Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 09 Magical Item Lost To Magic Treasures

"Boom..." A crescent moon formed by Spirit Power flew over, the energy was like substance, the ground was dusty, and a huge tree surrounded by it was split into pieces by the huge energy.

A woman dodged the attack in embarrassment, the Spirit Power in her body was exhausted, she seemed to understand that she could no longer escape, she quickly swallowed a Medicine Pill that had recovered the Spirit Power, took out her sword and looked behind vigilantly.

After three breaths, a figure appeared in front of the woman and looked at each other.

The person who came was wearing a flower-colored robe, with a fair complexion and cold eyes, but his mouth was full of red lips, which was extremely bright.

Seeing that he was neither male nor female, Yin & Yang said angrily: "Hey... the woman I fancy is really extraordinary, and she is so beautiful even when she is injured. How about it, does my little darling still hurt? It's all because of my hard work just now Too fierce, but as long as you promise to be my Hua Guangyuan's woman, I will let you go today, haha..."

"Dream!" The woman heard the words with extreme disgust in her eyes, and immediately struck without saying a word. The Flying Sword in her hand had one life two, two life three, three life infinite, rushing towards Hua Guangyuan in the air like a celestial girl scattering flowers.

Hua Guangyuan is very confident and calm. The woman only has the Cultivation Base of Qi Refining Level 9. He is not afraid at all. It is only a matter of time before he catches her.

As soon as Sword Ray arrived, Hua Guangyuan disappeared in place, and easily avoided the woman's attack. The woman took off the golden bracelet on her arm and shot at Hua Guangyuan.

The golden bracelet was instantly enlarged by the infusion of Spirit Power, covering the sky above Hua Guangyuan, sinking like Mount Tai, trying to trap Hua Guangyuan.

"This Magic Treasures is not bad," a young man thought in his heart. At this moment, he is hiding in a big tree, watching the battle between the two with great interest. This young man is doing a mission from the Poison Mist Swamp to return to Lu Chen in Xuantian Sect.

"Binding Xianhuan, you are from Shennongmen?" Hua Guangyuan's face became serious, as if he knew the power of this Magic Treasures, he didn't dare to be careless and immediately sacrificed a long spear, pouring Spirit Power into the long spear, and poking it towards the top of the head .

"Roar..." A dragon's chant resounded, and Spirit Power gathered a giant spear tens of meters high, collided with the bundle of fairy rings, and it was difficult to distinguish the winner for a while.

"Hmm! This long spear is also a good Magic Treasures," the Lu Chen cat thought to himself on the big tree.

"Pfft..." The spirit power in the woman's body was exhausted, and she was finally defeated. She spat out a mouthful of blood. It seemed that the injury was not serious, and she collapsed on the ground. Her face was pale but she couldn't stop her beauty. A stunning woman, with helpless eyes, poignant and lovable.

The Immortal Binding Ring without Spirit Power's support fell to the ground in an instant, making a crisp sound of "Ding...".

Hua Guangyuan smiled happily, and Divine Sense controlled the fairy ring on the ground and the spear to fly into his storage bag.

He walked up to the woman and knelt down, stroking the woman's face with two fingers, which was very provocative.

" get out of here." The woman supported her body with both hands and moved back, but even so she couldn't escape Hua Guangyuan's frivolity, and looked at Hua Guangyuan with hatred in her eyes.

"Don't be like this! My Hehuan Sect is no worse than your Shennong Sect. If you become my woman, I will not treat you badly haha..." Hua Guangyuan smiled lewdly, and stretched out his hand to support the woman's chin, playfully sized up.

The woman knew her fate very well, she couldn't bear the humiliation, her lips parted slightly

, looking resolute and wanted to bite his tongue to kill himself, but was slapped on the face by Hua Guangyuan, showing no pity at all.

"Huh! Don't eat the toast, but drink as a fine. Want to die? How can I be willing to be a big brother? Haha..." Zhang Guangyuan opened the woman's mouth, forced a Medicine Pill for her to swallow, and a Spirit Power shot On her body, the woman couldn't move for a moment, so she nodded and smiled in satisfaction: "Haha... my little beauty, after the medicine takes effect, I will let you taste the beauty of being a woman, big brother." taste!"

Unable to even die, the stunning woman burst into tears of despair, and fainted from anger.

Zhang Guangyuan was unmoved, greedily staring at the prey in front of him, and was about to enter the question.

"You pervert! Stop it, let me do it! Oh no, get out of the way." Lu Chen jumped down from the tree and shouted.

Zhang Guangyuan was startled by the sudden voice, turned around and saw that Lu Chen was just a cultivator on the ninth level of Qi Refining, he was relieved, and smiled softly: "Hey! So he is a handsome guy! What's wrong? Do you want to play together?"

"Crap! Does Cultivation World still have such a perverted cultivator? I can't take it anymore." Lu Chen felt sick when he heard Hua Guangyuan's unmasculine voice, goosebumps all over his body.

Lu Chen didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, Xuantian performed nine steps, his body turned into an afterimage, he raised his long sword and slashed at it. Under the infusion of Spirit Power, the long sword condensed into a fist with a length of several tens of feet. Kuan's huge sword smashed towards Hua Guangyuan.

"Is the little handsome guy so impatient?" Hua Guangyuan sacrificed the long spear Magic Treasures. With a dragon chant, the long spear instantly became larger and collided with Lu Chen's sword. After the aura dissipated, the two retreated one after another.

When Lu Chen was on the sixth level of Qi refining, Spirit Power was comparable to the Dzogchen Qi refining period, and Divine Sense was comparable to the Foundation Establishment period.

