out loudly, "Uncle, you are too exaggerated! Morning sickness is just the most normal reaction in pregnancy! Every woman must go through the stage! If only because of this And don’t want children, what about in the future? Isn’t it for the rest of your life?"

Without any hesitation, Mu Beiting spit out a short word, "Yes!"

"Then what should we do when we grow old in the future? Are we going to be a widow and a widow? Who is going to take over in the future? Uncle, shall we be more mature?" He said, still not forgetting on Mubei Tingjun's face Gently squeezed.

"...!" Mu Beiting's thin lips pressed tightly, his brows furrowed, and his complexion did not ease.

Seeing Mu Beiting still looking unhappy, Ye Anxin sighed inwardly, and said helplessly: "If you really don't worry, then let's go to the hospital for an examination! Anyway, we are almost going for a pregnancy test!"

"Good!" Mu Beiting nodded, and immediately turned around and walked out of the bathroom to change clothes.

Seeing Mu Beiting's back, Ye Anxin shook his head with a smile, then took out his toothbrush, squeezed toothpaste, and prepared to brush his teeth!

However, before the toothpaste touched the tooth, he smelled the ring, and Ye Anxin immediately began to retching again.

Ye Anxin almost used his toothbrush while vomiting!

Finally, don't forget to brush your mouth carefully with warm water.

After getting dressed, Mu Beiting stood at the door of the bathroom, staring at Ye Anxin intently, his brows frowning tighter!

After the two of them were washed, Mu Beiting and Ye Anxin went downstairs for breakfast.

Simply, in order to match Ye Anxin's appetite, today's breakfast is only white rice porridge, without any side dishes.

And this was also ordered by Mu Beiting himself.

And Ye Anxin also ate the white porridge all night in cooperation!

This is also the only time I have eaten a bowl of porridge without vomiting, starting from the morning sickness reaction.

Seeing Mu Beiting, like himself, only drank a bowl of porridge, Ye An couldn't bear to say, "Uncle, it doesn't need to be like this! How can you only eat white porridge if you have to work during the day! This is not nutritious! Let the butler prepare side dishes for you in the future!"

Mu Beiting replied lightly, "No need!"

Hearing this, Ye Anxin's eyes darkened, "Uncle, I will feel guilty for you like this!"

Mu Beiting's eyes flickered, and his thin lips pressed tightly. After a while, he uttered a word, "Okay!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Anxin smiled and stood up, holding Mu Beiting's hand in the early stage, "Okay! Let's go! After the inspection, the uncle has to go to the company!"

"Yeah!" Mu Beiting nodded, stood up, took Ye Anxin's hand, took her out, and got in the commercial car that had been waiting there.

The driver directly sent Mu Beiting and Ye Anxin to a private hospital where Ye Anxin often came for checkups.

It is still the chief gynecologist who checked Ye Anxin.

After a series of examinations, the doctor said: "Madam is in very good condition, and the child's development is also normal, everything is fine!"

"She is vomiting very badly now!" Mu Beiting frowned, obviously dissatisfied with what the doctor said.

The doctor explained: "Morning sickness is the stage of maternity after all, and it is normal for the wife to vomit! Generally this condition will gradually ease as the months get worse, and it is just a transitional stage now!"

Mu Beiting said in a deep voice again, "But, she didn't vomit before!"

If it weren't for Mu Beiting's serious appearance, the doctor would definitely think he came to make her smile on purpose.

However, seeing Mu Beiting’s cold face, even if he wanted to laugh, he didn’t dare to laugh, so he explained patiently: “It’s like this. Everyone’s pregnancy reaction is different! Will vomit or even faint! Some have never responded in the early stage, and only start to vomit for more than three months! Everyone has different reactions during pregnancy according to their physical constitution! Some pregnant women do not experience morning sickness, but very often Appetite, what to see and what to eat! The reason why Madam didn’t vomit before was just because of her physical problems and her reaction to varying degrees during pregnancy! This is all normal, sir, don’t worry!"

"...!" Mu Beiting frowned and said nothing.

Ye Anxin hurriedly smiled and said, "Uncle, look, the doctor is the same as I said! I said this is a normal phenomenon! I heard my mother say that when my mother was pregnant with me, she had a good appetite, not even once. I vomited! And I just reacted differently during pregnancy! It's okay!"

Mu Beiting was silent for a while, and suddenly said, "If she doesn't want this child, will she not vomit?"

"Ahem...!" Hearing this, the doctor was really choked by his saliva.

Ye Anxin blushed and said dissatisfied, "Uncle, what are you talking about!"

The doctor smiled and comforted: "Sir, I can understand your feelings. You are distressed madam! However, every woman who becomes pregnant will experience different levels of pregnancy reactions. Madam’s situation is normal! If you are just because of madam I don’t want this child for morning sickness, what about in the future? Madam is still young now, it’s just the Mood for Love! Pregnancy at this time is also the most suitable stage! After this period, wait until Madam gets older before having a baby, I’m afraid that the pregnancy reaction will Even worse! At that time, maybe it is not morning sickness, and there will be other symptoms! So, I suggest you keep your baby! Only these few months! No one will keep vomiting for ten months !"

Ye Anxin said hurriedly, "Uncle, did you hear me! I think the doctor made a lot of sense! This is our child. If he knows you don't want him, he will be sad!"

Mu Beiting's eyes flickered, and he spoke again, "Then how to reduce her reaction?"

The doctor patiently explained: "No way! You can only try to avoid things that make your wife nauseous! During pregnancy, pregnant women will have a much more sensitive sense of taste and smell than usual! Not only the smell of things that can be smelled at ordinary times is doubled, even at ordinary times Things you can’t smell will be smelled very clearly after pregnancy. Taste is the same, let’s make an analogy! For example, the smell of fish! Normally, we use **** and vinegar to remove the smell of fish during cooking. We just can’t eat! But pregnant women are different, she can not only smell, but also eat it clearly! Therefore, at this time, the fishy smell will stimulate her sense of smell and taste, which will cause morning sickness! So, this These are the most normal reactions during pregnancy! When the child is born, everything will return to normal!"

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