The battle was over, and the battle was over.

November 9, outside the Human Demon Territory.

A soldier was running towards the armed vehicle like crazy.

"Call headquarters! Call headquarters! Something is wrong here, requesting reinforcements..."

Before he finished speaking, the soldier hit the root of a tree and fell to the ground with a bloody head.

"What's going on! Why is there an invisible wall here!"

After a while of groping, he found that he had no way to move forward.

"Damn it, the vehicle is clearly right in front of me."

In fact, the tree root wall in front of him was not very big, but because he had no talent for spells, he could not see the specific boundary.

With a loud bang, the vehicle that the soldier was running towards was lifted into the air and torn into pieces.

Fear, shock, and weirdness made this man collapse, and at this moment, his curse power burst out and he saw the "person" who caused all this.

"Strange, monster! You are the one who did all this, right?"

Hana Yu: "I gave you a chance to leave."

"Don't, don't come over! Ah..."

After giving the person in front of him a quick death, Hana Yu turned and looked somewhere.

Hana Yu: "How long will you hide?"

As the voice fell, a man in a black suit came out from the corner.

Hana Yu: "From the technical college?"

Assistant Supervisor: "I, I am an assistant supervisor." (Are you going to fight here, but... how can I fight the special level?)

Hana Yu: "Leave here, I won't say it again."

So, the assistant supervisor quickly fled with a surprised expression.

Hua Yu: "I don't know how Tuogen, Louhu and Zhenren are doing now."

Hua Yu was stationed outside the barrier in the center of Neon. He used solid trees to surround the barrier layer by layer for a week, leaving only a few entrances for the protagonists to enter and ordinary people to leave

The sorcerers lacked special-grade ones that could be mobilized; the cursers had to be more obedient; as for ordinary humans, they did not have the ability and technology to break through the blockade.

Therefore, except for the people on the list provided by Tiandao Zhenyi, most of the sorcerers, cursers, soldiers, and government personnel were intercepted outside.


Inside the barrier.

After Louhu became a participant in the Death Return Tour, he pushed all the way from the barrier in the south and defeated many newly awakened sorcerers and former ancient sorcerers.

Basically, there was no spell with too bad compatibility and the hard power fluctuated around 15 fingers, which made Louhu invincible in the barrier.

Of course, these were all done by the way. After all, there were always people who challenged Louhu beyond their ability, and their ending was naturally to be burned to ashes.

As soon as Louhu entered the barrier, he searched for the female sorcerer near the hospital. To be more precise, he was looking for Wan. As long as he killed this person, he could take revenge on Nozomi.

In the square, Louhu lifted a sturdy man by the neck.

"My lord, please forgive me. I really don't know where Wan is. I was disrespectful to you before because I was blind."

Louhu: "I don't know why you wasted so much of my time. Be careful in your next life."

"Don't, don't!"

After a burst of flames, the ancient sorcerer had been burned to charcoal.

Louhu: "How many points do I have now."

Little Golden Bug: "Current points: 120 points"

Louhu: "Keep it for now, maybe it will be useful later."


On the same day, Godzilla landed in California, America.

The sea surface without ships suddenly raised a large splash of water, and a beast and a curse appeared and walked onto the land. The real person jumped off Godzilla's tall body and came to the ground. After sending the real Godzilla back to the sea.

The real person: "Finally came out of the sea, ah~~~ It's fresh air (takes a deep breath)... Ugh~ Why is the air here so smelly and turbid."

After moving his body, the real person took out the map and photos covered with a waterproof bag and pondered.

The real person: "The next step should be to kill Silas Will, the Deputy Minister of Energy and Environmental Affairs of the US Department of Energy. I heard that it was this b who instigated the president to send troops to Japan."

"Then kill all the people in the White... White House. Oh, by the way, I almost missed it. There is also a Hexagon. Eh? How many corners is it? No matter what, make them all into cyborgs."

As early as February, Muso lobbied leaders of various countries to send troops to Japan in November to kidnap humans for brain experiments for the development of new energy.

Among them, the US country was one of those that could not resist the temptation.

That kind, and combined with the comics, it is also the only one that sent troops to Neon. Maybe other countries also want to do this, but they dare not take action because they do not have the strength of a hegemonic country.

While thinking, Wu Erluo appeared in front of the real person.

Real person: "It seems that you are done too."

Wu Erluo: "Let's go by plane."


Wu Erluo, who controlled Godzilla to return to the sea, wrapped it with cursed power after releasing the control, making it impossible for ordinary humans to observe Godzilla's biological body with the naked eye.

