Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 370 Mysterious Old Taoist Priest

Being from the same lineage of the Leng family, Leng Ye stood up with a smile on Leng Yue'e's suggestion, and first politely saluted everyone in turn.

"This child Leng Ye is not only talented, but also polite. He is really a good boy."

Leng Yuexin looked at Leng Ye with satisfaction, and talked with her husband Su Zhizhou.

And her words immediately attracted everyone's unanimous approval, and they praised Leng Ye one after another.

At this time, Leng Ye smiled respectfully at Mrs. Zhou and said:

"Junior heard that grandma was not in good health, and recently he happened to be worshiped by a famous alchemy master, so he specially asked the master to refine a furnace of Jiulian Yuxin Dan for grandma,

This pill has the effect of smoothing the heart and prolonging life, and I hope you will accept it, grandma. "

Leng Ye didn't regard himself as an outsider at all, and even called his grandma,

After speaking, he took out a jade bottle from the storage bag and opened it. A refreshing medicinal fragrance immediately diffused from the jade bottle, which lifted people's spirits.

"Nine Lotus Jade Heart Pill? Could it be the Nine Lotus Jade Heart Pill refined from third-level Nine Color Snow Lotus?

It is said that Nine-Colored Snow Lotus is extremely rare, and Nine-Lotus Jade Heart Pill is even more difficult to find. Leng Ye, you are a big deal! "

Leng Yue'e praised in surprise when she heard the words, and after she finished speaking, she glanced at Lu Chen proudly, as if to say, boy, have you seen it, what do you use to compare it with our Leng Ye.

"Hehehe...Leng Ye! You really have a heart, but my old age is approaching, and no matter how good the Medicine Pill is, it won't help me."

The old lady Zhou was naturally very happy when she heard the words, but she knew very well that she owns the body, the Cultivation Base cannot be broken through again, and the pain caused by the approaching longevity can be resolved by the non-ordinary Medicine Pill.

But with a wave of her hand, the jade bottle in Leng Ye's hand immediately flew into her hand, which was regarded as accepting Leng Ye's gift and his heart.

Hearing this, Leng Ye continued:

"Hehehe...don't worry grandma, I will go to the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain after I finish the Alchemy tower trial.

According to legend, there was a Shouyuan fruit in the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain. If I find the Shouyuan fruit at that time, I can refine the longevity pill to help grandma increase the lifespan of two Jiazi. "

"Adversity in Tianyin Mountain? Shouyuan Fruit? Longevity Pill? Can it increase the lifespan of two Jiazi?"

Lu Chen's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he murmured in his heart


As we all know, in the Cultivation World, the spiritual herbs that can generally be refined to increase the lifespan of the Medicine Pill are undoubtedly good fortunes that surpass heaven and earth, and are extremely rare.

Otherwise, Lu Chen would have found him long ago, adding longevity to his parents,

So when Lu Chen heard the news about Shouyuan Fruit, his heart skipped a beat, and he planned to inquire about the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain.

On Mrs. Zhou's side, after hearing that Leng Ye was going to search for the longevity fruit to refine the longevity pill for herself, she also smiled with surprise on her face:

"Hehehe...Okay, but there are many dangers in the secret realm of Yinshan Mountain that day, and you don't have to search for it deliberately, just follow the fate,"

Seeing that the old lady was in a good mood, everyone praised Leng Ye again.

"Hey...Little Brother! You are also a pill refiner, don't you plan to show it? So that grandma can be happy too?

It would be best to compare Leng Ye's Nine Lotus Jade Heart Pill, seeing his complacent look makes me angry. "

Su Ruolan saw that Leng Ye was like the stars holding the moon, especially when the aunt Leng Yuee revealed in her words,

If I miss Leng Ye, it will be such a big loss, which makes Su Ruolan very embarrassed.

So Divine Sense told Lu Chen to take out some medicine pills to compare Leng Ye.

After Lu Chen heard the words, a black line appeared on his forehead, and he felt very speechless. Under such circumstances, the ordinary Medicine Pill was obviously unable to take it out.

The other Medicine Pills are very heaven-defying and should not be shown to others easily, so Lu Chen could only shake his head slightly to express his refusal.

After Leng Ye gave away the Medicine Pill, everyone intentionally or unintentionally looked at Lu Chen,

Seeing that Lu Chen didn't express anything, he was not optimistic about Lu Chen at first, but now he despises him even more.

In the end, it was Su Ruolan who took out the gift she had prepared in advance, which was considered to be a smooth sail for Lu Chen.

After serving tea, the old man Su Galaxy Cluster persuaded everyone to leave, leaving only the three brothers Su Zhiguo, saying that they had important matters to discuss.

This was exactly what Lu Chen wanted. After leaving the inner hall, because Su Ruolan had just returned, Su's mother dragged her back to the other courtyard.

But Lu Chen told Su Ruolan that he wanted to go to Tai Bai Cheng for a stroll, and inquired about the information of the Alchemy tower by the way, and left Su's mansion.

When Lu Chen came to Tai Bai Cheng's main street, he finally breathed a long sigh of relief, and immediately performed Xuantian Nine Steps, and left as if fleeing.


Feeling that there was already a certain distance from the Su Mansion, Lu Chen stopped and strolled leisurely on the street.

"Passing by, don't miss it. Excellent talisman, senior, do you want to take a look?"

"The eggs of Demonic Beasts from ancient times come from the ancient ruins in the depths of the Hopeless Sea, and now they are sold at a low price..."


"Senior! Would you like to take a look at the cubs of Demonic Beasts? If you buy these Demonic Beasts back, they will definitely be able to be bred into ancient mythical beasts in the future..."

All kinds of cries of peddlers came and went, and Lu Chen smiled slightly.

Of course, it was impossible for Lu Chen to believe these small traders' bragging about not drafting, but it sounded like it made him feel a lot better.


"Sky Lingling, Earth Lingling, I'm the best at fortune-telling. I know astronomy at the top and geography at the bottom. Don't ask for money..."

Just as Lu Chen was strolling on the street of Tai Bai Cheng, a crisp bell and a familiar opening sentence caught Lu Chen's attention.

Following the prestige, I saw an old Taoist priest holding a two-meter-long Pingjin sail in his left hand,

It reads: "Ask God for divination, why don't you ask me to make decisions for you."

Holding a broken bell in his right hand, he stood at a street corner where there was a lot of traffic, yelling loudly while ringing the broken bell.

However, none of the past cultivators paid attention to him.

The reason why Lu Chen was attracted was because of the opening remarks of the old Taoist priest,

It was surprisingly similar to the Guankou I used when I was looking for Zixuan and pretending to be a Taoist priest in Baiyun City to inquire about Yaxing news.

No wonder Lu Chen felt familiar when he first listened to it.

Out of curiosity, Lu Chen walked towards the old Taoist priest, he wanted to ask the old man where he learned Guankou.

"Hehehe... The sky is Lingling, the earth is Lingling, I am the best at fortune-telling. I know astronomy at the top and geography at the bottom. Don't ask for money...

This little brother! Do you want to figure it out, if you don't agree, you won't get a cent. "

Seeing Lu Chen approaching him, the old Taoist priest immediately realized that a business was coming based on his Rivers and Lakes experience, so he greeted Lu Chen warmly.

However, when Lu Chen approached and saw the face of the old Taoist, he was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he immediately shouted in surprise:



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