The two of them were so angry that they were caught.

"You... When did you get into the assassins?"

Ye E Zheng Dao got up with difficulty, covering his chest wound, and looked at Xia Liu with surprise.

No wonder he had vaguely sensed something was wrong from the previous conversation, but couldn't tell why.

But in the end, it was because the boy's acting was too realistic, making it impossible for people to doubt him.

Panda, who was just about to start killing, was also confused by this sudden situation. At this moment, the anger in his heart was completely occupied by doubts.

No one could have imagined that Xia Liu would get into the assassins sent by the top leaders to assassinate Ye E Zheng Dao?

And he was the leader?

Le Yan Temple stared at Xia Liu with deep eyes.

Although these assassins were not strong, they all reached the level of first-level sorcerers.

Xia Liu actually killed everyone in such a short time!

The most terrifying thing is that he didn't even notice when he got in!

Xia Liu walked in front of the three people, glanced at Le Yan Temple lightly, and smiled casually:

"The top leaders are all here to eat, so these so-called assassins are naturally not that strong."

"You didn't have any vigilance at all, so I got in easily."

Long before, after reaching an agreement with Gojo Satoru, he looked for traces of Yee Zhengdao everywhere.

But although he was a member of the high-level technical college, he didn't know where the forbidden area was, and there were no specific coordinates, so he could only rely on the power of God to continuously transmit.

After narrowing the search range through trial and error again and again, he happened to meet the assassination team of the top leaders.

Then, while saying hello, he easily controlled everyone with a simple illusion.

As for the body of the real leader, he was sleeping in the Shenwei space.

Hearing this, Le Yansi's mouth twitched.

Eating for free?

These killers are all elite troops affiliated with the top leaders, and they take orders directly from the top leaders!

Their strength is naturally beyond doubt, but in Xia Liu's mouth, they become eating for free...

"Well, now you can't die even if you want to, everyone has become an accomplice."

Xia Liu looked at Ye E Zheng Dao and smiled evilly.

Hearing this, Ye E Zheng Dao was moved and speechless.

Xia Liu was right, now he and Panda have indeed become accomplices.

Even Le Yansi may be held accountable by the top leaders.

Even if these people did not die at their hands, the top leaders don't care so much.

Everyone died, leaving only you, Le Yansi, to go back? Will the top leaders believe it?

"Hmph, so what if they are accomplices? From the moment the top leaders dared to attack Zhengdao, I, Panda, will never reconcile with them!"

"How about Xia Liu and I go to the top leaders' headquarters tonight? Anyway, we have already torn our faces apart!"

Panda clenched his fists as big as sandbags, and the anger in his eyes had not dissipated.

"Night attack, you head! If anyone wants to go, it should be Xia Liu, and you, Panda, will go and die?"

As soon as Panda finished speaking, he was slapped hard on the head.

After this slap, Panda was completely honest and looked at Ye E Zhengdao with a wronged face.

Seeing it like this, Ye E rubbed the panda's head and sighed:

"Xia Liu, I guess you are all confused about why I didn't create a large army of cursed corpses to kill all the high-level officials, or ask Gojo Satoru to directly replace the high-level officials?"

"In addition to the complex network of relationships behind it, there is another point..."

"Before, I always thought that those old guys were pedantic and stubborn, but from the perspective of radicals, they can be understood in some places."

"For example, from the beginning, they sentenced Yuji to death to avoid future troubles?"

"But these don't matter. When they ordered everyone to forbid Gojo Satoru to lift the seal, I completely lost the last hope for them.

"These people are far more greedy than the cursed spirits, like a basket of rotten oranges that are hopeless!"

"So, kill them."

"Kill as many as you can, I will never stop you. If you realize it, I'm afraid you will do the same."

"Such rulers are like dark clouds covering the sky. Under their rule, the world of curses will never see the light! "

Ye E Zheng Dao's words made the three people present all look surprised.

How could the serious and evil Ye E Zheng Dao say such a thing?

Xia Liu pondered for a moment and grinned: "Isn't it a pity to kill the top leaders like this?"

The three people looked at Xia Liu's weird smile and felt a chill on their backs.

Could it be that... Xia Liu has other methods?

Xia Liu continued: "I believe you all know the rules of the Death and Annihilation Club.

Let's say, a hundred points or so can add rules. "

"These pedantic seniors are all powerful sorcerers, right?"

If they enter the death and destruction return game, no one will know their identities.

"If they are killed by mistake as a curser, no one will know, right? "

Now, in his eyes, these high-level people are no different from walking humanoid points!

Since they are going to die anyway, why not throw them into the Death and Destruction Journey to provide points for yourself?

Although there are the help of Louhuhu and the other workers, it is still not safe enough.

After all, the location of the curse masters who signed a contract with Nozomi and lived in the flesh is not so easy to find.

Although innocent ordinary people can provide points, of course they can't be killed for points.

If you do this, what's the difference with Sukuna?

So, let the evil high-level people make contributions, hehe!

As soon as these words came out, the three people couldn't help but take a breath!

Xia Liu's meaning is clear, force the high-level people into the Death and Destruction Journey!

Ye E Zhengdao was even more scared and said: "That... Xia Liu, you don't really think of yourself as a curse master, do you?"

Panda also echoed: "This method is simply perfect! "

But one thing that must be said is that, Xia Liu, you actually have a talent for being a curse master...

Xia Liu knew that the two were joking, so he looked to the side, at Le Yan Temple who had remained silent.


The scarlet pupils glowed with a strange light.

The terrifying sense of oppression spread instantly, and the ground beneath his feet suddenly cracked!

The body functions of Le Yan Temple, who was locked by the breath, seemed to be completely stagnant, and even breathing became a luxury!

This kind of powerful and suffocating terrifying pressure has only been experienced by Gojo Satoru and Sukuna!

The three people's Adam's apples rolled.

It was not until this moment that they really realized the horror of Xia Liu!

This seemingly harmless and approachable man almost made them forget the horror of his own strength!

Ye E Zheng Dao hesitated for a moment, but still persuaded: "Xia Liu, Le Yan Temple is different from the upper echelons."

Xia Liu's indifferent words came out: "Old man, you should be glad that you showed mercy to Ye E before. "

"You should remember the method of making the cursed skeleton, right? Don't mess around with the high-level people in the future."

"Teach the students well, and help Ye E when making the cursed skeleton, understand?"

Looking at Le Yan Si, whose face was gradually turning pale, Xia Liu retracted his own breath.

Le Yan Si hunched over, and his old face seemed to be relieved.

He knew the corruption of the high-level people, but the bound thoughts for decades made him unable to jump out of that step.

Over the years, even if he was dissatisfied, the imprisoned thoughts made him unwilling to think too much, and he almost instinctively executed the orders of the high-level people.

If Xia Liu really killed all the high-level people, it might be a long-awaited relief for him.

He glanced at the electric guitar in his hand and said to Ye E:

"Your curse is still effective. I hope that after I die, I can also be made into a cursed skeleton like the panda, and continue to teach students, which will be regarded as atonement. "

"Then you have to beg me. "

Ye E Zhengdao smiled for the first time in a long time and replied, then looked at Xia Liu:

"Now that things have come to this, the top management will not take any action in the short term. What are your plans?"

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