Now it is a true ghost killer at sea.

The ability of the cursed spirit Wu Erluo is to create G cells to make them split and differentiate into mature individuals and control them, while the individuals that are not controlled will have normal brain activities.

This creature has a strong sense of territory. When it enters the sea, no aircraft carrier or submarine will not be attacked by it. One radioactive heat ray can sink an aircraft carrier, and the CD only takes more than ten minutes. Even if this country has many aircraft carriers, it can't stand it.

Even if Godzilla is unfortunately hit, with its abnormal self-healing ability, it can fully recover in the future, and it may even proliferate into multiple individuals.

The protagonist's idea is very simple, to strike at foreign maritime forces and then blockade domestic maritime forces, so that their proud maritime steel fortress cannot leave their homes.

Although the earth is not his, it is still necessary to make himself comfortable. You can't just want to be in a bad environment without being bad.


The two cursed spirits walked along the nearest road together.

Zhenren: "We have to go to the airport first."

Wu Erluo: "We have to take a taxi first."

Zhenren: "You are right."

When a jeep passed by, Zhenren turned his arm into a slingshot and shot out his bone spurs. After flying for a while, the bone spurs accurately blew up the tires of the car.

The owner who heard the abnormal sound hurriedly braked and got out to check.

"F**k! This is the third tire I have blown on this broken road. Fortunately, I brought a spare tire."

When the owner changed the tire, Zhenren and Wu Erluo consciously sat in the back seat. The owner who was changing the tire noticed that the car moved a little, but he didn't take it seriously and continued to change the tire.

Real person: "Great~ I got a taxi successfully."

Wu Erluo: "You are worthy of it."

Soon, the owner changed the tire and took the two cursed spirits to the city.

Wu Erluo: "How to get to the airport?"

Hearing this, the real person threw the map to Wu Erluo, and then put his feet on the backrest of the front seat.

"You study the map, and I study how to drive."

Wu Erluo: "This... you learn so fast?"

Real person: "You are kidding, I am a new human, and I can learn to drive easily, right?"

After a while, the owner drove to the nearest gas station to refuel.

Wu Erluo: "I have studied it, how about you?"

Real person: "I roughly understand it."

As he said, the real person sat in the main driving seat while the owner entered the supermarket to shop, and put on the owner's sunglasses.

When the owner was checking out, the roar of the engine attracted his attention.

"That's my car!"

The real person ignored the car owner who was chasing him and drove away.

Seeing that he couldn't catch up, the car owner went back to the supermarket to borrow a phone to call the police.

Operator: "Hello, do you have any emergency?"

"My car was stolen at the gas station!"

Operator: "Okay, please tell me the location of the gas station and your license plate number."

On the other side.

Wu Erluo: "Ditch! Ditch! Ditch!"

The real person: "OK, let's go!"

Wu Erluo: "I mean there is a ditch there! You drove out of the lane!"

The real person: "What do you know, this is called the shortest straight line between two points. Besides, this is an off-road vehicle, it can't even be called an off-road vehicle, go!"

The real person rushed all the way to the international airport, regardless of the traffic lights and vehicles blocking the road.

This attracted the attention of the traffic police. After checking the number of the stolen vehicle, the police car on the roadside immediately turned around and chased the vehicle where the real person was.

The police officer in the car turned on the sirens and warned the real person with a loudspeaker.

"Driver of the vehicle in front, you are suspected of dangerous driving and stealing a vehicle. We now order you to stop by the roadside immediately, otherwise we will regard it as your refusal to investigate and take compulsory measures against you!"

Zhenren and Wu Erluo naturally could not pay attention to these warnings.

Policeman 1: "They ignored us."

Policeman 2 loaded his pistol.

"Be prepared to shoot."


Wu Erluo: "Look, this is the consequence of not driving properly."

Zhenren: "Don't worry, I learned something about the police in this country before coming here. One of us has white skin and the other has no skin, so we don't have to take bullets."


Er Luo: "Is it possible that they can't see us at all?"

Zhen Ren: "Then there's no need to worry, keep going!"

Wu Er Luo: "I mean, the car can't be driven once the police come, there's a car at the red light ahead!"

Zhen Ren: "Just right, it's just what I want."

The two cursed spirits drove the car into the pile of cars in one breath, and the car glass was shattered.

Zhen Ren and Wu Er Luo got out of the car, picked a sedan, walked up and grabbed the owner, and continued to the airport.

