Cultural Invasion In Different World

Chapter 41: The Owl Pen Pal Club

next morning.

The publicity work of Sir Baijinghua still needs about two days of preparation. During this period, although Beauty and the Devil has been officially screened in the theater, no one knows about it.

Taking advantage of this time, Joshua took Shirley and Hellan to Nolan's Patent Council.

This is a building that has only been established for more than ten years. Compared with a national administrative institution, this building looks more like a museum.

Although the Patent Council was full of people, it was not noisy. Magicians wearing various robes hurried through the hall with a large amount of paper. Some foreign visitors with different skin colors were also infected by this orderly atmosphere. , speaking in a low whisper.

This way.

It's not the first time for Helan to come here, and Helan took Joshua to the registration window with ease. Behind the window sat a woman wearing glasses with wooden frames. After she saw Helan With a surprised expression.

Herlan, is your work finally finished? Finally, you don't need to listen to that professor's nagging every day.

Not far, Sansa...

Helan shook her head and denied her guess. The woman sitting behind the registration window was a classmate of Helan's in the academy, a friend who had a very good relationship but sometimes gave Helan some headaches.

It hasn't been finished for so long? Hellan, you should go to the academy to show your face recently. Not only the professor but also many boys are thinking about you. Speaking of which, Rikar got four tickets to the National Theater today. That's who? Flower of Losi, the country of art, Farosi, have you heard of it? Rumor has it that the girls there are the most beautiful in the world.”


Helllan didn't remind her friend, 'You're a girl too. ' With this sentence, she just didn't want to continue entangled in this topic.

The news that the Nolan National Theater has recently settled in the Black Swan Troupe, Heerlan also heard a little bit, because their publicity is too strong, and now Heerlan goes out to clean up the yard of the alchemy workshop every day, and can see it There are several leaflets about the troupe.

At the beginning, Helllan still had a little interest, but after watching the movie Beauty and the Devil, her little curiosity about stage plays disappeared.

Those who have tasted more delicious food will never miss the simple food he ate before. The stage play is indeed a form of artistic expression worthy of being recorded in history, but it is still far less interesting than movies.

I'll talk about this later. I'm here today to introduce this gentleman. He has a brand new invention that he wants to apply for patent registration.

Herlan quickly ended the topic in this way.

Patent registration? Please wait a moment.

She took out a piece of paper with an unknown wax seal from behind the counter. The paper was surrounded by a series of inscriptions, and the hidden magic power flowed freely on the surface of the paper.

This is a special registration form. Qiao Xiu took the agreement and took a look at the content. It was basically some basic personal information. Qiao Xiu filled in the information one by one. He wrote his first name but not his surname. Qiao Xiu thought about it in the country column, but he still didn't reveal his true identity.

In the end, the country Big Xia was written.

The ink painting seen in the Baijinghua Theater yesterday can prove that there is indeed a country similar to China in this world, and its name is Daxia.

Room 372, just hold this badge and stand on the teleportation array over there.

It may be that she was in a hurry to chat with Helan, and she didn't check carefully what Joshua filled out, not even checking some relevant documents.

Joshua held the badge marked 372 in his hand, and in order not to waste time or continue to disturb Heerlan and her friends to catch up, he asked Ciri to follow him to the teleportation array engraved with inscriptions beside the window.

The pale white inscription flashed on the badge, and after the momentary sense of weightlessness disappeared, Joshua found himself standing in a messy office.

Documents were stacked randomly on the desk in the office, and the surrounding bookshelves were also extremely messy. The most eye-catching thing was an owl standing on the bookshelf. Its pupils were staring motionless at Joe who suddenly appeared in the room. build.

Qiao Xiu knocked on the door to signal that a visitor was coming, and the owner in the office also heard Qiao Xiu's knock on the door, and suddenly appeared from behind the desk.

It was an old man who seemed to be over seventy years old, wearing a somewhat messy gray robe, which looked a bit like the gray-robed mage or the melee mage Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings.

Hey, I'm here to apply for patent ownership. Qiao Xiu broke the silence in the room ahead of time

Application? Wait a minute, I'm looking for a letter.

He was rummaging through the messy books on the bookshelf, and just as he took out one, the rest of the books fell down like dominoes, directly crushing the poor old man.

Suddenly, pale white inscriptions appeared in midair, and the books that fell on the ground were shrouded in the same light, and then these books floated directly to the farthest corner of the room.

These damn books are about to crush my old bones. The gray-robed mage stood up from the ground and rubbed his forehead.

The owl standing on the bookshelf seemed to be unable to stand it any longer. It flapped its wings and grabbed a piece of paper on the ground with its claws called Can the Inscription of Order Construct the Magic of Long-distance Communication——From the seventh chapter of the Owl Pen Pal Club The Twelve Issues letter was placed on the table.

Here... after two days of searching, I finally found it!

The gray-robed mage patted the dust on the book in surprise, put on his glasses and flipped through the book, found one line, picked up the quill pen next to it, wrote the latest answer on it, and rolled up the letter stand up.

The owl next to him jumped onto the table, picked up the slightly worn letter and flew out of the window. Before the gray owl flew out for a long time, a white owl landed next to the window again and took a letter Put it on the table.

Which mage opened the contents of the letter and took a look.

It's nonsense! Constructing a teleportation inscription like this is meaningless!

He angrily picked up the pen and wrote a paragraph on the envelope, then let the owl take the envelope out.

Qiao Xiu, who had witnessed the whole process, finally figured out what the gray-robed mage was doing.

To put it simply, it is 'scraping posts and scolding the host for being mentally retarded'.

In an instant, Qiao Xiu saw clearly that the handwriting on the letter was different, and it was obviously written by different people. They wrote their thoughts on the letter and passed it on to each other through owls, so as to achieve satisfaction. The purpose of discussing without leaving home.

Maybe Qiao Xiu should find a time to write a program for the 'Spellcaster Forum'?

But now Joshua should start the promotion of Beauty and the Devil first.

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