Chapter 0091: From beginning to end, she symbolizes calamity, ominousness, and death!!!!!

Ancient mysterious texts were constantly drawn on the table, and the yellow ape was not taken over the text of the history. After all, he knew how irritating this thing was.

Concealed history from eight hundred years ago.

The yellow ape is very clear in his heart, don’t look at him as an admiral, but once that taboo is touched, the admiral will change at any time.

You were born on the island of archaeology in the West Sea.

“O’Hara survivor “Devil’s Son”? ”

Born in O’Hara, the local area has the largest number of scholars and the largest collection of libraries in the world!

But that year, O’Hara and the archaeologists on the island were wiped out of the world in this disaster.

Thinking of this, the yellow ape couldn’t help but chuckle.

Yuhara, the huge pod tree that houses precious texts from all over the world, and a group of persistent and learned scholars, who secretly conduct research on the text of history, exploring the true face of a hundred years erased by the world government, Nicole Robin’s mother, Nicole Orvia, left her hometown O’Hara in search of the truth of history, but it was the day the Navy Slaughter Order arrived, and she and her daughter Robin were separated from each other in a hurry. The Olaha disaster was also a disaster for the entire scholarly community, and the only surviving archaeologist was 8-year-old Nicole. Robin, and Robin was also hunted by the Navy for “destroying 6 warships” because of the name “Olaha Scholar”.

The yellow ape did not participate in the war, and it was the red dog and the green pheasant who carried out the demon slaughter order, and the news spread at that time that the navy received information from the government that O’Hara was intended.

“Resurrect the ancient weapons and destroy the demons of the world.”

“But as long as there is some strength, whether it is pirates or navies, it is the world government to consolidate its rule.”

He did not participate, but with his dual identity, he learned more inside information than the green pheasant and the red dog.

Dr. Kuroha, the librarian who was the guardian of O’Hara, uttered the words of absolute death against Roger’s death before he finally died.

“The text of history, recorded on hard stone for a hundred years of historical vacancies, is engraved on stone that does not shatter and scattered around the world because it is considered that words may be destroyed if written on paper or in books.”

That is, strong proof that there are forces in the world that are hostile to the people who left the stones. If it is assumed that they were destroyed by some enemy, then their enemies should continue to live in later history.

Coincidentally, a hundred years into the blank history, that is, 800 years ago, the world government was born just then!!!

And by reading a long time ago documents and several historical texts, we finally discovered the existence of a certain country. What emerges in the literature is the majesty of a huge kingdom. It seems to be distinguished by great power, but nowadays information about that country has been forcefully eliminated.

“And the ancient weapons in the main text of history may indeed be recovered from history, but it is possible to be awakened along with history, and is the existence and thought of that kingdom not a threat to the world government?” We need to understand what this threat is, and the key to grasping it all is the name of the kingdom that once prospered.”

The living words stopped abruptly, and at the end, the relentless artillery fire completely buried this matter, but in the later meeting of the five old stars, the original words of the five old stars were: “Kill him, O’Hara, you know too much!” ”

This is why the world government can’t help but feel more and more ridiculous when it thinks of this yellow ape, covering up 800 years of history, but after 800 years, a new taboo history appears.

This time, no one is going back to the source, keen on the truth, but everyone is in this era, they are the existence of the taboo era!


The yellow ape’s fingers are still drawing on the table, although this history does not seem to be very important in this era, but with his understanding alone, at least the three ancient weapons are still quite taboo for the world government.

After all, that kind of existence is the destruction of the world at every turn.

The world government also does not want to fall into the hands of others at this time.

And if it’s that person………

Give him what is recorded in this piece of history, and this month I estimate that I will be able to raise my salary again. Thinking of this, the yellow ape was actually a little grateful to the pirate who sent himself the main text of history.

It is clear that they are not their people, but they gave him the text of history. But………

Blackbeard also seems to know quite a few things.

The yellow ape thought of the weird smile on the other party’s face when he saw the main text of the history and couldn’t help but feel a chill.

Several teeth are missing from the mouth. A middle-aged man with rough appearance, thick hairy body and burly figure, dark skin, black hair, fluffy hair, red shirt, black coat, 2 necklaces around his neck, green turban, bamboo shoot chains on both wrists, and different styles of jewelry rings on his ten fingers.

And then open your mouth and laugh at you…

The yellow ape shook his head and threw out the scene that made him crazy.

As Blackbeard, a member of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, the yellow ape naturally knew the other party’s information, but then Blackbeard, who was also a relative, actually killed Saatchi, the captain of the fourth team of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, in order to seize the dark fruit.

