"Youren answer, how is the weather today?"

Lu Ming asked!

"I love watching movies!" replied Yuji Itadori!

"That’s right, it’s that simple. If Yu Ren’s answer just now is related to the weather, then the panda’s big air hammer can smash down!"

Lu Ming added another sentence!

"Hahaha, interesting, I feel like they will be tricked by Lu Ming!"

Everyone basically understood the game, but looking at Lu Ming's smirk, they all looked like they were watching a show!

"From now on, Hui answers: Do you like teacher Ieiri Shoko?"

"Ah? I don't like it......."


A hammer fell!

"Hisahito replied: Are you a man?"

"What? Of course I'm a man......."


Another hammer fell!

"Wild Rose replied: Do you think you are prettier or is senior Maki prettier?"

"of course......"


Another hammer fell!......

After a few rounds of questions, the three of them basically couldn't avoid Lu Ming's questions, which made the panda very busy and happy!

"Hahaha, I told you, these three people will definitely be tricked by Lu Ming!"

Everyone was so happy watching the three people on the field being beaten by the panda and hiding here and there with their heads in their hands!

And Lu Ming's questions seemed to be tailor-made for the three of them. Every time they would instinctively want to argue or emphasize, but when they had this mentality, they would fall into Lu Ming's trap!......

The whole dinner continued in such a cheerful atmosphere, and Ye Mo Zheng Dao did not notice anything unusual with the many puppets that Ye Mo Zheng Dao had arranged in advance!

Late at night, the dinner was drawing to a close, and everyone was having a great time. Some people who had drunk too much were already lying on the ground snoring, but no one paid much attention!

Ye Mo Zheng Dao saw that the time was about to come, so he walked to the middle of the venue and prepared to throw out a valuable bait!

"Everyone, are you enjoying yourself tonight?"

Ye Moth Zhengdao looked at everyone staggering in groups of two or three, and raised his voice deliberately!

"Enjoy it! Thank you, principal!"

Itadori Yuji had obviously drunk a little too much, but he was still sober. When he heard the principal's words, he answered first. He was still immersed in joy!

The others looked at Yega Masamichi who had returned to his previous serious look. The tipsy feeling was basically gone in an instant. They all quickly adjusted their state and prepared to accept the next lecture from Principal Yega Masamichi!

"Don't be nervous, I hope today's celebration is just the beginning. We will organize more activities like this in the future to relieve everyone's daily work pressure!"

Ye Mo Zhengdao looked serious, but his tone was relaxed. Seeing everyone's happy faces tonight, he suddenly realized that he had paid too little attention to this aspect of teachers and classmates before, so he announced this decision directly!

"The principal is awesome!"

"Thank you, principal!"

No one expected that the principal had really changed and became so considerate and caring about everyone!

"Okay, next, I have one more thing to say, please take it seriously!"

Ye Mo Zheng Dao looked at everyone's happy faces, knowing that although his decision was a little late, it was still effective!

Everyone sat upright and listened carefully to the principal's next arrangements!

"Next, we will have a student exchange meeting with Kyoto Prefectural High School!"

"I believe that most people are familiar with this exchange meeting. Since it is an exchange meeting, there will naturally be a contest of strength, so friction between each other is inevitable. This is also where our two sorcerer training bases secretly compete with each other!"

"With Lu Ming, a powerful member, here we are, so victory is not a problem!"

Ye Mo Zhengdao looked at everyone and saw that they were obviously relieved after he mentioned Lu Ming. He laughed evilly in his heart!

"Therefore, in order to truly train everyone and stimulate everyone's potential fighting spirit, I will increase the difficulty for everyone!"

When everyone heard the principal's words, their hearts, which had just relaxed, suddenly became tense again. In fact, there was not much difference in the strength of the two schools. With Lu Ming's joining, it would have been very easy. However, the principal said that he would increase the difficulty for everyone, so everything was hard to say!

"In this exchange meeting, Lu Ming will not directly participate in your direct competition with Kyoto Prefectural High School, but will serve as your backup force!"

Seeing everyone's trepidation, Ye Mo Zheng Dao still told them his plan!

"Principal, Yuta Otsutsuka is not here either, will we be short of manpower this time?"

Panda asked a question in time. After all, Principal Masamichi Yega regarded him as his own child, so he still had to step out at this moment!

"You can't always fight a battle that you are 100% sure of, but sometimes, you have to go, even if there are sacrifices!"

Ye Moth Zhengdao did not refute Panda's words, but just stated a fact that everyone has encountered!

Everyone was silent. Yes, they are sorcerers, and there are not so many battles that they are completely sure of. They may get injured or even lose their lives because of a certain mission, but they must face the difficulties. This is their mission!

"If you want to become an excellent or even a great sorcerer, you must first have a heart that is determined to win! No matter what situation you are facing, confidence is more important than gold!"

At this moment, everyone felt that the man in front of them was not only the principal, but also a lone brave man, a general who dared to move forward even if there were mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead!

"Don't worry, Principal, we can do it!"

Lu Ming stood up at this moment, his eyes firm, and said solemnly to Ye Mo Zhengdao!

"Well, I believe you can do it!"

"Of course, after all, it is an exchange meeting, so there is no need to be fatal. Everyone should still be careful and not do anything that will affect the harmony between the two parties!"

"Lu Ming, although you will not directly participate in the battle, you need to take on the responsibility of commanding the meeting. All the teachers will be completely separated from your arrangements. You must make good arrangements for the allocation of tactical personnel and tactics, and maximize the strength of the existing personnel. This is a great test for you!"

After Ye Mo Zhengdao gave everyone instructions, he turned around and assigned tasks to Lu Ming!

"Ah? Okay, Principal!"

Lu Ming was shocked when he heard what Principal Ye Mo Zheng Dao said. After seeing Ye Mo Zheng Dao's serious expression, he knew that there was no chance to discuss this matter, so he immediately took on this task!

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