Now that he has broken through to the ninth level of Qi Refining, the Spirit Power is almost as thick as the Foundation Establishment early stage, and the strength of Divine Sense has even reached the Foundation Establishment middle stage.

If it wasn't for trying out the Magic Treasures he just bought, Lu Chen could almost kill Hua Guangyuan instantly.

Lu Chen lowered his head and looked at the Magical Item long sword in his hand, which already had cracks, and he already knew in his heart that the Magical Item really couldn't match the Magic Treasures.

Hua Guangyuan naturally didn't know what Lu Chen was thinking, otherwise how would he feel.

When meeting Hua Guangyuan for the first time, he had the upper hand, and even looked down on Lu Chen in his heart.

"Little handsome guy, try my trick too." Hua Guangyuan poured Spirit Power into the spear, and a dragon shadow suddenly hovered in the air, and then rushed towards Lu Chen.

"Mysterious Turtle Shield" Lu Chen whispered, a shield appeared in his hand, the uneven pattern on the shield was like a turtle shell, and Lu Chen didn't attack, he wanted to try it out and bought it with more than 100 mid-grade Spirit Stones The defensive Magic Treasures, what will happen if you resist the opponent's offensive Magic Treasures.

"Squeak..." The dragon shadow collided with the black turtle shield, making an ear-piercing sound.

After the dragon shadow dissipated, Lu Chen turned over the black turtle shield and looked at it, with a happy expression on his face. He thought that the money was well spent, and the magic treasures, the Dzogchen extended spear during the Qi refining period, could not leave a trace on the black turtle shield. .

When Hua Guangyuan saw that Lu Chen easily dispelled the own attack with only a shield, a bad premonition suddenly emerged in his heart.

But he didn't think much about it. Seeing Lu Chen put away his shield and took out another Magic Treasures, he was greatly surprised and greedy.

, and then gave a loud shout, the Spirit Power of Dzogchen in the Qi refining period was poured into the Magic Treasures of the spear, and the three dragon shadows rushed towards Lu Chen with claws and claws.

"Have you used all your strength? Just try the power of this Mother-Child Chiba blade." Lu Chen poured Spirit Power into the Mother-Child Chiba blade, and immediately shot it directly at Hua Guangyuan.

The Mother-Child Chiba blade was glowing blue, and spread out in the air in the blink of an eye, forming several light spots, which instantly scattered the three dragon shadows and went straight to Hua Guangyuan, who didn't even have time to react.

" is it possible?" Hua Guangyuan's body suddenly fell apart and fell to the ground.

"Did you use too much force?" Lu Chen was speechless for a while, shaking his head, Divine Sense controlled Mother-Child Chiba to retract the storage bag, and took Hua Guangyuan's storage bag and the long gun Magic Treasures along the way.

I sigh in my heart that things are really expensive, and the money is not wasted.

Just when Lu Chen was about to check what was in Hua Guangyuan's storage bag.

Suddenly, a burst of fragrance filled the air, and Lu Chen was hugged fiercely. The careless Lu Chen staggered, and the two fell to the ground at the same time, mouth to mouth.

Lu Chen's mind went blank, and he shouted "my first kiss" in his heart

As soon as Hua Guangyuan died, the spirit power on the woman's body dissipated, and her body was no longer restrained. At this moment, the power of the medicine she had taken before kicked in.

I saw that woman, a graceful and graceful goddess with a beautiful face like jade, her black eyebrows were open and charming, and her green temples were thickly dyed with spring smoke, just like a river of spring water flowing without bounds.

Seeing this scene, Lu Chen's eyes spit fire, his whole body was full of energy and blood, and his heart was like a cat scratching. He wanted to detoxify her, but the woman was lost in her mind by the drugs, and she refused to cooperate with detoxification no matter what.

"Damn Hua pervert, you actually gave her aphrodisiac." Lu Chen cursed inwardly.

He was not a good man and a good woman in the first place. He watched countless action movies in the island country in his previous life. Now that he throws himself into his arms with such a stunning beauty, if Lu Chen fails to do so, his head will really be kicked by a donkey.

Lu Chen made a violent push with both hands, turned his body upside down, pressed the woman under him, and kissed her directly. From the initial passivity to the initiative, the woman responded jerky.

I couldn't find my girlfriend in my previous life. I didn't expect that my first kiss in this world would be snatched away by a strange woman.

I don't know who will suffer in the end, Lu Chen is just about to get into the topic.

Suddenly my heart was excited, and then I yelled, "Damn it! Damn it, who the hell made this rule, idiot!"

Lu Chen suddenly remembered that Hao Nande once said that the Qi refining period of a cultivator belongs to the stage of laying the foundation. It is best not to lose Yuanyang, otherwise it will affect the Foundation Establishment, and even affect the future height. After the Qi refining period, it will be fine , instead, dual cultivation can be used to improve the Cultivation Base.

"Alas..." Lu Chen Spirit Power suppressed the evil fire in his body, sighed and said: "Little girl! I've given you an advantage!"

Immediately with a light tap of two fingers, the stunning woman fainted, and she managed to straighten her clothes. Lu Chen used Spirit Power to force the aphrodisiac out of her body, and then helped her recover some injuries and Spirit Power. several hours.

Lu Chen picked her up and leaned her back against a big tree. Seeing that her clothes were so torn, Lu Chen had no choice but to take off her own clothes and cover her up.

When he left, he seemed to think of something, and he ran back and kissed the beauty on the lips, took out the fairy ring and put it on her hand, and then ran not far away contentedly.

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