Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 79 Continental Mystery

Wearing a fiery red dress, it outlines a Miaoman figure. The tall figure, especially the beautiful legs with dual cultivation, is imaginative. She has a small almond face, big eyes, and a ponytail. She is young and capable, and she is walking happily Come.

"'re beautiful!" Qi Yutang stared blankly at the visitor, and Yang Yunfei and Zhao Chengzhi nodded in agreement.

"Wang Jingxuan! Why are you here?" Lu Chen was also surprised and pleasantly surprised when he saw that the person who came was Wang Jingxuan, whom he had met in Longquan City, Capital Prefecture, and who later helped him out of trouble.

"Of course I'm here to participate in the endless forest trial! What about you? How come you also came to Zhongba City?" Wang Jingxuan said happily.

"Just like you, I also came to participate in the trial of the endless forest. I didn't expect to meet you here by such a coincidence. Who is this?" Lu Chen was referring to the young man standing behind her.

"Her name is Zhang Haoyang. Her father saved my father's life, so my father asked me to join him in the Endless Forest Trial and get in touch with each other, but I can't possibly like him." Wang Jingxuan didn't care about Zhang Haoyang's feelings, said carelessly.

Lu Chen greeted Zhang Haoyang with a slight nod.

Zhang Haoyang returned the gift in a gentle manner.

Next, Lu Chen introduced Wang Jingxuan and Zhang Haoyang to Yang Yunfei and the others one by one to get to know each other. They were all young people, and they quickly became acquainted.

At this time, Wang Jingxuan proposed to let Lu Chen treat the guests, and everyone went to Zhongba City to have a big meal. They immediately booed and expressed their approval, and then they left Qiankun Stone Workshop together.

Yang Yunfei and the others saw at a glance that Lu Chen and Wang Jingxuan were having an adulterous affair. In order to create opportunities for the two, they deliberately pulled Zhang Haoyang to the front, and kept asking questions with great enthusiasm, like brothers who hadn't seen each other for many years.

Zhang Haoyang had no choice but to deal with it awkwardly. He didn't expect that Lu Chen's friends were so enthusiastic. He just met him, and he was the elder brother and the younger brother, making him very uncomfortable.

"Where did you find these live treasures? They speak just like you, they are really a ravine." Wang Jingxuan meant Qi Yutang and others.

"They are new friends I met in Shun'an City. They have good personalities and are worth making friends with. What about Uncle Zhao and Aunt Zhao who followed you last time?" Lu Chen laughed.

"Leave them alone, do you still remember that you promised me three conditions?" Wang Jingxuan said beautifully.

He turned his eyes and smiled.

"Of course I remember, tell me! What do you need me to do?" Lu Chen said.

"I need you to help me get rid of Zhang Haoyang." Wang Jingxuan said surprisingly.

"You are so ruthless! But I have no grievances with him, why should I get rid of him, I can't do this, you should change the terms!" Lu Chen was also shocked when he heard this,

Anyone with a discerning eye can see Zhang Haoyang's thoughts for her at a glance. I can't help you kill her just because she likes you.

"What are you thinking! Zhang Haoyang's character is quite good, but I don't like him, but I don't like him. I mean, you can find a way to let him stop pestering me. You won't refuse such a trivial matter? As for what? Do it, you can figure it out yourself." After Wang Jingxuan finished speaking, he chased after Zhao Chengzhi and the others.

These people are entering a restaurant called "Food is Immortal".

Lu Chen smiled when he heard the words, and ran after him.

The three major regions of Beichen Prefecture are referred to as: Southern Xinjiang, Central Plains, and Northern Territory.

The hundreds of states in southern Xinjiang are mainly divided and governed by the seven sects. Within the jurisdiction of each sect, there are branches of the other six sects. This kind of division is similar to the form of a branch company.

Every ten years, the seven Sect headquarters will jointly launch the Endless Forest Trial. Biqu library

On the one hand, more Qi Refining Stage disciples and Foundation Establishment Stage disciples can be trained.

Secondly, it is also an exploration of the depths of the endless forest.

Every ten years, the seven major Sects will spend huge sums of money to develop and upgrade the formation signal towers. With each upgrade, the coverage of the formation signal tower will be wider, and the extension to the depths of the endless forest will be farther.

Of course, the more resources you get, the endless forest is like a natural treasure house, full of mysterious veils, and there are countless cultivation resources in it.

At the same time, there is also a great crisis. Once the cultivator leaves the coverage of the formation signal tower, it will 100% lose its way.

Once you lose your way, you will face the pursuit of numerous high rank Demonic Beasts. If you accidentally enter areas such as swamps, poisonous fog, forbidden air, forbidden spirits, space chaos, life loss, etc., the cultivator will undoubtedly die.

Over the years, countless cultivators have explored formation signal towers at the cost of their lives, covering most of the dangerous areas included in the range, so that future generations can be more safe

full exploration.

The Seven Sects believe that one day, they will be able to walk out of the endless forest and see where the end of the endless forest is.

According to scattered records from ancient times, the Tianyuan Continent is composed of Beichen Continent, Nanyou Continent, Dongxuan Continent, and Xiji Continent. There are intercontinental teleportation arrays between the four continents, which communicate with each other.

As long as the cultivator of the world reaches the Great Consummation stage of the transformation of the gods, he can comprehend the laws of heaven and earth, and thus breakthrough and ascend to the Immortal World.

However, I don't know what happened in the ancient times, which caused several great changes in Tianyuan Continent.

First, the intercontinental teleportation array is completely destroyed and cannot be repaired, and the connection between the four continents is broken.

Second, the sea of ​​hopelessness and the endless forest space are disordered, resulting in a large number of Jedi.

Third, the cultivator in the stage of transforming into gods cannot comprehend the laws of heaven and earth, and cannot ascend, so that he dies with hatred.

According to records, Beichen Continent was originally thinner than the Spiritual Qi of the other three continents, so after the great changes in the world,

For the development of future generations, the ancestors of Beichen Prefecture began to use secret techniques to open up countless secret realms, leaving corresponding resources for future generations.

Canglan secret realm is one of them.

The predecessors also thought about repairing the intercontinental teleportation array, but the formation was severely damaged, and repair was undoubtedly equivalent to rebuilding. The level of formation in Beichen Continent was limited, so this road was almost unfeasible.

After more than two million years of development, there is no cultivator in the world, so that the Realm with the highest Cultivation Base is the Fractionated Divinity stage known to people in Beichen.

And there are only three of them, namely: Sword Immortal Yan Feiyu, Kuangdao Xiaotian, and Pill God Kongqiu.

But the cultivator in Beichen has never stopped exploring and going out of Beichen.

The Endless Forest Trial sponsored by the Seven Sects of Southern Xinjiang is one of the projects to explore beyond Beichen Continent.

The disciples below the Foundation Establishment period are for trials, and there are more cultivators from the fusion period to the Expanding Aperture period, holding the exclusive jade card, walking the exclusive area, and entering the deeper depths of the endless forest.

At this moment, there are still three days before the start of the Endless Forest Trial.

In Zhongba City, the formation teleportation hall was constantly shining with golden light. Countless cultivators were teleported from hundreds of states in southern Xinjiang, and then flew out of the city. They gathered outside Zhongba City and formed seven large faction branches.

The Seven Sects Begin...

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