Chapter 0072 [“I want her to know… She is only worthy to crawl on the ground!!! “】!!

[In the video, Matthew looks at Tiamat in the center of the battlefield with a desperate face, even that attack can’t hurt her…”How do they defeat this kind of enemy…”

[Not only Matthew, but everyone present had a haze in their hearts, and suddenly, a slender hand was placed on the purple-haired girl’s shoulder, senior…”

[Doctor Roman in Chaldea also seemed to fall into despair at this time, looking at the screen, not good, if it continues like this…”

“Well, doctor!!! Fujimaru Ritika perked up, and the girl’s voice was a little hissing, loudly interrupting Dr. Roman who was far away in Chaldean, and quickly analyzing the damage to the god Tiamat!!! Maybe you can find a breakthrough in the damage!!! “】

【… I know though I know that those are words of comfort to everyone… But maybe a miracle will happen…]

[After that, Fujimaru Rika’s gaze immediately turned to Ishtar on the side, and Ishtar went to meet Rahem in the northwest! ] ”

[“Understood! “】

[“Matthew…” a hoarse voice sounded, and the orange-haired girl had bloodshot eyes because of exhaustion, and unfolded the treasure in front of the enemy, somewhat buying some time…” Finally, the girl’s tired voice was already full of deep exhaustion, but she still said with strong spirits. 】

[But, senior, your magic power has been…” Tears rolled in the corners of his eyes, looking at the chapped lips, his face was white and Ryoka Fujimaru, Matthew tried to stop the other party, but…”

“It’s okay! As if seeing that the girl was uneasy, Fujimaru Tachika gently touched the other’s forehead and said, I can still insist. Senior, you can’t go on anymore…”

[“Even so… Ahem…”The girl coughed violently, stretched out her hand to cover her face, and a smile appeared on her pale cheeks]

[What appears in the shot is that the girl has turned blue… Blackening… That dead finger…]

“Naw, Matthew…”

“Even so… We can’t stop! “】

【”We must complete this journey that belongs to us! “】

[In the dark night sky, the clouds are thick, tears are flowing, the body is trembling, and the purple-haired girl’s lips are trembling slightly…]

[Yes, this is their path…]

[“Yes! Predecessor!!! “】

At this time, a certain happy king of the Winter Wood Church of the Moon World showed a smile of approval.

The people in the Ten Thousand Realms were also silent at this time, and they could feel… That dead will… Then when it’s all over… It doesn’t hurt to die attitude…

This mediocre girl, chosen by fate, saves the girl in these chaotic times.

Maybe it doesn’t matter, but the crowd can’t help it…

Thoroughly endorse this girl… Fujimaru, Tachika…

[“I understand, now follow the seniors…”]

[“Boom! Before the girl finished speaking, a loud noise in the distance interrupted the girl’s conversation, the earth trembled violently, and the tide of chaos could not stop churning! It seems that something is coming out…]

[The huge body stirred the scarlet pitch-black mud and rolled up countless waves, but because it was too viscous, it seemed to swallow people in an instant]

[Suddenly, everyone looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief, and the purple hair fluttering in the distance with the wind]

[The sun breaks through the dark clouds and shines on the ground, is hope!!! 】

【Where the sun shines…】

[Hundreds of meters of golden wings slowly unfolded. 】

【Holy!!! Indescribably beautiful face in front of everyone’s eyes!!! 】

[Brilliant Demon Eyes Shine in the Sun! ] 】

【”… Er]

[Everyone looked at the figure in the distance and couldn’t help muttering]

Stunned……… Everyone in the Ten Thousand Realms was stunned for a while…

Not because of how powerful the other party is, but because of that holy breath… Even people can feel it even across the screen.

Like an angelic breath, is this a new dish reinforcement. But then everyone rubbed their eyes… On: Isn’t this the giant Warcraft Queen in the first act of the video? Isn’t that the enemy?

………………… Fairy Tail World blonde girl Lucy watched the appearance of the picture and Gorgon couldn’t help but relax her nervous expression.

“Great, finally come to reinforcements!”

Seeing this scene, not only the girl, but also Natsu, Harpy and others on the side were also excited. After all, just now it was really too exciting.

Natsu on the side was already igniting flames uncontrollably, and Quezarkoyat’s attack was too burning!

Destroy the power of all living beings on the earth!!!

Although it didn’t cause any harm to the god Tiamat, Natsu knew that it was limited to the god Tiamat!

If it were himself, Lucy, Harpy, even his own guild leader Makarov would not be able to take this blow!

Gray looked at his hands on his chest and looked at the huge gorgons in the video, his eyes were a little cold.

