Chapter 0079: Over There… There is no doubt that it is God!!!!!

[In the pitch-black abyss, the two girls held hands tightly, under the release of the Ishtar treasure, with Tiamat as the center, the entire Uruk fell sharply, and everything fell down under this blow, senior, it was too dark below, and nothing could be seen clearly The purple-haired girl held a small white beast Fufu in her hand, shouting to Fujimaru Tachika beside her. ] 】

[Below is the endless abyss of poop, the cold and death aura spreads, and the biting cold wind makes the girl’s body tremble]

[Fujimaru Ritika did not answer, her orange eyes looked into the depths of the abyss, as if quietly waiting for something]

The bottom is bottomless, the wind is whistling in your ears, and the breath of death is so thick that you can feel it even through the screen.

Looking at such an outrageous place, everyone in the Ten Thousand Realms couldn’t help but shiver. After all, no matter what world, the underworld represents death, and no one will like this. Even in some worlds, the concept of the underworld exists only in legends.

Is this underworld goddess really an Uruk ally? Isn’t that the purpose there?

For a while, everyone began to suspect.

[“Welcome to the darkness of the underworld, in the surprised gaze of Matthew, a little golden light emerged, shrouding the figures of himself and Fujimaru Rika, slowly landing, the vision began to brighten, there were no unnecessary words, and the girl’s beautiful voice echoed in place]

[A beautiful figure appeared in front of the eyes of the two…]

[This is… Master of the Underworld – Eleshkigal! 】

[“I especially give you the right to exist and float in the underworld, so here, you will not be regarded as a golden shawl of life, and the girl’s face cannot be said to be gentle, obviously the same face as Ishtar, but it gives people both temperament and feelings… It’s completely different…】

[Obviously the goddess of the underworld…]

[It’s obviously a disaster among other people…]

[But… It seems…]

[This goddess of the underworld…]

[It’s not like a death spokesperson at all…]

When the people of Uruk saw this goddess of the underworld appear again, although they had already seen it, they still seemed to be in disbelief, their eyes widened, and their faces seemed to be attached to the screen, and they carefully confirmed again and again…


“Lord Goddess… I must have made a mistake. ”

“Isn’t the legendary goddess of the underworld, Lord Eleshkigal, a horrible lord made of a pile of bones… Why is this…”

Everyone looked at each other, they also doubted the authenticity of the video, but whether it is all the buildings in Uruk in the video, or the soldiers and children inside, they all correspond to reality.

And even Wang announced yesterday that this is a thing for the future. But…


This goddess of the underworld…

Why with the terrifying goddess of the underworld they know… So different…

In their concept…

Goddess of the Underworld. It’s what they hate……… Hate……… Fear exists in the distance, still the cute little girl who once believed in the goddess of the underworld, but this time there are a few more children next to the girl…

“Milly, isn’t the Lord Goddess of the Underworld really a bad person?”

“Hmph~ Of course!”

“And didn’t you see it in the video? Lord Elle is very gentle. ”

“Yes, Boya, Lord Elle is really not a bad person, and Lord Elle is super reliable! You didn’t see in the video that it would have taken ten years to hollow out the Uruk underground, but it only took three days in the hands of Lord Elle! ”


“Well, let’s go, the statue of Lord Elle hasn’t been cleaned today.”


Bining 2…………

[The dark abyss is full of infinite unknowns, and in that dark corner I don’t know what unknown fears are hidden. ] Death oppresses this space, and here is the excessive legend of the dead after death]

To the underworld… Will endure the torment of the goddess of the underworld…

[Gently ruffling her hair, this underworld heroine showed a trace of redness on her face, and her eyes dodged for a moment. ] 】

“Ahem, welcome to the underworld, Fujimaru, Matthew, you guys try to concentrate the magic on the soles of your feet, and then imagine the feeling of being grounded so that you can fly.”

[Looking at the two, the girl said gently, a smile appeared on her delicate and beautiful face, and she spoke softly. ] 】

Shendai, in the dark stone flower sea of the underworld, the girl held the stone flower in one hand and the tip of the gun in the other, and when she saw herself in the video, her face turned red in a moment of dazedness.

“Aaa!!!!a How can it be! Ashkigal! How can you show such a shameful expression in front of outsiders! ”

“Impossible, impossible, impossible, must be fake!”

The girl shook her head vigorously, trying to shake off her inner shyness.

“Naru… You are the goddess of the underworld. How can you show such an expression.”

“I can’t see people…”

The girl lowered her head and put the carved stone flower in her hand into the sea of flowers made of stone, completely forgetting that there was no one in her underworld.

Put the stone flowers away and the girl continues her day’s work.

The video has been carried out by this time and many things have become clear. Things are clear = thanks to yourself.

Thinking of the proud look on this girl’s face, she raised her smooth chin and walked towards the distance with brisk steps.

This time, since she knew that many people would die because of her speed, the girl was ready to work hard!

Hollow out Uruk today, although I know that this is impossible, but the cute girl still makes such a goal.

But at the moment when the girl turned around, her figure was stunned, and there was a trace of grievance in the scarlet eyes…

“Forget about the gun cage…”


“The girl starts the day’s mission with a crying voice and a small mouth.”

Silent whispering, it seems that someone is sustenance, to here, the underworld… Conveying beauty…

The stone flower lit up slightly again. into the eye.

There is only a flower left in the sea of stone carved flowers…

Hokage World Myoki Mountain.




The sound of objects falling into the water kept ringing, and Naruto wet his figure walked slowly on the surface of the water. Step. Step…

“… Merit? ”

“Hahaha, I succeeded…”


“You idiot!!!!”

