"You are so smart, my brother! Through my continuous attempts and insights, I feel that I can use new techniques!"

Zhang seemed very happy that Lu Ming could quickly grasp the deeper meaning of his words!

"Didn't you wake up later than me? How could you have the time to try and comprehend?"

Lu Ming was very puzzled. If he could gain so much in such a short time, then Zhang Xiang's potential must be much greater than his own!

"I have only recently been able to express my conscious thoughts, but it does not mean that I have always been unconscious. I do not know how long I have been conscious, but I have been studying and understanding since I became conscious. At least in my perception, you woke up long after I became conscious!"

Zhang Xiang patiently helped Lu Ming answer the doubts in his heart, and also explained why he was able to not only master the basic techniques of the Red Blood Manipulation Technique, but also innovate!

""So that's how it is, that's not surprising, show me your Red Blood Manipulation Technique, I really want to master this technique!"

Lu Ming exhaled, and then couldn't wait to urge Zhang Xiang to show him the Red Blood Manipulation Technique!

"OK, no problem, my brother! Let me explain it to you first!"

Zhang Xiang seemed very happy to be able to help Lu Ming. In fact, although Zhang Xiang was a test product of the combination of humans and cursed spirits, in terms of his character, he was still innocent!

"The first technique of the Red Blood Manipulation Technique: Blood Blade! The specific operation is to coagulate the blood to form a surface contour, and increase the lethality by rotating the blood at high speed. In simple terms, it is to turn the blood into a blade and attack the enemy by moving it quickly. It can be a long-range attack or a sneak attack!"

"The second technique of the Red Blood Manipulation Technique: Bloody Thunder! The specific operation is to coagulate the blood into a hard blood clot to penetrate the enemy, but the speed of this technique is average, and it may not be a good attack method for agile opponents."

"The third technique of the Red Blood Manipulation Technique: Red Scale Leap! This is to manipulate the components in the blood! For example: body temperature, pulse, number of red blood cells, etc. I don’t understand this technique deeply enough at present. It should be to strengthen oneself, but as for how to improve combat effectiveness in battle, it needs further research!"

"The fourth technique of the Red Blood Manipulation Technique: Hundred Condensations·Blood Piercing!

The specific operation is to compress the blood to the limit, condense it into a point and eject it like a bullet, and the ejection speed can reach the speed of sound.

This technique is more powerful than the Blood Blade and Bloody Thunder, but it also requires a very high level of strength.

The person used this technique on you before, but he used a higher level.

He can control a lot of blood at the same time to attack a group, which at least shows that his own strength is still quite strong!


Zhang Xiang was explaining the basic theories of the four techniques of the Red Blood Manipulation to Lu Ming in detail, but he could only give a theoretical explanation. The specific techniques would have to wait until Zhang Xiang could be independent in the later stage before he could demonstrate them to Lu Ming!

However, Lu Ming was already very satisfied. At least he had now completely mastered the Red Blood Manipulation in theory. This speed was completely on a different level than the speed of mastering the other two techniques. And with Zhang Xiang by his side, there was no need to worry about the Red Blood Manipulation at all. He just had to practice more in the later stage!

Just when Lu Ming was very satisfied with today's gains, Yuji Itadori and the others had also finished the cleanup work and quickly rushed back!


On the second day after Lu Ming and his team returned to Tokyo Metropolitan High School!

On the top of a small hill near Tokyo Metropolitan High School, two figures were communicating in a low voice. The dense forest covered the surroundings, which was relatively hidden. Moreover, they deliberately avoided everyone. At this moment, no one knew where they were going except the two of them!

Lu Ming explained the situation of yesterday to Gojo Satoru in great detail. Although Gojo Satoru did not quite understand Lu Ming's intention, he still listened patiently until he heard the three words"Sugaru Jie"!

"You mean, the last person you fought was Xia Youjie?"

Gojo Satoru looked at Lu Ming in shock. He knew very well that Xia Youjie was dead, and dead, but now Lu Ming told him that Xia Youjie was still alive, and his strength seemed to have improved!

"It's Geto Xiayou, but it's not him!"

Lu Ming looked at Gojo Satoru who was obviously agitated. It was obvious that even though Geto Xiayou was dead, all the information about Geto Xiayou could still touch Gojo Satoru's heartstrings, especially now that Geto Xiayou was still alive!

""Hmm? What does this mean?"

Gojo Satoru could not understand what Lu Ming meant. He did not doubt the truth of Lu Ming's words. He believed that since Lu Ming said that the man was Xia Youjie, then it must be him. However, this statement that this man was not Xia Youjie made him very confused!

"The body is Xia Youjie!"

Lu Ming was thinking about how to express it!

"Flesh body? Are you saying that someone can borrow Jie's body, but it is actually someone else inside?"

Gojo Satoru felt very incredible about Lu Ming's words and his own guess, and looked at Lu Ming in surprise!

"Um......By the way, it's a bit similar to the relationship between Yuujin and Sukuna! If Sukuna completely controls Yuujin one day in the future, then he can use Yuujin's original image!"

Lu Ming suddenly thought of a more vivid example. Although it was not particularly consistent, it could also help Gojo Satoru understand!

"You mean, Jie is also controlled by someone, so only the body belongs to Jie, but the actual soul or something else belongs to someone else?"

Gojo Satoru seemed to understand what Lu Ming wanted to express, and a strong killing intent emanated from Gojo Satoru. As a good friend of Xiayou Jie, he absolutely could not accept Xiayou Jie being treated like this! The surrounding environment seemed to feel Gojo Satoru's strong killing intent, and the environment seemed to be much quieter, and the small animals hiding in the bushes were no longer active!

"Teacher Gojo Satoru, I think we should actively prepare for the situation now!"

Lu Ming looked at the powerful Gojo Satoru. He thought that Gojo Satoru's reaction would be greater, but now it seems that it is more serious than he expected. However, this private communication between him and Gojo Satoru was not just to provide this information, but more to remind Gojo Satoru to be prepared in advance, so Lu Ming interrupted Gojo Satoru's emotions in time!

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