Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 384 Distorted Human Nature

Wang Haocang, who was revived with full blood, immediately flew to Mie Xin to settle accounts as soon as he recovered.

I saw him, his body was like a cannonball, approaching the real person Mie Xin at a fast speed.

Seeing this, Master Mie Xin had a solemn expression on his face, because he knew that this person's Cultivation Base was not inferior to hers,

Immediately, he didn't dare to neglect, the long sword in his hand shone with a dazzling blue light under the perfusion of his true essence,

Cast the Secret Technique "Ruthless Frozen Sword Art" of Wangqingzong again

Then a powerful and icy breath instantly permeated the entire thousand-meter-high sky.

Master Miexin swung his sword, and instantly condensed into a giant ice dragon with a length of 100 meters. The ice dragon carried a more terrifying icy aura, as if it wanted to freeze the entire sky.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho..."

At this time, the huge ice dragon made a huge dragon roar, and the sound resounded through the sky.

Then he opened his teeth and claws, and with terrifying power, he rushed directly to Wang Haocang, who came rushing through the air at a very high speed.

All this happened in just a few breaths.

Seeing this, Wang Haocang's face was still grumpy, and his body was instantly enveloped by the protective energy.

On the way of his extremely fast flight, his hands quickly formed seals, his fingertips flashed with fiery red brilliance, and he kept changing his gestures. Once the seal was completed.

Wang Haocang made a gesture to push forward, and then a violent flame appeared out of thin air, and then instantly gathered into a giant bird the size of a small airplane.

It seemed as if the entire sky was about to be burned, and a powerful scorching aura instantly spread to the surroundings.

Seeing this, the cultivators watching all around were amazed at the horror of the Nascent Soul senior's methods, and they continued to retreat a certain distance with their swords.

Lu Chen, who was originally flying with a sword, also felt the terrifying temperature of the flame bird, so he quickly changed direction to avoid its edge.


It's too late, but it's fast.

The huge flame bird uttered a soft cry, fluttered its wings, and flew towards the fast-flying ice dragon like lightning.

This is a contest between ice and fire, and more importantly, a contest between ice dragons and flame birds.

"Boom..." The two behemoths collided with each other, and there was a huge bang, and the entire sky was instantly blazed with flames.

The energy fluctuations generated by the powerful impact made the sky violently windy,

The cultivator who was watching all around had to retreat a certain distance again to avoid harming the fish pond.

There was a look of horror on everyone's face.

At this time, the cold ice dragon met the intensely hot flame bird, and the entire front half of the ice dragon almost melted into water in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, the flame bird's predecessor was also scattered by the ice dragon.

Water and fire were intertwined, and the sky was immediately filled with a cloud of water mist, and then it rained heavily.

But at the moment, there are no other cultivators on the square of the Alchemy Tower.

"Okay... Such a terrifying method. Is this the method used by a senior in the Nascent Soul stage?" Lu Chen felt the powerful pressure, and his whole body was filled with energy, and he said excitedly.

Real Mie Xin's eyes froze when he saw this, she felt that she had underestimated this lunatic, but time did not allow her to think too much.

Because Wang Haocang has already stepped into the air at high speed again.

A long sword suddenly appeared in his hand, and he came to the real Mie Xin almost in the blink of an eye, and then struck out with a sword.

The true essence instantly condensed into a huge Sword Ray tens of meters long, and the Divine Sense firmly locked onto the real Miexin, and slashed out from top to bottom, the movement was done in one go, as fast as lightning.

Seeing this, Daoist Mie Xin didn't dare to be negligent, and with a thought, a pale golden protective energy instantly appeared on the surface of his body,

The Cultivation Technique "Xuantian Wangqing" in the body is running to the extreme, and the temperament of the whole person suddenly changes.

With a quick seal in the hand, pink brilliance flashed at the fingertips, and then countless pink flowers the size of a palm emerged out of thin air,

The flowers all over the sky, under the control of Daoist Miexin, like a celestial girl scattering flowers, flew towards Wang Haocang at a very high speed, almost reaching him in the blink of an eye.