This is what the yellow ape never expected, after all, the most important thing in the Whitebeard Pirates is family affection.

I heard that at that time, the terrifying aura emitted by the entire white-bearded pirate group made countless sea king giant beasts in the sea turn their bellies.

Blackbeard has been hiding this is what he knows, though.

The other party seems to know something about their identity.

Thinking of this, the yellow ape stretched out his slender finger and wrote the name of Blackbeard with some silence………


The heavy and slow voice echoed in the empty cafeteria, and the yellow ape was stunned at first, his head was a little stiff, and he slowly lifted the dipping hand and was still drawing something.

“Marshal of the State…”

This time, the yellow ape knew that he had been salted for many years… Can’t escape… Tokyo Kaoru World Antique Coffee Shop “Jingle Bell~”

“Welcome next time.”

After the last customer left, the coffee shop fell silent for a while.

Kirishima Toshika returned to her room alone after greeting everyone in the coffee shop. The girl lay heavily on the bed and watched Matthew in the video.

With a gentle blink of an eye, the girl’s originally brilliant purple eyes instantly turned scarlet!

But that star-red point of light in the eye didn’t have any desire, killing intent, it… In a light tremor. She’s a sophistication…

It’s a chaotic world… Here, humans and species coexist…

It’s not so much that all of humanity is rejecting them… There is no other reason…

Kaoru is a subhuman species that can only eat human flesh and coffee [there is a piece like a sugar cube dissolved in coffee to relieve hunger], and in general, there is no difference in appearance from ordinary people…

However, when fighting or eating, the eyes will turn red Hezi, its body strength is much greater than that of humans, and it has a predatory organ Hezi, each of which is different and has different powers.

And because the species can only reproduce with the seed, not with humans, otherwise the fetus will soon be degraded, and their future has been doomed…

In complete opposition to humans.

Although it is a species, the girl has never taken the initiative to prey on anyone………

In normal times she would attend high school as a human and she has a good friend classmate.

The girl has been envious………

When she saw Matthew guarding everyone, the girl was so envious…

In Anding District, she works every day for the café café, which is ostensibly a café, but in fact it is a mutual aid organization and social place centered on the manager of Fangcun, and is committed to making the group more natural and stable into society.

The practitioners are all of the Jiao species, and the guests are mainly of the Jiao species; Occasionally unsuspecting human customers come to your door. However, human customers are also often easily targeted by in-store customers.

She has always been with humans, but she has never gained human emotions… After all, she never had friends with her.

Straight yearning for this kind of emotion that makes her feel unspeakable.

“How nice it would be if we could become human too…”

“No more hiding…”

“No more going hungry every day…”

“Don’t worry about being discovered…”

“Eat it once, I’ve never felt the real taste of food…”

“There is a friendship without scruples…”

“Such a life…”

“It’s really enviable.”

………………………… At the same time, everyone in the ten thousand worlds could not help but admire and envy the girl’s radiant spirit. That sparkle isn’t just the radiant magic shield…

And the girl that shines with human brilliance.

[The gray and white round shield firmly protects everyone behind him, and the crystal flowing brilliance is so dazzling! ] The girl’s slender and delicate body was standing here at this time! 】

[At the same time, the sea of flowers on the other side gradually pervaded the entire underworld, and where the sea of flowers touched, it symbolized that the death underworld was so beautiful, and the wooden vine wand in his hand waved gently, driving countless pink and white petals to float into the distance…]


“Awayfromtheideal oftheruralearth!”

[In just a few moments, the sea of flowers floated by, this secluded and desolate place of death, the underworld mansion lit up]

[The bright light, pink and white petals floated down everywhere in the underworld, and the endless sea of flowers swept the cold and dark ground into such a warm place. ] 】

[Originally, above the cold and depressed was the endless frozen warrior of the underworld, but at this moment]

[The light is scattered, and the sky is reflected with such a warm and faint glow reflected in the sky, and the cold and quiet aura disappears without a trace this time. ] 】

[This is the ideal of eternal isolation…]



[The pink and white petals make a faint whispering sound when they contact the Nacamello Castle…]

[Maybe it belongs to the resonance of the same era. Or feel that expectation…”

[The ideal township that is forever isolated and the ideal city that is already far away are intertwined, and the gray-white field seems to be overwhelmed… Gradually shattering…]

[The city of Baijin, shrouded in flowers, actually exerted a weakening and suppressed the anti-genesis power!!! 】

[At a moment, everyone showed a look of surprise, even Gilgamesh couldn’t help but be moved, after all, although it has been saying that it is feasible, this is a theory after all… In the previous second, everyone had even made the quasi-death failure.