“Isn’t that the enemy in the first act of the video?”

Gray gently opened his mouth to remind everyone that although the other party’s breath is holy now, I don’t know why the other party has reappeared.

But first impressions are often valued the most! After everyone reminded, everyone was stunned…

The successive battles made them forget that Gorgon, who appeared in the first scene of the video.

“It is absolutely impossible for the enemy!”

, the blonde girl Lucy looked at the video in which Gorgon frowned in dissatisfaction and looked at the people around her with lost and angry eyes.

The girl also knows that she is feeling sorry for the people in the video, after all, if there is really an enemy, then this war. Lose!

After a long silence, the girl raised her head slightly.

“In her eyes…”

“There is just… Wai…”

Unlike other worlds, the people of Chaldea now had hope in their eyes.

Watching the final appearance of Gorgon, Dr. Roman looked a little excited, leaned back in the recliner, and relaxed deeply.

“I really didn’t expect it, it was really unexpected.”

“The alliance of the three goddesses, in the end, actually betrayed this mother at the same time and joined the side of Uruk.”

, the corners of Dr. Luo’s mouth couldn’t help but rise a little.

Many of the links in the video were obviously missed, but it can be seen from the few scenes that the three goddesses alliance of Kuizar Koyat, Eleshkigal, Gorgon, and the three goddesses have finally joined Uruk’s side to fight!

Thinking of this, Dr. Roman couldn’t help but laugh.

The Three Goddess Alliance, it is estimated that it should be the Erwuzai Alliance if it is recorded by posterity in the future. Fuyuki Church, Rin Tosaka looked at the huge gorgun in the video in confusion, and asked puzzled.

“Hey! What’s going on! Why is the enemy suddenly on your side! ”

In the video, it is clear that he was still an enemy just now, and even suddenly appeared here by a penetrating gorgon, and became an Uruk ally?

For a while, Rin Tosaka was a little confused.

“Hey, that’s a height you can’t reach! Take a good look! ”

The scarlet snake pupil looked at Gorgun in the video, and Gilgamesh recognized the other party the moment he appeared.

“What a reliable little girl…”

“It seems that there are still many reliable goddesses in this world…”

Yu Guang caught a glimpse of Rin Tosaka on the side, and his scarlet eyes showed disgust. That’s right, Ishtar!

“Hey! Weren’t you thinking something rude just now!!! ”

[The sun is bathed in those huge golden wings, the upper body is in human form, the lower body is a snake body, slightly open the eyes, bright purple-red eyes reflect looking at the front Tiamat, like the active hair of the spirit snake shoots out, like a rope bound to the body of this primordial mother, once again restricting the action of this goddess of monsters. ] 】

[“Let go, let go! You filthy fake! “The shrill noise sounded, countless rahems flew in the sky in the distance, noisy sounds, deformed bodies, people couldn’t help but feel dizzy]

[“Don’t shout about the purple hair stretching, the words are full of calm, and Gorgon disdains these rahems in front of him, garbage made of dirty mud]

[Gorgon’s eyes always stayed on the body of the god Timat in front of him, and from time to time there were Rahem mercilessly strangled by hair]

“Why, are you going to help us?” Sensing the other party’s intentions, Fujimaru Tachika stood on top of the pterosaur and shouted at the other party. 】

[The two girls were full of doubts at this time, why did this goddess help them? ] 】

[“Help you? Gorgon turned his gaze to the orange-haired girl.

[“Yes! “Due to the urgency of the situation, Fujimaru Tachika did not wait for the other party to respond, and then said, blocking the god Tiamat here!!! 】

[“Help you?

“Gorgon’s gaze is still so calm, you are the one who gets in the way.”

[“Obstruction? The purple-haired girl was slightly stunned, not understanding why the other party would say such things…”

[“You can’t even lift your own shield,” Gorgon said lightly. 】

[“Ah!!! Matthew looked at the shield in her hand that was faintly about to dissipate, obviously she didn’t expect that she had reached her limit.

[“Look at the fingertips of that imperial lord, Gorgon, looked at Fujimaru Tachika, and said softly, because of insufficient mana, it will be necrotic! “】

[It is precisely like this, the orange-haired girl in the distance clenched her fists unwillingly… The body is shaking, if you lose… It will be very unwilling…】

[“The wings of the god Teyamat will be shattered! There was a hint of seriousness in Gorgon’s purple eyes.

“I want her to know…”]

“She is only worthy to crawl on the ground!!! “】


[It’s just…]

[This… The goddess turned her head in a moment… Looking at the two girls, a trace of reluctance flashed in their eyes. 】


[Goodbye… Everyone…]

[As Anna…]

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