The battle was over, and the enemy was in chaos.

On the other side

On the battlefield of Shinjuku

At this moment, the place is no longer as prosperous as before. Both on the ground and in the air, it is filled with all kinds of strange curse spirits

"Everyone, try to avoid destroying buildings and public facilities!"

"There may be ordinary people who haven't escaped yet. Evacuate as soon as you see the crowd!"

In the battlefield of Shinjuku filled with a large number of curse spirits, a group of not many cursers gathered here, and among the crowd, Ye Mo Zhengdao loudly reminded all the cursers present to pay more attention and not to fight too much

After all, cursers are crazy!

Especially Gojo Satoru who is beside him now. As the strongest magician in modern times, if Gojo Satoru lets go, the damage caused is unimaginable, and the cost of reconstruction after the damage is also indescribable.

Thinking of the troublesome Gojo Satoru, Ye Mo Zhengdao turned his head to look at the white-haired figure behind him, but found that he was looking around, with white bandages covering his eyes, as if immersed in his own world.

Seeing Gojo Satoru who was obviously in a trance, Ye Mo felt a pain in his head, and shouted with a ferocious face: "Are you listening?! Satoru!!"

But Gojo Satoru in front of him didn't notice the helplessness in Ye Mo's tone at all. As if he noticed something, he looked up at the tall buildings not far away and began to mutter to himself. His voice was not loud, but everyone present could hear it.

"There is a guy who looks troublesome..."

The eyes of heaven under the bandage seemed to be able to see through all hypocrisy. He passed an unknown distance and saw a figure with relatively strong mantra.

This level of mantra...

It must be special...

Gojo Satoru thought to himself. As he watched, his eyes came to a building. On the top of the building, a towering figure was very conspicuous.

"... So that's it, it's the white bandage, right?"

Dark brown skin, wearing a square deep eye on his eyes. Blue glasses, white beret on his head, wearing a white uniform, sturdy figure, looking at the group of high school sorcerers

The eyes under the glasses also looked at Gojo Satoru, as if ignoring the distance, and the special level of magic power emanated from him

Beside him, there was a female partner, she looked casual, and explained to the man next to her, saying: "Yes, we will deal with the others..."

"Although I have said it many times, but..."

"I understand"

Before the woman finished speaking, the man interrupted and continued to add: "We only need to be responsible for containment"

"Let's play for a while and wait for Geto's work Let's end it."

His tone was full of super confidence, and his eyes were fixed on the white figure, like a cheetah ready to attack.

His eyes came to Gojo Satoru.

He was holding his chin with his hand, thinking about something in his heart. Just as he was thinking, Ijichi Jiegao came from not far away and came to Gojo Satoru's side.

"Mr. Gojo, I have something to report! What's wrong with you?"

After hearing Ijichi's voice, Gojo Satoru came back to his senses and glanced at Ijichi with his peripheral vision: "Nothing"

Although he said it was okay, he was still thinking in his heart

That guy who loves to show off didn't show up at the front line.

Or did he go to Kyoto?

No, if he went to Kyoto, he should have received the corresponding contact!

Could it be that...

An incident that happened not long ago suddenly came to mind. It happened a few days ago in the technical college


Jujutsu High School

In Gojo Satoru's exclusive teacher's office, Gojo Satoru sat on a large chair with his legs crossed, and the figure standing in front of his desk

It was Gojo U

Gojo U was not wearing his usual round sunglasses. His pale blue eyes were a little gloomy, and the two strands of hair on his cheeks had reached his shoulders

"Brother, I want to tell you about the hundred in a few days. "Ghost Night Walk..."

After hearing Xiaoyu's words, Gojo Satoru seemed to be aroused, his mouth corners raised, and his eyes under the bandages met Xiaoyu's

"I see, Xiaoyu, you want to beat that guy with me! !"

Gojo Satoru seemed a little excited, and was about to say something when he was interrupted by Xiaoyu in a calm tone

"I want to stay in Jujutsu High School"

Looking at Xiaoyu's determined eyes, Gojo Satoru was stunned, a little surprised, and couldn't help asking: "Oh~ what's the reason?"

Then, Gojo

Tiao Yu told about the dream, and after finishing, Gojo Satoru fell into silence again

After a long time, Gojo Satoru slowly spoke

"Xiao Yu... If you want to accompany Maki, you don't need to use this reason..."

As soon as the voice fell, the atmosphere in the whole office fell into a strange silence, and the sound of a pin drop was very clear

Under Gojo Satoru's interested gaze, Gojo Yu, who was standing opposite, froze, his expression was confused, or at a loss, and then he opened his eyes wide, and in less than a few seconds, Full of changes

"You! You! What nonsense are you talking about?!"

Although his face was filled with disbelief and his calm expression had disappeared, Gojo Satoru still caught something with his eyes and looked at his brother's slightly red face and ears

"Hey? Why are your face and ears red?!"

"Huh?! It's just that the weather is too hot!!"

Faced with Gojo Yu's explanation, Gojo Satoru smiled but didn't say anything, but he couldn't help thinking in his heart

This is the youth of young people...


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