Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 1100: : Sleeping Tiger

"Okay!" Li Na nodded, cleared the folders on the desk, and carried them to the president's office.

Huo Yunmo had been waiting for Li Na to enter the office before turning around and leaving!

After leaving the Huotian Group, Huo Yunmo went directly to the police station!

Ling's father, Ling's mother, eldest sister, and second sister were taken to the police station, and were detained in a temporary cell!

"Ling Yueyue, this stinky girl, is simply a white-eyed wolf. It's really nothing to raise her so much. She actually put her parents in a cell. She has no conscience and will be condemned by God one day!" Mother Ling sat on the stone bed of the cell with her hands on her waist. From entering the cell to now, she has not stopped verbalizing Ling Yueyue.

Father Ling stood against the wall, lowered his head, looking at his feet, and helplessly persuaded: "My wife, forget it! Things have reached this point, we can't blame Yueyue, who made us treat her so much before. Well! If we can go out this time, let's forget about the countryside. We are just ordinary people. How can we fight powerful people like Huo Yunmo! We are just facing the loess and have no good luck. Don’t force your life!"

"It’s just because I married you that I have suffered so much. If you have something to do, a family of ours will not be so hard! After all, you are useless. If I could be like Ling Yueyue The girl's life is so good, marrying a rich man, am I becoming like this? I think I was a flower in the village at the beginning, and there are so many people chasing me. Why did I choose you, a useless, useless thing! "I was initially angry, and seeing Father Ling speak, Mother Ling simply blamed him for all the sins.

Thinking of her life of hard work and suffering, but Ling Yueyue can easily live a rich life with a wealthy person, live with clothes, stretch out her hands and open her mouth, and she! Not only was he untouched, he was actually locked up in prison! Thinking about her, she feels mad.

After being humiliated and verbally abused by Ling’s mother, Ling’s father’s head was lowered, and he whispered as finely as: “It’s already an old thing in adulthood, so why did you mention it! What's more, how we have been to Yueyue before, we know in our hearts, She is also expected to be doing this to us now! We are to blame for all this!"

"You...!" Seeing that Ling's father actually dared to argue, Ling stood up angrily and was about to rush over, only to see the police coming over and opening the cell door.

Hearing the sound of the lock being opened, Ling's father hurriedly raised his head and asked expectantly, "Are we able to get out!"

"No, someone wants to see you!" The police replied coldly, and then motioned with his eyes to the colleague next to him to bring Ling's father and Ling's mother out of the prison.

Seeing the police come in just to take himself and his wife out, Ling's father hurriedly said anxiously: "We are out now, where are our two daughters! They will be afraid of being locked up here!"

The police glanced at the eldest and second elder sisters who were nestled in the corner and hugged tightly, and said with disdain, "What are you afraid of when you are such a big person? When you were making trouble in front of Mr. Huo’s house, why didn’t you be afraid? , Now I know I'm afraid? Why did you go early!"

Hearing this, Ling's father was shocked, thinking that the eldest sister and the second sister would not be able to get out in this life, so he hurriedly grabbed the police's hand and said anxiously: "They are just a child. This matter really has nothing to do with them. If you really want to shut it down, just shut me up and let my wife and two children go!"

"Okay, it's endless, let's go! Don't waste our time!" The police didn't bother to talk to them anymore, and directly supported them out of the cell.

Ling's mother was originally a person who was afraid of hardships. After being threatened by the police in the morning, she was said aloud. She didn't even dare to breathe in the air, so she obediently followed the police.

Seeing his parents being taken away by the police, the bodies of the eldest sister and the second sister trembling in fear.

After Ling's father and mother had left the cell, they were taken by the police to a very closed room without windows and surrounded by walls! There was only a long table and four armchairs in the room, and a stand lamp on the long table, and there was nothing else!

The police pressed Ling's father and Ling's mother to two of the chairs and pressed them down. Ling's father and Ling's mother sat down on the chair.

"Sit down and don't move!" After the police left a word coldly, he stood by with his arms folded and guarded.

Ling's father and mother looked at the policeman who was guarding beside him like a door god. The hands on the table were tightly squeezed together, and his heart thumped wildly, like a death prisoner waiting for the death sentence, his heart filled with infinite Fear and tension.

Just when their hearts were about to jump out of their throats, the door of the room opened again! The two immediately raised their heads and looked at the door!

Huo Yunmo, who was in a straight suit, walked in under the leadership of two policemen!

When Huo Yunmo was about to walk to the chair, one of the policemen ran over first, pulled the chair away for Huo Yunmo, and made a gesture of asking for Huo Yunmo, and said to him, "Huo, please sit down!"

"Thank you!" After Huo Yunmo politely thanked him, he sat down on the chair.

Mother Ling held Father Ling's hand in fear, looked at Huo Yunmo in horror, and said in fear: "It was you, what did you bring us here for? What conspiracy do you have? I wouldn't want to kill secretly. Us? I can tell you, even if we have thousands of things wrong, but after all, we are your father-in-law and mother-in-law, you can't do this to us, if you kill us, you will be struck by thunder, Yueyue I will never forgive you in my life!"

It's no wonder that she thinks this way. This room doesn't even have a window. Seeing the policemen nodding and bowing to Huo Yunmo, even if Huo Yunmo really does what they do, I believe these policemen dare not say anything!

This is the first time that she has seen how powerful Huo Yunmo is! It was also now that she knew that Huo Yunmo was not as gentle and harmless as she could see on the surface!

Huo Yunmo smiled and said softly and comforted: "Don't worry, this is a society that stresses the law. Killing is illegal and must be punished by law! No matter how good I am, I won't be against the law!"

After hearing Huo Yunmo's words, Ling Mu's hanging heart not only didn't relax, but raised it even higher, "Then what did you bring us here for?"

In her opinion, Huo Yunmo is a tiger who has been sleeping all the time. He looks gentle and gentle on the surface, but in fact he is much more vicious than he looks! She felt that if they didn't pay attention, they would die tragically under his tiger claws!

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