Xiao Ba... why Xiao Ba just doesn't understand.

Tailin was holding the script in her hands, her eyes were already red, and tears kept rolling down her cheeks.

Even Ciri didn't cry like this when she read the script for the first time. It seems that for this pure-hearted frost elf, the lethality of this story is still too great.

The emotions of animals are far simpler than those of humans.

At this moment, Joshua handed out a handkerchief to the frost elf. She picked up the handkerchief and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, calming down her emotions a bit.

Mr. Joshua, what can I do for this movie?

After Tailin read all the scripts, she didn't find a suitable character in the script, and with Tailin's poor acting skills, she would not be arrogant enough to participate in this movie.

Joshua must have let her watch the script of the movie in advance because he hoped that Tailin would participate in the filming of the movie. Other than that, the only person who could see the script of Joshua's movie in advance was the female magician Ciri.

I heard that the elves know how to communicate with nature. In addition to human actors, this movie also needs animal actors. I don't know how to domesticate animals.

The script that Joshua showed Tailin was a story called The Faithful Dog Hachiko, but the script of this movie was adapted from a movie of the same name in England and America on Earth, not the original version.

For the filming of this movie, Joshua needed several animal actors.

Humans in this world have also domesticated wolves as their hunting assistants, but compared to common creatures such as dogs and cats, some capable spellcasters occasionally raise some pseudo-dragons and elemental creatures with only arms as pets.

I may not be very good at domestication, but I can still communicate with animals.

As an elf, being able to communicate with nature is already a racial talent. Tailin learned how to communicate with direwolves on the snow at a very young age, although she never convinced any direwolves.

Then find some time to go to the market to look for some animal actors.

If Joshua remembers correctly, Nolan also has a market for selling wild animals, but most of the 'wild animals' here refer to dangerous monsters. If you're lucky, you can even buy one or two dragon eggs.

Well, I'll be well prepared.

After reading the script, Tailin was full of enthusiasm for the filming of this movie, but she left Joshua's study after agreeing.

The whole study suddenly fell silent. Joshua carved an inscription on the floor to block out the sound, so he couldn't hear the noisy sound on the first floor of the Hearthstone Tavern.

The silence in the study made Qiao Xiu very uncomfortable. After looking through the window and looking at the sky outside the window, it had already changed from sunset to night.

Usually at this time, Joshua should be discussing the new card issue of Goblin vs. Card Pack with Shirley, but now Shirley has asked for leave and left.

So today, Qiao Xiu also decided to touch fish a little bit, to give himself a vacation, and went back to the room directly after washing up, intending to recharge his energy and prepare for tomorrow's intrigue in the choice of movie actors.

Not long after Qiao Xiu lay down on the bed, a text message came from the magic net.

The magic net interface appeared in front of Qiao Xiu. Qiao Xiu stretched out his hand and clicked on the text message, and found that the text message was sent by Jia Luoli.

Since the proud black swan left Nolan, she has changed from the flower of Faluoxi to the flower of the caster camp. The most popular person who has opened the 'camp' is Jia Luoli.

Regardless of the number of camp articles Jia Luoli posted, or the number of people who responded to her, they have far surpassed the second Belle.

This may be due to the intervention of her mother, Mrs. Caesar. Now Jialuoli's camp has started to write some so-called chicken soup for the soul in addition to posting some daily thoughts and photos of food.

Joshua also confirmed the progress of This Devil Is Not So Cold in Faluoxi through Jialuoli's 'camp'.

What is this busy young lady doing when she suddenly sends her text message at night?

Qiao Xiu glanced at the content of the text message, which was a simple greeting.

'Good evening, Mr. Joshua...'

'Well, good evening. '

Joshua quickly replied.

'Mr. Qiao Xiu, have you fallen asleep now? I have already returned home, but my father has been arguing with my mother since I got home, so I couldn't sleep at all. '

Can't sleep... Doesn't this world have magic that blocks sounds?

Of course, Qiao Xiu didn't say such ignorant words.

'quarrel? Duke Blackwood and your mother? for what? '

In Joshua's impression, Mrs. Caesar is also a tough person in power, and this time she returns to Farosi with This Devil Is Not So Cold, which is bound to lift up the conflict between the stage play and the movie—— leather.

Although it is an artistic conflict, This Devil Is Not So Cold will definitely have a great impact on the performance of the stage play. As a result, it is very likely that some stage actors will lose their jobs.

So some of the nobles in Farosi should not allow This Devil Is Not So Cold to spread, and Mrs. Caesar needs to solve these obstacles by herself, and Joshua can't help at all.

'I don't know, I just feel that my father's state is a little strange... let's not talk about it, Mr. Qiao Xiu. '

Strange... You told me why it was so strange, but before Qiao Xiu's question was typed, a picture popped up on the interface of the text message.

It is very difficult to upload pictures with the current speed of Monet, but Jialuoli has the leaves of the World Tree, and this picture is a selfie of Jialuoli with a 'camera'.

A... bold selfie.

In the photo, the young girl is only wearing a pajamas made of light gauze. The girl's pupils are staring at the camera, and her rosy lips are slightly opened, as if she is saying something.

The most unbearable thing was that her fair skin and seductive collarbone were completely exposed to the air, and her body under the pajamas seemed to be a little bit hidden.

‘Your mother would probably ground you if you posted pictures like this on the campsite. '

Qiao Xiu gave a very pertinent evaluation.

'It's okay, this one is only for Mr. Qiao Xiu, how do you feel? '

Looking at this reply, Joshua seemed to see the expression of the black swan lady hiding under the quilt and laughing.

'I'm not very interested in this barren figure, let's talk about it when you grow up. '

In order not to make this black swan too complacent, Joshua replied with a cruel answer.

'Well, I see...Master Mother has come to my room, we will talk later when I have time, good night. '

Not long after, Jialuoli's text message disappeared.

And Qiao Xiu looked at the pajamas left by Jia Luoli and suddenly felt sleepy.

Although Joshua was not very interested in girls of this age, this did not prevent the black swan from showing off his figure wantonly, as well as his budding charm.

When Qiao Xiu was lying on the bed and was considering whether to go out for a walk, the quilt beside Qiao Xiu's bed was suddenly lifted, and in the next second a person squeezed into Qiao Xiu's bed by himself.

Shirley? Joshua smelled the familiar smell of barbecue, and the first thing he thought of was the female magician.

I was too focused on chatting with Jia Luoli just now, so I didn't notice Ciri's footsteps entering the room.

Joshua turned sideways and saw Shirley who was lying on the other side of the bed, her silver-gray hair slipped from her cheeks, and there seemed to be a little blush on her face in the darkness.

My sister is not in the alchemy workshop, so I can only come back and find you to sleep on the bed. Ciri said...


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