The Prophet sat on the carriage and watched Qiao Xiu all the time. Qiao Xiu had been waving his fingers in mid-air since just now.

It seemed that he was writing some magical inscription, and the prophet also felt a slight wave of magic on the fingertips that Qiao Xiu slid.

His Highness Joshua...

The Prophet has been thinking about how Joshua established a religion that allows humans to believe in the demons from the beginning.

If it is in other backward and remote human cities, relying on the means of buying the masses or sending people to preach and confuse may still work.

But this is Nolan, the most prosperous city in human civilization, and the people of Nolan are not so easy to deceive.

So the Prophet thought for a long time, and the only way he could think of was through some kind of vicious drug or magic...

In the eyes of the Prophet, this is an extremely cruel method, so in the eyes of the Prophet, the third prince must not want others to touch this taboo issue.

May I ask how you manipulated those humans?

But out of curiosity, the Prophet still asked. During this period, the Prophet had been silently observing Qiao Xiu's expression.

If Joshua's expression became extremely gloomy or unnatural, the Prophet would immediately end the topic.

But to the prophet's surprise, Joshua had a puzzled expression on his face.


Qiao Xiu stopped editing the newsletter, and looked at the petite but intellectual temperament of the 'little girl'.

Just now, those humans treated my servant Zeru as if they were worshiping a god. This shouldn't be the impression humans should have of evil karma demons, so I guess you established some kind of religion in Nolan that believes in demons. .”

The Prophet was not afraid of Qiao Xiu because of his status as a prince, and explained his thoughts in a flat tone.

Believe in the devil's religion... Is this how you understand the attitude of the residents of Nolan towards the devil?

Looking at the serious expression of this 'little girl', Qiao Xiu opened his mouth and didn't know how to explain it for a while.

Ciri, who was sitting next to Joshua, poked Joshua's arm lightly with her elbow at this moment, then leaned into Joshua's ear and whispered.

Isn't it okay to use 'believers' to refer to those fanatical movie fans now?

Joshua could smell the fragrance emanating from Ciri's hair at this moment, um... Ciri ate silver matsutake soup this morning.

The Prophet saw Heri and Joshua's intimate gesture, and the Prophet frowned slightly... She knew that the tradition of Chaos Demons did not allow intermarriage with other races.

If Joshua's elder sister, the second princess of the Demon Realm, Cecily, finds out, Cecily will definitely take strong measures to keep Qiao Xiu away from these 'little fairies' among humans.

Although the Prophet was loyal to Cecily, she didn't remind Joshua aloud at this time. She cared more about how Joshua used to change the people's view of demons in this city.

I just heard that human lady say the word 'fanatic movie fan'. Is it what the believers call themselves? the Prophet asked.


Qiao Xiu looked at this man, although there was no light of I'm curious in his eyes, but his words revealed the momentum of I must get to the bottom of it.

At this time, the carriage just arrived at the street near the White Buds Theater. Joshua opened the curtain of the carriage and pointed to the 'giant poster' posted outside the White Buds Theater.

Prophet, did you see that 'painting'? Qiao Xiu said.

A picture of a hound and a human embracing?

The Prophet took off his wooden-framed glasses, and finally saw clearly the posters pasted on the Bauhinia Theater in the distance.

In addition to the posters, a group of humans gathered around the Bauhinia Theater, and these humans seemed to be waiting for something.

Is that the religious stronghold established by His Royal Highness? Similar to a church?

The Prophet looked at the humans as if they were on a pilgrimage.

If such a magnificent building is really a so-called 'church', then the Prophet felt that he might have completely underestimated the religious influence created by Joshua.

This is not a small church that can only be hidden in the shadows of Nolan. Such a magnificent building has been built on the busiest street of Nolan, where thousands of believers gather.

No matter how you look at it, it is an existence comparable to the Holy Light Sect of the Kingdom of the Holy Cult!

The theater ... is sort of a church for moviegoers, but they don't go there to pray.

Qiao Xiu didn't deny the prophet's explanation. If movies are compared to a god, people who like movies can indeed be regarded as believers.

Your Highness, what is the purpose of those humans gathering there? the Prophet said.

The a little difficult to describe in words.

Joshua knocked on the wooden wall behind him and told the coachman to stop here.

Just take this opportunity to let you experience the charm of movies.

Qiao Xiu opened the door of the carriage, and outside was the crowded Baijinghua Theater.

The new movie Hachiko has just been released, and if you want to buy movie tickets at the White Buds Theater at this time, you will have to queue until the evening just by queuing up.

Therefore, Qiao Xiu also considered buying the Nolan National Theater to relieve the pressure on the Whitebud Theater.

Experience? Let's get off here? But the human beings in His Royal Highness...

My assistant will lead you in through a special VIP entrance. It won't take too long to wait. Before the envoy's mission officially starts, let's take it as a relaxation. Qiao Xiu said.

Ciri was the first to get out of the carriage, and the spell caster lady didn't mind watching all the movies again.

Master Tutor.

The Prophet's apprentices seemed a little afraid, and they all had more or less slight 'human phobia'.

This is a human city, and you have to adapt and accept their presence.

The Prophet finally accepted Joshua's suggestion and got out of the carriage, and the other four apprentices also had to go down with their mentor.

Xi Li will be responsible for your safety and accommodation arrangements. Since I have an urgent matter, I can't accompany you for the time being. Joshua said.

I'm in charge? Alright... Shirley finally accepted Joshua's temporary appointment.

Hope it was a pleasant experience.

The Prophet's vigilance towards Qiao Xiu still persisted, and such an abrupt arrangement of watching the movie made the Prophet smell a little dangerous.

But she still boldly accepted...

She came to the human world in order to carry out the will of the second queen, Cecilie, that is, to establish a friendly relationship with humans, and to make up for the lack of demons from the knowledge of humans.

If you always hold the attitude of fearing and rejecting human beings, demons will stay in the demon world forever and be helpless in this world.

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