Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 475 The Scenery Of The Northern Territory

Under a mountain peak somewhere in the Central Plains, the mountain is shrouded in clouds and mist, and the mountain is lush and green.


At this time, the sound of a whip whipping through the air suddenly sounded.

Then he slapped fiercely on the body of a shirtless young cultivator.

"Hiss..." The cultivator gasped in pain, bared his teeth and showed a pained expression, but didn't dare to resist, and then moved on.

I saw the young cultivator, tall, with a big belly, fat head and big ears, with an expression on his face that made laughing uglier than crying.

It was Lu Chen's good buddy Zhong Tao.

At this moment, Zhong Tao was carrying a large wooden stake on his shoulders, and was sweating profusely, panting heavily as he struggled forward.

His legs trembled uncontrollably, and with every step he took, a clear footprint would be printed under his feet.

Next to her was a tall, graceful figure, dressed in plain robes, but she couldn't stop her concave and convex, exquisite and translucent figure,

Exquisite facial features, beautiful, mellow eyes, a smile on the corner of the mouth, the beauty cultivator, who is simply too beautiful, is Zhong Tao's cheap wife, Shangguan Aoxueer.


Seeing the bell, Shangguan Aoxue stopped Fatty again, ruthlessly, and lashed him with a whip again.


The beaten Zhong Tao staggered and fell to the ground together with the stake on his shoulder.

Then he just sat down on the ground, panting heavily, and begged with a mournful face:

" lady! Please! Just let me go! Can't I regret it?"

When Shangguan Aoxue heard the words, she showed a smile like a disaster for the country and the people, and said softly:

"Then how can it be done, manly man, you must keep what you say, how can you go back on what you say?

Wouldn't it be enough to hold on for a while? You see, the effect is still pretty good!

good! come on! Let's continue! Big deal, tonight I... I'll just let you do whatever you want. "

When talking about posture, Shangguan Aoxue couldn't help showing a little blush on her face, giving people a sense of coquettishness.

"Gudong!" Seeing this, Zhong Tao subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his heart was itching, and he couldn't help thinking about it.

"Crack!" As a result, Shangguan Aoxue hit him with a whip again.


Zhong Tao immediately uttered a scream like killing a pig, then continued to pick up the wooden stake beside him and continued to move forward.

In other words, on the day Zhong Tao and Shangguan Aoxue got married, Liu

The Galaxy Cluster came to find fault. When the crisis happened, fortunately a senior came to the rescue.

Zhong Tao and the others were able to escape, and then they left Yidu Prefecture directly, heading north all the way to Dancheng to seek medical treatment for Tong Wei.

On the way, Gu Feng discovered that the Jade Slip given to him by the old man turned out to be a formation classic called "Thousands of Transformations".

Therefore, several people opened up two caves in the wilderness as a place to live temporarily, so as to practice the ancient style of Insight formation.

And Zhong Tao and Shangguan Aoxue were newlyweds not long ago, so they took advantage of this time to spend their honeymoon.

Originally thought that his happy life was about to come, but who would have thought that Fatty's nightmare had just begun.

Once, when Zhong Tao was happy with Shangguan Aoxue, because he was too fat, he couldn't complete some poses at all.

Zhong Tao was so angry that he scolded his mother on the spot, and threatened that he would lose weight,

As a result, since that day, every morning, Shangguan Aoxue would wake Zhong Fatty up on time and force him to seal the true energy in his body.

Then he carried a wooden stake the size of a circle, and ran with a load. It took at least two or three hours a day to finish.

Zhong Fatty who lost his true energy was just like ordinary people. He couldn't bear this hardship, and he couldn't hold on lying on the ground after a few strokes, and he just refused to get up.

However, Zhong Fatty never dreamed that Shangguan Aoxue would kill his relatives righteously, and directly took out a long whip-shaped Magical Item, and poured his true essence into it.

It was a ruthless attack, and the whip directly caused Zhong Tao's back to be ripped apart.

Zhong Tao, who was in pain, had no choice but to admit his failure, picked up the stake and ran away.

During this period, as long as Zhong Fatty stopped for a while, Shangguan Aoxue's long whip would never show mercy, even if Zhong Tao begged his father to sue his grandmother, it was useless.

This also happened, the scene just now.

But later, when Zhong Tao really couldn't take it anymore, a dead pig was not afraid of being scalded by the boiling water, and he couldn't get up while lying on the ground.

Anyway, he believed in his own wife, so it was impossible to beat him to death.

However, Shangguan Aoxue was even more ruthless. She directly criticized Zhong Tao and compared him with Liu Galaxy Cluster, provoking him severely.

Not to mention, when Zhong Fatty mentioned Liu Galaxy Cluster, he felt like a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh, so he finally made up his mind to lose weight.

No, after a few days, Zhong Tao really lost a lot of weight.

When Zhong Fatty was forced by his wife to lose weight, Gu Fengyi

I used to study "Thousands of Forms and Ten Thousand Transformations" in a cave.

That's how it goes, day by day...

After Lu Chen left Tai Bai Cheng, he directly drove the flying boat all the way north.

The flying boat at this moment has been modified with Wuyingdiao's wings after Lu Chen learned the "Five Elements Refining Guide".

If the previous flying boat was at the Magic Treasures level, then the current flying boat is at the Lingbao level.

The previous flight speed was about two hundred kilometers per hour, equivalent to the speed of a high-speed rail.

So now, it can basically reach about five or six hundred kilometers per hour, which is equivalent to the flight speed of a civilian airliner.

Lu Chen also deliberately engraved the word "Qingxuan" on the flying boat.

And because of the addition of a large number of shadowless eagle wings, the flying boat also has a relative concealment function.

Therefore, Lu Chen is going to drive the flying boat directly to the northern region, looking for the feeling of self-driving tour.

Before Lu Chen learned in Tianyin City that his apprentice Zi Ling'er was rescued by a female disciple of Fanyin Pavilion, a first-class nine-star Sect in the Northern Brahma State.

And Brahma State in the northern region is known as "Brahma Pure Land, Taoyuan Tianyin".

Therefore, the destination of Lu Chen's trip to the north this time is very clear, and that is the Northern Brahma State.

As soon as he thought that he would be able to see Ye Rushuang and Zhou Hongfu whom he had been thinking about day and night, Lu Chen's mood was extraordinarily comfortable.

According to the map Jade Slip copied from Mr. Yuxiao before.

I only need to go all the way north and jump over the Taihang Mountains to enter the border of the Northern Territory.

Time flies like an arrow, the sun and the moon fly like a shuttle, and ten days have passed in a blink of an eye.

As the flying boat continued to go north, Lu Chen found that the earth, mountains and rivers under his feet began to gradually become covered in white.

Lu Chen's eyes lit up when he saw this, because he hadn't seen a snow scene for a long time.

Looking down at the snow-capped mountains and trees at the foot, all you see is white.

Lu Chen felt as if he had entered a world of ice and snow, which was very beautiful and spectacular.

"'s really beautiful!" Lu Chen laughed happily.

I also deliberately replaced the flying boat with a Flying Sword, and Yujian flew between the white peaks.

Then from the top of the mountain, I galloped down like skiing against the white snow, and then flew high, it was a joy to play......

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