The first big move after the establishment of the Curse/Monster Association was to show off the muscle of the curse world to that self-righteous country.

Wu Erluo once again embarked on the journey of ravaging the Eagle Sauce, crossing the other side of the ocean to send them the blessing of atomic energy, so that everyone could not get to know each other and finally become acquainted.

The four curse spirits went together on the pretext of experiencing life and traveling abroad, and the five curse spirits will arrive at the nearest state in the next 10 days.

Directly stationed in economically developed cities, bombing them at will, anyway, they will not die.


On the vast sea, a behemoth is sailing slowly.

Because the lounge chair had been fixed to Godzilla's dorsal fin in advance, the four cursed spirits were now lying on it wearing sunglasses.

Today's sea was relatively calm and the sun was bright, so they were able to enjoy the gentle sea breeze and warm sunshine.

Zhenren: "It's good to be well prepared, so you don't have to be like a homeless person drifting on the sea."

Because of the tight time and heavy tasks for the first trip abroad, Zhenren did not make any preparations and went to another country with Wu Erluo.

The result was that Zhenren was exposed to the wind and sun for several days. When he got ashore, he couldn't take his clothes and pants, which led to the situation of stealing clothes later.

But now it's very different. If you look closely, you can find that Godzilla's tail is connected to a special rope.

When the four cursed spirits are too lazy to stay outside, Tuogen will unfold his own domain [Dangyun Pingxian] and connect the domain's barrier to the rope.

Then people from the outside can enter directly, and the environment is so comfortable.

In general, Godzilla is dragging a "ship" that is big inside and small outside to continue sailing.

(Wu Erluo: "Okay, okay, everyone is a cursed spirit and I am the only one who is a hard-core person, right?")

Hana Yu: "Sunlight, water, this is wonderful.

It would be better if I could always immerse myself in nature without having to meet those ugly people."

Tuogen: "The sea is still so beautiful, but it's a pity that there are too many filth in it."

Zhenren: "Don't say that, it's because of the evil people that we can justifiably kill people.

Since human kindness is not enough to offset human malice, we must take the responsibility of maintaining the balance between good and evil in the world.

Well, there is nothing wrong with making excuses for yourself."

Luhu: "Wu Erluo is mainly responsible for the attack, and we only need to be responsible for taking action after its body is completely destroyed.

Take this opportunity to travel, after all, we have been fighting and killing since we were born."

Although they are different from those in human society, they are undoubtedly a family.

Luhu, who plays the role of "father", instinctively wants to give his family a happier life.

Zhenren: "Of course it's no problem~ I followed the tour guide to several places and learned bird language for a few days. You can leave the leading to me."

After some twists and turns, they finally set foot on foreign land. The first stop was New York.

So the five cursed spirits went to New York, accompanied by earthquakes caused by Godzilla's movement.

Four stood under the statue of the goddess, among which Zhenren put on simulated human skin and wore sunglasses.

This is to be able to communicate with humans.

Zhenren picked up the magic camera and recorded this precious moment.

Zhenren: "Tagan, squat a little, so that Louhu will not look so short.

1, 2, 3, OK."

Lohu curiously observed the pedestrians around him, trying to understand the people of this country.

Hanami noticed this and asked:

"What are you thinking about?"

Louhu: "Their malice is not weak, on the contrary, it is even stronger than that of the Japanese.

I can feel it, but the breath of the curse is very weak, and the breath of the curse is basically invisible."

Hanaami: "······I don't think so."

Louhu: "Huh? Why?"

Hanaami: "That kind of malice is strong enough, but it is not pure."

Louhu: "What do you mean?"

At this time, Zhenren joined the topic.

Zhenren: "That is to say, it may just be a behavior pattern, personal worldview.

Two children did evil things at the same time. One is bad by nature and chooses to do evil to satisfy his curiosity. The other is not bad by nature but lives in a bad environment, that is, he has developed wrong worldviews and is accustomed to evil deeds."

Louhu: "You mean, for such people, doing evil does not even require malice

, but just doing an ordinary little thing? "

Zhenren: "Bingo!"

Tagon: "It's all the same, it's hard for humans to live purely."

Zhenren: "It's because of the complexity that we are human... Come here! Today is Thursday, I will treat you to a good meal."

Of course, Hua Yu doesn't eat these things, but surprisingly, Hua Yu drinks tea and coffee.

Faced with Zhenren's question, Hua Yu gave the following explanation:

"Through the remains of these plants, I can taste their short but rich life. "

After stuffing a lot of junk food into their bodies, they came to

After that, they came to the bustling Fifth Avenue. The shops here are so dazzling that the four people are dazzled.

Zhenren couldn't help but go in and start a free shopping. He explained that he wanted to prepare some gifts for people far away in Japan.

After visiting New York, they went to San Francisco, then Los Angeles, and then the famous gambling city Las Vegas.

This place is full of opportunities that cannot be grasped. It is a place where rich people live a life of luxury and it is also a place where ordinary people lose their fortunes.

Zhenren tried his hand in the casino.

Because ordinary humans cannot see cursed spirits, Zhenren's luck this night is quite good, so he will definitely win a hundred percent and a little bit of what he says.

Overnight, Zhenren became a local tycoon, and the casino owner sent him off in tears.

As night fell, they strolled on the streets of Las Vegas, admiring the colorful night view.

Tagon: "What do you think, in the future, other cursed spirits similar to us can also stroll in human cities like this. ”

Main: “If that happens, the cursed eyes used to observe cursed spirits will probably be sold out.

That’s right! I can open a cursed tool company when I go back, specializing in buying these gadgets.

I should be a rich man, no, I’m already. But I still can’t tell anyone, even if I’m not getting wet in the rain, I’ll tear up other people’s umbrellas.”

However, Tendou Shinichi had this idea a long time ago, and his ability was enough to allow him to achieve cursed tool freedom.

Louhu thought about Tuogen’s question and gave his own answer:

“I don’t know, but we must never build an area where only cursed spirits live.”

Tuogen was puzzled by this:

“Why, wouldn’t you not have to see the humans you hate?”

Hanayu gave an explanation:

“Because you might be wiped out by sorcerers, cursers, or other humans.” "

Finally, they came to the famous national park - Yellowstone National Park. The natural wonders here would interest even cursed spirits.

On the other side, the head of a nuclear power plant was looking at a series of abnormal data on the screen and fell into deep thought.

There is no reactor out of control or leakage, so he is wavering between reporting and not reporting.

Wu Erluo (eating seriously): "Wait, beasts, I will send you warmth after I finish replenishing. "

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