A pink brilliance suddenly appeared in the sky, very gorgeous,

No one could have imagined that Mie Xin Daoist, who was over 40 or 50 years old, could actually cast such a beautiful spell.

But those countless little pink flowers carried a strange and terrifying aura, which made people feel terrified.

This is another powerful spell of Wangqingzong, Fairy Scattering Flowers.


One firm and one soft, one yin and one yang, the pink flowers all over the sky collided with the huge Sword Ray, and another boom resounded through the sky.

Wang Jingxuan is Wang Haocang's Ni Lin, her daughter lost her memory because of this old nun, otherwise how could her daughter not recognize her and call her Master, plus she almost died in the hands of this old witch.

So how could it be possible for Wang Haocang to just let the real Miexin go.

Seeing that he couldn't succeed with one blow, Wang Hao was heartbroken and directly burned the Blood Essence in his body. Biqu library

Under the perfusion of his true essence, the long sword in his hand erupted with powerful power again, instantly condensing countless sword shadows,

Like a mad dragon going out to sea, with a fierce sword glow, they swarmed towards Mie Xin Zhenren, so fast that people couldn't catch Wang Haocang's figure.

Countless Sword Ray passed through countless pink flowers, and arrived in front of Daoist Miexin almost in the blink of an eye.

Real Miexin's pupils shrank when he saw this. He didn't expect the speed of the opponent to be so fast. In a hurry, he could only use the protective energy and sacrifice the defensive Magic Treasures to resist the opponent's attack.

I saw that a defensive shield the size of a door panel appeared in an instant

In the hands of Daoist Miexin, the shield shone with golden light under the infusion of his true essence.

However, there is no room for delay in the confrontation between masters. In addition, Wang Haocang already burned Blood Essence, and his strength has been improved for a short time.

So when the sword shadows covering the sky enveloped Mie Xin, her defensive Magic Treasures quickly lost their brilliance, and then shattered.

Countless sword shadows passed through the body in an instant, and Mie Xin was seriously injured on the spot, and his body flew backwards at an extremely fast speed, spurting several mouthfuls of blood in the air.

Seeing this, Wang Haocang continued to take advantage of the victory to pursue, not intending to give the old nun a chance to breathe, and once again condensed countless Sword Rays, quickly attacking the real Miexin who flew backwards from his body.

"Don't..." Wang Jingxuan, who was in the distance, saw the Master surrounded by sword shadows all over the sky in horror, and shouted desperately in a hurry.

Although she has practiced Xuantian Wangqing, she can ignore the relationship between men and women, parents, relatives and friends, etc.

But only the kindness to the Master can never stay out of the matter.

Due to her nature, she was very anxious when she saw that the Master was in danger.

In the blink of an eye, he saw that the Master was defeated again, and his body flew towards him at a high speed, and that person attacked the Master again.

She didn't even think about it, so she flew forward, trying to block the madman's attack for the Master.

"Fuck... this silly girl, is she going to kill her?" Lu Chen, who was standing in the air with Yu Jian, saw Wang Jingxuan desperately rushing out, so he knew what she was going to do, and immediately cursed angrily.

Wang Haocang also didn't expect his own daughter to appear suddenly at this time.

She can stop her own attack, if she misses and kills her daughter by mistake, then she will cry to someone.

Before he had time to think about it, Wang Haocang quickly withdrew his sword posture, turned his body quickly, controlled the sword shadows all over the sky, and flew to the side.

Then Takong stepped forward, ready to take his daughter away.

However, when Mie Xin Daoist saw this, his eyes froze,

She thought that Wang Haocang was here to continue chasing down Own, and she was no match for him in his heyday, let alone now that he was seriously injured, it was even less likely that he would be his match.

In the face of Death, human nature is always distorted.

Master Miexin took a complicated look at Juechen, who was standing not far in front of him, and his heart froze, he jumped over and grabbed Juechen's shoulder, and then grabbed her throat.

Looking at it with emotionless eyes, Wang Haocang, who came from the sky, said coldly:

"Don't move! Otherwise I'll kill her immediately!"


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