However, not long ago, wasn't there the special case of Yuta Otsutsukoshi? And the top master in the world of sorcerers in front of him, didn't he become a special grade at a young age? The unchanging cognition and thinking mode of these high-level officials have not changed, so the current sorcery world is becoming more and more decadent!

Lu Ming heard Matsushita's impatience, and walked to the conference table from behind Gojo Satoru with a cold expression. He thought that it would not be so easy to get the special grade certificate today, but the feeling of being despised at the beginning was still very unpleasant!

"You are so young! Even if you have been practicing since your mother's womb, how can you reach the special grade at your age? The special grade is not a beauty pageant! If it is a beauty pageant, maybe you still have a chance!"

Le Yansi Jiashen looked at the handsome young man in front of him, shook his head, and said to Lu Ming seriously!


Except for Principal Yega Masamichi and Leyanji Yoshinobu himself, the other three senior executives present all laughed, especially when they saw Leyanji Yoshinobu's serious look!

"The Directorate attaches importance to your request because they respect you as a strong person, but it does not mean that you can just find someone to apply for the special grade at will. How can such a young person become a special grade!"

Le Yan Temple did not stop the three people from laughing, but looked directly at Gojo Satoru!

Gojo Satoru narrowed his eyes when he heard these humiliating words. He did not speak, but looked directly at Lu Ming.

Looking at the high-ranking executives who were somewhat arrogant, Lu Ming was not as angry as everyone imagined. In his opinion, if there were no difficulties, then the special grade certificate would be issued directly, so why would it be necessary to go through so much trouble to verify it specially!

Besides, what is there to be angry about? If peaceful negotiations fail, then use force to negotiate, and then we will settle the accounts together!

"You, do you want to fight me?"

Lu Ming calmly and indifferently extended his index finger, pointed it directly at Leyan Temple Jiashen, and hooked it provocatively!

"How dare you!!!"

The three senior executives were also very shocked that Lu Ming dared to do such an unreasonable thing to Leyan Temple, and they all shouted at Lu Ming loudly!

Seeing the tense atmosphere on the field, Gojo Satoru also smiled knowingly, he knew that Lu Ming would never indulge these old guys!

"Ah! I suddenly remembered something. I want to talk about the attack by the special-grade cursed spirit yesterday!"

Gojo Satoru suddenly opened his mouth, intentionally or unintentionally changing the subject and mentioned the attack by Louhu yesterday!

"Special-grade curse spirits???"

Everyone in the General Directorate was shocked when they heard the news. Special-grade curse spirits are just like the current special-grade sorcerers. They are still very rare. There are only a few special-grade curse spirits known so far. How could they suddenly show up and attack sorcerers?

"This special-grade curse spirit has never been registered before, and it is intelligent and can communicate normally. Its domain strength is also very strong! It has exceeded the strength of the special-grade curse spirits we have registered!"

Gojo Satoru looked at the shocked expressions of the staff of the Directorate and dropped another bombshell on them. Sure enough, the old guys were stunned again! Of course, they knew what Gojo Satoru's short sentence meant. The curse spirit had developed intelligence and could actually communicate normally. Isn't it the same as humans? Such a curse spirit's strength is naturally on a new level!

"Why didn't Mr. Gojo Satoru report this matter to the general manager department in a timely manner? This is a very serious problem!"

"Yes, every special-grade cursed spirit is a huge disaster. If the intelligence is not timely and leads to serious consequences, even Mr. Gojo Satoru will receive corresponding punishment!"The three senior executives of the Directorate General spoke sternly, and did not realize their negligence as a supervisory department. Instead, they began to point the finger at Gojo Satoru and began to shift the blame to him!

"Since you said it, and you are safe and sound now, I believe the cursed spirit has been exorcised!"

Ye Mo Zhengdao said this calmly at this moment, which was enough to reassure the senior management of the general directorate, because he knew Gojo Satoru too well!

"Yes! He was beaten to the point where only his head was left!"

Gojo Satoru ignored the three old men's questions and answered Ye Mo Zhengdao's questions seriously.

"Haha, it turns out to be Mr. Gojo Satoru. I have been worrying too much. With Mr. Gojo Satoru taking action, all the cursed spirits can be destroyed for sure!"

"Yes, yes, if Mr. Gojo Satoru takes action, there will definitely be no problem!"

After learning that the special cursed spirit had been exorcised, the attitudes of the three old guys immediately changed drastically. Gojo Satoru, who was flattered by them, was also smiling. It was obvious that dear Mr. Gojo Satoru would accept everything that came to him!

——【You have lost all your moral integrity, old bastard!]

Lu Ming looked at those old guys and kept rolling his eyes!

——【Damn, are these the top executives from the general management department? How come they don’t behave like top executives at all!

Yuji Itadori watched the three top executives’ expressions change like magic tricks, and couldn’t help but complain in his heart!

——【What does Gojo-sensei's expression mean? He looks like he's enjoying it!]

Kugisaki Nobara was also surprised when she saw Gojo Satoru's expression. It was obvious that she didn't understand Gojo Satoru's style of doing things yet!

——【As expected, these high-ranking officials were also very shocked by the appearance of a special-grade cursed spirit!

Only Fushiguro Megumi's mental activities were slightly more normal, and the angle was not so strange!

"Since it has been exorcised, I would like to express my gratitude to Mr. Gojo Satoru for his outstanding contribution on behalf of the General Manager Department. We will also make up for the subsequent commendations and rewards in a timely manner!"

Yakuganji Yoshinobu is also���He added with a hint of salty!

"What I want to say is that this special-grade cursed spirit has refreshed our traditional understanding of cursed spirits in the sorcerer community. In our understanding, cursed spirits are just some stupid little monsters, with different levels of cursed power. However, the appearance of the special-grade cursed spirit yesterday indicates that a brand new era may be coming!"

"It seems that the senior management of your directorate should also update their assessment of the levels of cursed spirits. This is the unshirkable responsibility of your directorate. However, your directorate did not take any action measures or even send out any warning information before this. This shows that your directorate has seriously neglected its duty!"

"Don't think that you are only responsible for supervision. If you don't think about doing something for the sorcerers, it is conceivable that some sorcerers will make mistakes in judgment due to their lack of understanding of the latest situation of the curse spirits, and eventually be harmed by the curse spirits, or even lose their lives! When the sorcerers are completely dead, who can you supervise, and who can you count on to exorcise the curse spirits for you?"

Gojo Satoru looked at the senior executives of the General Directorate and spoke his true thoughts very seriously!

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