[But if you think about it, this is a matter of course, after all, it is what they have always believed in their companions!] 】

[With the clothes hunting in the air, the orange-haired girl did not stunned for a moment, from this ideal sea of flowers, the castle guarded immediately rushed out and ran towards Tiamat, the girl doubted herself… Suspected deceased]

[Boundary… But he never doubted his companions! 】

[Even if the flying power disappeared, the ground was full of gravel cracks, but the girl’s figure was moving forward at this moment! ] 】


Seeing this scene, everyone in the world couldn’t help but applaud…

In fact, it is not only the people in Uruk who feel despair and sadness, but they are also too! In the battle between humans and gods, most of them are supporting humanity!

When they saw the sacrifices of all the people who fought Tiamat again and again, they were saddened by it, but more than not, they were deeply admired!

This time, with that desperately suffocating gray field, the “Counter-Genesis” shattered… This great war also completely opened the curtain of victory at this moment…

Once again, mankind has triumphed over the high gods!!!

Just when everyone was expecting that triumphant victory, there was a scene that made everyone stunned… The goddess of the underworld…

[“Cheng… Success, when she saw the orange-haired girl safely rushing towards Tiamat from the broken gray realm of Genesis, the goddess of the underworld breathed a sigh of relief… Brilliant ruby eyes, dull… Fall out of town due to excessive consumption…]

[No pain as expected…]

[Even the goddess of the underworld falls because of her work… But this time… But it doesn’t hurt at all…]


[I don’t know when… Perhaps when the girl was distracted for a moment, the pink and white petals were already spread under the girl…

[Ruby eyes shining, the reflection in the eyes is no longer… Finally no longer…]


[That lifeless cold stone wall… Finally no longer the same dim and cold… Finally, it is no longer desperate, suffocating, lonely and depressing…]

[“My Underworld Actually…”



Seeing this, everyone could only sigh deeply to express regret, this goddess of the underworld showed what everyone expected.

In their perception, the goddess of the underworld is the god of death, who lives in Hades, and the god of death often wears a black cloak and holds a huge scythe in her hand.

The appearance is hideous and terrifying, and everything involved with the goddess of the underworld is ominous and calamitous!

Even those who don’t know where to start, symbolizing the god of death animals – black cats, owls are repelled by people!

The people firmly believed this, and never doubted that death symbolized ominousness and calamity, and they hated and disgusted…

But now it seems… They are wrong…

Maybe this is the price of the initial alliance with the three goddesses in an attempt to kill the entire Uruk living population, this goddess really did wrong…

But what everyone doesn’t know is that they’re right…

Because……… Only the goddess of the underworld of Uruk would be so stupid……………………

A chaotic sound sounded under the darkness of the Shindai Uruk Underworld, breaking the deathly silence.



Fast and slow tapping sounded along with the girl’s breath in this empty underworld. Eleshkigar exhaled heavily, as if suppressing his inner unease.

“Hmph! The key time is not all up to this goddess! Useless humans! ”

The girl wrinkled her nose 5.1, beads of crystal sweat kept slipping on her white and delicate face, and her ruby eyes seemed to linger in the darkness with a faint streamer.

As the words fell, as the girl fell silent, the dark and cold underworld fell into silence again……… The girl waved her hand gently, and the dark blue fire light in the distance lit up, flower. The sea of flowers made of stone has been filled with the empty space at some point…

There is not a spare place where this flower is not planted…

The girl obviously noticed this place, but the spear in her hand did not put down, but her expression was a little trance, since she saw the sea of flowers in the video, she was carving every day………

Because it was the first time she had seen such a beautiful flower……… It is also the most real flower seen in tens of millions of years…

So I sculpt myself every day… Earlobe. Two flowers. Two flowers…

Before you know it, it’s already full.

The girl’s face showed hesitation, as if she was considering whether to make up for this last flower, but it was only for a moment, and Ai Lei clenched the spear in her hand again!

Determination appeared in the ruby eyes!

“Be sure to hollow out before Tiamat comes! Make a gun cage! Engrave later! ”

“Come on!”


“But my underworld can also blossom, hehe, tears fall on the cold ground.”

The girl cried red eyes……… No sadness! She… Very happy!………………

[Illustration: This time it’s my family’s Ai! ] Don’t even think about it!!! It’s better to blow up late!!! 】

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