Zhen Ren: "Very smart, if the full score is 100, I would give myself 200 points."

Wu Er Luo: "Ah? You're doing mitosis here?"

Zhen Ren: "Because there are two cursed spirits in our group, and the plan was my idea, so your share is added to me."

Wu Er Luo: "Six..."

Soon after, the owner of another car whose car was stolen called the police.

So, within ten minutes after the two cursed spirits' car was captured by the surveillance camera, the police car chased after them again, and the same warning words appeared with it.

Real person: "It's really troublesome. Let's change to a more convenient car."

Wu Erluo: "What are you going to do?"

Real person parked the car across the road, then grabbed Wu Erluo, opened the door and got out. The unmanned vehicle was still drifting backwards.

That was so cool.

After the car stopped, the police officers also stopped to check. While they were not paying attention, Real person punctured the tires of the police car and left only one intact.

Real person: "Bye~ Stupid white ghosts."

Real person left again.

Wu Erluo: "You are really a genius."

Real person: "It's good that you know."

Under the real person's tricky operation, the matter evolved into a grand chase. All the police cars of the local general police station were dispatched, vowing to bring the real person to justice.

He stepped on the accelerator to the bottom. They were both police cars. Who was afraid of whom? What's more, the real person was driving without a license.

Wu Erluo: "Alas~ I didn't expect it to unfold like this."

Real Person: "There are quite a few people, but let's get off the highway first."

Wu Erluo: "The next highway intersection is 500 meters ahead."

Real Person: "Isn't there a ready-made one here?"

Wu Erluo: "What?"

Wu Erluo didn't understand what Real Person meant, but Real Person's next action explained it to Wu Erluo on his behalf.

Real Person turned the steering wheel sharply and drove the car towards the fence. The whole car flipped over the highway bridge and landed on the lane below, blocking a truck at the same time.

The chasing police were all dumbfounded. They rushed down before forcing the car to stop.

Real Person: "Isn't this getting off the highway?"

Wu Erluo: "Hiss~~~"

The two cursed spirits got out of the car, walked towards the truck, knocked the driver unconscious, and continued to drive to the airport. There was no trouble for a long time afterwards.

After arriving at the airport, the two cursed spirits got out of the car. Real Person coiled Wu Erluo on his head, and relying on himself as a cursed spirit, he directly passed the security check and entered the terminal hall.

During the period, when the real person crossed the fence, he found that a woman looked at him for a brief moment, but the woman immediately turned her head away.

Wu Erluo: "What's wrong?"

Real person: "There is something wrong with that woman's eyes."

Upon hearing this, Wu Erluo looked at the person. Her two eyes were one yellow and one blue, and she was a person with heterochromatic eyes.

Wu Erluo: "Do you think she can see us?"

Real person: "No doubt, pick a time to kill her."

In fact, as the real person judged, the person belonged to an exorcist family, and a pair of heterochromatic eyes could see a lot of weird things. Obviously, she also realized that the real person was wrong, but she didn't dare to say anything, pretending to know nothing and continued to queue.

Unfortunately, this couldn't change anything. From the moment she confirmed the look in her eyes, she couldn't escape.

Out of inner uneasiness, she walked into the bathroom and took out simple exorcism tools from her luggage. As soon as she was ready, she looked up and saw the real person behind her in the mirror.


The real person: "As expected, you can see... Wuwei's transformation."

The real person activated the spell to turn her into a cyborg and then swallowed her into his stomach.

Wu Erluo looked at the real person who walked out of the women's restroom and asked:

"Is it done?"

The real person: "Yes, and my hunch was right."

The real person showed the plane ticket in his hand.

The real person: "She has the same destination as me. She may also know spells. She may become a hindrance in the future."

Wu Erluo: "It's up to you. My plane is almost here."

The real person: "So fast! Then I wish you a safe journey~"

Wu Erluo: "You too, bye."

The destinations of the two cursed spirits are different. One is Washington, DC, and the other is South Korea.

The real person's mission is to stay here to create chaos and prevent the implementation of the plan to send troops.

Wu Erluo

The mission is to destroy the military bases of the US military stationed in foreign countries. In the current political chaos in Japan, the fastest way for America to send troops is to rely on the US troops stationed in South Korea.

To be honest, when the protagonist thought about this, he almost burst into laughter.

The Koreans have suffered from the US military for a long time, and this time Wu Erluo went to destroy the military base and it was a great pleasure. If the people of his country didn't come to kowtow to him, he would be sorry for his efforts.

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