“Watch the video to focus Zakra on the soles of your feet and imagine what it’s like to be grounded!”

“Mouth through.”

“You’re a pig!”

[“Probably big. It takes some skill, and after a while, the purple-haired girl holding Fufu’s figure in her arms swayed a little, and smiled awkwardly at Eleshkigal. 】

“Well, it’s okay, this way…”

After a moment of teaching, Ai Lei took the two to the bottom of a pitch-black mountain cliff, and the three of them looked at each other, and did not imagine that the depth was bottomless, or rather. Under what background…


, On the open ground, the huge figure of the god Tiamat was forced to crawl on the ground because of falling and other reasons, surrounded by terrifying blue-white lightning, making it unable to move, and the huge pain made the original mother can’t help but speak…

[Perhaps. This. It’s about coming to retribution…………]

[The roar of grief resounded in the empty underworld, and after seeing Tiamat, the original mother who could not act, the purple-haired girl Matthew couldn’t help but show an excited look on her face, it was Tiamat! ] It has been successfully introduced to the underworld! “】

[“These lights are…”, looking at the thunder and lightning in front of him, Fujimaru Rika always felt a little familiar, and couldn’t help but ask. 】

[“It’s amazing, although I can’t believe it, but the power of every lightning bolt is actually no less than the energy of the Ishtar Treasure, and this energy energy is constantly burning Tiamat’s body at this time! Before Elle could answer, the Chaldean doctor had already measured it and replied. 】


“Every blow is no less than that Venus goddess Ishtar releasing treasure energy?”

Hearing this, everyone wiped their eyes in disbelief, and Ishtar released the treasure tool twice and they all saw it.

The kind of energy that compresses the entire Venus and then launches out, the kind of destruction scene that makes people still fearful.

Although the two releases of the treasure in the video did not cause the slightest damage to Tiamat, but. That’s limited to Tiamat!

The people in the ten thousand worlds can only take it, but they don’t save one.

Now you tell them that each of these blows is Ishtar’s all-out blow?

Everyone couldn’t help but be a little shocked, they didn’t expect this cute girl who looked a little silly to have such a strong and solid but then thought, this is the goddess of the underworld, in Sumerian mythology, will break into Ishtar effortlessly to kill, and this is still the territory of this goddess.

The strength can be imagined.

After a moment of silence, everyone could only come up with one sentence… In the underworld… This is the big guy…

Hokage World crouched in the grass five or five Kakashi looked at the death melody lightning flashing in the video, and his heart palpitated and spoke.

“If it were me, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to block even one blow, and it would turn into ashes.”


“This is a defense mechanism of the underworld, which is used to punish those who trespass into this land without permission…”

【The power of this terror】

[Maybe it was to compensate the owner of this in the first place. 】

[The living voice fell, Elle’s little face looked serious and solemn, looking at the figure of Tiamat, the spear in his hand was slight]

“In this world called Uruk, even the god Tiamat is no exception!”

[The girl said so domineeringly. 】


【In some ways. Tiamat. It is the world itself, the world is transformed by her]

Refers to, into…


[The blue-white lightning is still shining, and Tiamat wails in pain]

[Seeing that things have taken a huge turn for the better, Fujimaru Tachika couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief and joked that this is the privilege of Eleshkigal]

“Uh-huh”, apparently this compliment was quite useful to the goddess of the underworld, Eleshkigar, nodded his head with a smug expression on his delicate face, raised the long blade of the book, and pointed at Tiamat.

“Although some sorry Gilgamese pieces. But let me, the master of the underworld, end all this! ”

……………………… Type Moon World Winter Wood Church

Gilgamesh leaned back against the seat, and his body trembled with breath at this time.

In the same analysis, he naturally knows that he is not dead in the video, but is just preparing to give Tiamat a fatal blow somewhere unknown!

Now seeing this Eleshkigar who suddenly appeared to rob 860 people, the king was about to be overwhelmed by airman………

“Miscellaneous cultivation of the king of the highlight moment!”


, The moment the words fell, the tip of the pointed spear shining with cold light shone with purple-red thunder, and then continued to grow and turn into a giant energy spear!!

“O Spirit of the Underworld! There are guns of corruption! Lowering our sanctions for invasion!!! ”

[“Boom boom!!! “】

[In an instant, dozens of flashing purple-red thunder spears appeared in space, slowly enveloping Tiamat’s body, slender and tender arms]

[Suddenly fell, the Void Spear also fell, violently penetrating the huge body of the Primordial Mother, the ground was violently torn apart by a powerful force, and in the crack was the terrifying lava, and the hot breath was suffocating. ] 】


[The terrifying thunder and high temperature caused this huge goddess of Warcraft to roar in pain! ] 】

[From beginning to end, it was the first time to inflict such great damage on this Primordial Mother, but Elle’s expression was a little flat, even God Tiamat was just an ordinary god in the underworld, and under the attack of me and Garula Spirit, the root was not worth mentioning! ] “】

[The girl said domineeringly. 】


【I don’t know when…】

【Underworld ground. 】

[That empty ground…]

[The one that has not been tainted by any outside world…]

[Scarlet and pitch black…]

[The tide of chaos, emerging again…]


[The churning black mud reveals depression and madness…]


【“Aaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! “】

[Completely change the original form… The figure of Tiamat rushed out of the black mud and let out an angry roar. 】


[“Dragon body… The state change is complete…”】

[In the quiet underworld, in addition to the angry roar, Dr. Roman’s voice sounded again…]

[The voice is a little shaky… It seems that even Dr. Roman can’t believe it…]

[“Over there… Undoubtedly God!!! “】

【“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! “】

[This moment… God Comes!!! 】

【Illustration: Ai-chan】

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